Indie fighter submission:
Shovel Knight is the main protagonist of eponymous indie platformer game series made by Yacht Club games in 2014 and he is a blue armor-wearing knight whose weapon is a shovel (yes, really) that he attacks enemies that he encounters during his journey. His motive is to defeat Enchantress and Order of no quarter in "Shovel of hope" campaign and he has also other motives in other campaign modes.
Shovel Knight is considered as one of most popular indie game characters who hailed from one of the "greatest games of all time" and he is not afraid of crossovers, plus he appeared in smash before as an assist trophy character.
His moveset would be inspired by his moves from the games like his iconic shovel attack or even use items from his games. His final smash could be where he summons Shield knight to finish the opponents along with Shovel knight.
He would be middleweight all around fighter with no additional movement options.
I feel he is totally sensible pick for smash since his games were tributes to NES era games like LoZ2: The adventure of Link and Castlevania, which those games were big during the era. Plus, he has a cool moveset potential and he would bring music from his games to smash.