Predating franchise submission:
Dune is a science-fiction franchise created by Frank Herbert and it takes place in outer space-like setting taking place in far future where galactic feud has been started while young Paul Atreides (main protagonist that can sense the truth) has to survive the harsh environments of galaxy and fight for resources of the desert planet & human destiny.
The book was very popular that kickstarted the franchise that was spawning movies, games and stuff. Once the franchise started to grow, the universe has been expanded by adding new locations, events and characters.
It even became an influence for many sci-fi media like Star Wars, Alien, Mass Effect and more of them.
Paul Atreides
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Ornithopter (Wheelless kart)
View attachment 376098
Music track:
Paul's dream - Dune (2021)
The race track takes place on planet Arrakis from Dune and the race track would be similar to Bone-Dry Dunes from Mario Kart 8, but it's themed after Dune's Arrakis (also the canyon-related stuff are replaced with cliffs or more dunes)
The race track hazards are
Sandworms - basically giant sandworms that come out from the ground and eat anything the meet on their paths. They came out at any place just to block the racers' pathways and they can occasionally swallow the racer.
I think Dune could work as full franchise, but as mini franchise it could also make sense.
Anyway, franchise votes:
1. Kelloggs
2. Windows