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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
You know? I bet K. Rool and Incineroar would be total bros. They have a lot in common, such as being antagonistic and loving to show off in the ring. If they ever formed an alliance, it would probably be called Incinerool.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC

Palutena's magic shield is not effective.
Nayru's Love is not effective.
Mewtwo's shield is not effective.
Snake's box is not effective.
Ink is not effective.
Hylian Shield is.

It's almost as if canonical abilities don't matter and everyone (including Kirby fans) should not worry about it :yoshi:


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2018
I honestly do not get a lot of pallette swap decisions by Sakurai. Isn't the whole point of those that you know which character you are. Why would you replace black Yoshi with a main colour one with slightly different textures. Or have Pichu have a notched ear(while cool), how can you spot that in 8 player brawl. I know everyone has player colours aswel. But it just seems odd to me to not uave more wildly different colours. Not too mention that a lot of popular ones have been outright removed like Marios fire flower skin.

Black Yoshi was my most used colour aswel. I didn't like the crafted world skin before, but I now outright hate it.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
I think Zinith Zinith is referring to the fact that Kirby fans really seem to have a tendency to over-state Kirby's feats.
Eh, I always saw it as a bit of a meme.
His whole thing is that he gains the power of whatever he eats. He could eat God and get his power. That's why it's brought up so much, it's funny.
There's no need for anyone to take it seriously.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
It refers to the justifications for why Kirby survived in the WoL trailer when his power level has absolutely **** all to do with it...

Also there you go again with getting jumpy with everything I say
I was honestly curious.
You don't need to assume i'm getting angry over nothing.
I'm not some freak who blows his fuse at the slightest trigger.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
And then I find this on Icaruspedia:

One of her most powerful attacks is called the “Glam Blaster” / ”Sacred Goddess Clobberlaser”, which involves a giant beam of vaporizing light that can disintegrate enemies. She is also the one who supplies Pit his Power of Flight and all his other powers. In Smash Smash Bros. 4, Palutena is capable of using these powers in combat herself.

Is this just a coincidence, or something more sinister...

Dark Palutena 4 smash!1!


Smash Ace
May 20, 2014
I still somewhat doubt NonSpecificGuy's argument. It might be fan bias and I wholeheartedly acknowledge that, but there's one point I stated that makes me believe even if Disney is hesitant it could happen:

If Sakurai/Nintendo have Normura/Square Enix at their side during negotiations, I would give them a much better chance of coming out with Sora. Sakurai is good friends with Normura after they worked together on Cloud in Sm4sh, so I could easily see this happening. Disney respects Square Enix's input in regards to Kingdom Hearts, and if they want Sora in Smash, then Sora will likely be in Smash. Nintendo and Disney also have a pretty good relationship for what its worth, and they have worked together in the past, so it's not like Nintendo is approaching them with no rep.

I also personally doubt the portrayal of Disney corporate as a big old fun police, and I believe that they'd be able to bend just a little bit for Smash Bros. It's a big deal within the industry, and I'm sure Disney recognizes that.

If Sora does get in, I definitely want to hear about how licensing him went. Watch it be as simple as "We went to Normura and he agreed, and negotiations with Disney went easy!" and all this speculation will have been for nothing.
I would think nintendo and disney had a working relationship prior to negotiations for sora if they did indeed ask for him to be in the game. This is because a couple years ago nintendo and evo got a deal with disney to be able to stream smash 4's grand finals on a disney cable channel, i think they probably had there foot in the door at least


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Eh, I always saw it as a bit of a meme.
His whole thing is that he gains the power of whatever he eats. He could eat God and get his power. That's why it's brought up so much, it's funny.
There's no need for anyone to take it seriously.
You don't take his power level to heart (and neither do I), but a TOOOOOOOOOON of people do.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
It refers to the justifications for why Kirby survived in the WoL trailer when his power level has absolutely **** all to do with it...

Also there you go again with getting jumpy with everything I say
I actually think it would have been better if they had shown Shulk imbuing Kirby (or rather, Kirby's Warp Star) with Monado Speed or something.


Sep 26, 2013
I think I can explain why Incineroar's Google Translated Korean name is the way it is.

Incineroar's Korean name is a transliteration of "Gaogaen" (the English name is very similar as well, more similar than most translated Pokémon names, actually).

"Gao" is the Japanese onomatopoeia for "Roar", while "Gaen" is an alternate form of "Kaen", meaning "Flame".

The... E-word (not sure if it's allowed here but it's better to err on the side of caution) isn't just a sexual term, it can be used for any sudden ejection, including noise* (like a roar for instance, Google also provides "Boo Salt" as an alternative translation). Salt is a little less clear, but I assume it's got something to do with Alchemical Salt, though why it would make that connection is beyond me since I don't know Korean.

*both Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter have used this meaning, for the record.
Maybe has something to do with the fact that Litten's face is the Brimstone symbol?


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
Am I the only one who thinks they won’t reveal DLC for Ultimate at the VGAs? Hints being dropped that they’re bringing something, but the last time we anticipated something huge that I can remember, we got Cranky Kong in Tropical Freeze. Which was cool! But yeah. I’m expecting a Bayo 3 or Metroid Prime 4 update.

I DO however, think that the first character will be someone huge/insanely popular to get people on board with buying the Fighters Pass. My predictions are either Banjo & Kazooie w/ Minecraft spirits/Mii fighters extras. Or for the rumoured Square-Enix rep, Geno, Sora or Sephiroth.

Only point against another Final Fantasy character is the music licensing seems to be a nightmare.

I don’t believe any kinda leak anymore, regardless of validity or lack thereof. It’ll make new reveals way more hype.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2014
San Francisco, California
Can I see Spawnwave's previous hints again? I want to make sure people aren't over-hyping this, because I feel that's exactly what is happening.
As someone that wants Sora I feel like the whole Spawn Wave thing is too good to be true. The time window between game awards and KH3's release will be the true test if Sora makes it in or not.

What's really weird to me is that they seem to be sure about the square rep while vergeben doesn't know who it is, and with good reason where multiple names are sent just to prevent leaks.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
I actually have a theory as to who the antagonist is in WoL.

It's Tabuu. (I know the name is meant to be Galeem or something, but hear me out.)

Look at the design... it mainly has wings, around a singularity. And what happened at the end of Subspace? When Tabuu was defeated, the Subspace converged into a singularity. (Also Tabuu has similar looking wings.)

Also note the similarity between the cliffs all of the characters stand on, from Brawl to Ultimate.

The colour under the gloves the Master Hands wear is similar to the colour of Tabuu.

One more thing... Tabuu is the only character who has been known to be able to control Master Hand.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2018

Ive been working on some stuff lately thats pretty derivative of piranha plant so i ak ECSTATIC that hes in.

Love that plant SO much


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2018
Okay, decoded to skip 170 pages, despite seeing some.interesting skins and clips along the way. Have I missed something important.

Also, I literally have drawn Incineroar pointing at the screen. And saw two pictures that almost lost oked exactly the same. Oh well.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2018
I actually have a theory as to who the antagonist is in WoL.

It's Tabuu. (I know the name is meant to be Galeem or something, but hear me out.)

Look at the design... it mainly has wings, around a singularity. And what happened at the end of Subspace? When Tabuu was defeated, the Subspace converged into a singularity. (Also Tabuu has similar looking wings.)

Also note the similarity between the cliffs all of the characters stand on, from Brawl to Ultimate.

The colour under the gloves the Master Hands wear is similar to the colour of Tabuu.

One more thing... Tabuu is the only character who has been known to be able to control Master Hand.

Personally, im more on the side of Lumine/Galem being Tabuu´s superior, and more of the mind control type of things, Tabuu needed more... Physical ways to keep Master Hand at the palm of his hand.


Sep 26, 2013
Am I the only one who thinks they won’t reveal DLC for Ultimate at the VGAs? Hints being dropped that they’re bringing something, but the last time we anticipated something huge that I can remember, we got Cranky Kong in Tropical Freeze. Which was cool! But yeah. I’m expecting a Bayo 3 or Metroid Prime 4 update.

I DO however, think that the first character will be someone huge/insanely popular to get people on board with buying the Fighters Pass. My predictions are either Banjo & Kazooie w/ Minecraft spirits/Mii fighters extras. Or for the rumoured Square-Enix rep, Geno, Sora or Sephiroth.

Only point against another Final Fantasy character is the music licensing seems to be a nightmare.

I don’t believe any kinda leak anymore, regardless of validity or lack thereof. It’ll make new reveals way more hype.
Eh, I think it makes sense.

The Fighter Pass is going to be buyable day 1 as soon as you get the game, so why wouldn't you sucker in people with an A++ levels of hype character the day before, which just happens to fall on the same day as the VGAs.

We already have seen that they've put a LOT of time and effort into Piranha Plant, so the "We're not working on DLC yet" is a PR move.

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
In order of which Champions I'd want in Smash:

Daruk: I've always loooved Goron's, and Daruk in particular has an awesome design with an awesome weapon. Daruk's Protection could be cool - make a defensive heavy.

Mipha: I'd also love to see a Zora in Smash. While I'd prefer Sidon, Mipha would be an awesome spear user with a unique healinf attribute... maybe once a match she could use Mipha's Grace and heal half damage?

Urbosa: a veeeery close third - amazing character, the best arc in BotW, fantastic design, electrical powers... need I say more? She'd be higher if we didn't already have a Gerudo.

Revali: I don't hate Revali by any means. The Ruto just don't have the history behind them like the above 3 races. His design is okay and I love bows but...

So anyway. I'd fully support a Champion as a DLC character.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Personally, im more on the side of Lumine/Galem being Tabuu´s superior, and more of the mind control type of things, Tabuu needed more... Physical ways to keep Master Hand at the palm of his hand.
Oh yeah... the chains...

I dunno, perhaps Tabuu grew stronger with time or something?
It would explain how he'd changed form, I guess.
Apr 4, 2015
Rareware Winners Lounge
I honestly do not get a lot of pallette swap decisions by Sakurai. Isn't the whole point of those that you know which character you are. Why would you replace black Yoshi with a main colour one with slightly different textures. Or have Pichu have a notched ear(while cool), how can you spot that in 8 player brawl. I know everyone has player colours aswel. But it just seems odd to me to not uave more wildly different colours. Not too mention that a lot of popular ones have been outright removed like Marios fire flower skin.

Black Yoshi was my most used colour aswel. I didn't like the crafted world skin before, but I now outright hate it.
Yeah sounds like an odd change, maybe there is a particular reason ,like with some characters colour swaps represent and acknowledge a range of characters/skins in their own respective series.

For example, K.Rool's colour palette represents the various Kremling enemies in the DKC series. One of those is blue which represents Krusha, which is a well known enemy in DKC.

Perhaps Mario's flower skin made way for his Wedding Suit...?
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Sep 26, 2013
Oh yeah... the chains...

I dunno, perhaps Tabuu grew stronger with time or something?
It would explain how he'd changed form, I guess.
Or, you could join the ultimate conspiracy crowd and believe it's the third form of Zero from Kirby, since World of Light backwards in Japanese is Kirby of the Stars.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2018
Oh yeah... the chains...

I dunno, perhaps Tabuu grew stronger with time or something?
It would explain how he'd changed form, I guess.
It could go either way honestly.
Anyhow, i hope we can fight him again, perhaps with even more patterns and such.

This time i actually know how to evade that instakill waves at least...


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2018

Here you go.

Don't spend it all in one place.
Just the right amount for a Mallow reveal

Am I the only one who thinks they won’t reveal DLC for Ultimate at the VGAs? Hints being dropped that they’re bringing something, but the last time we anticipated something huge that I can remember, we got Cranky Kong in Tropical Freeze. Which was cool! But yeah. I’m expecting a Bayo 3 or Metroid Prime 4 update.

I DO however, think that the first character will be someone huge/insanely popular to get people on board with buying the Fighters Pass. My predictions are either Banjo & Kazooie w/ Minecraft spirits/Mii fighters extras. Or for the rumoured Square-Enix rep, Geno, Sora or Sephiroth.

Only point against another Final Fantasy character is the music licensing seems to be a nightmare.

I don’t believe any kinda leak anymore, regardless of validity or lack thereof. It’ll make new reveals way more hype.
They could just have a CGI reveal, without any actual gameplay. Just to say which character(s) is on the way

Captain Shwampy

Smash Master
Jul 20, 2014
We know some of the likely DLC contenders, but what are everyone's dream choices? I don't expect to get more than one of these, but a girl can dream.

Sora/ Geno/ Crono - Either would be perfection
A champion from BOTW
Dr Eggman/Arle/NiGHTS
Marco (Metal Slug)
Doom Slayer


Let's Mosey
Jul 29, 2014
Los Angeles
Switch FC
I think I can explain why Incineroar's Google Translated Korean name is the way it is.

Incineroar's Korean name is a transliteration of "Gaogaen" (the English name is very similar as well, more similar than most translated Pokémon names, actually).

"Gao" is the Japanese onomatopoeia for "Roar", while "Gaen" is an alternate form of "Kaen", meaning "Flame".

The... E-word (not sure if it's allowed here but it's better to err on the side of caution) isn't just a sexual term, it can be used for any sudden ejection, including noise* (like a roar for instance, Google also provides "Boo Salt" as an alternative translation). Salt is a little less clear, but I assume it's got something to do with Alchemical Salt, though why it would make that connection is beyond me since I don't know Korean.

*both Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter have used this meaning, for the record.
염, the Korean character Google translates as "salt" is phonetically identical to the Korean pronunciation of the Chinese character 炎, which is the Japanese character used in Incineroar's name to represent "flame."


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Honestly, it wasn't worth the Crafted Yoshi alt replacing another color. Yoshi is one of the few characters where his alts are inexpendable (Fire Mario is another for instance) because it's actual characters that exist in other games rather than a recolor that references something else. The only alts that can replace the Yoshi colors are OTHER unrepresented Yoshi colors like Orange or White...


Smash Apprentice
Sep 17, 2018
This treat in the story trailer is called Kyra.

S Sora : it could be very complicated. The inclusion of Sora could open doors because to many people would misunderstanding Sora being a videogame character. It is connected with alot of non videogame character. This fact is a reason why Goku has nothing to do in Smash. When Sora is in, the prople will wondering why this Disney freako, not Goku.
In someway with the new Spirit mode, it would a good opportunity to put Disney characters in for Sora. But this door can never be closed again. And Sakurai does not seem to want open this door.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
염, the Korean character Google translates as "salt" is phonetically identical to the Korean pronunciation of the Chinese character 炎, which is the Japanese character used in Incineroar's name to represent "flame."
Ah, sounds like good, old-fashioned Ateji (which I'm sure Korea has an equivalent of).

For people who don't want to leave the page, Ateji is a process where Japanese words get assigned Kanji characters for the phonetic value (what they sound like) rather than any kind of meaning. The example Wikipedia gives is Sushi "寿司", neither of the Kanji used to make the word Sushi have anything to do with fish or the preparation thereof.
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