The ape would wear a belt with gadgets, devices, and potions holstered and strapped on. He would have a leather vest with a V neck split to allow his furry chest hair to stick out. Also goggles would be mounted on his hair and he would have a black cloak. Andross would also have metal gloves with thrusters located on the palm. The thrusters would act kinda like jetpacks allowing Andross to jump high and float a little of the floor like Mewtwo. The thrusters would also allow him to propel his punches, making him stronger then he would be. He would be a floaty character unless you press down while he was in the air. Then the engines would shut off and the metal gloves would make him a fast faller.
Walk: His hands would be at his sides with the thrusters on. Blue fire would expel from his palms and he would slowly foot a few inches off the ground toward his oppenent.
Run: Andross holds his hands behind him and the thrusters shoot out longer flames propelling Andross forward at a high speed similar to Pichu's. Terrible at quick turns.
Running A: Andross would bring his hands forward to clap at the enemy. The movement of his thruster enabled gloves would make his jolt backwards a little distance as he clapped. Sends oppenent forward. Good for setting some distance between fighters.
A: Punch
AA: Punch and then extended palm
AAA: Punch, then extended palm, then another extended palm

unch, one extended palm plant, then another, then the thrusters would turn on really quick propelling Andross backwards a few feet.
>A: Andross hovers with hands at the side and kicks at the oppenent
^A: Andross uppercuts, thruster turns on, and Andross lifts a foot higher off the floor before thruster snaps off and he descends back into hovering position, when the thruster turns back on.
Duck: Thrusters turn off and Andross crouches on the floor.
Down A: Thrusters turn on quickly, making Andross to a quick spin while crouching with one foot stuck out. Accelerated Sweep kick.
Forward Smash: Swings one arm around in a full circle with thruster on leaving a trail of fire. Metal fist crashes to the floor. If A is pressed again, his other glove thruster will turn on and repeat the pattern going forward.
Down Smash: Andross clasps his gloves together and hammerfists the ground making the floor ripple in a set circumference around him. Sends oppenents upwards. Some rocks and debris might pop up and hover a foot in the air for a few seconds after for effect only.
Up Smash: Andross Machine gun punches upward, juggiling the oppenent
Down B: Andross's cape whirls outward. Flat Metal rectangles come flying out from the background and form steps for Andross to walk on. Five blocks come out. Andross can walk back and forth or just one way or even diagnol. This could be used to make a cieling so oppenents can't jump upward to get back on stage. Andross falls afterwards and can't use moves until he hits the ground.
Forward B: Andross throws a Vortex Grenade from his belt. It explodes after seven seconds. Could be picked up and thrown by others. Only one Grenade could be on the floor at a time. When it explodes it makes a blackish blue sphere which sucks in anyone nearby including Andross. Radius like Kirby's except all the way around the sphere. Does damage and keeps person in place like Young Link's Up B spin. Good way to trap oppenents.
B: Andross extends both palms forward and a green grid shaped like a metal rectangle block shoots out. If B is pressed while the green grid is going forward it will solidify into a metal step rotating forward in the air. If it hits an oppenent it will smash and do damage to the enemy. If the oppenent has a high percentage it might carry the enemy with it for a few moments before cracking and exploding. Only one could be out at a time.
Up B: Andross does a backflip and disappears into a blue vortex. You could angle the direction of his reapperance like Zelda's Up B. Except it is about half as long.
Air Battle:
Nuetral A: Does a Midair flip similar to Captain Falcon's Up A. But much weaker.
Forward A: Midair slap with metal glove.
Backward A: Andross extends one arm backwards and his glove spews out a spout of fire to rack up damage on oppenent. Sends Andross forwards a little.
Down A: Does a split in the air with his legs and throws one heavy gloved hand downwards between open legs. Meteor Smash.
Up A: Andross reaches upward with a metal glove in a grabbing motion. If he hits an oppenent he throws them downward. Down throw is weak, oppenent goes underneath Andross setting him up for a down A move.
Andross Throws: Grabs oppenent with metal glove.
A: Burns oppenent with thrusters on glove.
Forward: Skids forward on feet briefly before swinging his arm in a full circle still clutching the enemy and finally releasing him forward in an arch. A little further then Mario's forward throw but due to arch harder to die from.
Backward: Quick throw backwards. Straight trajectory.
Downward: Throws oppenent to the ground and machine gun punches their body until they jolt upwards.
Upward: Andross teleports the oppenent a few feet above him. Oppenent disappears in a flash of blue and then a portal opens above Andross. At this point the oppenent could jump or attack once he or she exits teleport.