If a Franchise needs advertisement from Smash to survive, it probably shouldn't be in Smash.
I’m of two minds for this.
On one hand, there are dormant franchises which have deep and unique characters, but the developers misfire for a game or two. This is pretty much what happened to Soul Calibur.
On the other, there are some suggestions that come off as the typical “I’m better than you since I know this obscure niche Japan-only game that did terribly. This character would be better than [insert popular character here] since that franchise is mainstream!”
I think franchises should have *some* leg to stand on to get a playable character. Yes, it’s nice to have a mixture, but not every franchise is gonna get the Kid Icarus treatment.
Also, we always like to forget assist trophies are a thing, or we consider that the worst possible fate. A lot of Brawl’s assists were obscure - that was the first I heard of Isaac of Advance Wars - so that can also bring them to visibility. Not to mention that some franchises may be better served as a stage instead.
The last thing to consider is DLC. If a popular character from a running franchise gets picked, they’ll sell to most people. If an obscure character from a dead franchise got picked, not many people would go out of their way outside of completionists and fans of that franchise. I often wonder how well even WFT would have done if she were DLC - I probably wouldn’t have bothered, especially if she were near the end.
I think that both sides have a point here, but calling one side or the other ‘ridiculous’ is a bit much. We all have different ideas of what makes Smash Smash. I know I prefer characters I’ve heard of over obscure characters I have no interest in, but I also love most of the FE crew despite not really liking JRPGs. And with limited remaining space, we all want to believe our most wanted have a clear field.
And in addition, we’ve all heard of different things. What’s obscure to one person may be incredibly commonplace to another.