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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
...Now I just realized there's room for more unique content in a sequel. Closed-forms of stages for stamina mode, anyone? I tried doing something like that in Smash Wii U's stage creator, but the inability to place the spawn points made it impossible.
You just needed to cover the top of your enclosed arena with lava (or spikes if you opt to do the same in Brawl’s stage builder) to prevent the game from placing any spawn points out there.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
I'm still best with BotW Link - just wish he kept the left-handedness (and in his source game, too). We lefties need all the heroes we can get...

Really, my best move for Link is his Jump attack dash. Odd, since BotW Link's not really known for that move; it's an OoT/MM/TP attack, but YL doesn't have it. It's also tough for me to work around the new bombs - I never realized how much I relied on them.

I'm also slightly annoyed at how the Paly's Guidances make a point that all the Links are different - that's the only series that isn't considered the same characters overall. Mainly, I'd have modified kits slightly and given them different looks...if we want to stick to all having a different game as base, fine, but I'd have taken:
:ultlink:: BotW, but lefty. Seems okay, but I may have switched out the boomerang for something like tossing a spear and it shattering - boomerangs aren't that important in BotW. And give him the flurry back.
:ultzelda:: TP, no changes in kit
:ultganondorf:: HW (shut up, that's undeniably his best look). I'm reasonably content with his kit now, I may have just added a projectile to his Ganon Punch like in HW
:ultyounglink:: MM, with his standard MM gear (Hero shield and Razor sword). Definitely recolor the hookshot to yellow like in MM, and give him FD as a final Smash. Also needs the jump attack.
:ultsheik:: OoT gear, but make it a bit less masculine.
:ulttoonlink:: Same, but really change up the specials. I'd have given him a grappling hook instead of the hookshot, the hurricane spin as a dash attack, Deku Leaf as an uspecial (works like Peach),


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2014

its Fascinating how bad it is
Actual Rule 63 is way better.

You just needed to cover the top of your enclosed arena with lava (or spikes if you opt to do the same in Brawl’s stage builder) to prevent the game from placing any spawn points out there.
Wow, seriously? I feel like I've tried something like that and it never worked. Or maybe I don't remember it well enough?

Deleted member

:ultzelda:: TP, no changes in kit
Your opinion has been taken into consideration and discarded before being reported to the OCD. The Opinion Crimes Department has evaluated this opinion and deemed it wrong and of "****taste". All future expressions of your opinion will be invalidated.


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2014
In the heart of the furry
Switch FC
SW 1285-9221-5627
The effects are preexistong though, which is why Richter uses Aura. It's easier than making a new fire effect.
Dark Samus's electricity is intentional though, the better linking in her UpSmash and FAir are not, however.
Pre existing where exactly? The only character I am aware that uses aura at all is Lucario, who uses nothing with any kind of fire affect to it. Also feel the need to point out again recoloring something is stupidly easy to do, there is zero reason they would need to change ANYTHING mechanically to make it blue.

Also again if the change were to be purely visual and mechanical changes not intended then there wouldn't be any mechanical changes to begin with. Making something look different does not require it to work any different. If there are any changes to how a character works mechanically it's more than likely because they intended it to unless you think the devs are so incompetent that they can't recolor something without making it five times more complicated for no reason.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
If it reaches the zenith point if actually becoming canon in some shape or form and he/she gets into Smash as a fighter before Waluigi, then it'll go even further beyond fascinating to mind blasting.
It acutally has happened though in a way.

In Odyssey, Bowser was going to have a 'Koopa' version of Cappy and use it on Peach.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Real talk, I love TP Zelda and I can't say I won't miss her but I also have a hard time taking anyone who says new Zelda isn't an upgrade seriously.


Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
Wow, seriously? I feel like I've tried something like that and it never worked. Or maybe I don't remember it well enough?
I just looked it up on SSBWiki to make sure since it’s been a long time since I’ve used the Stage Builder in Wii U too, so yeah, it works.


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2018
Real talk, I love TP Zelda and I can't say I won't miss her but I also have a hard time taking anyone who says new Zelda isn't an upgrade seriously.
Who knew that Zelda have feelings other than sadness or gloomy?!
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Deleted member

Real talk, I love TP Zelda and I can't say I won't miss her but I also have a hard time taking anyone who says new Zelda isn't an upgrade seriously.
New Zelda is more than an upgrade.

She is an evolution that shouldn't be scrapped.

Deleted member

Pre existing where exactly? The only character I am aware that uses aura at all is Lucario, who uses nothing with any kind of fire affect to it. Also feel the need to point out again recoloring something is stupidly easy to do, there is zero reason they would need to change ANYTHING mechanically to make it blue.

Also again if the change were to be purely visual and mechanical changes not intended then there wouldn't be any mechanical changes to begin with. Making something look different does not require it to work any different. If there are any changes to how a character works mechanically it's more than likely because they intended it to unless you think the devs are so incompetent that they can't recolor something without making it five times more complicated for no reason.
I don't think you understand how the elemental effects in Smash work. You could easily change the color in Richter's move but if the effect applied is still Fire, the opponent would burn red. Because it's not the move itself that matters but the effect tied to it.
If they wanted a blue flame effect, they'd have to recolor it and then store it separately in the data because the Fire effect will always produce red fire and that cannot be changed.
Instead, it's much easier to give him an Aura effect which exists for a character already and produces a blue flame when hitting the opponent.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2014
Real talk, I love TP Zelda and I can't say I won't miss her but I also have a hard time taking anyone who says new Zelda isn't an upgrade seriously.
Actually, you know what else I miss? I really enjoyed Zelda's Melee voice. All in all though, Ultimate!Zelda is definitely the best one so far overall. Funny how 2/3 of my Mains are Titular characters.

Too Thicc
I mean, I'd say "this isn't Smash, so his anatomy is safe", but then I remember it's Rob Liefeld, so "Wait, what anatomy?"

I just looked it up on SSBWiki to make sure since it’s been a long time since I’ve used the Stage Builder in Wii U too, so yeah, it works.
.... *headsmack* Thank you, Redboy.


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
Real talk, I love TP Zelda and I can't say I won't miss her but I also have a hard time taking anyone who says new Zelda isn't an upgrade seriously.
Gameplay wise? Yes, I can agree on that.

Otherwise, I guess I'm just more fond of her TP design no matter what. I do think her new design is just a bit overrated (not like crazy, at least), but that's just me. Maybe I just prefer a more serious look compared to most other people.
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2018
Gameplay wise? Yes, I can agree on that.

Otherwise, I guess I'm just more fond of her TP design no matter what. I do think her new design is just a bit overrated (not like crazy, at least), but that's just me. Maybe I just prefer a more serious look compared to most other people.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2014
Gameplay wise? Yes, I can agree on that.

Otherwise, I guess I'm just more fond of her TP design no matter what. I do think her new design is just a bit overrated (not like crazy, at least), but that's just me. Maybe I just prefer a more serious look compared to most other people.
Alttp is my childhood and I've played Albw as well. To say I'm more familiar with her current iteration in Smash is understating it, so I feel like I (and some others) have that luxury over everyone else. I can't blame youngsters for being drawn to her though. She is very pretty. That being said, the reactions to her are definitely way more natural and welcome than say Bowsette.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Gameplay wise? Yes, I can agree on that.

Otherwise, I guess I'm just more fond of her TP design no matter what. I do think her new design is just a bit overrated (not like crazy, at least), but that's just me. Maybe I just prefer a more serious look compared to most other people.
I like her old look better too, but her new design works better with livelier animations. I think old design was a bit bland in things like throw animations and such, I have no problems with serious Zelda.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Imagine Waluigi in Luigi's Mansion 3.
If anything it'll be the same "oh no mario got kidnapped again :^("

Nintendo knows Daisy exists as a damsel in distress right


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2018
I missed Zelda/Sheik together....in 4, since they are still the same character.

osby osby No she didn't, ever see Super Mario land?
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Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
The elemental thing was really just a workaround sp Richter could have blue fire. It's supposed to be fire in Castlevania and not "aura" or "magic".
It's not supposed to be fire. It's Holy Water. It's supposed to be Holy elemental. And is in the games that actually have elemental damage types.
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
The TP designs are generally great, but really didn't look good in Smash 4 imo, once they get saturated like that they lose that nitty gritty look that made them look cool to begin with. Like, TP Ganondorf is easily my favorite Dorf, but for Smash I far prefer the OoT one, and unless we go back to something akin to Brawl's artstyle I'd prefer our current designs going forward (maybe with Link being the one who gets updated along the way, although I'm fine with him staying as BotW too as TL and YL have the classic Link look down).

ALttP/ALBW Zelda is the best Zelda all around though, it's just classic and was one of this game's many pleasant surprises for me.
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Damsel? Daisy made her debut as a tennis character.
No she didn't. Her debut was on a Mario Gameboy game, Mario and the 6 Golden Coins. Daisy was the princess Mario had to resque in that game.

Deleted member

No she didn't. Her debut was on a Mario Gameboy game, Mario and the 6 Golden Coins. Daisy was the princess Mario had to resque in that game.
I think that the joke is the fact that Marioland became Warioland, and Nintendo has forgotten the franchise in general.
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