It's not super relevant to our current discussion, but after Verg said Decidueye isn't happening, so many people are acting like Incineroar is the only option left for Pokemon newcomers. I think people are just expecting that it has to be a starter because our Pokemon newcomer (Greninja) was one in the last game. But remember how everyone thought Zoroark would be in because it was "Gen 5's Lucario"?
I wanted to do this for a while, but I thought I'd go over every single Generation 7 Pokemon I feel has potential for a fighter aside from the already widely talked about Lycanrock/Mimikyu(Rip)/Decidueye/Incineroar/Buzzwole and why.
It already has starter status, so it's guaranteed to be well recognized and popular. It has moveset potential in sound based attacks and creating bubbles out of water. People argued that it would be awkward watching it crawl around on land but I could easily see it using a similar dash animation to Squirtle. It's large tale could be used in a lot of attacks similarly to Mewtwo.
This pokemon is prominent in Sun and Moon's story, advertising and lore. It's got one heck of a design as well. It's move set potential might be somewhat limited by being a quadruped with no vines or duck riding on its back, but it has a large enough selection of learn able moves in its own games that they could get creative with it. It could also incorporate type changes into its moveset gimmick. I'm personally imagining giving it moves that increase in power and knockback when it matches their type as a way to incorporate STAB (same type attack bonus) into Smash Bros gameplay.
Not as popular as the other pokemon listed, this pokemon also has a stand out design. Being a psuedo-legendary and the final totem challenge in Sun and Moon, it's iconic enough. It's long arms could help set it apart from the likes of Charizard, as well as its heavy scales. Maybe its signature move, Clanging Scales, could be incorporated as an extremely powerful attack that also causes it to take extra damage for a short while.
Another standout Pokemon, Tapu-Koko appears early in Sun and Moon's story and is the most recognizable of the Tapus. It has a memorable pokemon design and could use its bizarre hands to "peck" and "bit" its opponents for its standard attacks. Electric Surge could potentially be used as a stage control special move that increases the damage of electrical attacks to opponents within its area of effect while also preventing sleep. Guardian of Alola is also just screaming to be a Final Smash.
We're always bringing up Buzzwole but never its feminine counterpart, Roach-Form Deoxys. As well as having exact equal importance to Buzzwole within SM, its humanoid body would also lend well to its moveset potential. Being a total glass canon in competitive play, she could be an extreme lightwight with amazing rush down capabilities. Or you could make her into a Bayonetta echo and make her just as toxic to fight as she was in early Competitive S/M.
Or you know, I could be wrong about all of these and it could be Nihilego or Necrozma or Golisopod or something. There's just so much potential here it's just frustrating to me how we're all just talking about the same small handful of mons. Incineroar is likely, but when there's this much potential lying around, it is by no means the only one we should be looking at.