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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Geez we got a bunch of info. I'll try to catch up as best I can.

Eh, he's got almost all Limit Breaks maybe sans Braver and Meteorain and he hits hard and fast like he does in FF7, so it's as close as you can get for a real time analogue.
Too bad there's no Meteorain. Would've been funny to hear Steve Burton's disinterested "Stars...Rain down." again.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Why? Are there people who DON'T want Geno? I can get not expecting him, even I don't really expect him, but why wouldn't you want his fans to get what they want? They've waited long enough imo.
I mean, I don’t want him to not get in, but I don’t want him in either.

I’m neutral. I don’t actively want him in, but I wouldn’t resist his inclusion.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2018
Match with no fighter spirits.
We have a Geno spirit and Mallow Spirit
But not Geno & Mallow
checkmate atheists
That could unironically be used as an argument. Geno + Mallow could use their own Smash renders as a spirit. I mean, look at Cloud:

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Tbh I'm not happy at all about trophies being cut. They were a key part of smash's whole shtick of celebrating Nintendo history.

I would personally rather tbe game be delayed for trophies to be included it was really interesting seeing 3D models for stuff never before seen in 3D and HD before.

Plus the trophies themselves had a usually interesting description and got me interested in IPs such as Earthbound which was never released in Europe at the time. Sure Ness was a big part but so were the trophies for his companions and enemies.

No trophies isn't a deal breaker but I hopetheir exclusion isn't permanent, unfortunately I think the toothpaste is out of the tube and smash is starting to look away from substantial single player focus.
The WOL itself proves your substantial single player focus idea wrong.

You're saying trophies, which you could just sit and look at, were more oriented for single-player fun than Spirits, that you can collect and use actively in battle and collect many more?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 12, 2014
Switch FC
Honestly, I just hope she'll be nerfed enough to the point the community won't go into a seizure inducing hissy-fit over her every 5 minutes.

The problem though is that even if Bayo does get nerfed into the ground, another one will take her place that's just as busted (or even worse)

Imagine if Piranha Plant of all characters has her insane combo game then the cycle's just gonna continue. It's why I was never big on NRS games like MK9/Injustice cause developers can pander to the community too hard instead of just letting the game breathe. But I get balancing a video game, much less a fighting game is hard work.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2018
Check out the Geno thread. I've been feeding info for quite a while. I have ties with people who have written Nintendo content himself. I've proven it to Fatmanonice and quite a few of the other old vets in the Geno community. There are quite a few places saying Geno. And Verge did confirm to me in DMs that Geno isn't 0%, lol, not even to him.
Curious where you got this dm from if it does exist lol, especially since Verge really wouldn't want to risk his sources.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Because I only care about the truth. I used to be friends w/ Loz18 until he said there were 2 fighters in the sept direct and I knew he was fake because I knew Isabelle would be the only reveal in that direct. Our discord server was the one where Loz18 had his meltdown before deleting his Twitter. It's not like the characters Verge heard are really that pivotal. DLC has been going around very little at NoA, and Verge is in a scramble hearing a bunch of varying characters. He didn't want to share what he heard publically, so I figured I would. Fans deserve to know, tbh.

Also Verge messed with Stealth before. As somebody who cares about Stealth as a friend, I feel like it's right to do what Verge did to him.
Literal Chaotic Good lmao


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2018
Why? Are there people who DON'T want Geno? I can get not expecting him, even I don't really expect him, but why wouldn't you want his fans to get what they want? They've waited long enough imo.
Some people don't really care about his character.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2018
Why? Are there people who DON'T want Geno? I can get not expecting him, even I don't really expect him, but why wouldn't you want his fans to get what they want? They've waited long enough imo.
I have no strong feelings towards Geno. I played SMRPG many years ago and I found Mallow a more interesting character. I’d only like to see Geno get in just for the fans who have been supporting him for awhile.

I think the problem some people have with a Geno fans is that some of them will put down other characters (especially SE ones) because they feel they’re more entitled as they’ve been wanting Geno for a long time.

Not to mention some of them refuse to listen to valid reasonings why Geno would be one of the least likely SE characters to get in, including SE wanting more marketable characters, then immediately afterwards try to use things like the SNES classic as a point for Geno.

I’m all for supporting the characters you want and never giving up hope, but I feel like Vergeben could just come out and say “Geno is not the SE rep”, and some Geno fans would say “Vergeben mentioned Geno, that definitely helps his chances because he’s heard about him. I’m pretty confident he’s in. He has a spirit!”

Deleted member

I am going crazy? I could've sworn my post from a minute go is why behind where it should be.


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
For one thing, some of us are indeed impatient and want the characters we want ASAP because we want to try them out and all the newcomers are unlockable. Another thing, a lot of people don't have the time to sit around and grind through game modes. Fortunately, I have that time currently but plenty of other people don't.
I mean I have work and relationships. I'll only have 2-3 hours every night at best and that's by neglecting sleep for most of it.
I'll probably unlock everyone at a slower pace but it doesn't bother me. I enjoy the 1P modes and a sense of progression. I'll have loads of time for battles with everyone on the roster as will everyone else. The game will last for a good decade.

Plus the veterans always change between titles. A character you didn't think much of before could end up surprising you. I tend to lab with everyone to see if there's something that can stick.
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Smash Ace
Jul 8, 2018
You're saying trophies, which you could just sit and look at, were more oriented for single-player fun than Spirits, that you can collect and use actively in battle and collect many more?
I never said that idk why people think it is one or the other.

Brawl had trophies as well as stickers that effected stats in SE. No reason we couldn't have both spirits and trophies. Just a consequence of the shorter development time due to the Wii u flopping


Smash Apprentice
Nov 17, 2014
Canadian Texas
Switch FC
I'm going to support PolarPanda's list, i saw the DMs. He shared it with me last night.

We've been talking for awhile now and been verifying our bases for the past week.
(And plus he's a cool friend.)
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Yoshisaurus Rex

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2015
Switch FC
I mean I have work and relationships. I'll only have 2-3 hours every night at best and that's by neglecting sleep for most of it.
I'll probably unlock everyone at a slower pace but it doesn't bother me. I enjoy the 1P modes and a sense of progression. I'll have loads of time for battles with everyone on the roster as will everyone else. The game will last for a good decade.

Plus the veterans always change between titles. A character you didn't think much of before could end up surprising you. I tend to lab with everyone to see if there's something that can stick.
You're right about that. Classic is kinda shaping up to be the quickest way to unlock characters so far and the easiest way to get the ones you want. Better than grinding out 350 vs matches.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
I thought people brought up stuff like the SNES Classic to show why the "literal who" argument is dumb.

It's not like other fanbases aren't crazy, and some stuff is just speculation to see if Geno has some sort-of chance.

I'm a bit confuzzled. Why is everyone talking about Geno all of a sudden?
PolarPanda was able to contact Vergeben and get a list of Square Enix characters he's heard, including Geno.
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Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
Tbh I'm not happy at all about trophies being cut. They were a key part of smash's whole shtick of celebrating Nintendo history.

I would personally rather tbe game be delayed for trophies to be included it was really interesting seeing 3D models for stuff never before seen in 3D and HD before.

Plus the trophies themselves had a usually interesting description and got me interested in IPs such as Earthbound which was never released in Europe at the time. Sure Ness was a big part but so were the trophies for his companions and enemies.

No trophies isn't a deal breaker but I hopetheir exclusion isn't permanent, unfortunately I think the toothpaste is out of the tube and smash is starting to look away from substantial single player focus.
Are you trolling because if not then holy **** what


Smash Master
Jul 6, 2011
Onett, California
Because a lot of us Geno supporters are ******* who put down other character wants. I'm hypocritical of this myself. It's valid not to want the guy in.
Yeah. I'm one of those people. I can go into the reasons why I don't want him, but you all have heard them time and time again, so I won't go into that.

For the sake of his fans though, I might let it slide. ONLY for his fans though, not the character itself.
I have no strong feelings towards Geno. I played SMRPG many years ago and I found Mallow a more interesting character. I’d only like to see Geno get in just for the fans who have been supporting him for awhile.

I think the problem some people have with a Geno fans is that some of them will put down other characters (especially SE ones) because they feel they’re more entitled as they’ve been wanting Geno for a long time.

Not to mention some of them refuse to listen to valid reasonings why Geno would be one of the least likely SE characters to get in, including SE wanting more marketable characters, then immediately afterwards try to use things like the SNES classic as a point for Geno.

I’m all for supporting the characters you want and never giving up hope, but I feel like Vergeben could just come out and say “Geno is not the SE rep”, and some Geno fans would say “Vergeben mentioned Geno, that definitely helps his chances because he’s heard about him. I’m pretty confident he’s in. He has a spirit!”
Oh okay. I've just never really NOT wanted a character to get in, especially when they have fans. Like I said before, I've never finished his game, so I don't really have any nostalgia for him, I just think it would be another cool gesture from Sakurai. But honestly I would be down for most characters.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2018
I also think it’s funny how apparently there is the Vergeben DM that diminishes Geno’s chances, but nobody can find proof of it so we’re just going to dismiss it. Then some guy says he knows people who have heard that Nintendo Ambassador’s mentioning Geno (with no proof) and everyone likes his post and is willing to except that lol.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
I'm not against proper use of the english language, but correcting other people in casual conversation has always struck me as pretty snobby, if you can see where I'm coming from.
In a formal context though **** yeah it bugs the **** out of me. I've gotten countless professional e-mails at work that demonstrate no greater than 3rd grade level english and it always astounds me.
Yeah, you're not wrong.

Unfortunately, the best time to work on your grammar is casual conversation.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 12, 2014
Switch FC
Geno's whatever to me personally. SMRPG's been on my backlog for a while but I wouldn't exactly hate it if he got in. I've been satisifed with this game's roster since Brawl so whoever else gets added is fine with me.

god this anime arc gets weirder and weirder
This arc just needs zombie transexual idols in a music battle against Limp Bizkit and it'll be better than Berserk's Golden Age arc.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I also think it’s funny how apparently there is the Vergeben DM that diminishes Geno’s chances, but nobody can find proof of it so we’re just going to dismiss it. Then some guy says he knows people who have heard that Nintendo Ambassador’s mentioning Geno (with no proof) and everyone likes his post and is willing to except that lol.
But there isn't?

The DM you're speaking of is one Verge said is biased and he doesn't believe Geno's out of the running. From what I get.

Geno's whatever to me personally. SMRPG's been on my backlog for a while but I wouldn't exactly hate it if he got in. I've been satisifed with this game's roster since Brawl so whoever else gets added is fine with me.

This arc just needs zombie transexual idols in a music battle against Limp Bizkit and it'll be better than Berserk's Golden Age arc.
Just so you know, the word is transgender, not transsexual. That's very outdated.
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Deleted member

Wow, and I thought me saying ‘Everyone is secretly an insider except me’ was just a joke lol.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
What is the Verg list polar panda has?

And lowkey feel bad for Vergeben. He can't PM anyone anymore. Loz18 and now this? The guy just can't talk to peoples.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Uh oh...

I know this isn't the worst thing ever, but eh.
Wait... maybe I'm misunderstanding. It sounds like they're saying her "buff" was removed. Or are they saying she's buffed again? Are you concerned that she won't be good?? It's someone else's turn in the spotlight lol.

Edit: I think you're talking about combo creativity in general, not Bayo! Makes more sense.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Goddammit, this gives me an awesome idea to just make bull**** posts and lists with friends acting as if we saw this ourselves lmfaoooo

Also I have zero nostalgia for Geno, zero interest in SMRPG and Geno doesn't even really do much to make me consider him important in his game which is why I myself don't want him, he's just such a boring pick to me. But if he somehow makes it in, eh.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Geez we got a bunch of info. I'll try to catch up as best I can.

Too bad there's no Meteorain. Would've been funny to hear Steve Burton's disinterested "Stars...Rain down." again.
I wish Smash drew a bit from Dissidia in this case. They just made Braver Air only and Climhazzard ground only while making blade beam ground only and Meteorain only.

Also, yeah, Steve Burton is just really good st getting that noncholant "Cloud" vibe down.
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