So we've got a rumor for a direct for the 13th. The site is in English, so its probably Western 13th; Japan 14th...which means we're back to a Thursday direct again. Hopefully we'll get some kind of announcement either later today or tomorrow. If it was an exact week later, chances are the announcement will mirror the same time as the first.
I kinda wish other systems or genres could do their own version of Smash Brothers without totally crapping the bed like Sony did. I bought PASBR hoping it would be good, but that stupid battle system where a Special was the only way to get e KO was ridiculously stupid. I use to juggle and beat the ever loving garbage out of people with Heihachi, but if you whiff on a special, you had to build up the meter all over again! It sucked! What a waste of potential....
Jump has a good thing going with their whole anime-themed fighter too, but the mechanics just seem wonky to other fights. I understand wanting it to be more of an arena fighter, but couldn't you mimic another long running, popular fighter you have? Like Ninja Storm, if you're not going to to a Smash style battle?
Well...rant aside...let's play a game. Create a new Smash Brothers-inspired Game with the following rules:
*20 Characters Max
*Smash Brothers Battle Style
*Summoning Optional (Pokeball/Assist Trophies)
*Themes can be: Sony, Microsoft, Sega, Anime, Specific Game series (like Final Fantasy, Wild Arms, or Tales Of...), Comics, or Movies (Non-Superhero)
*A max of 3 'Guest' characters outside your chosen Theme allowed
Just to throw out a quick idea/example, here's a Final Fantasy themed one
1) Cloud
2) Tifa
3) Sephiroth
4) Terra
5) Locke
6) Celes
7) Kefka
8) Squall
9) Rinoa
10) Seifer
11) Ultimecia
12) Zidane
13) Garnet
14) Vivi
15) Kuja
16) Barret (too lazy to edit all the numbers since I forgot him lol)
17) Gilgamesh
18) (Dragon Quest Guest) Erdrick
19) (Tales of... Guest) Yuri Lowell
20) (Persona Guest) Joker