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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Sep 12, 2014
If we get a Smash leak, it's not gonna be through Famitsu.
I'm sure this was probably posted before but the thread moves so fast and I'm still seeing people suggesting we might get a leak through Famitsu.
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I like the idea of a playable Cranky Kong. Mainly because he does the Scrooge pogo-stick move, which would probably become my new favorite move if it was in Smash.

It'd also kiiiiinda be like getting Shovel Knight, which would be awesome.
Personally, I think Cranky is so overlooked when it comes to DK reps. He's pretty iconic to the series, he obviously has moveset potential, and he could be a genuinely fun character to play as.

Sadly, for whatever reason, people usually think Cranky is a joke character. He was playable in TF, so I don't know why the idea of Cranky doing anything besides ranting and yelling at DK sounds so foreign to them.

Deleted member

The whole point of the game is to make morality judgments on how people are just totally fine killing a bunch of people in RPG's so they can be stronger.
"Hey player, you're a terrible human being for killing these random encounter monsters in an RPG and you should feel bad about it."
Doki Doki Literature Club does metagame commentary much better.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
If we get a Smash leak, it's not gonna be through Famitsu.
I'm sure this was probably posted before but the thread moves so fast and I'm still seeing people suggesting we might get a leak through Famitsu.
We still might, depends when the Direct is. The upcoming issue of Famitsu does have Smash info within in, it says as much on the cover. Check Push's next reply.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2015
"Hey player, you're a terrible human being for killing these random encounter monsters in an RPG and you should feel bad about it."
Doki Doki Literature Club does metagame commentary much better.
Undertale tries makes you feel bad for the atrocities you've done, I don't see how your fake quote seems like a valid argument to you.
DDLC is good too, I don't see why one has to be bad for the other to be good

Misery Brick

Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2014
Ecruteak City, Johto
If we get a Smash leak, it's not gonna be through Famitsu.
I'm sure this was probably posted before but the thread moves so fast and I'm still seeing people suggesting we might get a leak through Famitsu.
I could be extremely wrong, but didn't the Famitsu issue for next week state "Super Smash Bros. Special" on the cover? Has Sakurai always done a column for every character reveal or are some like a week apart?
I'm legitimately curious, because I don't know. But if PushDustIn says it's extremely unlikely, I'll take his word for it.
"Hey player, you're a terrible human being for killing these random encounter monsters in an RPG and you should feel bad about it."
Doki Doki Literature Club does metagame commentary much better.
The thing about Undertale is that it doesn't punish you for following what the game says, it only punishes you for not considering or taking the other, more peaceful, options right in front of you.
It's not like if Pokémon had you knock out enemies given that's how the game is played, then scold you on following the mechanics.
Violence is something that's never encouraged by any of the characters found in the game, outside of Flowey and Asgore.
The premise of the game is that it sets up the idea of having to fight against monsters in the underground, as you're a lone kid being hunted, but it's contrasted with the characters in the world that are joyful and peaceful and want to enjoy your company. Even Toriel tells you to talk to the training dummy, but acts extremely concerned when you attack it.
The very concept is that if instead of exploring different options and going outside the box to help others despite it being shown to you, you're only killing these creatures because that's what you're accustomed to and used to thinking about.

also DDLC is different in the themes it expressed for the most part, the only similarities really between them is that they have metatextual concepts.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Or....Stanley the Bugman right?

*Remembers G&W’s jab*

Darn it...
The Super Spray would definitely be his FS, too. Bayonetta, beware, you may get outgunned...

Personally, I think Cranky is so overlooked when it comes to DK reps. He's pretty iconic to the series, he obviously has moveset potential, and he could be a genuinely fun character to play as.

Sadly, for whatever reason, people usually think Cranky is a joke character. He was playable in TF, so I don't know why the idea of Cranky doing anything besides ranting and yelling at DK sounds so foreign to them.
I think it was because he used to be a support Kong like Funky (who became playable as well). The fun part is, as far as I recall. some folks actually did think he could be in Smash years ago, even having a dentures attack idea years before TF did anything with that.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if Retro ends up promoting all the support Kongs except for Wrinkly. :p
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Well, I myself have never actually played Undertale; and even if I had, I wouldn't have played the Genocide Route anyway (I don't even play Nuzlockes or FE Ironman runs).

However, I still don't think it's right to make morality judgement calls on the player.
You haven't played Undertale?

Well buddy, the thing is, Undertale is game that judge you no matter what you do as long as you do bad stuff. that's like the whole point of the game. 'cuz really, beside Jerry, none of the character really deserve to be kill once you get to know them, and the game will make sure to make you feel like **** for anything that you kill, not on the moment for sure, but later on when you get to know details that make you go "oh ****". And that's on a neutral run, the genocide is this to the absolute extreme.

That being said, I don't think we can go further on this subject. Not only because it's late for me and I need to sleep, but because Undertale is a game to either see or play to get the point of it, it ain't your typical RPG and if you want to try out, it's coming soon to switch and it only cost like 15$ (same price for PC I think), it's not very long to do one playthrough of it, so if you want to try it, feel free my friend. It ain't perfect by any mean, but I say it's worth a shot, there is also a demo on PC if you're curious.

On that, I wish you a goodnight sir. Feel free to tag me if any Smash leak happen so that I can jump of my bed like a crazy cat, or don't, whatever.
Sans emote.png


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2017
Super Smash Bros. Online
Switch FC
I'm a bit bored. Let's play a game. Imagine you were a director instead of Sakurai, and you had to create a DS version/game of Smash. Which characters would you put, assuming 20 is the limit? Remember, only 4 playable, and 16 unlockable.

Also, Mario, Kirby, Link and Pikachu should be in the roster.
For me:

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John Dylan Smith

Banned via Warnings
May 1, 2018
West Chester Township, Butler County, Ohio
We still might, depends when the Direct is. The upcoming issue of Famitsu does have Smash info within in, it says as much on the cover. Check Push's next reply.
Either way! I'm looking forward to seeing the new content were getting for Smash Ultimate!

And I'm still going to say that the newcomers that get revealed are Isaac, Shadow The Hedgehog, Isabella, and Skull Kid (Could be wrong once again)!


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I'm a bit bored. Let's play a game. Guess the above poster's main.
...You know they're listed in their postbit, right? Also that just promotes needless spam.


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
...You know they're listed in their postbit, right? Also that just promotes needless spam.
i'll start with you fam. Your main is the internet called Chrome and that's the best internet browser to use

So I'm not sure exactly what kinds of leaks to be expected, but I find it interesting to see the reaction of the community for this weekend after we get some info


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2017
Super Smash Bros. Online
Switch FC
i'll start with you fam. Your main is the internet called Chrome and that's the best internet browser to use

So I'm not sure exactly what kinds of leaks to be expected, but I find it interesting to see the reaction of the community for this weekend after we get some info
Can we not? I never asked or said that. I just accidentally clicked on post reply...

Anyways, the reaction would be that they are in uproar.
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Laughs and Logic
Apr 8, 2014
Birth Island, FL
Just think, somebody out there who is just a common fan like you or I knows all of the remaining new characters in the game right now. Someone is the Ninka_kiwi of the Ultimate era. ...Is it you?

(If it's you please PM me, thanks!)


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Probably, but I'm not expecting it.
All comes down to timing.

Either way! I'm looking forward to seeing the new content were getting for Smash Ultimate!

And I'm still going to say that the newcomers that get revealed are Isaac, Shadow The Hedgehog, Isabella, and Skull Kid (Could be wrong once again)!
Yeah... idk... magazine leaks are nice and retro, but the trailer reveal would be that much more epic.

Can we not? I never asked or said that. I just accidentally clicked on post reply...


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2014
It sucks to think that some of the people who died could have been Smash fans like us, but they will never get to play Ultimate. Either way, nobody should have died at all.
I know right? I tend to empathize a lot when tragedies like this happen, to the point where I get super depressed, not even joking. But unfortunately, these things happen way too often to let them break you, otherwise one just wouldn't live happily. You eventually learn that life goes on and that **** happens no matter what.

The process of restoring power is already underway, so it wouldn't suprise me if Nintendo releases the Direct before next Thursday.

Early Monday would be ideal (for the purpose of avoiding leaks), but I think Tuesday or Wednesday would be the most likely days. Directs are almost never on Monday.
I don't see why they couldn't make an exception to put a delayed Direct on a Monday, but what do I know.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
You haven't played Undertale?

Well buddy, the thing is, Undertale is game that judge you no matter what you do as long as you do bad stuff. that's like the whole point of the game. 'cuz really, beside Jerry, none of the character really deserve to be kill once you get to know them, and the game will make sure to make you feel like **** for anything that you kill, not on the moment for sure, but later on when you get to know details that make you go "oh ****". And that's on a neutral run, the genocide is this to the absolute extreme.

That being said, I don't think we can go further on this subject. Not only because it's late for me and I need to sleep, but because Undertale is a game to either see or play to get the point of it, it ain't your typical RPG and if you want to try out, it's coming soon to switch and it only cost like 15$ (same price for PC I think), it's not very long to do one playthrough of it, so if you want to try it, feel free my friend. It ain't perfect by any mean, but I say it's worth a shot, there is also a demo on PC if you're curious.

On that, I wish you a goodnight sir. Feel free to tag me if any Smash leak happen so that I can jump of my bed like a crazy cat, or don't, whatever.View attachment 162390
I haven't played Undertale personally, but I've seen plenty enough to get an idea of what it's about (i.e. Let's Plays).

Anyway, it's all a case of different strokes for different folks. I wouldn't have played Undertale regardless, since I'm not interested in what it has to offer.

That being said, good night, Blue Hunter.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2018
Gotham City
Switch FC

I have a theory. Nintendo will just do the Smash reveal through the Smash website before Famitsu releases their new issue to avoid spoilers, and then they will do the Direct.


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
Can we not? I never asked or said that. I just accidentally clicked on post reply...

Anyways, the reaction would be that they are in uproar.
This was me replying to Opo, not you. You might wanna check your posts twice because I don't know why you're misunderstanding or misinterpreting that I'm discussing something with another user.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2017
Super Smash Bros. Online
Switch FC
This was me replying to Opo, not you. You might wanna check your posts twice because I don't know why you're misunderstanding or misinterpreting that I'm discussing something with another user.
Well...Sorry...I thought you'd accidentally read my post before I edited it so...

Also, this topic is going a bit way too fast so I was confused. Sorry, I guess.


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2017
Boise, Idaho
Switch FC
On the topic of Undertale, because I can't contain my hate-boner for it, it does a very poor job of making you feel bad for the monsters you kill because they're the ones who attack you. Killing a monster who's trying to kill you first isn't exactly the most complex moral dilemma there is. And even if you go for the genocide route, where it's more likely that you're the one hunting the monsters, its very nature just replaces any kind of emotional impact with having to slog through the same bull**** over and over. You're not getting into a character, which would actually give some impact, you're just filling a quota to complete an ending, completely removing yourself from your character's actions and motivations.

You know what would've made the genocide route more effective? A more in-depth battle system. Give the player more abilities that they get as they level up so that people actually have an incentive. Make the pacifist route more difficult, so that then you can more accurately blame the player for committing genocide just to get stronger and have an easier time. As it stands, the genocide route loses its impact because there's no incentive to do it since you can get through the game just fine at level 1. The only reason people have for doing genocide is to get the ending.

The game is so up its own ass about how smart and meta it is that, with none of the intended impact, it just becomes obnoxious.


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009

I have a theory. Nintendo will just do the Smash reveal through the Smash website before Famitsu releases their new issue to avoid spoilers, and then they will do the Direct.
That seems likely. Would be nice if we get a nice surprise like we did with Brawl. Those were the days staying up until 3/4am here to find out who the next character will be revealed as a newcomer


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
Dunno if it's been talked about yet, and it may be a bit off-topic, but Ubisoft really knows how to handle Nintendo's property well.

First, it was an out-of-the-blue crossover between the Rabbids and Super Mario characters that was hated until it actually released and was deemed a surprisingly good game

Now? Most people are saying they should pitch Ubisoft in on the creation of a new Star Fox game for their extremely well-done implementation of the characters in StarLink. Even I have to admit that it's very charming.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018

I have a theory. Nintendo will just do the Smash reveal through the Smash website before Famitsu releases their new issue to avoid spoilers, and then they will do the Direct.
"Next Week's Issue Of Famitsu will have New Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Information".

This headline makes me think.

"New Super Smash Bros."

Well, that's a title of a reboot if I ever saw one. :laugh:
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