Since I've never done this before I suppose I'll go ahead and rank how hyped I am for all the new characters.

1. King K. Rool - He's finally here (performing for you)! But seriously, I've been campaigning for this guy since
Brawl. I've always felt that he'd fit perfectly in the world of
Smash, and our patience has finally been rewarded. Honestly, it's still hard to believe he's here. And he looks just like I'd always wanted - the Blunderbuss, crown toss, and helicopter pack. He's perfectly crafted.

2. Inkling - I love the world and characters of
Splatoon, and with their recent surge in popularity, there was no doubt they'd show up - but honestly, even though I expected them, they're translated directly from
Splatoon, and that makes me excited.

3. Simon - Castlevania had a big impact on classic gaming, and the character is once again translated beautifully from their home series. His reach has got me excited and it makes me ready to fight once again.

4. Ridley - I'm still in the camp of "he's too big" and that they had to sacrifice a bit of the character to make it work, but damn, does he look menacing. He clashes hard with most of the cast - and honestly, it fits the sadistic villain he is fantastically. He deserves the slot.

5. Incineroar - I may have preferred Decidueye, but the really cool wrestling motif makes me excited for him.

6. Isabelle - I still don't want her in the game, but that's only because she's too cute to hurt. That said, I like her alternate take on Villager's moveset. Especially with the fishing rod, that always felt missing on Villager.

7. Daisy - I like Daisy's spunky personality, even if I'm not the biggest fan of Peach's playstyle.

8. Ken - I like Ryu in
Smash, and it's cool that they gave Ken some of his own moves instead of making him a direct copy.

9. Richter - I wish Richter would have gotten the same treatment Ken did, but I like what I've seen of Simon's moveset, so I'm sure I'll be fine with Richter too.

10. Dark Samus - I'm not a big fan of Samus' playstyle, so... eh.

11. Chrom - I really don't think he adds much that Roy and Lucina didn't already do, and I've already explained my problems with so many
Fire Emblem characters.

12. Seriously, screw this. There are so many characters who really deserve the slot more than a generic enemy that in his own series doesn't do anything but chomp.