I’d really just like the whole ‘everyone who believed the Grinch hoax was a big dum-dum’ put to rest.
Actually step back for a moment and realize the only actual EVIDENCE against it was the empty background. That was literally it.
‘That’s a lot of characters’ was not an argument. ‘There’s no way they actually got x’ was not an argument. ALL that was against it was the background.
Compare that to Marina being able to come out, but ACP-PLV not releasing any kind of statement, the ridiculous amount of circumstantial evidence between series trademark renewals and what looked like a Golden Sun item, and how much it actually matched up with a lot of Sakurai’s past statements, and it looked more and more reasonable by the day.
I should have taken the background more seriously, as I’ve said before, but one thing being off compared to so many things lining up led me, and hopefully others with similar mindsets, to believe it.
Ya’ll can stop parading the fact you ‘won’, we know we were wrong but you can stop acting like we’re colossal idiots when you literally only had one actual argument the whole time compared to a constantly growing list of conincidences.