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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2013
. i said i doubt younger players have played games or are familiar with these choices so far.
If younger players NEED new age picks that they recognize and are familiar with to be able to get into smash, despite it already overflowing with a mix of nintendo icons and new faces, then they are indeed being a spoiled brat. Do you even realize how often Smash introduces people to new franchises and characters? Sakurai decided to listen to fans, after years and years, he decided to listen to fans about picks they wanted, and now he's ignoring the fans, because he's not specifically pandering to the younger ones. The fact that some of you seem to think he still owes you more than he's given is one of the worst parts of this massive ass community.

Deleted member


Serious answer, I just don't see what Incineroar brings over other Pokemon when his whole thing can be replicated by many other characters. The only thing he has over others currently is Verg saying it's none of the three that were most discussed and one of his sources explicitely saying Incineroar.
Besides, I wanna make some bold predictions instead of the boring ones I see all the time.
There's actually quite a bit more going for Incineroar over other options, but you don't seem like you'd even care, so I'll not get into detail about that. :/

All I'm going to say is, no matter what happens, you've set yourself up for disappointment on that prediction.
Either it's going to be Incineroar despite what you think on what it has to offer, or it's going to be another Pokémon like Tapu Koko, Buzzwole, Golisopod, Hakamo-o/Kommo-o, Necrozma, etc. that isn't Primarina.
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Door Key Pig

Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2010
Here's my August-end predicts:

+Dixie Kong
+Shadow (hopefully Tails also gets something at some point)
+Black Knight
+An echo that uses abandoned but unique custom moves like Roll for Megaman or Medusa for Palutena
+An Olimar echo that utilises the Rock Pikmin

+Chorus Kids
+Some 7th gen Pokemon that isn't Decidueye, Lycaroc or maybe Incineroar
+Skull Kid
+Banjo Kazooie

Other characters in the realm of possibility..?
-Black Shadow (e)
-Ms. Pac-Man (e)
-Ninten (e)
-Heihachi (maybe also a Jin echo)
-Bandana Dee
-Retro Nintendo rep of Mach Rider or Excitebiker or something
-Fan requested 3rd Gen Pokeman

Deleted member

Nintendo has uploaded the update for their paid online to their servers before it goes live later in September, and it's being datamined. Here's what seems to be known so far:

Apologies if this has already been talked about. I'm pretty slow when it comes to this stuff. :p

It, uh...looks like it did a few months ago: Pretty bad. Unless a Direct gets announced that promises more for the future, this thing really will just be a pay gate for peer-to-peer Splatoon 2 and Smash. :/
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Everyone is predicting the same thing...

Yeah, I can already tell that this is gonna end badly for Sakurai.

Scenario #1 "Seriously, Sakurai!! Literally everyone predicted these newcomers! Where's the huge suprise!?"
Scenario #2 "Who the heck asked for these guys, Sakurai!? You should've given us Geno and Skull Kid!"

I want to make interesting predictions but I'm pretty sure we'll get nothing but ballot characters so it's not really possible.
Fear of being wrong shouldn't stop you from trying to predict an unlikely character. Why else would a majority of people still be supporting Pokemon like Tapu Koko and Primarina when Verge specifically said Incineroar?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2018
Leave a like if you enjoyed the video
Oh wait, I forgot to add Yu Narukami to my predictions. I really think we'll see a Persona rep on this game and their moveset potential is just too good to pass up. No, and not Joker, he hasn't appeared in a Nintendo console yet.

Simon and Richter were certainly not high in the ballot so I don't think so.
I do think it'll be mainly popular characters but not necessarily popular in the ballot(Simon), or even within the Smash fanbase(Richter).
I also severely doubt either Chrom and Dark Samus ranked as highly as characters like K.Rool so we may get some characters who didn't even break into the Top 10
I think most of the first party reps outside of echos will be high ranking characters from the ballot, and besides new ips the amount of characters requested for smash is dwindling with each instalment. On the other hand I believe any other third party reps will be mostly unpredictable as the pool for characters is limitless.

Deleted member

There's actually quite a bit more going for Incineroar over other options, but you don't seem like you'd even care. :/

All I'm going to say is, no matter what happens, you've set yourself up for disappointment on that prediction.
Either it's going to be Incineroar despite what you think on what it has to offer, or it's going to be another Pokémon like Tapu Koko, Buzzwole, Golisopod, Hakamo-o/Kommo-o, Necrozma, etc. that isn't Primarina.
I'd like to see it then. No, really, I'm serious. My issues with Incineroar are entirely personal and I understand that but part of me wants to believe he won't be our new Pokemon. I won't be surprised at all if/when Incineroar is revealed. Primarina is just the next one in the list due to being a starter but Tapu Koko or Golisopod(especially this one) would be just as pleasing(though I don't see the UBs as likely). But now it seems like your problem is with Primarina in specific.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2014
Switch FC
Same. He looks pretty awful. It's a shame that's how he will look on the boxart, pretty much everyone else looks great.
Yeah it's weird how it's only him who looks so odd, how did that even happen?

Deleted member

I like this and it's really wholesome but this implies Super Mario World is the furthest in the Mario timeline where Bowser Jr. is nowhere to be seen
He was on vacation at the time. Boom. Solved.

EDIT: I guess sicne everybody else is making 'Predictions' I'll make the same. It's really hard, though, to make an accurate 'Prediction' without it becoming a Wishlist....so I'll do both. Prediction is normal font and the Wishlist will be Bold.

Prediction Wishlist
1. Zelda Rep -Skull Kid
2. Pokemon Rep; specifically 7th Gen -Incineroar, Pheramosa, Buzzwole, or Tapu Koko
3. New Mario series Rep -Paper Mario, or King Boo (I think it'd be neat lol)
4. Switch IP Rep -Spring Man or any ARMs Rep
5. New 3rd Party Rep; Specifically Square Enix -Crono (most likely going to be Geno, though)

e1. Sonic Echo -Shadow or Tails (a slightly slower, stronger Tails could work)
e2. F-Zero Echo -Black Shadow
e3. Zelda Echo -Impa
e4. Mario Echo -Dry Bowser
e5. New Character Echo -Ribbon Girl (Slightly Faster, & quicker Aerial combos)
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Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Nintendo has uploaded the update for their paid online to their servers before it goes live later in September, and it's being datamined. Here's what seems to be known so far:

Apologies if this has already been talked about. I'm pretty slow when it comes to this stuff. :p

It, uh...looks like it did a few months ago: Pretty bad. Unless a Direct gets announced that promises more for the future, this thing really will just be a pay gate for peer-to-peer Splatoon 2 and Smash. :/
One really positive, if off-topic, note is that if it means there's a new SNES controller to go along with their online service, then that would be evidence the service goes beyond NES. It was expected, but not certain given how they went quiet on SNES and focused solely on NES for launch.

On topic, while it would never happen, it would be awesome if every Smash character got Switch icons.
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Deleted member

I think most of the first party reps outside of echos will be high ranking characters from the ballot, and besides new ips the amount of characters requested for smash is dwindling with each instalment. On the other hand I believe any other third party reps will be mostly unpredictable as the pool for characters is limitless.
I have to disagree. 3rd parties are much more limited in that you can't really justify the inclusion of an obscure one like you can for a 1st party.
If Golden Sun was a 3P, for example, you can bet no one would even consider Isaac at all.

1st Parties on the other hand, have side characters from existing series and possible new series that can range from being well-known to the most obscure possible.
Same. He looks pretty awful. It's a shame that's how he will look on the boxart, pretty much everyone else looks great.
Oh hey, it's a Gunner avi, good taste.

Deleted member

On the topic of Incineroar, if it happens, I'm gonna have to be happy for other people, because he is unfortunately one of my least favorite Pokemon.

I'll be happy for the people who wanted him and I hope they'll enjoy him if it happens, but I'm not gonna lie, I'd probably prefer just about anything else. That's just me, though. :)


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
There's a big issue with that and it's that you can't move due to one stick occupying the camera and the other aiming the strikes.
It'd turn the game into fruit ninja if it was balanced around that essentially, when in Zelda there's this whole dodge, block, hit thing they have going on.
Nah, you just change the right stick's fuction to aiming his sword while in Z-targeting, rather than moving the camera, while the left stick controls movement.. The older games already do that.

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
I just want
Ken (echo)
Dixie Kong (echo)
Banjo & Kazooie
Shadow/ or Tails (echo)

And more than 2 Final Fantasy songs.

Deleted member

Didn't see anyone talk about this but Squad Strike is confirmed to be each character as one Stock
One really positive, if off-topic, note is that if it means there's a new SNES controller to go along with their online service, then that would be evidence the service goes beyond NES. It was expected, but not certain given how they went quiet on SNES and focused solely on NES for launch.

On topic, while it would never happen, it would be awesome if every Smash character got Switch icons.
It's not really unlikely when all they'd have to do is rip the ingame portraits into it. And maybe I could finally get a good icon then...


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2013
I just want
Ken (echo)
Dixie Kong (echo)
Banjo & Kazooie
Shadow/ or Tails (echo)

And more than 2 Final Fantasy songs.
What really are the realistic chances of Rayman? He only ever got a trophy, not a AT or a costume.

How'd he do on the ballot? What's the relationship with Ubisoft right now?

He's probably the char I'm pulling the hardest for but I simultaneously think he's impossible for some reason


Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2018
Leave a like if you enjoyed the video
I have to disagree. 3rd parties are much more limited in that you can't really justify the inclusion of an obscure one like you can for a 1st party.
If Golden Sun was a 3P, for example, you can bet no one would even consider Isaac at all.

1st Parties on the other hand, have side characters from existing series and possible new series that can range from being well-known to the most obscure possible.

Oh hey, it's a Gunner avi, good taste.
But most first parties characters have already been represented in some shape or from besides new Pokemon and fire emblems characters. Besides Arms rep, xenoblade rep and using assist trophies the characters from nintendo get more predictable each smash. Also even if a third party isn't constantly on Nintendo consoles they have the chance to get in now, Cloud, Ryu and Bayonetta (At the time). Bayonetta is also an example of new third party games basically becoming nintendo exclusives, which means others will most likely follow and then more reps.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
What really are the realistic chances of Rayman? He only ever got a trophy, not a AT or a costume.

How'd he do on the ballot? What's the relationship with Ubisoft right now?

He's probably the char I'm pulling the hardest for but I simultaneously think he's impossible for some reason
Considering we have Mario + Rabbids as a thing, and it sold enough to warrent additional DLC, they probably have a working relationship. And considering Ray-Man's far more of an Ubisoft mascot than a generic rabbid, I can see Ray-Man happening.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
Your predictions are off as hell. Any roster that does not have Dixie, Black Knight, Incineroar, and Isaac is wrong.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2014
Switch FC


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Oh wait, I forgot to add Yu Narukami to my predictions. I really think we'll see a Persona rep on this game and their moveset potential is just too good to pass up. No, and not Joker, he hasn't appeared in a Nintendo console yet.

Simon and Richter were certainly not high in the ballot so I don't think so.
I do think it'll be mainly popular characters but not necessarily popular in the ballot(Simon), or even within the Smash fanbase(Richter).
I also severely doubt either Chrom and Dark Samus ranked as highly as characters like K.Rool so we may get some characters who didn't even break into the Top 10
But he'll be on a Nintendo console by the time DLC starts up (Persona Q2, releasing January 2019).

Also, Cloud and Snake show that appearing on Nintendo consoles don't really matter. Not discrediting Yu, but I think Joker is more likely as he's kind of the face of the Persona brand going forward. Advertising for Q2 has mainly shown the Phantom Thieves, and Dancing Star Night was a big reveal, with Dancing Moon Night taking more of a secondary appearance.

Anyways, here are my personal predictions:

Base Roster
  • Incineroar
  • Ken
  • Isabelle
  • Geno
  • Chorus Kids
  • Skull Kid
  • Shadow
  • Maybe Isaac
  • Rex & Pyra
  • Spring Man
  • Octolings
  • Dixie Kong & Kiddy Kong
  • Banjo & Kazooie
  • Sora
  • Joker
  • Crash Bandicoot
  • Rayman
  • Tales of Character


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
What really are the realistic chances of Rayman? He only ever got a trophy, not a AT or a costume.

How'd he do on the ballot? What's the relationship with Ubisoft right now?

He's probably the char I'm pulling the hardest for but I simultaneously think he's impossible for some reason
Mario and rabbids happened so the relationship is good, I'm just still doubtful we'll get any western third parties. He probably did pretty well on the ballot, especially since it was right after the artsyomni leak

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
I think most of the first party reps outside of echos will be high ranking characters from the ballot, and besides new ips the amount of characters requested for smash is dwindling with each instalment. On the other hand I believe any other third party reps will be mostly unpredictable as the pool for characters is limitless.
Not really, non-video game third-party characters are obviously ineligible.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Your predictions are off as hell. Any roster that does not have Dixie, Black Knight, Incineroar, and Isaac is wrong.

I'm hoping I missed a meme or something and this isn't a real comment by a real person.


Smash Cadet
Aug 22, 2018
Lurkin' around...
I have been seeing Chorus Kids/Rhythm Heaven rep quite frequently... I personally do not get it. Is there something about the characters that I am missing. Anyone want to help me understand the demand that isn't simply "Cause I want a Rhythm Heaven rep", or that it was previously cut content?

I personally think (And i apologize in advance if this hurts anybody), that they would work very well as assist trophies by doing rhythm based attacks from their respective rhythm game. I'd love to hear how others could conceptualize them as a fighter. I just can't


Smash Master
Jan 27, 2014
On this Planet
What's up with the burst of Banjo supporters recently? Did something happen to tease him or what?
Simply the fact that K. Rool was confirmed and everyone thinks the most popular characters actually have a fair chance now, including Banjo.

Your predictions are off as hell. Any roster that does not have Dixie, Black Knight, Incineroar, and Isaac is wrong.
I guess we need to remind everyone that no character is/was a shoo-in for this game. Except Inklings but that's beside the point.
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Deleted member

What really are the realistic chances of Rayman? He only ever got a trophy, not a AT or a costume.

How'd he do on the ballot? What's the relationship with Ubisoft right now?

He's probably the char I'm pulling the hardest for but I simultaneously think he's impossible for some reason
I think everyone kinda forgets the Rayman leak happened around the Ballot period and after it was proven fake, there was likely a surge of demand for him.
Not like the trophy doesn't help either, he's currently the only 3P that had Smash 4 content that isn't disconfirmed or playable now
But most first parties characters have already been represented in some shape or from besides new Pokemon and fire emblems characters. Besides Arms rep, xenoblade rep and using assist trophies the characters from nintendo get more predictable each smash. Also even if a third party isn't constantly on Nintendo consoles they have the chance to get in now, Cloud, Ryu and Bayonetta (At the time). Bayonetta is also an example of new third party games basically becoming nintendo exclusives, which means others will most likely follow and then more reps.
I really don't see how picking side characters from existing series is more predictable than "main character from that really popular game"


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Didn't see anyone talk about this but Squad Strike is confirmed to be each character as one Stock

It's not really unlikely when all they'd have to do is rip the ingame portraits into it. And maybe I could finally get a good icon then...
Not sure what Sakurai was talking about in his Famitsu article then about best out of X. Winner goes on is the typical stock battle, makes sense.

Does that mean in "Best out of X" after you beat the opponent your character stock is depleted and you both move on to the next? That's interesting... Defintely perfer Winner goes on though.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2013
What's up with the burst of Banjo supporters recently? Did something happen to tease him or what?
K. Rool got in + Misconception that rare owns K. Rool x (Creator Rare said they were up for it + Being one of the few old ass picks left) = Overblown hype for him despite him not being any more or less likely than he was before
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