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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
I have a feeling a few people consider those fighting words...

Nah, she got a buff. RIP The competitive Smash scene's sanity lol.
No, that was a nerf. Meshima stated that you can't use another ABK anymore after the DABK, so that definitely hurts her combo game a bit.

What’s bad about it’s

It’s stating Bayonetta is nerfed

Yeah, but people still like to play her anyway. Well, maybe they would appreciate fair changes, but they still want to play her...
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Deleted member

I find it really hard believing it's Sephiroth because he'd not only need a stage but also music. At most we'd get two more FF tracks(and both from 7, yay...) but it just seems... redundant. Not to **** on Sephiroth, he'd be what Shulk should have been, I just find him the oddest of all the picks because of the cintent he brings with rather than him as a character and pick.

Geno is someone who makes sense and I always interpreted SE not caring about his name leaking as a "everyone speculates about him anyways" and not a "lol hes never gonna be in". Mario RPG amd music feel distinct enough from the other Mario content to justify themselves too.

Crono is the odd man out in that lol he's dead. Him being on this list is the most Square has done with the character and franchise in years(ok there was that steam port but eh...). It's not him, it would be way too good to be true and him being on the list seems to be a way to weed out leakers who really like CT.

I find Sora odd and I'd like to know why there's so much certainty of him not being in but this is gonna feel like Decidueye all over again.

And then there's the DQ characters. My bet is on being one of them 100%, just not sure which one. The simple fact there are three names being thrown around shows they don't just want confusion over who is the SE character but who is the DQ character itself. It could be a reverse psychology thing but I don't think they expected these fake names to ever be cross-referenced.

We getting Dragon Quest and LeakyPandy might be right what is this timeline


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2018
This whole Verge dm supposed "leak" is really fishy. I know people are saying that is legit but if there is no proof, I seriously doubt that dm existed. I don't think Verge would really just give this list he had to anyone in all honesty, especially since he mentioned that if the contents of the supposed list was revealed, his insiders would be at risk. Why the hell would he do that?

Deleted member

No, that was a nerf. Meshima stated that you can't keep another ABK anymore after the DABK. That definitely hurts her combo game a bit.

Yeah, but people still like to play her anyway. Well, maybe they would appreciate fair changes, but they still want to play her...
Oh. Damnit man, I thought for a minute they buffed her! That's the last thing she needs right now, and I say this as someone who likes Bayonetta as a whole!


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
How is that my problem?

Sakurai talked about a streamlined method of unlocking characters.

There isn't one.

That's pretty ****ty of them imo. People love to call Sakurai a "liar" and "troll" unjustly, but this one feels like a blatant lie, or pure incompetence.
He's not lying? The timer is streamlined. Not to mention Classic Mode works in a very linear way.

You can go to three different modes and you'll see fighters flying at you like confetti. That's 660 minutes of playtime or 11 hours exactly if you keep everything at a minimum by actually playing the game. That's excluding unlocking a bunch of characters at once in World of Light, which we see we can get a handful very early into the play through. So it would be less than 10 hours. That's less time than it took in Brawl, infinitely less time than Melee, and while more than Smash 4, is hardly a big deal.

Just enjoy the game and you'll have everyone possibly 2-3 days after purchase.
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Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
>Implying I have people on my side
View attachment 180064
Being serious, I simply want everyone to become better writers; It's not like I'm using it to discredit anyone or anything. I'm also open to being corrected myself, as @KMDP did to me last night.
Being corrected on one's spelling isn't the end of the world.

There are some common mistakes out there; like, using "mute" when they actually mean "moot" (as in, "your point is moot").

I see the "alot" mistake quite a lot, and it just makes me think of this.


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
Isn't the tweet saying that buff was removed from the final build?
I get that we appreciate it, but maybe not every Bayo fan will, although maybe some will. I'd still say it anyway, and I don't like her too much either.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
Imagine if the Square rep is none of the people on the supposed "leaked" list.
Honestly, I'm still expecting someone that's not Sora, Geno or a DQ rep.
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Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2014
Vernon, British Columbia
Switch FC
The DM doesn't exist. It's a quote from someone who received a DM from Vergeben describing it on the Geno thread. Here's the quote:

This DM has apparently been going around within insider groups for a while, it's just that PolarPanda is the only one stupid enough to actually leak it. The list and Verge's comments ultimately mean little as Square Enix has done a masterful job throwing around misinformation, and there are likely characters out there that aren't on this list. Most misinformation surrounds Sora, which is why some people say he's in, and others say he isn't, so I'd disregard that comment.

The statement about Geno should be taken literally though. He's not the SE rep. It'll likely be a DQ character or Crono though. Between those two I'd say Crono is most likely as he's mostly owned by SE, and would be easiest to implement.
Sorry, but you couldn't be more wrong, as the person who's dm'd Verge. That, and hearing Geno from Nintendo brand ambassadors. Doesn't really seem like there is any deconfirmation. You should stop making assumptions.

And no, this DM has not been going around for a while. It's within the past few days, actually.
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Deleted member

Being corrected on one's spelling isn't the end of the world.

There are some common mistakes out there; like, using "mute" when they actually mean "moot" (as in, "your point is moot").

I see the "alot" mistake quite a lot, and it just makes me think of this.
Damn, it’s been years since I’ve seen somebody reference Alot. I miss Alot, it was a fun joke.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 12, 2014
Switch FC
No, that was a nerf. Meshima stated that you can't use another ABK anymore after the DABK, so that definitely hurts her combo game a bit.

Yeah, but people still like to play her anyway. Well, maybe they would appreciate fair changes, but they still want to play her...

Screw that. Fair characters are wack and don't make for fun game nights with my friends. Gimme the busted s***


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2014
I'm not really that serious as a person. Sorry as this has dragged on.
No harm done! I wasn't taking it as seriously as you think either, lmao.

Give your reactions to each of these characters being announced for a Smash:
Rate that character!
Red = Super don't care
Orange = Don't care
Yellow = Indifferent
Green = Interested
Blue = Stoked!

Skull Kid: Neat
Sylux: Neat
Bandana Waddle Dee: My cousin would be happy, so also neat
Zerazora: Meh
Paper Mario: Meh
Lyn: Long overdue, tbh
Mach Rider: Ehh
Ryu Hayabusa: Call me Pattern Pete if you'd like, but I'd be stoked for the only other major NES 3rd-party rep left
Soma Cruz: Indifferent
Erdrick: Indifferent
Dante: Can I get a "Woohoo! YEEEAAAH!!!"?
Sora: Mixed. On one hand, pretty great. On the other hand, "Hey Nintendo, our contract expired, which means you can't sell Sora on the eshop anymore"
Kazuma Kiryu: I dunno Kazuma well, but he'd make a good friend of mine happy so that would make me happy too
Dovakinn: Indifferent, but having him/her and Monster Hunter share the same roster would actually be a cool East-meets-West situation
Doomguy: TheCoolerMachRider.jpg. In all seriousness though, better him than Vault Boy
Monster Hunter: Hell yeah! Amazing designs and moveset potential that'd make Dante proud. Absolute patrician's choice for a 3rd-party character
Cole Macgrath: Honestly, if we were to get any Sony-only reps in a future where Smash Bros. breaks the console barrier mold, I'd rather we get R&C
Commander Shepard: Meh
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Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2014
Vernon, British Columbia
Switch FC
Pause button, "heard Geno from Nintendo brand ambassadors"...what?
Check out the Geno thread. I've been feeding info for quite a while. I have ties with people who have written Nintendo content himself. I've proven it to Fatmanonice and quite a few of the other old vets in the Geno community. Verge did not confirm Geno is 0%. He is just heavily skeptical of him for good reasons.
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Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
The only thing that the community needs to do about Bayonetta is stop being scrubs and stop crying about her. We already got more than enough salty tears to grow a Piranha Plant; we don't need any more, and complaining about such an honestly mild top tier like Bayonetta mostly makes the whining people look like children who have never played another competitive game before because honestly she's nothing compared to what else is out there in other games including other Smash games.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Check out the Geno thread. I've been feeding info for quite a while. I have ties with people who have written Nintendo content himself. I've proven it to Fatmanonice and quite a few of the other old vets in the Geno community. There are quite a few places saying Geno. And Verge did confirm to me in DMs that Geno isn't 0%, lol, not even to him.
I've heard the myths, and only now seen the person.

Now why tf did ya leak the Squenix reps tho


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
I get that we appreciate it, but maybe not every Bayo fan will, although maybe some will. I'd still say it anyway, and I don't like her too much either.
Oh sorry, I though you were interpreting it as a buff rather than a nerf.
Personally, I wouldn't mind if they kept the change, especially if it's true to her character.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2018
I mean.... with the Switch getting a bunch of FF ports and one of those being FF7, wouldn’t Sephiroth make a ton of sense?
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Deleted member

>Implying I have people on my side
View attachment 180064

Being serious, I simply want everyone to become better writers; It's not like I'm using it to discredit anyone or anything. I'm also open to being corrected myself, as KMDP KMDP did to me last night.
Being corrected on one's spelling isn't the end of the world.

There are some common mistakes out there; like, using "mute" when they actually mean "moot" (as in, "your point is moot").

I see the "alot" mistake quite a lot, and it just makes me think of this.
I'm not against proper use of the english language, but correcting other people in casual conversation has always struck me as pretty snobby, if you can see where I'm coming from.
In a formal context though **** yeah it bugs the **** out of me. I've gotten countless professional e-mails at work that demonstrate no greater than 3rd grade level english and it always astounds me.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Why? Are there people who DON'T want Geno? I can get not expecting him, even I don't really expect him, but why wouldn't you want his fans to get what they want? They've waited long enough imo.
Because a lot of us Geno supporters are ******* who put down other character wants. I'm hypocritical of this myself. It's valid not to want the guy in.

Deleted member

Bayonetta nerfs are interesting. I feel it’s difficult to make her kit less than good, but I do wonder whether these nerfs are taking it a step too far.


Smash Rookie
Nov 1, 2018
Imagine if the Square rep is none of the people on the supposed "leaked" list.
Honestly, I'm still expecting someone that's not Sora, Geno or a DQ rep.
This is honestly something I've been wondering as well, I don't think it's too likely but if Square wants to hide the character that much, what's stopping them from putting out a bunch of names of characters who are seen as likely but aren't in the game.


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2018
in some dreambubble
Switch FC
Check out the Geno thread. I've been feeding info for quite a while. I have ties with people who have written Nintendo content himself. I've proven it to Fatmanonice and quite a few of the other old vets in the Geno community. There are quite a few places saying Geno. And Verge did confirm to me in DMs that Geno isn't 0%, lol, not even to him.
So are you telling that geno is getting another chance?

If geno does, I'm changing my profile picture to that damn puppet from homestuck for one day.

Yoshisaurus Rex

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2015
Switch FC
Such impatience in this thread. Just play the modes and you'll gradually get characters. It's not a race and you get to use/try out characters you normally wouldn't.

If Wolf's the last character I get so be it. As long as I am having fun. I'll be using him loads after unlocking him anyway.
For one thing, some of us are indeed impatient and want the characters we want ASAP because we want to try them out and all the newcomers are unlockable. Another thing, a lot of people don't have the time to sit around and grind through game modes. Fortunately, I have that time currently but plenty of other people don't.

Deleted member

Bayonetta nerfs are interesting. I feel it’s difficult to make her kit less than good, but I do wonder whether these nerfs are taking it a step too far.
Honestly, I just hope she'll be nerfed enough to the point the community won't go into a seizure inducing hissy-fit over her every 5 minutes.


Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
This is honestly something I've been wondering as well, I don't think it's too likely but if Square wants to hide the character that much, what's stopping them from putting out a bunch of names of characters who are seen as likely but aren't in the game.
My heart tells me they're throwing out obvious picks as misdirections.
My mind tells me that's a stupid idea because they'd never go to such extremes just to hide the existence of Neku or a Bravely character.


Smash Ace
Jul 8, 2018
Tbh I'm not happy at all about trophies being cut. They were a key part of smash's whole shtick of celebrating Nintendo history.

I would personally rather tbe game be delayed for trophies to be included it was really interesting seeing 3D models for stuff never before seen in 3D and HD before.

Plus the trophies themselves had a usually interesting description and got me interested in IPs such as Earthbound which was never released in Europe at the time. Sure Ness was a big part but so were the trophies for his companions and enemies.

No trophies isn't a deal breaker but I hopetheir exclusion isn't permanent, unfortunately I think the toothpaste is out of the tube and smash is starting to look away from substantial single player focus.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
Why? Are there people who DON'T want Geno? I can get not expecting him, even I don't really expect him, but why wouldn't you want his fans to get what they want? They've waited long enough imo.
Yeah. I'm one of those people. I can go into the reasons why I don't want him, but you all have heard them time and time again, so I won't go into that.

For the sake of his fans though, I might let it slide. ONLY for his fans though, not the character itself.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2014
Vernon, British Columbia
Switch FC
I've heard the myths, and only now seen the person.

Now why tf did ya leak the Squenix reps tho
It was mostly in regards to Geno. I shared it in the Geno thread. I wanted to list other Enix characters who were being thrown around as legitimate competition, and Verge's heavy skepticism of Geno.
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Deleted member

Why? Are there people who DON'T want Geno? I can get not expecting him, even I don't really expect him, but why wouldn't you want his fans to get what they want? They've waited long enough imo.
Didn't you call Geno a joke because he was reduced to a Mii Fighter outfit?
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