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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Good morning everyone! I'm extra bouncy and energetic today! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving so I'll be making sure to stuff my face completely, haha.
So what's going on friends? Anything new or crazy?~
Nothing new, but as for crazy, we're pretty much always crazy around here. :p


~Chocobo Lover~
Oct 31, 2018
The Chocobo Farm
Switch FC
how tf did you make me support Chocobo in smash with just this gif

i really like birds
Chocobos are just magically precious like that <3

Birds are the best. I absolutely love birds~
Nothing new, but as for crazy, we're pretty much always crazy around here. :p
That's a good point. Plenty of crazy things are always happening around here!

But I always absolutely love every second of it. You bunch of crazy goof balls~
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I don't kid when I say Rising Raiden was the best character pick they could have done for PSASBR. **** man, I'm on the Raiden train again, where's his support thread on these forums?

Deleted member

Oh my god, I just came up with something hilarious:
Meta Knight after being banned from Brawl Tournaments:


~Chocobo Lover~
Oct 31, 2018
The Chocobo Farm
Switch FC
I have a baby tiel currently being weened at the store and when they're big enough they're finally coming home to me :D :D :D
Whoa, that's pretty adorable! Cockatiels are pretty amazing little birds. I have four silly little parakeets of my all. Cute little feathery puff balls~

Deleted member

It's quiet...
TOO quiet.
>That unfinished OP
*Crono support thread flashbacks*
*Me, picking up my PC and opening a bunch of tabs for images and info of Raiden*
please... not again, I beg you...
Reply Under Construction
Edit: Must I do this?
Zoe is hot and she deserves to be in Smash
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New topic: Am I the only one excited to see Special Flag/sleeping/baseball bat animations for 70+ characters?
No way! Especially sleeping animations. Isabelle's one is SO ****ING KAWAII


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014

Good morning everyone! I'm extra bouncy and energetic today! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving so I'll be making sure to stuff my face completely, haha.
So what's going on friends? Anything new or crazy?~
In final fantasy eighteen, the scene where the party shares a thanksgiving chocobo is sweet.

Deleted member

In final fantasy eighteen, the scene where the party shares a thanksgiving chocobo is sweet.
Not cool dude
That's seriously uncool
Can't you see this guy loves Chocobos?
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Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
The FE hate is so weird, there's hate for the numbers clones and there's hate for the numner of uniques. You can't please anyone.
just add hector and everyone will shut up
I don't think it's that weird at all. Even though it's more popular now, I always found their inclusion weird in the first place. They were a basically unknown franchise and Sakurai put a lot of emphasis on them. Many North Americans still haven't played their games and have no interest in the series. They have more characters than DK, Zelda, Metroid, etc.

I think people should just try to be happy with whoever Sakurai adds, but I totally understand not really liking having that many FE characters.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Haven't seen this posted: https://www.gameinformer.com/interv...lant-spirits-and-20-years-of-super-smash-bros

Choice quote from it:
"Also, unlike some main characters from some (not widely known) franchises, Piranha Plant is a character everyone knows well."

Straight from Sakurai himself.
"I’m actually not paying too much focus on the surprise element when we introduce a new fighter. The surprise element quickly fades once the announcement has been made.

Rather, I believe it’s important to have a good balance as a game. In the past titles in the series, Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B. and Duck Hunt Dog were some of the examples we offered outside of people’s typical expectations. However, if we don’t have these types of fighters, and we only had typical “hero/heroine” type fighters in the lineup, there’s not much difference. It’s probably not very interesting. Correct?"

I can already hear the cries of fans complaining about "WTF character!" and "only added for shock value!"

Deleted member

I don't think it's that weird at all. Even though it's more popular now, I always found their inclusion weird in the first place. They were a basically unknown franchise and Sakurai put a lot of emphasis on them. Many North Americans still haven't played their games and have no interest in the series. They have more characters than DK, Zelda, Metroid, etc.

I think people should just try to be happy with whoever Sakurai adds, but I totally understand not really liking having that many FE characters.
I'm just burnt out of FE newcomers really. I think FE is plenty covered when it comes to characters, and that it really doesn't need any more. But hey, whatever.
I personally interpreted it as being directed towards the Isaac fans with how rabid they are
Rabbid Isaac fans? Where?


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I'm just burnt out of FE newcomers really. I think FE is plenty covered when it comes to characters, and that it really doesn't need any more. But hey, whatever.

Rabbid Isaac fans? Where?
Did you visit the Isaac support thread after last direct? It wasn't very pretty.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I don't think it's that weird at all. Even though it's more popular now, I always found their inclusion weird in the first place. They were a basically unknown franchise and Sakurai put a lot of emphasis on them. Many North Americans still haven't played their games and have no interest in the series. They have more characters than DK, Zelda, Metroid, etc.

I think people should just try to be happy with whoever Sakurai adds, but I totally understand not really liking having that many FE characters.
Many Japanese players didn't touched Metroid but you don't see them whining because of it got four characters.

Deleted member

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Many Japanese players didn't touched Metroid but you don't see them whining because of it got four characters.
This just in: there are countries other than the US. Watch the full story at 11 alongside the follow up "what do you mean there are fans other than me?"


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
> sees people talking about the number of FE characters yet again
Fire Emblem deserves all the characters it has right now and several more on top of that.

I'm being serious, too. At least Hector and maybe Celica would be nice, so we can cover another weapon type besides swords, and have another magic user too. I wouldn't complain if we got dozens more besides them, though :p
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