I'd love one last forum game! :3
OK so here are the rules:
We are building a smash themed amusement park out of the roster by correlating them to RL Amusement rides either operating or closed. What i want you all to do is
1. Pick a character (Limit one per customer til we have the full roster)
2. Find a ride in any amusement park that would most relate to them (Cite your source of the rides existance please)
3. Cite your reasoning why that character matches that ride
If you pick a character with an echo leave it open however if a ride has a sister attraction (like Beast and Son of Beast at Kings Island) you may want to pair them that way.
Best ones will be picked before the thread closes and the winning park will be put up in the new thread when it opens as Smash Land. Lets see if we can match up the whole roster best of luck.
Edit: For sake of Clarity and cuz i got someone writing this down among yous. Please cite the ride and the park it is in and where the park is located. Thank you.