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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2018
I mainly look at these characters at the standpoint of "what impact have they had on the video game industry as a whole", and as much as I agree that Final Fantasy VII is a bit overrated, you can't deny that Sephiroth is one of the most recognizable villains in gaming on a worldwide scale.
What does this has to do with this!?


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I wish Sakurai got the chance to do the characters he personally wants. Not just Geno either. He’s personally shown interest in Chorus Kids, Mach Rider, and Ayumi Tachibana. I’d love the chance for him to just have fun with HIS favorite characters. Maybe as a-la-carte DLC like Piranha Plant.
And then he adds Navarre and a bunch of people get mad. :p


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
So what does this Sephiroth guy do? I can see he has a super long sword, but that doesn't scream interesting fighter to me. Honestly it seems like a pain in the ass to fight :laugh:

Deleted member

View attachment 180714
Cool to see Nomura is also hype about Smash. 7 days left boisss.
Nice number-play too!

Final Fantasy 7

7 days until Smash

Pretty neat! :p

So what does this Sephiroth guy do? I can see he has a super long sword, but that doesn't scream interesting fighter to me. Honestly it seems like a pain in the *** to fight :laugh:
he can fly and apparently call down stars or some **** and he has one wing and he looks cool

idk anything about final fantasy i just have the hots for generic gray haired anime boys
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Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
View attachment 180714
Cool to see Nomura is also hype about Smash. 7 days left boisss.
>Square Actually did it with a cool and Cute Drawing just like the one for Mickey's 90's anniversary.

Bless you Nomura.

Deleted member

Nomura has officially drawn not only TP Link but also BOTW Link now.
I really wanna see more Nintendo characters drawn by him in his signature artstyle, tbh. I love how he draws characters! His designs for XC2 look really sick and I would love to see him design for more mainline Nintendo series as well like Zelda or FE
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Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
Sephiroth in Smash would feel so unreal...sounds like a complete pipe dream charscter yet here we are.

I have never played Final Fantasy so I am indifferent but I would take him over a DQ character, Geno, and Crono

Deleted member

View attachment 180714
Cool to see Nomura is also hype about Smash. 7 days left boisss.
Hey, the art has as many characters as Square-Enix has spirits! Neat detail!

For real though, that’s a pretty cute drawing


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
Has it been confirmed if there's a Spirit gallery (sort of like the trophy one) where you can look at Spirits by series, read little blurbs, etc?


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I’m literally screaming last night I was playing Mario kart w my friends and ****talking about Isabelle saying how she looks cute but def has an evil side and THIS proves that correct I believe

Begging for her to be top tier
Her and K Rool will own Ultimate
So, people will finally get a Dark Pit that plays like Brawl Pit.
Let’s stick to having mostly Uprising stuff

Deleted member

Wasn’t there a Zack Fair one that someone spotted in a trailer?
I think that one was confirmed fake, wasn't it? Like someone confused ZEKE with ZACK and saw how Cloud was used in the Zeke Spirit battle and thought it was Zack. I might be tlking outta my ass here but I'm pretty sure there is no Zack Spirit

Deleted member

japan isnt the west. heroes with guns have never taken off there. Every generation FPS games have been dead there and guns and gun based violence have never been big in media there. japan has favored fantasy and sword weapons for a years now. its just whats popular. japan loves anime is an obvious statement thats like saying America loves their American cartoons and comic books.
This is a very good post.
You can easily see that by looking at the characters in Smash, characters that range from contemporary real world to science fiction(Snake, Bayonetta, Samus, Star Fox crew) are significantly more popular in the west.
A big reason for that divide is WWII, while the US idolized their new war technology, Japan feared it and its future culture would heavily condemn modern indistrialization while trying to celebrate the past with fantasy stories. This was further emphasized in the 80s and 90s, when animes and games, mainly influenced by Miyazaki's Nausicaa and Laputa, started to mesh some science fiction in their fantasy stories, the catch being that said technology was usually condemned. Final Fantasy is full of that and it only got bigger on that as time went on(just look at FFVII). Xenoblade Chrnocles is a more recent example and the nature vs. technology theme is even more pronounced.

The big exception to all of this is Mechas. Japan loves that **** since it started as empowerement fantasy to fight the evil threats of atomic bombs.

forgive the movie nerd for going on a tangent
So I'm just curious.... what would be your Square Enix list of priority when it comes to Smash?

My priorities would be Erdrick > Sephiroth > Sora > Chrono > Neku > Geno > Slime
It's Crono for ****'s sake
Basing on the list
Crono>I don't care>Sora>Slime>Sephiroth>Erdrick>Geno>Luminary
So what does this Sephiroth guy do? I can see he has a super long sword, but that doesn't scream interesting fighter to me. Honestly it seems like a pain in the *** to fight :laugh:
Why does it sound like you're asking us about a super obscure character?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2018
So I'm just curious.... what would be your Square Enix list of priority when it comes to Smash?

My priorities would be Erdrick > Sephiroth > Sora > Chrono > Neku > Geno > Slime
I would actually lose my mind if it was one of the top 3. I think I would die from cardiac arrest if it was Sora though


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
This is a very good post.
You can easily see that by looking at the characters in Smash, characters that range from contemporary real world to science fiction(Snake, Bayonetta, Samus, Star Fox crew) are significantly more popular in the west.
A big reason for that divide is WWII, while the US idolized their new war technology, Japan feared it and its future culture would heavily condemn modern indistrialization while trying to celebrate the past with fantasy stories. This was further emphasized in the 80s and 90s, when animes and games, mainly influenced by Miyazaki's Nausicaa and Laputa, started to mesh some science fiction in their fantasy stories, the catch being that said technology was usually condemned. Final Fantasy is full of that and it only got bigger on that as time went on(just look at FFVII). Xenoblade Chrnocles is a more recent example and the nature vs. technology theme is even more pronounced.

The big exception to all of this is Mechas. Japan loves that **** since it started as empowerement fantasy to fight the evil threats of atomic bombs.

forgive the movie nerd for going on a tangent
Never apologize for a movie nerd tangent :smash:

Why does it sound like you're asking us about a super obscure character?
Not obscure, just one I legitimately don't know anything about beyond "that bad guy from FFVII with the big sword".

Deleted member

So what does this Sephiroth guy do? I can see he has a super long sword, but that doesn't scream interesting fighter to me. Honestly it seems like a pain in the *** to fight :laugh:
Not sure if anyone answered yet, but this showcases his fighting style a bit
That's before he went nuts, got a hold of Black Materia, and was able to summon magical, giant, planet-seeking Meteors (often represented in titles where he fights as just raining mini meteors with a slight homing effect down on the field) or setting towns on fire.
Also super good at stabbing people not expecting it
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Deleted member

So I'm just curious.... what would be your Square Enix list of priority when it comes to Smash?

My priorities would be Erdrick > Sephiroth > Sora > Chrono > Neku > Geno > Slime
Those are just the ones on the list anyway.

Is it Crono or Chrono? I’m getting lots of mixed signals with all these lists.
Crono in English, Chrono in Japanese afaik
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Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2018
Time Traveling
Switch FC
I know how a lot of people are doubting Sora at this point in time but...
I still believe the impossible is possible.

He still has a possibility, so don’t lose hope. I still think Sora would make both Nintendo and Square the most long term money.

We do know Square loves cross promotion so it’s possible they might have pushed for him. The thing Sora has going for him is he is globally popular and can cross promote. Those are things we’ve noticed Square loves. Also the composer of KH games Yoko Shimomura is already working on Smash.These factors help him against the following competition.

Geno cannot cross promote nor is he relevant and Square doesn’t prioritize the character over more popular characters.

DQ not globally popular, composer doesn’t play well with others. Most popular character is a regular enemy in the past two DQ games.

Crono his game series has not had a game sequel in years, no current plans for an upcoming sequel.

Sephiroth, Cloud already represents the FF franchise. Problems with acquiring music for FF7. Sword would need to be longer than Clouds. Possibly making him the longest range character and taking that away from Simon. If a FF character did make it in, it would make more sense to add someone from FF14 or FF15. As these are the most recent FF titles and can be cross promoted.

All of this being said Sora’s chances would be really high If Disney was not involved in ownership of the character. This does play a huge factor and could be why Nintendo would not want to have Sora in.
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Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
So I'm just curious.... what would be your Square Enix list of priority when it comes to Smash?

My priorities would be Erdrick > Sephiroth > Sora > Chrono > Neku > Geno > Slime
Tifa > Sephiroth > Warrior of Light > Crono > Lana Croft > Erdrick > Geno > other SE characters

Deleted member

Everything that Sephiroth does Kefka does it better.
True. But he's not remembered by people as much as Sephiroth. I liked 6 and Kefka more to be honest, but Sephiroth was way more iconic. He's known topeople who've never even played RPGs and 7 was an early title for the brand new Playstation at the time. FF7 was the face of RPGs as they became more popular in the west. That's why 7 is credited and remembered so much when its not actually the best of the series. (Not to say its bad at all; I love it, but 6 is definitely better and 9 is my personal favorite).
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