The scene opens to an abandoned town covered in dense fog. A crumpled piece of paper can be seen rolling down the street and stops at the edge of a sidewalk.
A faint sound of footsteps and metal dragging/scraping along the ground as the camera slowly zooms in on the piece of paper. The sound grows increasingly louder until a shadow of a humanoid figure with a triangular head looms over the paper.
The dirty, gloved hand of the figure reaches down and picks up the paper. After a momentary pause, the scene cuts to behind the figure, whose shadow was shown earlier, lumbering, with his Great Knife in tow past a large sign that reads “Welcome to Silent Hill”. The camera begins to pan down to the road as either song begins to play (had trouble choosing which one):
On the road, the piece of paper from the beginning of the trailer is seen again but it’s now unfolded, revealing it to be an opened envelope with the wax seal of the Smash Bros symbol still attached.
The scene then cuts to a black screen with the words; DLC Pack “X number”: Pyramid Head.