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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I can see Adeline, Kamek, Marx, Ninten, Tetra, and Tharja becoming ATs.

But that doesn't mean that he should be the only new Sonic character. I can see Tails and Shadow both getting added.
The problem with this is that a second Sonic rep would most likely come at the expense of another entirely new SEGA rep.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
But that doesn't mean that he should be the only new Sonic character. I can see Tails and Shadow both getting added.
I doubt it. Unless Tails mega topped the ballot I'm gonna have to keep it real with you chief.


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2014
I can't really see Sonic getting 2 new characters. Shadow's the incredibly obvious choice since he's easy echo material.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
I can't really see Sonic getting 2 new characters. Shadow's the incredibly obvious choice since he's easy echo material.
More stupid "rules" that Sakurai has shown that he can break. He can give Sonic 3 reps if he wants to.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
But what other IPs does Sega have? They're pretty much all Sonic at this point.
Do you even keep track of the companies you like?

This isn't including:
- Sakura Wars
- Virtua Fighter
- Segata Sanshiro

More stupid "rules" that Sakurai has shown that he can break. He can give Sonic 3 reps if he wants to.
Hoe I know you didn't just say his own opinion was him saying it's a rule.
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Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
But what other IPs does Sega have? They're pretty much all Sonic at this point.
...oh I don't mean to be rude but WOW this isn't insightful at all.

Puyo Puyo, Virtua Fighter, Yakuza, Shenmue. Come on now...

More stupid "rules" that Sakurai has shown that he can break. He can give Sonic 3 reps if he wants to.
But these aren't rules...DarkFalcon saying "I can't see this happening" is not saying "Sakurai said it wouldn't happen".
I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I think you need to check yourself for a second here. You're coming across as a bit of a rabid Sonic fan. Again, don't want to be rude at all, but you have to see our perspectives before dismissing it as stupid.
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Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Shadow was...most definitely NOT in limbo. Generations, Colors, the Riders series, Chronicles...Storybook series, the Olympics...
When I mean limbo. I meant mainly the mainline platformers. I count Riders, Storybook, Olympics, and Chronicles as all spin-offs. And even then, it's not like Tails was missing in those spin-offs while Shadow wasn't. Both Classic Tails and Modern Tails speak with Sonic a few times in cutscenes in Generations, Tails is there for many cutscenes of Colors while Shadow was just in the DS version that had many appearances of other characters that did not appear at all in the Wii version.

Don't get me wrong, there's still reasons why I think Shadow is probably who's coming first because of what Arigarmy said here:

Shadow's just easier to implement because of having a similar model off the bat, easy Echo material. He's just got that one advantage alone that pushes him across the board.

I'm only saying this because amongst Sonic character requests Tails still had to have been up there at the very least. At this point I am expecting Shadow to be Sonic's echo fighter while Tails' best hope is DLC. Though I'd be alright even if Tails just turned out to be a 2nd Sonic Assist trophy. Just give Tails something more then he did back in Smash 4, And I'll be content. I can handle just settling for playing Mii Gunner for the costume a whole bunch if I need to.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
...oh I don't mean to be rude but WOW this isn't insightful at all.

Puyo Puyo, Virtua Fighter, Yakuza, Shenmue. Come on now...
They threw out a bunch of IPs when they went third party. However, two Virtua Fighter characters (Akira and Jacky) did receive Mii Fighter costumes, but I don't think that they have a chance.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
and **** i forgot my money was about to hit the toilet

They threw out a bunch of IPs when they went third party. However, two Virtua Fighter characters (Akira and Jacky) did receive Mii Fighter costumes, but I don't think that they have a chance.
But those are series that are alive.
Coexisting with Sonic games. Right now.You asked and we delivered, why not believe it?
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Sakurai says he doesn't consider DLC before the game goes gold but let's not exagurate to the point where he removes the very concept of additional contet from his brain before starting work.

Those empty slots will be A. for stages tied to any more 3rd party newcomers (if any) and B. be convenient for additional stages added after the fact.

Remember that 3DS and WiiU came with the buttons for additional stages and characters already in the code.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Sadly, with transformation Final Smashes no longer being fully playable, even if Young Link's Final Smash had him changing into Fierce Deity Link, it would most likely operate in the exact same manner as Donkey Kong's new Final Smash.
I'd be totally okay with that - that's actually what I want. He could take the old Triforce Slash, or since the Helix is a zweihänder, borrow Ike's or Cloud's (inverted anims since he's lefty)
One thing that's caught my attention for no good reason is Final Smashes, and we have yet to see the Final Smash of these characters:

Who'll be getting new ones? Who'll keep their old one?
I bet that :ultluigi::ultfalcon::ultmetaknight::ultrob::ultwiifittrainer::ultgreninja::ultmiifighters::ultduckhunt: will all keep theirs. :ultlucario: will probably go back to his Brawl version, maybe with a Mega-evo right before. :ultrobin may just get his without a partner or paired with someone else, and :ultrichter: will probably just share with Simon. :ultdarkpit:has a pic on the official site with the FS Aura and he is doing the same as last time. And see :ultyounglink: above. The others...will definitely have to change, and I don't have ideas.
Yeah. Especially since Tails is the secondary protagonist of the Sonic games and is one of gaming's most iconic sidekicks. Him getting nothing while Knuckles and Shadow get upgrades will be odd, especially considering Tails got a Mii Fighter costume.

I love Tails, so I really would like to see him get a promotion. Especially if Shadow and Knuckles get promoted around him and leave him to be a nobody...he's the OG partner.
New game, name 9 characters you think are likely, sorted into three groups: Remaining Ballot Picks (3), Previously Considered (3), and Sakurai Picks (3). Exclude echoes. Here I will be excluding Isabelle and Dixie cause I’ll assume they’re echoes.

Remaining Ballot Picks:
- Bandana Waddle Dee
- Skull Kid
- Isaac

Previously Considered:
- Chorus Kids
- Geno
- Heihachi or Lloyd
(If Skull Kid is later deconfirmed, replace him with Geno in the Ballot Picks list and have both Heihachi and Lloyd in the Previously Considered list)

Sakurai Picks:
- Elma
- Dante
- Gen 7 Pokémon (this should be pretty obvious)
I can definitely see Isabelle and Dixie echoes as well, plus Shadow and Ken.

What I'd guess otherwise...

- Bandana Dee
- Isaac
- Banjo/Kazooie

Previously Considered:
- Chorus Kids
- Heihachi
- Geno

- Incineroar
- Elma
- ????

[looks at this list of likely characters]
[looks at my most wanted in my sig]
...yeah, gotta be honest, this set really doesn't excite me that much. I've never played most of these games, and for the few I have, there are other characters from the same franchise/third-party company that I'd prefer.

The problem with this is that a second Sonic rep would most likely come at the expense of another entirely new SEGA rep.
I'm not really gonna consider that a bad thing...

Sonic by itself is an incredibly iconic franchise the the point that most people's parents recognize it. As much as people like to talk about Banjo/Crash/Rayman as icons of their respective generations, they aren't anywhere near household names as much as Sonic and Mario, and none of them have anything on the Sonic/Mario rivalry in the 90s. That hoax in EGM ID'd Sonic for Melee, not any other third party.

I think if any third party franshice got a unique second rep, Sonic deserves it. After all, Tails and Knuckles are more iconic than a large number of potential other SEGA reps from other franchises.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
They threw out a bunch of IPs when they went third party. However, two Virtua Fighter characters (Akira and Jacky) did receive Mii Fighter costumes, but I don't think that they have a chance.
Yet you think Tails does because he received a Mii Fighter costume? They also definitely haven't tossed Puyo Puyo, which got a Switch game.

When I mean limbo. I meant mainly the mainline platformers. I count Riders, Storybook, Olympics, and Chronicles as all spin-offs. And even then, it's not like Tails was missing in those spin-offs while Shadow wasn't. Both Classic Tails and Modern Tails speak with Sonic a few times in cutscenes in Generations, Tails is there for many cutscenes of Colors while Shadow was just in the DS version that had many appearances of other characters that did not appear at all in the Wii version.

Don't get me wrong, there's still reasons why I think Shadow is probably who's coming first because of what Arigarmy said here:
I'm not really gonna consider that a bad thing...

Sonic by itself is an incredibly iconic franchise the the point that most people's parents recognize it. As much as people like to talk about Banjo/Crash/Rayman as icons of their respective generations, they aren't anywhere near household names as much as Sonic and Mario, and none of them have anything on the Sonic/Mario rivalry in the 90s. That hoax in EGM ID'd Sonic for Melee, not any other third party.

I think if any third party franshice got a unique second rep, Sonic deserves it. After all, Tails and Knuckles are more iconic than a large number of potential other SEGA reps from other franchises.
The whole "deserves it" philosophy has done us no good so far my friend. I understand this, but I feel it'd be nonsensical to get 2 Sonic characters, perhaps even 3 with a Shadow echo, over an entirely new SEGA Rep.
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Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
One thing that's caught my attention for no good reason is Final Smashes, and we have yet to see the Final Smash of these characters:

Who'll be getting new ones? Who'll keep their old one?
If anything, :ultluigi::ultfalcon::ultmetaknight::ultdarkpit::ultrob::ultwiifittrainer::ultgreninja::ultmiifighters::ultduckhunt: will all probably have their Final Smashes from Smash 4, :ultrichter: will probably have Grand Cross as well. What could work for the rest of the characters? I'm really interested in what :ultpeach::ultdaisy::ultyounglink::ultdiddy::ultrobin will have since I can't really think of options for new ones for them.
:ultyoshi: will have Mega Eggdozer. I'll bet money on that. :ultluigi::ultfalcon: have sufficient Final Smashes, so they'll stay the same


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Yet you think Tails does because he received a Mii Fighter costume? They also definitely haven't tossed Puyo Puyo, which got a Switch game.


The whole "deserves it" philosophy has done us no good so far my friend. I understand this, but I feel it'd be nonsensical to get 2 Sonic characters, perhaps even 3 with a Shadow echo, over an entirely new SEGA Rep.
The difference between Tails and Akira & Jacky was that Tails got his costume after the start of the ballot, while Akira & Jacky got theirs right when the ballot started.
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Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
The difference between Tails and Akira & Jacky was that Tails got his costume after the start of the ballot, while Akira & Jacky got theirs right when the ballot started. I don't think that Arle Najda is getting in because Puyo Puyo is rather obscure.
Puyo Puyo isn't obscure. It consistently gets releases. Switch game was a hit. Has a popular mobile game. I feel you're a bit blinded. You're looking a bit too deep into these differences. My point is they felt these Sega franchises warranted a costume, as they were recognizable.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
The difference between Tails and Akira & Jacky was that Tails got his costume after the start of the ballot, while Akira & Jacky got theirs right when the ballot started. I don't think that Arle Najda is getting in because Puyo Puyo is rather obscure.
**** Flying Man confirmed for Smash guys, pack it in.
I don't think we should determine Mii Costumes alone. Take the numerous polls given across the internet and see how many of them have Tails mentioned in the Top 10. If you said "none of them", you win a new car because their vote probably went to a character named "not Tails".

Your argument was that SEGA has no other series alive that could take a spot, which is entirely incorrect. Kiryu is made for Smash with how beat 'em ups are nowadays.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Viridi only uses the power of flight like Palutena, she never appears in-person in Uprising, we don't know how she fights.

They would definitely not age her up to make an Echo..I doubt they'd age her up for any reason.
The powers used to help Pit on his Uprising adventure can also be used by Viridi (sure he can use them himself, but Viridi herself has said she can do anything Palutena can...but better).

She even has a better (and probably more safe) place to live
:ultlucario: will probably go back to his Brawl version, maybe with a Mega-evo right before.

I think if any third party franshice got a unique second rep, Sonic deserves it. After all, Tails and Knuckles are more iconic than a large number of potential other SEGA reps from other franchises.
I really hope Lucario can either Mega Evolve once he hits 100%, has it as an alt, or used it in his Final Smash (we already lost Mega Charizard X, I don’t wanna lose Lucario’s aswell

As for the Sonic crew, they could get 2 unique fighters and an echo for all I care, they earned their placement as both a series repped in Smash and a member of the Nintendo family


Eight Leaves One Kame Style
Feb 7, 2008
Newport, Oregon
...oh I don't mean to be rude but WOW this isn't insightful at all.

Puyo Puyo, Virtua Fighter, Yakuza, Shenmue. Come on now...
Don't forget Valkyria Chronicles. Or the fact they own Atlus now.

Not to mention the new Sakura Wars they announced not too long ago.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I'm curious how many would riot if they went with an Alolan Pokemon, like Alolan Meowth. You got your Gen 7 rep, but it was still more Gen 1 "pandering". :chuckle: But as I mainly like Gen 1-2, I'm fine with whatever Sakurai decides.
At this point, beggars cannot be choosers so I would take whatever I can have. It may not be the original Meowth but it's still Meowth.

Same with why I would take Captain Toad even if it's not the original Toad.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
New game, name 9 characters you think are likely, sorted into three groups: Remaining Ballot Picks (3), Previously Considered (3), and Sakurai Picks (3). Exclude echoes. Here I will be excluding Isabelle and Dixie cause I’ll assume they’re echoes.

Remaining Ballot Picks:
- Bandana Waddle Dee
- Skull Kid
- Isaac

Previously Considered:
- Chorus Kids
- Geno
- Heihachi or Lloyd
(If Skull Kid is later deconfirmed, replace him with Geno in the Ballot Picks list and have both Heihachi and Lloyd in the Previously Considered list)

Sakurai Picks:
- Elma
- Dante
- Gen 7 Pokémon (this should be pretty obvious)
Hmm let's see:

Remaining Ballot Picks:
Skull Kid
Bandana Dee

Previously Considered:
Monster Hunter :(

Sakurai Picks:
Pokémon newcomer (from either Gen 3 or Gen 7)
So I showed my sister this video and she just kind of gave me a funny look. I don't think she understands the K.Rool hype.

Maybe you guys will appreciate it.
No, no, NOOOOOOOO! You fool! What have you done?! I just got that song out of my head, and you just had t-

La la la la la la
la la la la la la

La la la la la la
la la la la la la

La la la la la la
la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaa.

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Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Fine. Tails has absolutely no chance of getting in.
Nobody ever said that. Again, I apologize if you do feel attacked, but nobody was trying to hurt your feelings; you simply insisted repeatedly on Tails being a very likely contender, which we disagreed with and provided our reasons.
I love Sonic. I think Tails would be a cool pick. I just don't see it as likely. Doesn't mean he has absolutely no chance.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Fine. Tails has absolutely no chance of getting in.
Well now you're going to the opposite extreme.
No one's saying Tails has no chance, I actually think he has a solid chance, but you can't deny Shadow would be easier to put in.
Sakurai could do both, he could do neither, he could do whatever he wants.
Just relax, and wait. It's not that serious.
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Captain Shwampy

Smash Master
Jul 20, 2014
Reminder that Sakurai was the one who enforced sega to put Sega Ages collection on switch recently and he collects toys of sega ips like Fantasy Zone and Thunder Force


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
Well, Tails is the secondary protagonist of the series as well as one of gaming's most iconic sidekicks. Tails got a Mii Fighter costume in Smash 4 (which Shadow didn't have) showing that he could have placed high on the ballot. And, new additions to third party franchises are not limited to Echoes. It would be weird if Knuckles and Shadow got promoted and Tails was left as nothing more than a cameo on a 10 year old stage.
Tails is only around often due to being Sonic's best friend and still a popular character. He hasn't really done anything of worth in most games other then being smart guy trope.
Even if that's the case. I doubt they entirely DWARF Tails' popularity to the point they barely do anything else for him. Tails still got a Mii costume alongside Knuckles while Shadow didn't. It doesn't necessarily mean he'll be promoted to playable. Nor does it mean he's more likely then Shadow especially Echo fighter wise. But the point is even if he's the less popular of the 3. He's still probably at least high up there as #3 in the Sonic requests which is no small feat regardless how you look at it.

Tails still bothered to even make supporting character appearances despite the disaster of Sonic 06 while Shadow was in limbo for a while until Sonic Forces. Meaning even while Sega was in big damage control mode when only Sonic was playable for a long while, he was still deemed important enough to at least have a part in the story even if he's not playable at all.
Tails is Popular, but they are more-so.
Shadow only gets used if it makes sense to the story. He was the only other character to be playable in a main series modern game recently too. Tails & Knuckles got to be playable in Mania, but lets be honest, that was expected due to Genesis style.
But what other IPs does Sega have? They're pretty much all Sonic at this point.
Sega owns Atlus, both Persona and Shin Megami Tensei are popular series that could be pulled from.
If a second unique Sonic character appeared though, I'd want Eggman in the Egg Walker over anyone else.


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
If we did get a 2nd namco character Id much rather have Nightmare from soul calibur. He fought Link once already and is super cool
Heihachi and lloyd just look so boring compared to him
My fan fic-like hope for story mode:
Yoshimitsu is a boss, we defeat him, then he goes onto find the weapon soul edge and becomes the next incarnation of Nightmare.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Here's my AT Wishlist:
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Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
The 3 Sonic character (Assuming Shadow is in the game which I don't necessarily think is a guarantee yet) thing I understand many are apprehensive about. It's why I said though Tails could have to wait until DLC. Those who don't necessarily WANT a 3rd Sonic character can choose not to buy Tails if they feel it's a bit too much to stomach even with just Shadow as an echo. If they wanted to get some good cash from the Sonic fans + those that are at least neutral enough to buy Tails for their game, Tails DLC would be perfect.

I also understand the non-Sonic IPs as also a possibility. Though perhaps Bayonetta kinda puts a wrench in that a bit, maybe even an ATLUS rep that have been brought up. Though who knows where DLC takes us. We certainly weren't expecting what we got in Smash 4 DLC for sure.

Deleted member

IMO, Tails has just as good a chance as any Sonic character. It ultimately comes down to what Nintendo, Sakurai, and SEGA want in that regard, so there's not really a definitive "This is the Sonic character that will be in!" if we do get another one. A lot of people, myself included, are mainly latching on to Shadow because of the idea he could be an easy Echo of Sonic. To be honest, though, so could Tails, as all that would need to be different for him is a different Up B and Chrom proved that Echos can deviate from their original moveset.
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