Knight Dude
Keeping it going.
Mega Man: MM2, MM3, MM5, MM6, MM7, MM9Continuing the trend of my ask you guys a boatload of questions, what are favorite games from some of you're favorite series?
For Me:
Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild. This game was an absolute blast to play. It truly felt like the next big step for the Zelda series.
Metroid: Prime. I loved this game's atmosphere, exploration and music. It's awesome, but Super Metroid and Samus Returns are close seconds.
Metal Gear Solid: MGS 2. I think this is an usual pick for MGS, but still I though was the most interesting out of the first 3 MGS games.
Xenoblade Chronicles: XC2. Damn the artsyle complaints, I freaking loved this entry in the Xenoblade series.
Mega Man X: MMX1, MMX2, MMX3, MMX4
Metroid: Prime, Prime 2, Super, Hunters, Samus Returns
Mario: World, New(DS), SMB3, 3D Land, Sunshine, Double Dash, MKDS
Punch-Out!!: MTPO(only one I've played some of, gotta get more into it)
Pokemon: Gold/Silver, Black/White, ORAS/Emerald
Pac-Man: Pac-Man
Tekken: Tekken 3, Tekken Tag, Tekken 5, Tekken 7
Mortal Kombat: Deception, Shoalin Monks, MK9, MKX, MK3
Spyro: Year of the Dragon
Street Fighter: SF2, USF4
I'm sure there's more I can think of, especially if I include licensed games.