Luigi The President
Smash Hero
Celica and Lloyd before Paper MarioI made a post DLC roster I wanted to share with you guys:
This roster consider Vergeben correct, so it contains Incineroar, Isabelle and Ken.
Unique Fighters (11):
Inkling, Ridley, Simon, King K. Rool: Confirmed
Skull Kid: Not because of some chairs, he looks really likely due to assist trophy replacement.
Dillon: Among the other assist trophy absences, he seems to be the most likely. He has lots of potential anfd it seems about time to promote this IP.
Isaac: Smash Ballot.
Incineroar: Seems like he is the one who gonna be heavily featured in the anime, just like Greninja, Lucario and Mewtwo were last time.
Lloyd: DLC pack 3 mii costume along with Chrom and K. Rool.
Celica: Fire Emblem needs more reps. Now seriusly, If we are getting a FE newcomer it is her.
Echo Fighters (12):
Dark Samus, Daisy, Chrom, Richter: Confirmed
Ninten: Seems really easy to implement and makes a lot of sense. He is Lucas's echo since he does not have a yo-yo.
Isabelle: New face of animal crossing.
Black Knight and Shadow: There was a really similar model to Black Knight on Castle Siege, that is now gone for no obvious reason, parhaps to avoid confusion with a now playable character. Shadow's Assist trophy is likely gone gone as well. Black Knight was a DLC pack 3 mii costume along with Chrom and K. Rool. And with Dark Samus and Dark Pit it seems we are getting some dark themed echo fighters.
Dixie Kong: Change Diddy's Up-B, give him Tiny Kong's Feather Bow, and ta-da, Dixie.
Ken: Original Echo Fighter.
DLC (07):
Banjo, Lara Croft, Dante and Rayman: Sakurai said only gaming icons were allowed so here they are.
Spring Man and Rex: Obvious first party picks
Team Rocket: I know they are kinda impossible, but if there is a time for them is now, with Pokemon Let's Go. And they are my dream picks.
I'm done