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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Deleted member

How would you feel if Sakurai launched free DLC, but it was one that completely replaced Xander Mobus by Bruce Campbell?

Deleted member

I mean. Even if there was a second Direct... would it matter for Smash? I don't think it would.
It could (and a small could at that) matter for people who want to see a third DKC game by Retro and news about Metroid Prime 4 (like me).

And i say could because it doesn’t have to be the case.

Suspicious Squirtle

Smash Apprentice
Nov 3, 2014
So about the music... I just looked at the full list and noticed that
Princess Peach's Castle (Melee) is missing despite the stage being in the game
and I'm just confused by this decision. Also, I was hoping for a remix of Inside the Castle Walls from Super Mario 64...oh well.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2018
It could (and a small could at that) matter for people who want to see a third DKC game by Retro and news about Metroid Prime 4 (like me).

And i say could because it doesn’t have to be the case.
I hope it is. My Switch library is kind of shallow, so I'm lookin to add to it. I already got Three Houses and Pokemon Gen 8 on my list, hoping to add Prime 4 as well.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
It could (and a small could at that) matter for people who want to see a third DKC game by Retro and news about Metroid Prime 4 (like me).

And i say could because it doesn’t have to be the case.
With what Monster Games did with their levels in Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, I'd me more than happy if Retro and Nintendo handed over the DKC duties to them and let Retro pursue new opportunities like they did with MP4. If you haven't played DKCR3D then find a way to at least play the last levels. They're something truly special and I'd love to see that creativity stretched out to a full game.
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Tako Tuesday

Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2018
Under a nice, comfy rock
Switch FC
So about the music... I just looked at the full list and noticed that
Princess Peach's Castle (Melee) is missing despite the stage being in the game
and I'm just confused by this decision. Also, I was hoping for a remix of Inside the Castle Walls from Super Mario 64...oh well.
Wait. No. It can't be gone, right? I know I heard it in some gameplay! If it's gone, I don't know how to feel. It's easily my favorite version of the overworld theme and holds a ton of nostalgic value for me. Please don't tell me it's gone.


Smash Cadet
Jun 16, 2014
Was anyone else kind of hoping that there would be more alt costumes then there ended up being? I was kind of hoping for stuff like a James McCloud alt and a Captain K. Rool. Also a little upset they got rid of the fireflower mario.

Deleted member

Wait. No. It can't be gone, right? I know I heard it in some gameplay! If it's gone, I don't know how to feel. It's easily my favorite version of the overworld theme and holds a ton of nostalgic value for me. Please don't tell me it's gone.
It's not gone! It's used in Peach's Mini-Trailer! Every other song used in these trailers is in the game, why the **** would this be the exception?


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2014

I keep checking my preloaded copy in case Nintendo screws up again.

I have no patience

How would you feel if Sakurai launched free DLC, but it was one that completely replaced Xander Mobus by Bruce Campbell?
It would have to be something extraordinarily good like Morgan Freeman or Samuel L. Jackson for me to replace Xander

Or something like other fighting games have that the narrator is one of the characters. I wouldn't mind Shulk being the narrator

Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
>Your favourite characters get buffed in some form and can finally stand against Mario’s cape
>Your most hyped newcomers will also surpass the thing and succeed over the spammers.

If you want to troll Mario players, just get good with Kirby and use him (it's very hard, he's low tier).
Especially his Final Cutter, I trolled so many Marios trying to use the cape on my cutter except that if I hit them directly with the blade it has no effect.
At least in Smash 4.

After falling back to 35% of win rate, I grinded back to 50% and then I stopped playing because it's too frustrating; though in the last week I improved a lot and I even managed to defeat some Clouds and Bayonettas. (I ended with about 70% win rate in the last 100 matches).

At first I was completely helpless against some characters (such as Donkey Kong, Pacman and Megaman), but I eventually learned how to fight them. Except Megaman because he has so much variety of long range attacks that even if you play better than him, he still damages you a lot and it will most likely KO you before you manage to KO him. Corrin/Shulk/Link/Toon Link are also very strong against Kirby, especially Toon Link, but Toon Link can be killed at relatively low % at least; I remember Corrin and Shulk being easier to defeat, probably they became harder to defeat after the several patches.
Anyway, in most cases it depends on the player, but I think that Mario was one of the characters I had least problems with, along with maybe Cpt Falcon.
On a side note, fighting against Ganondorf is a torture.... you can win easily if you are careful enough, but just 1 error and he can kill you in 3 moves (playing as Kirby); King Dedede and Bowser are similar cases, King Dedede being harder because of the bigger range and Gordo spam, but it's also likely that the player will mess up things or get a Gordo reflected in the face, making the fight a bit easier occasionally.
The most fair battles were against the Marths (and derivates, Roy, Lucina); copying Marth's and Lucina's ability is very helpful.
Ohh, I almost forgot, a good Robin is untouchable against Kirby... you have literally no way to even get close to him... or at least, I have never been able to. I only won once against a Robin but the player was a noob.

lastly, inhaling a Bayonetta while she's trying to ram at you to start the combo of doom is priceless.

That's just my personal experience.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Capcom? More like Crapcom.
Oh wait, Mega Man is in Smash now... Uhm, Snake got cut.
Konami? More like ****onami.
Oh, Snake is back and there's a ****ton of Castlevania content now... well, FF only has two songs so...
Square Enix? More like... Stingy Enix! Ha, got em!
I know you're making fun, but that seems like a perfectly legitimate line of thinking to me.

Like, read the room Square. See what other companies are doing in Smash, and up your game!
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Tako Tuesday

Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2018
Under a nice, comfy rock
Switch FC
It's not gone! It's used in Peach's Mini-Trailer! Every other song used in these trailers is in the game, why the **** would this be the exception?
I don't see it on the song list though. It should be there, if that's data from the game itself. I'm worried. I know it's "just a song" but it's very important to me, and my history with Smash. I won't lie, I'll actually be pretty upset of it's cut.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
So about the music... I just looked at the full list and noticed that
Princess Peach's Castle (Melee) is missing despite the stage being in the game
and I'm just confused by this decision. Also, I was hoping for a remix of Inside the Castle Walls from Super Mario 64...oh well.
is any wario land music in that list of music?

Deleted member

I don't see it on the song list though. It should be there, if that's data from the game itself. I'm worried. I know it's "just a song" but it's very important to me, and my history with Smash. I won't lie, I'll actually be pretty upset of it's cut.
Same here, actually.
Also, what happened to my pranked status? I could've sworn I only got it a week or 2 ago...


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2014
Rock Hill, SC
Switch FC
I don't see it on the song list though. It should be there, if that's data from the game itself. I'm worried. I know it's "just a song" but it's very important to me, and my history with Smash. I won't lie, I'll actually be pretty upset of it's cut.
Etheir it is or this is going to be the wildest case of a day 1 patch featuring music

Deleted member

That's good to know. I noticed that the Delfino Plaza Remix isn't listed either so maybe it's not a full list that I saw
Yeah, we've had the Delfino Plaza remix posted on multiple YouTube Channels. False Alarm, everyone! The song is in the game!


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH

I keep checking my preloaded copy in case Nintendo screws up again.

I have no patience
God, same. I keep hitting it just to keep it high on my home screen. I refuse to pirate it under any circumstance or get it to work early via modifications but if it just so happened to allow access to my preloaded copy ten days early, well, I wouldn't complain...


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
I hope you're right. I'm already feeling sad now... I had plans for that song, y'know? Like what stages it would play on and all that.
Have you checked the Smash wiki? There's a link in one of the stickied threads in this section. It's pretty comprehensive and how I learned that certain misc tracks I didn't realize were back are in.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2018
Was anyone else kind of hoping that there would be more alt costumes then there ended up being? I was kind of hoping for stuff like a James McCloud alt and a Captain K. Rool. Also a little upset they got rid of the fireflower mario.
My friend wishes a Star Fox Adventure Fox costume. James is almost there, we just need some sunglasses.
All 3rd party costumes were cut btw. I think it's on purpose. It saves right issues and also ease up the way to DLC inclusions.
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