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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Deleted member

They're LOZ icons!

I mean unless you're arguing the franchises should have very few reps in general
I mean in those DS rosters people are making. If there were only two Zelda characters, Zelda should get in before Ganon does considering the franchise has her goddamn name in it
Well she's a stalker who is obcessed with Robin either way and she is vastly more popular than Morgan. I think it could go either way.
It would be out of place for Robin to pair up with Tharja when she's literally just another unit.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2018
Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh Region
Switch FC
SW 2938 1058 0987
Right...I wasn't telling lies. It was just my prediction, my feeling.

It appears I was wrong. I will go to sleep now as my punishment...
Then perhaps specify that next time? The way you phrased your statement made it sound final and could give people false hope, which isn't very cool, ya know.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2014

I really like Crobat, so I don't really get scared of Golbat's. It's a bit funny. Imagine that in 3D.

Mew... has an interesting design. I wonder what would happen if the design stayed like that, in the games, movies, and Smash too. Imagine this in 3D.
Poison is one of my favorite pokemon types, if not my absolute favorite. And yes, Crobat is simply awesome.

Deleted member

The "Reset the Clock" have started again on twitter.
Is the Serebii guy saying it? If he is, then that probably means that Nintendo's sending things to press and the new date will be announced soon.


Smash Cadet
Aug 28, 2018
@coonmonger on Twitter is supposedly tweeting leaks pertaining to the direct. Could be fake but at least it's something.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2017
Super Smash Bros. Online
Switch FC
Is the Serebii guy saying it? If he is, then that probably means that Nintendo's sending things to press and the new date will be announced soon.
Actually, Loz started it. Why would Serebii start it? I mean, he's a huge Pokemon fan. It's just weird for him to be a LoZ fan.
Last edited:


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
I mean in those DS rosters people are making. If there were only two Zelda characters, Zelda should get in before Ganon does considering the franchise has her goddamn name in it

It would be out of place for Robin to pair up with Tharja when she's literally just another unit.
To be fair, a lot people don't even remember Zelda or recognize her as anything unless they confuse her with Link.

Ganon is an iconic villain, however, which garners more importance than a character who plays second-fiddle to a character the games aren't even supposed to be about. She's an important character, but to have Link without Ganon in a game that's supposed tp represent the series? That doesn't sit right by me. It's just like having Luigi and Jigglypuff in 64, when there were characters vastly more important to implement, but they only got in because they were easy to make.

Granted, that doesn't help Ganon since he's a clone, but still. There's a reason she and Ganon came together just like Peach and Bowser did too: Both are essential.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2015
Actually, Loz started it. Why would Serebii start it? I mean, he's a huge Pokemon fan. It's just weird for him to be a LoZ fan.
I'm a huge LoZ fan, while not a huge Pokemon fan I still very much enjoy the games. Don't think it's weird to be both

Deleted member

Actually, Loz started it. Why would Serebii start it? I mean, he's a huge Pokemon fan. It's just weird for him to be a LoZ fan.
He's considered to not only be very respected in Pokemon circles, but also just in general Nintendo fandom circles as well. Plus, Pokemon will more than likely have a plug in the Direct, so there's that too.

I could be wrong, though. Just some speculation on my part. :p

Misery Brick

Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2014
Ecruteak City, Johto
I mean in those DS rosters people are making. If there were only two Zelda characters, Zelda should get in before Ganon does considering the franchise has her goddamn name in it

It would be out of place for Robin to pair up with Tharja when she's literally just another unit.
I think Ganondorf fits more as a fighter imo in a limited roster, give he is the final boss and is arguably better as a character to remake that battle in Smash. I'd definitely put Zelda in as a character, but for the roster thing, I'm, and a few other people, are trying to add much more needed variety through other characters and series.

As for Tharja, she's become one of the more prominent characters in Awakening outside of the main trio. I mean it's for obvious reasons, but regardless she still has a tether to Robin despite the one sided nature of it unlike anyone else.
Also for Morgan, it may require more work than necessary given you'd have to swap models and voice lines just for an FS unless they keep it as just F!Morgan. I think Ignis is more likely as a FS, but I'd still rather see the Pair-Up mechanic as it.

Cap'n Jack

Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2015
To be fair, a lot people don't even remember Zelda or recognize her as anything unless they confuse her with Link.

Ganon is an iconic villain, however, which garners more importance than a character who plays second-fiddle to a character the games aren't even supposed to be about. She's an important character, but to have Link without Ganon in a game that's supposed tp represent the series? That doesn't sit right by me. It's just like having Luigi and Jigglypuff in 64, when there were characters vastly more important to implement, but they only got in because they were easy to make.

Granted, that doesn't help Ganon since he's a clone, but still. There's a reason she and Ganon came together just like Peach and Bowser did too: Both are essential.
I have to disagree. As much as I love Ganondorf, he is certainly the third main character to the series. This series is based off of Link and Zelda and their various reincarnations over the years and their destiny. Just look at Breath of the Wild, Ganon is such an after thought.

Deleted member

You can basically write off any leak that promises Mother 3 coming overseas in any way, shape, or form.
I personally stopped taking it seriously after Odyssey DLC. Then I got to the Mother 3 part and laughed. I then cried on the inside as I remembered it will never, ever happen and that hurts my soul.


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
I'll be honest, while not my favorite Pokemon I'm really warming up (no pun intended) to the idea of Incineroar in Smash. I kinda like his design and a wrestling/grappling-based moveset spiced up with some Fire- and Dark-type attacks could be really interesting.

I'm not gonna complain if he ends up not being the Pokemon newcomer - if we have one at all - but I'd dig his inclusion.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2017
Super Smash Bros. Online
Switch FC
I wouldn't write this guy off just yet.

He's saying he's going to provide real leaks at 6:00 EST, or 38 minutes from this post.

Lets see how it goes.
I'm pretty sure leakers claim to say that, just to get attention. Just ignore him, and move on, no offense.

That's the sort of trick they use. I've fell for that, so I know about it.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I wouldn't write this guy off just yet.

He's saying he's going to provide real leaks at 6:00 EST, or 38 minutes from this post.

Lets see how it goes.
Lol I definitely would write him off.
Can't wait to see his PhotoShop skills.

...Are we just gonna ignore that blatantly racist Twitter handle?
Just noticed. Geuinely disgusting.
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