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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Isabelle has become more recognized than Luigi lately
I mean you still have like 1000s of people that call Luigi "Green Mario"
I hate it but it's the truth
"The truth" is literally just a meme though?


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
So let's talk Classic Mode. We now know that not only does every character have a unique Classic lineup, those lineups also include custom music, can include different variations on the stage selection, and are themed. So far we know Ryu, Jigglypuff, and Isabelle.

Isabelle has to face every female fighter in the game.

Ryu's mode is all made up of one-on-one fights in Omega versions of the stages and evokes Street Fighter II's Arcade mode.

Jigglypuff is apparently themed after the N64 Classic mode and has you battling the original 8.

What else could we be seeing? Duck Hunt against people who use guns? Snake against mature and futuristic characters? Or maybe a giant metal ROB? So many possibilities!
:ultpokemontrainer: vs :ultpikachu::ultpichu::ultincineroar::ultgreninja::ultlucario: and finally :ultmewtwo:, only Pokeballs. Stamina matches.

Deleted member

But it's not the truth at all

Isabelle might be recognizable for a Nintendo fan

But no freakin' way is she more recognizable than THE player 2 character in gaming

Ask anyone
Does Luigi have a Nintendo-managed Twitter Account
I didn't think so

Deleted member

maybe i'm using ledge as a way to survive after getting thrown out? if i got thrown out 4 times i can't use the ledge the 5th time. nah man this is dumb
The whole point of the mechanic is to reward good aggressive play and good edge guarding and ledge trapping. If people are tossing you over the edge, you have to figure out how to get past whatever edge guarding they're doing. It helps nerf the cheesy dodge spam and overly defensive play that plagued Wii U.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Right? If we're going to go with turn-based strategy games, let's add some Advance Wars or MOTHER characters. Heck, does Mario Party have anyone original? How about E. Gadd, does he count? The last thing we need is a Fire Emblem character, and that was true two games ago.
Yo you got the right idea with Advance Wars characters in Smash my friend.

I just wish Sakurai actually did that lol.

Deleted member

This seems right, but replace Luigi with Sonic and swap his spot with Donkey Kong's. I'm not sure if Ryu is more popular than Link or not, but I think he might be.
A lot of people that i know IRL outside of my friends have heard or seen stuff about Ryu in the past, but they don’t know his name most of the time.

Think of it as some kind of mental picture that appears when you say to them “fighting game”.

Deleted member

This seems right, but replace Luigi with Sonic and swap his spot with Donkey Kong's. I'm not sure if Ryu is more popular than Link or not, but I think he might be.
I said Nintendo Only
You don't see Villager as evil? Also, Castlevania can surprise you by being harmed by creatures that aren't beastly (frogs).
I've never played a Castlevania game so I didn't know that lol


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Does Luigi have a Nintendo-managed Twitter Account
I didn't think so

But that was ENTIRELY BECAUSE he needed more recognization.
Fite me. :troll:
No, it was because it was his 30th anniversary. Do you know anything at all about these guys that isn't Animal Crossing? I'm feeling a bias here.
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Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Am I the only person here who is going buy every single lick of DLC this game has to offer regardless of who, what, where, when or why the DLC is?
Maybe not all the Mii costumes but I'm a stage and roster nut so the fighter pass will be mine as soon as I have the cash.

Deleted member

maybe i'm using ledge as a way to survive after getting thrown out? if i got thrown out 4 times i can't use the ledge the 5th time. nah man this is dumb
If you can't get up 5 times in a row then IDK what to tell you at that point you deserve to lose a stock

Deleted member

"The truth" is literally just a meme though?
I swear to god that a lot of casual people with my age know the names of every Mario character from the Mario Kart or Party titles.

Yes, they even recognize the attitude and voice of both Wario, Waluigi and Daisy.

No one who i have talked to in my life has called Luigi “Green Mario” either.

Tako Tuesday

Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2018
Under a nice, comfy rock
Switch FC
I dont understand, what was the difference between Smash 4 versions and Brawl/Ultimate?
Lol, I haven't logged in for a day and missed this. In case anyone doesn't know, :ultlucas:and:ultness: final smash in 4 was basically Lucario's Brawl FS, being an controllable beam of stars, and Ultimate's is an uncontrollable, screen wide wave of stars like in Brawl.

Deleted member

I swear to god that a lot of casual people with my age know the names of every Mario character from the Mario Kart or Party titles.

Yes, they even recognize the attitude and voice of both Wario, Waluigi and Daisy.

No one who i have talked to in my life has called Luigi “Green Mario” either.
You know what
**** it
Isabelle is more recognizable than Luigi IN MY OPINION. OKAY?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 4, 2018
I was worried when SSBU was announced and when they showed BOTW link that they woould use BOTW zelda but thank god they didn't because for me personally she looks ugly and unfit to fight . they gave us a better zelda a way better one


Deleted member

I'm going to buy the DLC pass, so count me in
I'm unsure if I'll purchase it just yet. I'm not really comfortable buying something when I won't even know what it is or if I'll like it.

Also, are we really arguing about what series and characters are and are not popular again? You guys realize all of these franchises are popular in their own right and each have their followings, right? I see no need to argue about which fan base is biggest.

Deleted member

Also, Springman is definitely happen next game because Sakurai can't satisfy his own need to keep powercreeping character reach.
"Shulk has the most range of any fighter in Smash"
"Actually, Corrin has, but only in their FSmash"
"Lmao Simon"
We already have that character.

His name is Piranha Plant. :V
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Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
Unless Fire Emblem is now the 3rd best series Nintendo has...

View attachment 176182

Well, you tell me.

I'm saying it's not great because Celica has a sword, which means it's automatically bad reception no matter what happens. She could be a Robin echo for all Sakurai cares, and then the appeal is still just as "bleh" as it was before. The only ones who want more FE are FE fans, and even then some claim that too many is too many. Unless she's Hector or Ephraim, she should probably stay back before she becomes either a victim to mob hate or rule 34.
Fair ehough. But if Sakurai did add another sword user it could be because adding more sword users may not be as difficult to develop or time-consuming as someone entirely unique who isn't a semi-clone.

Deleted member

I would also like to note that most of my classmates owned a Wii and even played Brawl.
Some even noticed back then that Meta Knight was broken.
You know what
**** it
Isabelle is more recognizable than Luigi IN MY OPINION. OKAY?
Isabelle is pretty popular here too, since a lot of my partners who are outside gaming play Pocket Camp.
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Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2012

Did you know? Masahiro Sakurai, creator of Super Smash Brothers,
created a Virtual Pet game in 2005! Sodatete! MushiKing, as Sakurai's game is called,
is a virtual-pet game like Bandai's Tamagotchi toys.
You can see one here: https://japanyouwant.com/product/new-sodatete-mushi-king-nokogiri-kuwagata-4-sega-japan


If you guys don't know, Digimon started as a Tamagotchi as well, in 1997.
In fact Digimon was the first Virtual pet to have battles, and the first one made for Boys.


And in fact the Digimon Tamagotchis are selling realy well right now in Japan.
We have a new set of Digimon Tamagotchis to launch in March of 2019.


And is funny how Pokémon right now want to make a Crossover with Tamagotchi.
Becouse not only the Tamagotchis are the "House of Digimon"
But the Tamagotchis are Vídeo Games/Toys made by Namco Bandai!
As Digimon games and Virtual pets are all property of Namco Bandai.


And as we know, Namco Bandai is working realy hard together with Nintendo.
They made Smash 4 and Smash Ultimate. As well as Pokkén and now this Tamagotchi.
It's hard not to link Pokémon and Digimon with all this information put together.
You can see that the Eevee Tamagotchi is based on the Normal ones:


And what if this was a Trade?
What if Namco Bandai trade all this with Nintendo.
To put a Digimon representative in Smash? Just like they did with Pac-man.
I don't know if you guys know but,
Digimon is the Thrid Biggest Namco Bandai franchise,
losing only to Pac-man ( Already in Smash ) and the Tamagotchis ( And Digimon is part of that )

So maybe this "Eevee Tamagotchi" deal is a Golden Ticket for Agumon in Smash.
But... Thats just my opinion.
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Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
Honestly, if I were to rank the top 5 most Iconic Nintendo Characters in Smash...
5. :ultlink:
3. :ultisabelle:
1.:ultmario: (Duh)
I agree that it would be these five, but not in this order. I think DK and Link are more iconic than Ms. Cinnamon Roll


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2018
Nope, I'm buying it all too.
I have faith in Sakurai...
The characters could be literal cancer and I would still buy them and their amiibos. Smash is my social game so missing a character wouldnt be good for me. Not to mention that I have a completionist mindset.

And putting that aside, I trust Sakurai to put interesting characters.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007

My girl....


My girl.

I love her to death.

I think she's easily one of the most recognizable new Nintendo all stars to a mass audience...


Luigi is fookin Luigi. There are people who know what Mario is that don't know what Animal Crossing is and thus they're to know Luigi and not Isabelle.

Mario is just that franchise.

Deleted member


Did you know? Masahiro Sakurai, creator of Super Smash Brothers,
created a Virtual Pet game in 2005! Sodatete! MushiKing, as Sakurai's game is called,
is a virtual-pet game like Bandai's Tamagotchi toys.
You can see one here: https://japanyouwant.com/product/new-sodatete-mushi-king-nokogiri-kuwagata-4-sega-japan

If you guys don't know, Digimon started as a Tamagotchi as well, in 1997.
In fact Digimon was the first Virtual pet to have battles, and the first one made for Boys.

And in fact the Digimon Tamagotchis as selling realy well right now in Japan.
We have a new set of Digimon Tamagotchis to launch in March of 2019.

And if funny how Pokémon right now want to make a Crossover with Tamagotchi.
Becouse not only the Tamagotchis are the "House of Digimon"
But the Tamagotchis are Vídeo Games/Toys made by Namco Bandai!
As Digimon games and Virtual pets are all property of Namco Bandai.

And as we know, Namco Bandai is working realy hard together with Nintendo.
They made Smash 4 and Smash Ultimate. As well as Pokkén and now this Tamagotchi.
It's hard not to link Pokémon and Digimon with all this information put together.
You can see that the Eevee Tamagotchi is based on the Normal ones:

And what if this was a Trade?
What if Namco Bandai trade all this with Nintendo.
To put a Digimon representative in Smash? Just like they did with Pac-man.
I don't know if you guys know but,
Digimon is the Thrid Biggest Namco Bandai franchise,
losing only to Pac-man ( Already in Smash ) and the Tamagotchis ( And Digimon is part of that )

So maybe this "Eevee Tamagotchi" deal is a Golden Ticket for Agumon in Smash.
But... Thats just my opinion.
Speaking of Agumon.

Digimon was kind of popular here too, but if you ask anyone about the franchise, they will probably remember only Agumon.
I agree that he is the Pikachu of the franchise.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
You know what
**** it
Isabelle is more recognizable than Luigi IN MY OPINION. OKAY?
Thanks for losing.


Did you know? Masahiro Sakurai, creator of Super Smash Brothers,
created a Virtual Pet game in 2005! Sodatete! MushiKing, as Sakurai's game is called,
is a virtual-pet game like Bandai's Tamagotchi toys.
You can see one here: https://japanyouwant.com/product/new-sodatete-mushi-king-nokogiri-kuwagata-4-sega-japan

If you guys don't know, Digimon started as a Tamagotchi as well, in 1997.
In fact Digimon was the first Virtual pet to have battles, and the first one made for Boys.

And in fact the Digimon Tamagotchis are selling realy well right now in Japan.
We have a new set of Digimon Tamagotchis to launch in March of 2019.

And is funny how Pokémon right now want to make a Crossover with Tamagotchi.
Becouse not only the Tamagotchis are the "House of Digimon"
But the Tamagotchis are Vídeo Games/Toys made by Namco Bandai!
As Digimon games and Virtual pets are all property of Namco Bandai.

And as we know, Namco Bandai is working realy hard together with Nintendo.
They made Smash 4 and Smash Ultimate. As well as Pokkén and now this Tamagotchi.
It's hard not to link Pokémon and Digimon with all this information put together.
You can see that the Eevee Tamagotchi is based on the Normal ones:

And what if this was a Trade?
What if Namco Bandai trade all this with Nintendo.
To put a Digimon representative in Smash? Just like they did with Pac-man.
I don't know if you guys know but,
Digimon is the Thrid Biggest Namco Bandai franchise,
losing only to Pac-man ( Already in Smash ) and the Tamagotchis ( And Digimon is part of that )

So maybe this "Eevee Tamagotchi" deal is a Golden Ticket for Agumon in Smash.
But... Thats just my opinion.
Man, the extents you'll go to defend your nostalgia are pretty wild.
This is pannenkoek-tier.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
So let's talk Classic Mode. We now know that not only does every character have a unique Classic lineup, those lineups also include custom music, can include different variations on the stage selection, and are themed. So far we know Ryu, Jigglypuff, and Isabelle.

Isabelle has to face every female fighter in the game.

Ryu's mode is all made up of one-on-one fights in Omega versions of the stages and evokes Street Fighter II's Arcade mode.

Jigglypuff is apparently themed after the N64 Classic mode and has you battling the original 8.

What else could we be seeing? Duck Hunt against people who use guns? Snake against mature and futuristic characters? Or maybe a giant metal ROB? So many possibilities!
Mega Man's being based on robot masters throughout the years

:ultpikachu:Elec Man (MM1)
:ivysaur:Wood Man (MM2
:ultfox:X2 Gemini Man (MM3)
:ultgreninja:Toad Man (MM4)
:ultridley:Shade Man (MM7)
:ultroy:Sword Man (MM8)
:ultrosalina:Galaxy Man (MM9)
:ultkirby: Bounce Man (MM11)
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Deleted member

Will Will , you're just stating what I've known for over a decade now.

Wario is the top SS tier Nintendo character.:ultwario:

EDIT: lol, My tablet derped up the post. Of course it did.
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Deleted member

Overall: my island has a decent knowledge about videogame franchises, but it still isn’t that huge.

I find it funny that a lot of my partners even know about the deal with Meta Knight in Brawl, doh.
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