Here something fun:
What were you doing/do you remember doing during each Smash trailer.
Brawl: my friend emailed me a link to the video with one word: SNAAAAAAAAKE!!!
Sonic: I forgot
Smash 4: I stayed up to watch it and couldn’t fall asleep due to hype.
Rosalina: Stayed up to watch it next to our Christmas tree.
Little Mac: my wedding anniversary date. I watched it before I left to hand in our marriage documents.
Greninja: I forgot but I remember watching it by myself.
E3 2014: Stayed up to watch it. But my laptop broke half way.
Lucina and Robin: stayed up to watch it and ate pizza
Shulk: watched it with friends who weren’t Smash fans.
Ryu: forgot
Cloud: I had only one class that day to teach in the afternoon so I spent the morning fangasiming. It was like Christmas. And the next day I went to America with my wife to attend my sisters wedding. So I watched it again when I arrived.
Corrin and Bayonetta: watched it in the morning while on my way to work. I stopped at a supermarket parking.
Smash Ultimate Inkling: randomly visited Smashboards to find out I was a mod again. That led me find the trailer.
E3 2018: went to bed at 10 and woke up at 1 to watch it on mute. Didn’t want to wake up the baby.
Smash Ultimate Direct: Watched it in Australia while working as a chaperone for our students study abroad trip. Had crap internet at the hotel and took forever to watch it fully. K Rool was spoiled for me on this thread after I went in safari intending to search on how to make internet in Australia go faster. But opening Safari made this thread popped up and the first thing I saw was “KING K ROOOL!”
9/7/2018: we never did see it but it was scheduled for 7 am here. Plus, I had an office day so basically I could spend some of my day speculating and hyping with the rest of you. Was planning to watch it in the office lobby while drinking some coffee and eating a doughnut.

: Don’t remember. Watched it later in the dining room since that’s where the family cpu was. I think I was literally the only one that used it until I got a laptop. YouTube and MUGEN all day long. Anyway yeah... Snake was cool.

: Don’t remember. Watched it in the dining room when I heard about it. It’s SONIC THE ****ING HEDGEHOG!
Smash For: Watched E3 in my room. On my laptop.

: In room. Moved to Texas a little bit after Brawl released. On the laptop. Noticed the Smash logo on the letter he dropped. Cool, cool.

: -H- Get equipped with HYPE!

: Don’t remember. Saw the trailer on YouTube and uhh... whatever. It’s a mannequin.

: Don’t remember. Might’ve been in Louisiana. Lol not a Peach clone.

: At school outside near the cafeteria. Cool, glad he got the upgrade he deserved.

- Don’t remember. Why did everyone think this was Mewtwo?
E3 2014: Watched it In my room. On my laptop.
Loved the Robot Chicken skits. So uhh... Reggie? WHERE’S MOTHER 3?!?

- Reggie vs. Iwata was hype. Palutena’s trailer was amazing. Pizza Slice Man was cool. Saw that one later of course.

:ultrobin- In the living room on my phone. Cool.

- Watched it during my art elective at school. On my phone. Cool. Expected because of Gematsu.

- Don’t remember. Game was already out so I didn’t give a ****.
50 Facts Extravaganza: I think I was at my house? It was alright. The Ridley salt was all over the boards. I remember commenting on the front page trying to calm people down lol.

- Got hyped for the prospect of DLC.

- Don’t remember. Game was already out so I’m just confused as to why they aren’t showing THESE ****ING TRAILERS BEFORE RELEASE. The trailer was cool.

- Home alone. In my trusty laptop. Couldn’t stop bouncing off the walls.

- Damn leaks. At someone else’s house.

- Don’t remember. Surprised like everyone else.

- Watching the stream in my new room after the move. The salt levels were at an all time high. Two characters I didn’t give a **** about.

- Room. Cared more about the Smash announcement. The Inklings were expected.

- Room. Laughed out loud at Daisy.

- Room. ****ING. RIDLEY.
Smash Direct: Home somehow. I managed. Didn’t want to miss the Direct.

- Room. Cool trailer.

- Room. I was surprised at first but then I wasn’t. It’s ****ing Richter.

- Room. Chrom got his day. Damus. Whatever.

I’m in my room a lot when news and Directs drop. I may or may not be in my room right this second.