Alright that's enough memeing around from me. I just want to say that, if your tastes are really narrow and limited, that's probably a sign you should step out of your comfort zone and try things that you normally wouldn't.
I don't like to bring it up too much but I am autistic. I'm an extremely obsessive person by nature. As a kid, for the longest time, my entire life revolved around Pokemon. But one day I decided to start broadening my focus, and hey, as it turns out, I actually really like The Legend of Zelda as well. And then I discovered Fire Emblem. And Kirby, and DK, and Kid Icarus, and Metroid. I realized that, but focusing entirely on Pokemon, I was missing out on some amazing things. And even though I'm still a crazy Nintendo fanatic today, I still force myself to step outside of that bubble from time to time as well. Sometimes I give a TV show I saw a meme from a try or check out a 3rd party game that looks like it could be interesting.
Variety is the spice of life. If you decide your taste are set in stone, you're missing out on things you didn't even know you liked. This even goes for Smash Brothers - do you only ever play one character? Well, pick someone else who looks interesting and play some friendlies with them sometime. Maybe they'll become a new favorite.