You know I'd like for some of these guys to put their money where their mouth is for this fake banner leak. The guy who made this new fake used already existing renders so that's easy..
No. I want to see someone make a the empty battlefield, then draw up 7 character renders that will fit the style of the existing banner, then move all the characters around and recreate the fake.
I use photoshop, I'm familiar with multiple digital art programs. I don't care who you are that work takes hours. If you have an actual career and your doing all that in your spare time that's just insane. Unless you have the free time to bang that out in a "few days" because you have no other responsibilities I doubt it's so easy.
I want to see someone recreate this banner as it should be with unique renders, empty battlefield and properly shifted characters. Show us the process from start to finish and hours logged. Because I'd love to see how long it takes.