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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
I'm not against proper use of the english language, but correcting other people in casual conversation has always struck me as pretty snobby, if you can see where I'm coming from.
In a formal context though **** yeah it bugs the **** out of me. I've gotten countless professional e-mails at work that demonstrate no greater than 3rd grade level english and it always astounds me.
Honestly in an online message board, there is no need to correct someone if their message is coherent and well explained.
Now when they post a mess of **** and expect us to decode it then maybe give them some pointers


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2018
But there isn't?

The DM you're speaking of is one Verge said is biased and he doesn't believe Geno's out of the running. From what I get.

Just so you know, the word is transgender, not transsexual. That's very outdated.
The DM where he mentions like 6 characters and then says don’t take Geno seriously, and Sora isn’t in?

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
As someone who only recent started reaching out to people and talking with those in the know as you will.

Children you don't know the half of how much of an internal mess the leaker scene is.

It's basically everyone running around with their heads chopped off and they're rolling around and they bump into things but they're just trying to make sense of it all.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Sorry, but you couldn't be more wrong, as the person who's dm'd Verge. That, and hearing Geno from Nintendo brand ambassadors. Doesn't really seem like there is any deconfirmation. You should stop making assumptions.

And no, this DM has not been going around for a while. It's within the past few days, actually.
Because I only care about the truth. I used to be friends w/ Loz18 until he said there were 2 fighters in the sept direct and I knew he was fake because I knew Isabelle would be the only reveal in that direct. Our discord server was the one where Loz18 had his meltdown before deleting his Twitter. It's not like the characters Verge heard are really that pivotal. DLC has been going around very little at NoA, and Verge is in a scramble hearing a bunch of varying characters. He didn't want to share what he heard publically, so I figured I would. Fans deserve to know, tbh.
And as someone who got that DM by "surprise" for what? Some days/A week around
I've been hearing quite some thing. And while there is no deconfirmation, what I heard goes from people saying "He's not in" to "he's in", however, Geno is a peculiar case where people heard he wasn't in the game as far as July/August. ( Sorry Luigi The President Luigi The President that's why I was just debunking all leak with Geno all that time)

And for DLC he goes from "Yeah I heard of him" to "Lmao it's not him", there no deconfirmation, and just like you confirmed on a later post, there multiple name being thrown around (And just not at NoA, even in circle of other Nintendo branch).
However, so far I've heard more people saying "It's not him".

Also for that last sentence, I believe fans aren't entilted to know anything tbh. You get an info, you share it or not, it's all based on the trust concept, which is why, even if you did this as a vengeance against Vergeben for what he did to Stealth__ I think it ain't really nice either, especially when Vergeben didn't want to share anything until he was sure to get a right name (Which, I don't think it would have happened either lmafo, there's what now? 8 Square-Enix name around?)

I still think you could have shared the list in another way than just exposing it like that, but hey, at least you didn't post the DM directly-
I still hope that this won't explode or backfire onto anyone, because as ****ty as people are sometimes, especially Vergeben, I don't think anyone need to get their **** ruined for some personal Drama or whatever

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
The DM where he mentions like 6 characters and then says don’t take Geno seriously, and Sora isn’t in?
Yes. That is the DM.

And as someone who got that DM by "surprise" for what? Some days/A week around
I've been hearing quite some thing. And while there is no deconfirmation, what I heard goes from people saying "He's not in" to "he's in", however, Geno is a peculiar case where people heard he wasn't in the game as far as July/August. ( Sorry Luigi The President Luigi The President that's why I was just debunking all leak with Geno all that time)

And for DLC he goes from "Yeah I heard of him" to "Lmao it's not him", there no deconfirmation, and just like you confirmed on a later post, there multiple name being thrown around (And just not at NoA, even in circle of other Nintendo branch).
However, so far I've heard more people saying "It's not him".

Also for that last sentence, I believe fans aren't entilted to know anything tbh. You get an info, you share it or not, it's all based on the trust concept, which is why, even if you did this as a vengeance against Vergeben for what he did to Stealth__ I think it ain't really nice either, especially when Vergeben didn't want to share anything until he was sure to get a right name (Which, I don't think it would have happened either lmafo, there's what now? 8 Square-Enix name around?)

I still think you could have shared the list in another way than just exposing it like that, but hey, at least you didn't post the DM directly-
I still hope that this won't explode or backfire onto anyone, because as ****ty as people are sometimes, especially Vergeben, I don't think anyone need to get their **** ruined for some personal Drama or whatever
That makes sense.
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2018
I have played the game, an let me tell ya, Geno isn't this 'big cool character'. He was just in my party. That's it. I don't really get the hype for him.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 12, 2014
Switch FC
But there isn't?

The DM you're speaking of is one Verge said is biased and he doesn't believe Geno's out of the running. From what I get.

Just so you know, the word is transgender, not transsexual. That's very outdated.

Eh, as long as people understand my terrible jokes. Tomato, tomatoe, potato, potatoe.


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2013
Goddammit, this gives me an awesome idea to just make bull**** posts and lists with friends acting as if we saw this ourselves lmfaoooo

Also I have zero nostalgia for Geno, zero interest in SMRPG and Geno doesn't even really do much to make me consider him important in his game which is why I myself don't want him, he's just such a boring pick to me. But if he somehow makes it in, eh.
Thanks for showing me the list!

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Give your reactions to each of these characters being announced for a Smash:
Skull Kid
Bandana Waddle Dee
Paper Mario
Mach Rider
Ryu Hayabusa
Soma Cruz
Kazuma Kiryu
Monster Hunter
Cole Macgrath
Commander Shepard
What stream? Where?
Skull Kid would make people happy, so I'm happy.
Sylux is cool, so I'd be down.
Bandanna Dee's that boy.
I don't care about Zerazora.
Paper Mario would be sick.
If we can't get Vergil, might as well get Lyn.
Mach Rider could be fun.
Ryu Hayabusa's an excellent choice. And I'd be hype for him in Smash.
Soma could be neat, but Alucard's back dashes are what I'm looking for.
Erdrick's design is cool, so why not.
Dante would be Smokin' Sick Stylish in Smash, or any game really.
Sora would make people really happy.
Kiryu's got enough moves to make it work.
Tell Todd Howard to leave us alone.
Doomguy would be sick. He's an icon.
Monster Hunter would be fun, hope it has a male version too.
Cole's not the first Sony dude I'd pick, but I like his powerset.
C.Shepard would put me to sleeeeeep....zzz..zzz.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2014
Vernon, British Columbia
Switch FC
Rummy is not a leaker. He's somebody who my source has talked to too since we've become friends. I'm not lying about knowing somebody who is a Brand Ambassador, and connections with Stealth and Verge. Verge has shared his info with other people, as PonyTehCorn said. I only posted the list publically.

If you check the Geno thread, I try and post updates every few days. Our info's been dry lately, same with Verge. It's honestly a scramble between multiple names, nothing solid. We can get through this speculation cycle together :)
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Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Rummy is not a leaker. He's somebody who my source has talked to too since we've become friends. I'm not lying about knowing somebody who is a Brand Ambassador, and connections with Stealth and Verge. Verge has shared his info with other people, as PonyTehCorn said, but he's clearly misplaced. Stealth, Liam, and many others in leaking community have not been trusting Verge's info at all. I shared the list because I still think it's noteworthy, but I assume TehPonyCorn is behind on the news that most have cut ties with Verge already. I don't want bad relations with Verge, I just want the community to know every bit of info going around. And there's not much lately besides just SE. I didn't even post Verge's DMs publically. I shared it with many people in DMs. I only posted the list publically.

If you check the Geno thread, I try and post updates every few days. Our info's been dry lately, same with Verge. It's honestly a scramble between multiple names, nothing solid. We can get through this speculation cycle together :)
I hope nobody at Squenix loses their job due to the list being leaked. Not relevant, just don't have much to say to this beyond a big nod.

Deleted member

Honestly in an online message board, there is no need to correct someone if their message is coherent and well explained.
Now when they post a mess of **** and expect us to decode it then maybe give them some pointers
I mean there's a clear divide between correcting a spelling error and asking people what they meant because they had a stroke at the keyboard. The second one is understandable.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2015
Houston, Texas
This whole Verge dm supposed "leak" is really fishy. I know people are saying that is legit but if there is no proof, I seriously doubt that dm existed. I don't think Verge would really just give this list he had to anyone in all honesty, especially since he mentioned that if the contents of the supposed list was revealed, his insiders would be at risk. Why the hell would he do that?
It really is fishy, I'm surprised no one hasn't tried to get a pic of this supposed DM leak, and we're just now learning about the list of names, even though some of them were pretty obvious to guess who was apart of that list. We're pretty close to the VGA's and we're just now getting this list of names, and the Square rep is supposedly going to be revealed there. Why reveal the names now all of a sudden, when we are close to the character possibly being revealed?
I cannot wait until there is no SE character in the game lol.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised and all of this arguing was for nothing.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Why? Are there people who DON'T want Geno? I can get not expecting him, even I don't really expect him, but why wouldn't you want his fans to get what they want? They've waited long enough imo.
He's not particularly high on my list, but I'm not against him getting in.

I have played the game, an let me tell ya, Geno isn't this 'big cool character'. He was just in my party. That's it. I don't really get the hype for him.
He seems that way at first, but pretty much the entire ending of the game makes it seem like the entire game was about him.
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Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2013
I have played the game, an let me tell ya, Geno isn't this 'big cool character'. He was just in my party. That's it. I don't really get the hype for him.
That's ok! I played all the kingdom hearts and I don't see the hype for Sora. He's ok, definitely not the coolest character of Kingdom Hearts.


Smash Ace
Jul 8, 2018
Can someone fill me in on who has been leaked? I'm not too fussed about the drama tbh but since the DLC has already been finalized it is more than likely that something has been leaked or datamined


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I have played the game, an let me tell ya, Geno isn't this 'big cool character'. He was just in my party. That's it. I don't really get the hype for him.
The hype is nostalgia for SMRPG as a whole.
People want that preserved in Smash.
Plus, like, your only other option is Mallow and he... isn't cool.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
I just suggest since there's a lot of varying info about the Square rep? Just do as I'm doing.

Expect no one, but also expect anyone and everyone.

That's all I can really say.

I fully believe that a Square rep is coming. I fully believe no one knows for sure who it is. I fully believe it could be anyone.

And I fully believe Square intended this **** to happen.

So just roll with the punches. That's all I can say.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I have played the game, an let me tell ya, Geno isn't this 'big cool character'. He was just in my party. That's it. I don't really get the hype for him.
As someone who has also played the game that's...pretty misleading. He drives the plot for a good while.
Either way, he's important to the game, its lore, and its central conflict. He's pretty central. In fact even by virtue of being one of 5 party members in this long-ass game he's essential lol.

Jovahexeon Joranvexeon

Smash Champion
Apr 13, 2016
Doesn't your second point contradict with your first statement?
No. One reason doesn't intermingle with another in the way you're thinking it does there.
Nintendo folk happens to own other consoles than Nintendo.
Not everyone does. Also, what point are you trying to make? Again, portable in and of itself is a novel concept for these console games, and plenty of people will double dip for whatever reason.

Plain and simple.
have no clue what that means., sorry.
Final Fantasy 8 reference.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
I just suggest since there's a lot of varying info about the Square rep? Just do as I'm doing.

Expect no one, but also expect anyone and everyone.

That's all I can really say.

I fully believe that a Square rep is coming. I fully believe no one knows for sure who it is. I fully believe it could be anyone.

And I fully believe Square intended this **** to happen.

So just roll with the punches. That's all I can say.
Yo- just the fact that Crono is in that ****ing list around way bigger name is enough to make me hope for him!

And you aint stopping me MOOOOOM! :mad088:


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
I hope nobody at Squenix loses their job due to the list being leaked. Not relevant, just don't have much to say to this beyond a big nod.
Square is very good at keeping things under wraps, so I wouldn't be surprised if the Square rep if someone most of us are not expecting at all.

But the fact that this list leaked to the public probably means they know some people who let the cat out of the bag. Which may/may not cost them their jobs.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2018
I think the only way to make Sephiroth's rediculous reach playable would be to make his non-smash A moves have zero knock back. He'd be great at racking up damage, but he'd have few safe options.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 17, 2014
Canadian Texas
Switch FC
I think you guys are starting to get it. Honestly it's amazing Crono even wiggled his way into the rumour scene.
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2018
As someone who has also played the game that's...pretty misleading. He drives the plot for a good while.
Either way, he's important to the game, its lore, and its central conflict. He's pretty central. In fact even by virtue of being one of 5 party members in this long-*** game he's essential lol.
Note that I don't say he wasn't important to the plot. I'm talking more of line of Gameplay.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Yo- just the fact that Crono is in that ****ing list around way bigger name is enough to make me hope for him!

And you aint stopping me MOOOOOM! :mad088:
Go to your room and watch Dragon Ball Z, play a little Blue Dragon maybe.

You god damn Akira Toriyama weeb, because the joke is on you, you gonna come out and the Square rep is confirmed and it's Serge from Chrono Cross instead.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
Ready for this scorching take?

I don't think SMRPG is that good. But it could be my dislike of turn based rpgs.
Then again, paper mario did it for me so idk


Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
As someone who only recent started reaching out to people and talking with those in the know as you will.

Children you don't know the half of how much of an internal mess the leaker scene is.

It's basically everyone running around with their heads chopped off and they're rolling around and they bump into things but they're just trying to make sense of it all.
Live feed of a Smash leaker trying to find the roster amidst the sea of fakes:

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