So just to pass the time a bit, I'll propose a Game. You have to replace Each of the Pokemon reps with different ones, but each one you replace has to be of the same Type and come from the same Generation. Pokemon Trainer can still be itself (or changed to Blue, Veteran Trainer, Brock, or whatever) if you want.
Here's what I'd go with:
Pokemon Trainer --> Veteran & Ace Pokemon Trainer (each with Female & hair color variants)
Squirtle --> Omanyte
Ivysaur --> Gloom
Charizard --> Magmar
Pikachu --> Raichu (bit of a copout, I know, but I'd rather have Raichu lol)
Jigglypuff --> Clefairy
Mewtwo --> Alakazam
Pichu --> Elekid
Lucario --> Mega Lopunny (I know its cheating, but the intro animation can be Lopunny Mega Evolving)
Lucario --> Gallade (If you guys find the Mega-evolution choice to be cheating lol)
Greninja --> Pangoro (Going based off its 'Dark' typing rather than Water)
Incineroar (assuming he is the pick) --> Salazzle