Ken is the only unrevealed character to have so many concrete things going for him to be real.
- He’s one of the most iconic characters who history is dealing with clones.
- He’s been mentioned by Verge at least.
- He has a screenshot that hasn’t been debunked by respected people that have an extensive knowledge on Smash and their game design. (ArtsyOmny, Vaanrose).
- And the GameCube packaging (or the box), despite me not thinking it’s finalized, points that between Palutena and Cloud, there is one blank possibly in that section, meaning that one of those chracaters may get an echo fighter to be right next to their counterpart since that is the side not shown yet. And look who is in that section:

. Ken would go right next to Ryu.
I think Ken is the only one where I would say is a lock at this point.