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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
I'm not gonna lie, a lot of my arguments against it are my pessimism talking.

There really isn't that many great arguments against this leak. It's kinda like the Ken leak, every time someone's tried to shoot it down, the point gets dealt with and somehow makes the leak even stronger.

I honestly don't know what to think. :dizzy:
I can only hope the trailers are incredibly hype.
I mean, we basically know who it is within seconds of the trailer starting anyway.

Deleted member

Hey y'all, I'm on my lunch break so I can finally give my thoughts on this in full a bit. Thoughts are?

This mural leak has a 2/3rd chance of being real, with a 1/3rd chance being fake. The amount of effort definitely stacks up bit by bit, BUT. Remember that there is still one more character left, and Spawn Wave gave us two roads down this path.

One, this all could be fake since it doesn't have that one character, and two, the character is DLC and is to be shown at The Game Awards to reveal post-game content for Ultimate, and that mural is the base roster. So we're at 50-50 here.

Normally I wouldn't be THIS skeptic, but you have to remember that Spawn currently is the most trusted info broker at the moment. I don't think people like Liam Robertson or Emily Rogers had an INSANE streak of leaked info come out like Spawn has, he even has other people use own his sources. That should tell you something.

Who that character is or when, I'll try my best to keep updated on if Spawn does release the rumor wave video about this leak.


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
After the debacle of months of "WHO ARE THE SHADOWS UNDERNEATH THE FLAMING LOGO" I'm willing to believe that yes, yes he would
They may not have hid it because they knew we wouldn't suspect a thing.
And we didn't.
Not until this leak came out. I didn't even know Mach Rider was a song in Ultimate.
There's also the fact that the Mach Rider song isn't new.

No one would suspect anything out of the ordinary seeing it.

Golden Sun is different because Isaac has SUCH a huge following. Mach Rider really doesn't.
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Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
The question I want to bring up is: would Sakurai show the song associated with an unrevealed fighter? You could say "it's from past games" but wouldn't one of the Golden Sun songs be suspicious? And if we are to believe the leak, why didn't they hide it? As the have clearly hidden the music sections for BK, and GS.
"It's from past games".

Did they show off a GS song?


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2015
the deepest darkest part of my heart
so has anyone done the mental gymnastics required to think that we're gonna have 5 newcomer reveals in the span of 43 days after sakurai explicitly said that reveals are slowing down?

…That said, if you were thinking that we’d just be dropping a bunch of newcomer trailers all the way up until release, you’d be sorely mistaken. We may have gone a little bit overboard up until now, so we’re going to slow our pace from here on out.
cuz personally this is what has me in the fake camp (that and the conveniently blurry-ass pictures). until someone can rationalize this away, i'm gonna stick with vergeben despite how much i hate the idea of incineroar.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
pretty sure the leak image is a bit cut off at the top and bottom from the regular mural image space, and with that it still looks like it could fit with the bottom right image.
Yup, this is correct.

Those two little clouds by Bayonetta? They fit perfectly.

so has anyone done the mental gymnastics required to think that we're gonna have 5 newcomer reveals in the span of 43 days after sakurai explicitly said that reveals are slowing down?

cuz personally this is what has me in the fake camp (that and the conveniently blurry-*** pictures). until someone can rationalize this away, i'm gonna stick with vergeben despite how much i hate the idea of incineroar.
Maybe he meant how they technically revealed stuff two months in a row...?
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Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
so has anyone done the mental gymnastics required to think that we're gonna have 5 newcomer reveals in the span of 43 days after sakurai explicitly said that reveals are slowing down?

cuz personally this is what has me in the fake camp (that and the conveniently blurry-*** pictures). until someone can rationalize this away, i'm gonna stick with vergeben despite how much i hate the idea of incineroar.
"all the way"

2 months with 1 character reveal is indeed slowing the pace. Quite a bit.

Captain Shwampy

Smash Master
Jul 20, 2014
so has anyone done the mental gymnastics required to think that we're gonna have 5 newcomer reveals in the span of 43 days after sakurai explicitly said that reveals are slowing down?

cuz personally this is what has me in the fake camp (that and the conveniently blurry-*** pictures). until someone can rationalize this away, i'm gonna stick with vergeben despite how much i hate the idea of incineroar.
he's saving it all for the megaton explosion


Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2018
Switch FC
SW 4561 1118 2914
Yknow, I kinda wish the NES characters were just considered their own series.
NES could contain:
Ice Climbers
Duck Hunt
Mach Rider

Deleted member

After the debacle of months of "WHO ARE THE SHADOWS UNDERNEATH THE FLAMING LOGO" I'm willing to believe that yes, yes he would
They may not have hid it because they knew we wouldn't suspect a thing.
And we didn't.
Not until this leak came out. I didn't even know Mach Rider was a song in Ultimate.
I just thought to myself "wait, didn't I see the Mach Rider song in the Direct" and went back to check it and lo and behold, there it was.

Also, veterans and their reveals are treated completely different from newcomers. This is what Toon Link proved to many back in Smash 4.
What is this supposed to tell us? I think I'm missing something here. (I love your profile picture btw. Zombieland Saga is great!)
Not meabt to tell anything specific, really, I just want to throw it up in the air to see what discussion can arise from it.

Also, thanks, Zombie Land Saga is grrat. Everyone here should watch it.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
It’d be a little crazy if Mach Rider is in given we saw his music in the Music section of the last Direct. That’d have been a hell of a little drop turning into something huge.

I mean I really want my main three, but Mach Rider is one of those super weird retros I really want alongside Ayumi and Excitebiker lol.

Also, anything to not be talking about Ken, Incineroar, Steve is so appreciated at this point lol

Deleted member

so has anyone done the mental gymnastics required to think that we're gonna have 5 newcomer reveals in the span of 43 days after sakurai explicitly said that reveals are slowing down?

cuz personally this is what has me in the fake camp (that and the conveniently blurry-*** pictures). until someone can rationalize this away, i'm gonna stick with vergeben despite how much i hate the idea of incineroar.

...Y'know, I just thought of something.

He said not to expect newcomer trailers all the way up until release. Perhaps not everyone will have a trailer, and will simply be shown off. That would still fit in with the quote, even if it's a bit of a stretch.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2018
Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh Region
Switch FC
SW 2938 1058 0987
"all the way"

2 months with 1 character reveal is indeed slowing the pace. Quite a bit.
But then why worry about having revealed too much in the August direct? This leak indicates seven characters. Seven. If anything, it went too slow. One character within that two-month span is a snail's pace, says they are going to slow down, then drop seven characters on us? That's strange to me.
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Amiibo Doctor

Smash Ace
Writing Team
May 30, 2014
so has anyone done the mental gymnastics required to think that we're gonna have 5 newcomer reveals in the span of 43 days after sakurai explicitly said that reveals are slowing down?

cuz personally this is what has me in the fake camp (that and the conveniently blurry-*** pictures). until someone can rationalize this away, i'm gonna stick with vergeben despite how much i hate the idea of incineroar.
>someone rationalize this away plz
>60 pages of people rationalizing this and coming to a #teamreal consensus

is this how to do a yeet


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Yeah that's the same because Shadow went on to have so many successful fleshed out solo outings. Oh wait. But I guess he had many more memorable moments as Sonic's sidekick. Oh wait.
It absolutely is the same, because you're trying to belittle a character's overall resume by mentioning a garbage game of which he was the star. In that case, remove :ultmario: (Hotel Mario), :ultlink: (2 CD-1 Zelda games), :ultzelda: (1 CD-i Zelda game), :ultpikachu: (Hey You Pikachu), :ultsamus: (Metroid Other M) or even :ultsonic: himself for... I dunno, pick one.

Then you sway your argument into the territory of Shadow not being "Sonic's sidekick", which is a total straw man argument. Shadow's an antagonist and anti-hero. You're just comparing him directly to Tails, whom you personally prefer, and have set up that specific trait as more important.

No. Shadow is a garbage character to me and the only reason I think he is in is because he can be construed as a villain or at least "dark" sonic, but overall I think he is a damned waste of space and Tails would be a more interesting character with more relevance to me.

Listen. I don't care if it's Tails or Shadow or neither or ****ing Charmy Bee. I have no actual horse in this race. But you're placing arbitrary requirements that satisfy your personal opinion then presenting them as fact while ignoring anything that counters it. (For instance: 1) Shadow has had a solo outing in this century while Tails has not, 2) Shadow was playable in the most recent Sonic mainline game while Tails was not, 3) Shadow's support thread on Smashboards has more pages than Tails's support thread, 4) Shadow was voted the 25th most popular game character of all time by Guinness Book of World Records while Tails didn't make the list, etc.)

tl;dr version: Chill. People are allowed to like Shadow even if you don't.


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
You can only get the true Super Smash Bros. Ultimate experience by bringing your Switch to the movie theater and paying to see The Grinch.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
You can only get the true Super Smash Bros. Ultimate experience by bringing your Switch to the movie theater and paying to see The Grinch.
You couldn't pay me to see an Illumination studios movie. Even if the Grinch does save Christmas with this leak


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
I'm eagerly waiting their Video about that Banner leak, because, knowing them, they usually drop a hint of two about what they know in their video.

I feel like if spawn wave is right and theres someone else left... it is probably Sora.

I cant think of anyone else getting in separately from all these... they'd have to be BIGGER than banjo-kazooie/geno etc... who could be revealed separately from all these characters, possibly at the game awards that are happening RIGHT before release...

only character i can think of that would be hype enough for that is Sora, and i could see disney demanding sora be a HUGE reveal like that.


Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
I want to state right now, if this leak turns out to be true, to all Incineroar fans, as someone who is basically a direct competitor given I support Decidueye...

Don't give up.

If Ridley, Banjo, K. Rool, Isaac, Chrom, Dark Samus and ****ing Geno could get in off of fan demand alone, then Incineroar damn well can as well. But you have to be committed. If you truly love and want them, you have to campaign for this character, and you have to be loud about it. You'll be labeled, you'll be given derogatory names, you'll be treated like dirt. Don't let that stop you. Make it be known that people want this character.

Deleted member

:thinking: #2

Three slots to fit in three more series in the last row.
"It's from past games".

Did they show off a GS song?
They have not, they only showed 18 out of the 97 Other songs(don't know if it includes the two that have already been uploaded in the website though)

「 Derk 」

4th times the charm...
Jun 4, 2014
Ellijay, Georgia
Switch FC
Geno, Isaac, and Banjo Kazooie would please a lot of people if this ends up being legit. All 3 are very highly requested characters. I'm not interested in any of the leaked characters personally, but It's nice to see people potentially getting characters they have been begging for years to get in. Good for you guys! I think at this point something crazy would have to be announced for me to get off the Zelda buff train and Ivysaur returning lol
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