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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
Well according to papagenos papagenos ' source, they have actual proof of Banjo, so that would be another company they'd need to add (obviously depending on whether or not you trust this source.)

Yeah a Direct is really the only thing that's gonna solve all these questions IMO.
A corroborating leak that is from another advert company (basically another company with the same banner) could also corroborate this, even though that is a super small chance.


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2016
So whats been happening with the leak, I haven't been keeping up.
We corner the companies that Eric came from. And so far neither seems to be connected to Nintendo, with one completely deny any connection. So this leak might isn't from any ad company.


Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
We corner the companies that Eric came from. And so far neither seems to be connected to Nintendo, with one completely deny any connection. So this leak might isn't from any ad company.
The second isn't saying anything. We don't know if they are connected to Nintendo or not.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 30, 2018
I just saw again Death Note and this is similar to the Kira vs L battle, everytime one of them makes something bulletproof the other one destroys it and makes another bulletproof movement, and so....

Leak is real because of this -> no leak is false because of this -> but that makes the leak even more real because of this -> ....

What will happen after chapter 25 when
Eric gets fired

Who will take his turn?
So happy to see another Death Note fan here!

Deleted member

So happy to see another Death Note fan here!
My brother loves Death Note too
Also your sig is so awesome. If the new story mode has dialogue and Skull Kid's a boss (or playable, you never know), imagine if he actually said that!?
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Deleted member

Fake Team isn't evil.

They just have a different political view towards the events that could start should the leak become true.

While the X-Smashers see the leak as a good thing, the Speculation Brotherhood fears that the roster leaked to the public would harm the Smash race a lot and even more to the Incineroar supporters.

They aren't villains, but antagonists: they have good intentions, but oppose to the ideology of the X-Smashers.


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2018
The Netherlands, Amsterdam
I still believe the leak is true, they are simply doing damage controle, people who think its debunked jump to quickly to conclusions and should really self-reflect. This leak has to many things going for it.

This is my final roster and unless sakurai or nintendo first handedly posts about it not being real, I am and forever will be convinced it is real.

So begone with that pessimism! Begone!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 21, 2018
That's actually kind of an interesting idea, that possibly he didn't know the ramifications of revealing the banner. I know his story said "**** Nintendo LOL" but based on the fact that he didn't show any close-ups of the banner it's possible he didn't know how big of a deal it was knowing the full roster.

This may be a bit of a stretch, but I think there's a possibility that Eric literally had no idea that he was revealing an insane amount of information and just wanted to be like "Look at this stuff I'm doing for Nintendo." If he was trained all the way back in the 80's there's a possibility too that he doesn't follow video games either. I think if someone wanted to explicitly leak this content they would've focused more on the characters itself.

So I think it's very possible this wasn't intended to reveal the full roster, but instead was just supposed to be a little "Behind the scenes fun" snapchat sent to his friend that he assumed would be deleted later. Since we don't know what the rest of the video looked like either, Eric Bricard very well could've leaked the roster by complete accident because of a lack of awareness. In fact, I wouldn't even be surprised if he was given the job specifically if he has no personal connections to Smash Bros. IDK if that's a stretch or not but his comments about not understanding what's going on may be genuine.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 30, 2018
My brother loves Death Note too
Also your sig is so awesome. If the new story mode has dialogue and Skull Kid's a boss (or playable, you never know), imagine if he actually said that!?
If Skull Kid actually said that as a boss or playable in Ultimate, I'd be like "How did the Smash team see into the future and get in my dream mind? That's awesome!"


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !

Here is a comparison with the Event version that we got ever since E3. Forgive me with my **** photoshop skill, but currently studying and only have a trackpad as a tool, but I tried to recreate the title screen with everything we see in the Ad...And there is a big empty chunk now.

Taco Cruise

Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2014
OH Snap! thats something.

that could mean more companies...banjo kazooie owning companies perhaps haha
Hold up, not asking for proof or anything here, but someone said you have a source that claims Banjo is guarenteed in and has seen him??

For reference I still believe the Grinch leak 100%, the denials are still beyond weak


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2016
Fake Team isn't evil.

They just have a different political view towards the events that could start should the leak become true.

While the X-Smashers see the leak as a good thing, the Speculation Brotherhood fears that the roster leaked to the public would harm the Smash race a lot and even more to the Incineroar supporters.

They aren't villains, but antagonists: they have good intentions, but oppose to the ideology of the X-Smashers.
But I am evil:urg:


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2012
Someone needs to create a google doc or some spreadsheet that shows ordered the news of this leak. So everyone can check it in the morning/after a while and don't miss anything.... like a news feed.

I don't know how to type, volunteers?
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Smash Cadet
Sep 10, 2018
Not sure if late;

I'm not sure if I'm late to the game with this one (I went back to where the leak was discovered in the thread to catch up) but as someone who works in video, I think comparisons like this are worth examining to compare how the video compression of snapchat itself or the photo compression of the screenshot would have affected the image.

For example, you see in the leaked empty-battlefield that the whites are much more like solid shapes than gradients, and that the darks are muddier. I think that could actually explain some of the weird shapes. When video/photo compression tries to make an image smaller than it is, it has to turn several pixels into one pixel. The way it does this is determined by an algorithm, and if this is real, it looks like snapchat's in this case is inclined to prioritize high contrast even if it obscures the shape somewhat. I think this would explain some of the complaints with snake and olimar's shadows. the shadows in those cases may not have been a dark enough shape, and so the photo compression would have prioritized the bright battlefield stage ground over the low-contrast shadows. This is also consistent with puff's weird eyes, because the bright white circles, again, turn into weird shapes just because the video compression itself favors light colors over mid-range tones.

However, although I want to believe this is real, this itself doesn't necessarily mean it's real so much as it would mean that it definitely was a snapchat. It does mean that I don't think puff's eyes or missing shadows or other slight distortions are grounds for disproving it, though.
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Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2018
Switch FC
View attachment 171920

Here is a comparison with the Event version that we got ever since E3. Forgive me with my **** photoshop skill, but currently studying and only have a trackpad as a tool, but I tried to recreate the title screen with everything we see in the Ad...And there is a big empty chunk now.
Would you look at that, a perfect spot for Camelot to get added as a company due to Isaac ;)


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
So hum...A while ago, someone talked about how the copyright means no other licence or third parties could be added because in the Demo there wasn't any spot left.
Well, Nintendo recently started their Ads where we see the Smash Ultimate titlescreen with the 1.0.0 version aaand...

View attachment 171919

The Font changed...It's not full anymore.
this took me a long time.png

Based on the info we DO have.


Smash Ace
May 27, 2015
Buena Park, CA
The idea of teams is dumb. I choose to believe the leak of my own volition, and I'm not gonna tie my cart to whoever else feels the same

Edit: at this rate I'll be at 1000 likes before I know it

The master plan is working
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Deleted member

We are doing a better job at making a X-Men movie than Fox itself.

Think about it.


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
Hold up, not asking for proof or anything here, but someone said you have a source that claims Banjo is guarenteed in and has seen him??

For reference I still believe the Grinch leak 100%, the denials are still beyond weak

Yes my source knows of a microsoft source that supposedly was sure of banjo and had HEARD of the 7 banner characters (but had not seen proof themselves) and also heard "incineroar".


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
For the record, if any of the guests are some kind of insider, confide in me. I promise to leak it in a blurry crooked cropped image so we get the word out and you don't get in trouble cause people really like jumping the shark.

-ToasterBrains Detective Agency
Coming soon, December 7th 2018
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