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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Double K

Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2014
Hey yeah so guys I don't think its a reference to her being ***** since it looks like it's Paz in her look from Peace Walker.
I mean even by association it's kind of a ****ed up jok to do and you could have had an explosion related effect that doesn't carry such questionable implications, like reducing knock-back from explosion effects, or raising damage dealt by them.

The fact its "You get a bomb" is kind of the problem here more than anything

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
So on the 6th our minds were BLOWN.
Every insider, even Spawn Wave (I'm sorry @TotsBS I still love that guy) was blown away. Joker took EVERYONE by surprise.

But he makes sense, now that I think on it; Persona, and SMT, is one of the biggest franchises not yet in Smash, and Atlus is forging a close relationship with Nintendo-and, well, they're owned by SEGA, so they already got a pretty good one. And Akira has amazing moveset potential, probably the best outta any Persona protagonist. He's also fresh and relevant still.

...so I want to bring up another M-rated, relevant, well-known character.

The Dragonborn, AKA, Dovahkiin.


"But he's a silent protagonist-" Yea so's Joker. KKkkinda. You guys know what I mean.
"But he's only been in one game-" Yea so's Joker.
"But he's from an M-Rated game-" Yea so's Joker.
"But no leaks have come out about him-" Yea same with Joker.

VERY few people expect Dovahkiin. He's on very few lists. I only see CaptainAmerica CaptainAmerica and I advocate for the guy.
But consider this.

A character from a company who could have multiple viable and awesome reps who are iconic in their own right, but their inclusion wouldn't really make anyone mad, nor is he a shill pick-a solid third party pick everyone can enjoy.

Am I discussing Joker, or Dovahkiin?

I'd love to see what you guys think about Dovahkiin or his chances (beyond "but Doomguy" please) as I think his time has come for discussion.

He's been thrown out before.

So's Joker.

So let's talk.
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
It's for things like Metal, Giant, etc.
They'll last longer.
Is there a spirit that makes equipment and transformation items last infinitely? Or at least until the player loses a stock?

Would at least be neat alternative to Special Smash but everyone can have different effects rather than shared across the board...
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Double K

Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2014
Guys, imagine.

Scenic Japanese beach and a man in a tacky haiwaiian shirt is fishing for dinner for the orphanage he runs. Upon coming home with his catch, he receives a letter presented to him like a challenge. Cut away to him driving his car as he narrates the letter which tells him to present the challenge to the secretary.

He parks his car. It's Nintendo's Offices. He walks in and slams the letter on the secretary's desk and says "I'm in." The Secretary is Isabelle.


Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
So on the 6th our minds were BLOWN.
Every insider, even Spawn Wave (I'm sorry @TotsBS I still love that guy) was blown away. Joker took EVERYONE by surprise.

But he makes sense, now that I think on it; Persona, and SMT, is one of the biggest franchises not yet in Smash, and Atlus is forging a close relationship with Nintendo-and, well, they're owned by SEGA, so they already got a pretty good one. And Akira has amazing moveset potential, probably the best outta any Persona protagonist. He's also fresh and relevant still.

...so I want to bring up another M-rated, relevant, well-known character.

The Dragonborn, AKA, Dovahkiin.

View attachment 182300

"But he's a silent protagonist-" Yea so's Joker.
"But he's only been in one game-" Yea so's Joker.
"But he's from an M-Rated game-" Yea so's Joker.
"But no leaks have come out about him-" Yea same with Joker.
"But his company is relatively new in regards to their Nintendo relationship-" Yea so's Atlus.

VERY few people expect Dovahkiin. He's on very few lists. I only see CaptainAmerica CaptainAmerica and I advocate for the guy.
But consider this.

A character from a company who could have multiple viable and awesome reps who are iconic in their own right, but their inclusion wouldn't really make anyone mad, nor is he a shill pick-a solid third party pick everyone can enjoy.

Am I discussing Joker, or Dovahkiin?

I'd love to see what you guys think about Dovahkiin or his chances (beyond "but Doomguy" please) as I think his time has come for discussion.

He's been thrown out before.

So's Joker.

So let's talk.
Will his neutral special be Fus Ro Dah?


Banned via Warnings
Aug 11, 2018
I don't know if I should take this as an insult or compliment.
its an insult because you were being a gigantic dumbass at the time lol

Guys, imagine.

Scenic Japanese beach and a man in a tacky haiwaiian shirt is fishing for dinner for the orphanage he runs. Upon coming home with his catch, he receives a letter presented to him like a challenge. Cut away to him driving his car as he narrates the letter which tells him to present the challenge to the secretary.

He parks his car. It's Nintendo's Offices. He walks in and slams the letter on the secretary's desk and says "I'm in." The Secretary is Isabelle.

instant main
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Deleted member

Is there a spirit that makes equipment and transformation items last infinitely? Or at least until the player loses a stock?

Would at least be neat alternative to Special Smash but everyone can have different effects rather than shared across the board...
Only ones I've seen so far have where the player starts with it active.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2014
Rock Hill, SC
Switch FC
Its actually kinda cool that you get to drive in Pico's ship when you're at the racetrack... I'm honestly glad that they actually put the effort to put that in and not make it something kinda generic like Mario Kart
Oh **** they actually made the racetrack a huge F-Zero reference, since the stages you fight on are F-Zero stages and you get to fight mostly F-Zero characters


Sep 26, 2013
Oh **** they actually made the racetrack a huge F-Zero reference, since the stages you fight on are F-Zero stages and you get to fight mostly F-Zero characters
Sakurai loves F-Zero.

A shame Nintendo looks at it as a competitor to Mario Kart.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Characters who definitely fits "unexpected".

Agumon (Digimon)
Crono (Chrono Trigger)
Dovahkiin (The Elder Scrolls)
Master Chief (Halo)
Neku (The World Ends With You)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Poochy (Yoshi)
Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy)
Sylux (Metroid)
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Deleted member

Peace Walker, I checked.

My thoughts on all this? I mean it’s nearly 3 in the morning where I am so I don’t wanna get into some huge drama, but I can see why people are upset about it. I’m not gonna lie though, I did chuckle when I first saw it.
Well... it's kinda like this. Um... even though we got M-rated games represented in the series, they're treated rather benign for the most part, and even Nintendo censors their own stuff (Tharja, and the Xenoblade 2 girls come to mind). It's not like we're going to see any references to Mara, the "penis demon" from the SMT/Persona series being put into Ultimate for obvious reasons, but because most of the spirits are meant to be allusions to who they are in some capacity, highlighting "the girl with the gut bomb" (and the bomb in the unmentionable region) as an explosive support spirit in a day and age where everything gets blown out of proportions, especially when you know Little Johnny's gonna ask what that means, might get some negative clucks.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Also responses to all I missed:
Hopefuply I can get the game as soon as next week. Won't mind not getting it in the weekend as semester is over but I don't think I'll be able to hold out for long.

Gonna miss you, buddy. I'll shill for Katalina while you're out.
And wait, you know Noipoi irl?
I do not, but the implication was that I was entering the heaven one enters when they leave pre-Ultimate where Noi has been for ages
Missed u too Shi

Also responses to all I missed:
Hopefuply I can get the game as soon as next week. Won't mind not getting it in the weekend as semester is over but I don't think I'll be able to hold out for long.

Gonna miss you, buddy. I'll shill for Katalina while you're out.
And wait, you know Noipoi irl?
I do not, but the implication was that I was entering the heaven one enters when they leave pre-Ultimate where Noi has been for ages
Missed u too Shi
Listening to this makes me want to write a post-mortem for Sm4sh, so why not.

I came to Smashboards because of Sm4sh. I'd gotten banned from GameFAQs due to an error in their site that they refused to overturn, and I had nowhere else to go for speculation and information. Smashboards was much more welcoming than GameFAQs. I remember back before @PushDustIn started SourceGaming and he was one of the best speculators here with his knowledge of Sakurai interviews and articles and capability to translate Japanese. I remember when Ninka/Vaanrose leak was just the Ninka and Vaanrose leaks and both said different things. Of course I believed the Ninka leak because it had Shulk, my most wanted character. And then the ESRB leak released on 4chan and all hell broke loose. People going back and forth on whether or not it was fake or real. I was pretty convinced it was real when I first saw it, but the gameplay sold it because it was too good to simply be a Brawl mod. I look back on that turbulent period of speculation and I can say it was better than the war that broke out over the Grinch Hoax. It felt like the community was together arguing about the merits and flaws of it, compared to two sides yelling at each other, telling the other side they're wrong.

I remember when they released the demo codes for Sm4sh 3DS and watching Twitter for anyone who had spare codes. I spent about an hour refreshing searchs, DM'ing people about it, and I finally got my hand on the demo with 5 characters and only two minute timed matches. I absolutely loved it. Portable Smash Bros. had been my dream for the longest time, and to see it actually happening was surreal. I remember attending the midnight release of Sm4sh 3DS with my dad and being the youngest person there by far (I was 14 at the time). I played a single game of Melee (the only Melee game I've ever really played) and picking Roy only to get absolutely **** on. The Gamecube controller was kinda greasy, and it smelt like body odor, but I got Sm4sh 3DS and I stayed up until 5AM playing it. After sleeping for a bit, I took a day off of school just to keep playing. I'd been waiting for this game since it's announcement in 2011, and school could wait one day gosh-dang-it.

I didn't take a day off to play Sm4sh Wii U when it released, but since it released on a Friday I had an entire weekend to play it. I remember getting it from Gamestop and then walking over to a Target to find one of three Marth amiibos left. Of course I got him. This was before the mass shortage of amiibos occurred, and I spent quite some time chasing after rarer amiibos. I actually made my reddit account to primarily post on r/amiibo, even though I barely, if ever, go there now. I also remember searching for around three months for a Gamecube adapter since they were in such short demand, but finally I got one after much searching (and pestering my parents). When Sm4sh Wii U released I invited my best friend over and we jumped right into classic mode from the start, and imagine our surprise when we go to face the first match only for one of the trophies to get ABSOLUTELY BLOWN THE **** OUT by Peach. We had a good laugh about that. We also enjoyed Smash Tour, even though I feel like we're the only ones who do at times. It brought another dimension to the multiplayer experience of Smash Bros., and that's the most important part to me.

Sm4sh introduced me to Xenoblade Chronicles, my favorite game series ever. I was lucky enough to get a copy for the Wii back when it was a Gamestop exclusive. I had it shipped in from another county or state and put on hold for me. Some fan(s) offered an additional $50 to break that, but they didn't, and I got the game. It introduced me to Alpharad, one of my favorite youtubers who I've had the opportunity to watch grow from 10K to 1 million subscribers; I can actually say that I was there for 10K unlike most posers. When I got dumped my junior year of High School and fell into horrible depression, Sm4sh is how I reconnected with my old best friend who I'd neglected, and that's what started a new, stronger friendship between us.

Sm4sh has been a massively influential aspect of my life, and if it weren't for it's influence in my life I wouldn't have come back to speculate this time around, and I wouldn't have met all of you. Being older and more mature makes me feel like I've gotten to know all of you more than I did during Sm4sh speculation. Even people I knew from back then such as Luigi The President Luigi The President , @Rie Sonomura, and @Swamp Sensei I feel like I've gotten to know so much better, to the point where I can call them friends alongside newer faces such as @Nekoo and @Noipoi. For those I've forgotten to list, if you're sad that I didn't list you then you're my friend as well. Even if you weren't sad I still consider most, if not all of you, friends. For all of our disagreements and back-and-forth arguments, I genuinely enjoy my time on this site (most of the time, anyways). However things play out from here, whether I end up staying or taking a back seat in speculation, I'd like to thank you all, and wish nothing but the best in life for y'all.
Dang we really have known each other for literally 4 years. Crazy. Happy to have you here TPC, this means a lot bro. Happy you got Joker too, please stick around and chill with us crazy fans more!!

With a very busy two weeks of finals, watching the house with the parents gone, and LOTS of Smash Ultimate upon me, I think this is a pretty good time to say bye to the boards for now.

Smash Ultimate has truly lived up to its name. As a lot of things in my life have given way, such as losing pets, possibly losing housing at college due to circumstances beyond my control, and my post-college living plans falling apart, Smash Ultimate will be there for me even more than Brawl was there for me growing up.

Speculation has been absolutely wild, and as much as we went at each other's throats towards the end (I'm still sorry for driving @PolarPanda away for a bit over blog theory vs. [BOX THEORY]), and I made a bit of a fool of myself (I'll never forgive the French), I've had a great time getting to know you guys, and even just talking to you dudes and dudettes.

@Scoliosis Jones , @Tougon , Ramen Tengoku Ramen Tengoku , Luigi The President Luigi The President , and in particular, @tehponycorn and @Noipoi , and everyone else on the boards, it's been great, and once I've emerged from my Single-Player cocoon and metamorphosed into the world's #1 Ridley, you best believe I'll be headhunting each and every one of your Smash Tags. Catch you on the flipside, and may your DLC dreams come true.
Please return soon Hydra and kick my ass with Ridley!!

Well, this ride has been something else. I didn't know what I would expect coming here to Smashboards, but you know, it was fun! I met a lot of cool people.
@osby , @Mr. Wario, @Idon, @Noipoi, Ramen Tengoku Ramen Tengoku , Professor Pumpkaboo Professor Pumpkaboo , @staindgrey, @MasterOfKnees, @RyuhoFox, @NineS, Luigi The President Luigi The President , @Kuon.
There are also some pretty cool people like Zinith Zinith , @Scoliosis Jones, @tehponycorn, @ToasterBrains, and @KMDP
This place has had it moments, but overall it's been a fun ride. I may still pop in here every now and then, and I for sure will stay in contact with the people I mentioned.

Cheers to you all, friends! Let us enjoy Smash Ultimate!
Shoot me a PM soon Alastor, hope you're doing okay man. Thank you!!

Since I see everyone has made a list of everyone that impacted them for the big good bye. Here is mine. I will be making my leave for a week or two after smash arrives because I will either be playing smash or preparing for my finals for my master´s degree. Still, I will be here for the rest of the day. I will most likely be back after that.
We got amazing detailed posters like: @vaanrose, @Scoliosis Jones, @Cosmic77 and @tehponycorn.
Then we have really passionate posters like Luigi The President Luigi The President , Zinith Zinith , @Sniper_Fox, @Graizen, LetterO LetterO and @NineS.
It was also cool to have people like @kirbsmash, @Dyllybirdy, Ramen Tengoku Ramen Tengoku , @Onereasonanddone, @osby, @KarneraMythos, @Wurmple for smash, @JDCabrera, @Kuon, @Alastor017, @faygoshill, @KMDP, @Chumpodile, @Nekoo, CaptainAmerica CaptainAmerica , @Idon, @T3Z3R1, @Shishœ, @Legendary Spirit Tamer, @staindgrey, @Indecisive Fisher, @ClaTheBae, @Jovahexeon Joranvexeon, @Untouch, IntelliHeath1 IntelliHeath1 , @Robertman2, @ToasterBrains, @monadoboy, @NonSpecificGuy, @TheCJBrine, Shroob Shroob , @Blargg888, @Opossum, @Iridium, @TyrantLizardKing, @Cutie Gwen, @SvartWolf and @PsySmasher around for the smash speculation. Thanks for the good memories.
@Noipoi gets a special mention on his own for his art. I love it.
I had my disagreements with @JacobLeBeauOFFICIAL @Bionichute or @GoeGoe but having differing opinions in life is important so thanks for the diferent POWs and never change.
I would like to ask for forgiveness in case I forgot anyone important though.
FreeFox, thank you so much, I'm happy to have made an impact. Stay safe bro.
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Double K

Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2014
Another idea

Comiket 96 is next August and ZUN releases a demo for a new Touhou Project game. The stage 3 boss is a Tengu Messenger, and if you beat her as Reimu, she drops a letter which Reimu reads. It's a youtube link.

You go to the link and it's a Reimu reveal trailer that is privately listed for a week.

Reimu for Smash.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
This is VERY false, since ATLUS has workd with Nintendo since as early as the first SMT game on the Super Famicom.
True, don't know why I said that seeing as I've played many Nintendo SMT games. Thanks for correcting me.

Wrong, Joker talks
Does he now?
To my knowledge he "talks" in the way that you can select what characters hear him say.
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Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2018
Characters who definitely fits "unexpected".

Agumon (Digimon)
Crono (Chrono Trigger)
Dovahkiin (The Elder Scrolls)
Master Chief (Halo)
Neku (The World Ends With You)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Poochy (Yoshi)
Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy)
Sylux (Metroid)
You forgot Porky

Deleted member

Anyway, it's been a while since I posted here, and if Persona can get in, then I hope that Sega can get yet another fighter in with Kiryu from Yakuza because there's another game with great music and a character with a chance to have a "grounded" fighting system (which could have happened in Tekken... but they went with some dude from an American zombie show who says "****" a lot and swings a baseball bat). But, truth be told, I'm kind of in the camp that the second DLC fighter in the pack is something or someone that is more familiar to people of all walks. Considering that Persona wrecked most Fighter Pass leaks, this probably might make Minecraft face stiff competition, but I'm hoping for Crash Bandicoot as the 2nd fighter, or heck, a customizable Monster Hunter with a Felyne Palico (considering that's something that has become common in the West and is still massive in Japan).

Double K

Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2014
True, don't know why I said that seeing as I've played many Nintendo SMT games. Thanks for correcting me.

Does he now?
To my knowledge he "talks" in the way that you can select what characters hear him say.
In the animated cutscenes, he has a few dialogue boxese and unlike P3/4 where when its internal thoughs that are presented as narration telling you what the character is thinking, Joker's personal thoughts are usually presented as his own thoughts.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I created the Smashboard's Dovahkiin for Smash thread bud. I've been backing him since day one.

Just saying bud.
**** you know what I keep taking the L tonight, forgive me m'lord I was under the impression Cap made that thread. I am a mere minion compared to your advocation. Please forgive me!
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Deleted member

So on the 6th our minds were BLOWN.
Every insider, even Spawn Wave (I'm sorry @TotsBS I still love that guy) was blown away. Joker took EVERYONE by surprise.

But he makes sense, now that I think on it; Persona, and SMT, is one of the biggest franchises not yet in Smash, and Atlus is forging a close relationship with Nintendo-and, well, they're owned by SEGA, so they already got a pretty good one. And Akira has amazing moveset potential, probably the best outta any Persona protagonist. He's also fresh and relevant still.

...so I want to bring up another M-rated, relevant, well-known character.

The Dragonborn, AKA, Dovahkiin.

View attachment 182300

"But he's a silent protagonist-" Yea so's Joker.
"But he's only been in one game-" Yea so's Joker.
"But he's from an M-Rated game-" Yea so's Joker.
"But no leaks have come out about him-" Yea same with Joker.

VERY few people expect Dovahkiin. He's on very few lists. I only see CaptainAmerica CaptainAmerica and I advocate for the guy.
But consider this.

A character from a company who could have multiple viable and awesome reps who are iconic in their own right, but their inclusion wouldn't really make anyone mad, nor is he a shill pick-a solid third party pick everyone can enjoy.

Am I discussing Joker, or Dovahkiin?

I'd love to see what you guys think about Dovahkiin or his chances (beyond "but Doomguy" please) as I think his time has come for discussion.

He's been thrown out before.

So's Joker.

So let's talk.

At this point though, I think I'd like Skyrim content more ironically because of all the memes rather than for genuine care about the game I played so much in my X360 days and I don't know how to take that realization.

Double K

Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2014
Oh, imagine if Bethesda had a rep in the base game

and Vault Dweller from 76 had a spirit that crashed the game

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Seriously. Dragonborn is PERFECT for the angle Nintendo is going with for DLC.

I'm not expecting him. You shouldn't expect him.
But keep him on your radar.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2018
Seriously. Dragonborn is PERFECT for the angle Nintendo is going with for DLC.

I'm not expecting him. You shouldn't expect him.
But keep him on your radar.
I love Skyrim and Dragonborn would be great but if I had to choose I'd still be on team Doomguy. Dragonborn would still be god tier though.
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