I was in an extra-creative mood, and my train was in an extra-delayed mood (I love sitting in the middle of nowhere completely stationary for almost an hour), so I ended up doing two things out of boredom.
One is an extended ****post which eventually evolved into the character thread I had threatened to make before
and almost forgot about; since Phoenix Wright and most FE characters I like are already done, that left me with only one series to look at for ideas, so if more than one person can look at it, that'd be nice
I promise, if you visit it, I won't ban you when I run the site:
The other is this demonstration of why I should never be allowed to use anything like a roster maker tool:
I'm pretty sure there are characters actually in Smash who I inadvertently decided to "cut" because I forgot they existed.

Plus there are 21 FE characters there and I still could probably have added more if I wanted to.
Anyway, to the thread at large: on a scale of 1 to "how do I get a moderator banned from the site", how terrible is this roster? Bearing in mind it's completely biased and not trying to be reasonable at all
as should be evident by the character occupying the slot immediately to the left of the Miis.
(Speaking of Fire Emblem, did you know there's a new
Fire Emblem section on Smashboards? You all should go check it out.)