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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Nope. They have a project document at the beginning of the game to follow through with. All planning will come from it and dictate everything else. Even marketing. They will not make conflicting marketing assets to be sold.

Corrin was extra dlc. No part if the original plan when this was all drawn up.

You are saying they are going to throw atheistic out the window for an extra character? Going against all product design. Doubt it.
They could like, you know, design the roster around the character count?

Besides, Sakurai is a guy who values gameplay above all else. I think he totally would sacrifice aesthetic for just one fighter.
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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Do you guys think Steve legit won the ballot (assuming he gets in)?
Not a chance.

what fighting game cliches are we missing from smash?

We have the "Ryu": Ryu (duh), Mario
Hot femme fatale: Bayonetta, ZSS
Cute grill who uses weird weapons: Peach, Daisy
Pretty Boy: Link, Marth, Corrin, etc.
Edgy looking Guy: Dark Pit
Giant Weapon Guy: Cloud
Animal: Charizard, Ridley, Bowser, etc.
Puppet Character: Rosalina
Fat Guy: Wario, King Dedede
Joke Character: Duck Hunt, Mr GW, Wii Fit Trainer, etc.

Edit: Clones are, "The Ken", especially since Luigi was the original Smash Ken
Also Ninja: Sheik and Greninja

We don't have an "old man kung fu master" type guy or a wrestler yet. No Bruce Lee clone yet either lol, Hitmonlee confirmed!1
Schoolgirls are also a pretty common archetype in fighting games

Tails getting in would be huge.
And awesome. Imagine Sonic & Tails vs Mario & Luigi.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
I don't understand what you're saying with this project document???
My point is that I don't feel Sakurai would sacrifice extra characters for a neat CSS and I stand by it. Where does the document come into play?

And I recall that part about Corrin now. Thanks.
They will plan out all characters in advance. Then design the boxes, css, promotional material all around that document. For smash 4, the website listing for characters would have ended nearly if not for corrin pushing bayo onto a new page.

Same goes with all design. They are building to a document. We can see what they are thinking based on that.
So far, all current info suggests 2 more. If we are wrong. Yippie. More characters.

But currently, everyrhing is suggesting 2 more.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
They will plan out all characters in advance. Then design the boxes, css, promotional material all around that document. For smash 4, the website listing for characters would have ended nearly if not for corrin pushing bayo onto a new page.

Same goes with all design. They are building to a document. We can see what they are thinking based on that.
So far, all current info suggests 2 more. If we are wrong. Yippie. More characters.

But currently, everyrhing is suggesting 2 more.
As said above, they could just, you know, design the box AROUND the character count...why on Earth would it be otherwise.

Also, look, you can say the Square Enix rep is DLC all you want but you're still going against Vergeben to an extent if you believe the box theory. And seeing as Incineroar and Ken are the basis of it...

I would definitely not say "all current info" suggests 2 characters. There are valid points AND counterpoints for the box argument, so let's not go there.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Small innocent sweet yellow animal
Ahahaha... Tails is far from that Dude.
He's a better Spy than Solid snake, before meeting Sonic, at the age of what? 8? He basically destroyed a buch of Duck invating his Island with bombs and ****.

Tails is far from innocent, he's just putting up a mask in front of Sonic


Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2018
Western Massachusetts
I thought of a mini game I would love. Kinda like how Mario Party had those side mini games (like the car thing in 4).

It would be like a Pokemon battle thing. Except with enemies from all series in Smash. Like you could raise a Metroid, or a Cactaur, or a Pookie from Dig Dug and use em to battle against each other.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
They could like, you know, design the roster around the character count?

Besides, Sakurai is a guy who values gameplay above all else. I think he totally would sacrifice aesthetic for just one fighter.
It is all taken onto consideration and planned beforehand. Theml messaging would he different then.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Ahahaha... Tails is far from that Dude.
He's a better Spy than Solid snake, before meeting Sonic, at the age of what? 8? He basically destroyed a buch of Duck invating his Island with bombs and ****.

Tails is far from innocent, he's just putting up a mask in front of Sonic
I thought of a mini game I would love. Kinda like how Mario Party had those side mini games (like the car thing in 4).

It would be like a Pokemon battle thing. Except with enemies from all series in Smash. Like you could raise a Metroid, or a Cactaur, or a Pookie from Dig Dug and use em to battle against each other.
I can see that with Assist Trophies


Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
Ahahaha... Tails is far from that Dude.
He's a better Spy than Solid snake, before meeting Sonic, at the age of what? 8? He basically destroyed a buch of Duck invating his Island with bombs and ****.

Tails is far from innocent, he's just putting up a mask in front of Sonic
He killed the final boss by hurling bombs at him.

That’s hardcore. He’s also orange, the color of death.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2014
Stop acting like I'm an idiot who knows nothing of Vergeben.
Let me point out some MORE stuff he's gotten right.

-Dragonball FighterZ DLC
-The TMNT appearing in INJUSTICE 2
-Simon, Snake, Ridley, Isabelle, Ice Climbers, all correct, leaked by him

Don't tell me I need more to prove he's not just a one-off predictor with the fact that he PREDICTED THE FREAKING TMNT.

Come on dude. You're plugging your ears and acting like he's actually gotten any of his predictions about Smash wrong so far.
Guess what.

He hasn't.
Hate to hurt your feelings but I guess I'll repeat it since you apparently didn't get the point.

I don't doubt that he has inside info about some games - the TMNT make that clear - but other games are very likely to be BS. Leakers thrive off of attention, so they're obviously going to throw in BS to stay relevant.

Snake and Ridley are both the stuff of pipedream rosters - but this game is a pipedream, so they happened to be true.

Ice Climbers were obvious.

Isabelle was likely.

He said "No cuts from Smash 4", not "EVERY FIGHTER EVER IS BACK", that's big information to miss, and he'd certainly have said that rather than just "snake and ice climbers" are back.

Simon is the only surprising prediction, and even he's been mooted since Brawl days.

Maybe he is legit, but people need to stop treating him like the Messiah of Smash info - he's nowhere near the level of Gematsu. He's not the be-all, end-all, and people shouldn't automatically hold every theory or new leak against his word.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
As said above, they could just, you know, design the box AROUND the character count...why on Earth would it be otherwise.

Also, look, you can say the Square Enix rep is DLC all you want but you're still going against Vergeben to an extent if you believe the box theory. And seeing as Incineroar and Ken are the basis of it...

I would definitely not say "all current info" suggests 2 characters. There are valid points AND counterpoints for the box argument, so let's not go there.
They did design the box around character count. 72 is the number of spaces. That is what we are saying. The box has 72 listed. That is it. If it was really going to be 75-78, then the box would not be designed the way it is. It would have accommodated for it. And do not say characters on the back of the box. that is where people usually go second after the cover, so those spots would have to be for the biggest names, like sonic and snake on the back of Brawl.

And I have not against Verge. He said SE will happen, but never in what form.

And give me info that does not suggest 2 left. Prove it.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Hate to hurt your feelings but I guess I'll repeat it since you apparently didn't get the point.

I don't doubt that he has inside info about some games - the TMNT make that clear - but other games are very likely to be BS. Leakers thrive off of attention, so they're obviously going to throw in BS to stay relevant.

Snake and Ridley are both the stuff of pipedream rosters - but this game is a pipedream, so they happened to be true.

Ice Climbers were obvious.

Isabelle was likely.

He said "No cuts from Smash 4", not "EVERY FIGHTER EVER IS BACK", that's big information to miss, and he'd certainly have said that rather than just "snake and ice climbers" are back.

Simon is the only surprising prediction, and even he's been mooted since Brawl days.

Maybe he is legit, but people need to stop treating him like the Messiah of Smash info - he's nowhere near the level of Gematsu. He's not the be-all, end-all, and people shouldn't automatically hold every theory or new leak against his word.
So basically you're shrugging off all his leaks as "easy in retrospect" predictions?
Including Simon freaking Belmont? A Ballot nobody? Who barely anyone talked about?
Yeah, I can't help you there man.
Also, arguments don't look good when you're talking down to your opponent like they're a 4 year old just because their opinion clashes with yours.

Seeing as the Box theory is founded on Vergeben's leaks I'm still gonna hold it against his word.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2018
Gotham City
Switch FC
Tails immediately after Isabelle would make me cackle though.

Small innocent sweet yellow animal whose friend left them behind to Smash finally just goes ''You know? I'm just gonna go Smash myself."
I'd Smash Isabelle if you know what i mean
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