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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Well if we're talking popularity here, Mimikyu flies rings around Decidueye
I'm not sure that's true, but move set potential is something else that goes into consideration. I don't see Mimikyu happening. I think popularity is a deciding factor, but it's not the end all-be all.

Besides the fact that Ike's unique and Wolf is a semi-clone, Sakurai likes FE more? With all the playable characters it got the simplest conclusion is... he just really likes Fire Emblem.
I think your conclusion is naive, unfounded, insulting to Sakurai, and above all, a fallacy. There is no correlation between the amount of content a series gets and the personal opinions the director has about that series. Especially when that director has gone out of his way to hold back characters from his own IPs and almost didn't add one of them (Corrin) for fear of over representing.

There were multiple chances to add Wolf back in
And still are.

the very dead Mother series
"Dead" is kind of a disrespectful way to describe a series that decided it provided a sufficient amount of content and decided not to overstay it's welcome.

so maybe he just doesn't really like Wolf as well.
I'm just gonna say that your accusations toward Sakurai upset and offend me.

Sakurai actually makes educated decisions when creating the roster. It's not like making your daily fan roster and posting online. He actually tries really hard and does a good job and you're talking about him like he's your usual 14 year-old fanboy who only picks characters based on their own bias and cuts everyone he doesn't like.
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Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2014
Planet Ultimate
Just gonna say on the worldwide popularity thing, more people in the West probably know who Wolf is and more people in Japan probably know who Ike is.
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Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Cannot wait for Coyote to be introduced in StarFox. Coyote Smith.

A space anthropomorphic coyote with a rabid temper. Coyote was the secret lover of James McCloud and Wolf O'Donnell. He exposed his affairs in order to set a feud between the McClouds and O'Donnell for generations. His plan worked. Now Coyote Smith is trying to break up all other relationships: Slippy's love for technology, Peppy's love of barrel rolls, and Andross's love for giant heads.

All for the sake of anarchy. He wears a shiny, metallic helmet shaped like a coyote skull. His ship's wings are those of a broken heart.

He has all the moves of StarFox, except Down B is a counter and the color of his fire during his Up B is a sinister black.
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Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
But what about Smash 5?
Yeah, it’s going to be interesting to see. When a Smash game will be announced more people will find their way into forums like this and will be flooded with speculation, but I don’t know how aggressive the support for characters will be this time around. I think Wolf, Snake and Ice Climbers will have the most vocal supporters but outside of that it’s hard to tell. K. Rool will probably pick up again but Ridley fans may not be up for the ride yet again. Who knows though. Inkling is such a no-brainer it might not even get much ”visible” support. ”Wars” might be focused on between different Pokémon or FE options because of their larger scales, maybe Zelda as well. I think any sort of ”Big 3” could be more about safe predictions like Inkling, Rex/Pyra and Spring Man. Of course, some characters may blow up like Geno pre-Brawl - will be interesting to see which one(s).

Pre-hype is really unpredictable though, it depends a lot on what we see during the development of the game as well. Now all we need is an actual Smash announcement haha!

Deleted member

But what about Smash 5? This time, there may not much, if any notable character advocacy for potential characters. Part of this has to do with there being so few massive fan bases left for characters in Smash. Inklings and K. Rool are the only ones that comes to mind among the Smash speculation community but most see the former as guaranteed and most doubt K. Rool's inclusion due to not showing up in nearly a decade. Sure there might be debates regarding the next Pokemon, DK, Fire Emblem, and Zelda newcomers but two of them are still a big if and the other two aren't likely to receive as much support as Mewtwo and Lucario did. I expect that most of the investment into future characters will take place in veterans especially with several cuts being likely even in a mostly unchanged sequel. But there probably won't be a big character "war", resulting in a more peaceful speculation scene.
Don't forget [/meme] the Xenoblade advocacy too, with Elma vs. Rex/Pyra (vs. Pyra solo (vs. KOS-MOS)).

This may not have the same level of popularity but it's still noteworthy nonetheless.
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Doesn't it ever feel weird to talk about a person you've never met before like this? On a daily basis?
If I'm in the Smash Bros. for Switch speculation thread and the person in question has a huge part in deciding what does and doesn't get added in the next game, then no, not really.

You say that as if no one else here has ever typed the word "Sakurai" in a post.

Dragoncharystary Dragoncharystary
Well, worldwide popularity and starring in two games help a lot. Wolf isn't super popular in the world to the same degree. Ike also wasn't a last-minute addition and is the hero of his own story, so he's a more important character by far. Star Fox having a remake isn't nearly as big as Fire Emblem having multiple new games, so SF being viewed as a less important series does make sense(it's not a small series, of course, and it's still big, just not a huge one like Fire Emblem is at this point).
You have to remember that the FE revival didn't happen yet. The series had been dormant for several years with no new games until Awakening was released in Japan a few months before the roster selection, so Sakurai had more of a reason to invest faith in Star Fox than Fire Emblem at the time. Also, like almost every other FE character, the chances of Ike having another role in a future game were slim. Wolf is a recurring antagonist who is very likely to appear in new games, so that in itself is a good reason to keep him on board with the other two Star Fox characters.

I still think being a semi-clone was the biggest factor in his cut. Perhaps there's something you see that I can't, but back then, I would have said Wolf would be just as likely (or perhaps even more likely) as Ike for starring in one of the first 3DS games, even if it was a remake.

Besides the fact that Ike's unique and Wolf is a semi-clone, Sakurai likes FE more? With all the playable characters it got the simplest conclusion is... he just really likes Fire Emblem. There were multiple chances to add Wolf back in: as the missing brawl vet instead of Lucas from the very dead Mother series, by not limiting himself to missing Melee vets (who were Roy, YLink and Pichu; which kinda feels pretty rigged towards Roy there), or by adding him in place of Corrin (Corrin is unique though so that's understandable), so maybe he just doesn't really like Wolf as well.
Sakurai doesn't hide his love for FE well, but based off of comments he made, I had always thought Wolf was a character Sakurai really liked. That's why I thought his cut was so random and strange.

Mr. Shoe

Smash Rookie
Jan 22, 2018
And if you could only pick one, which would you opt for and how would they play?
I definitely want Waluigi. I feel like he'd be good as a very vertical and fast character with edge guarding as his strong suit. Maybe all of his attacks include sports equipment since he was introduced in Mario Tennis. Kinda just focus him around Mario's spinoff titles. As for Daisy I'm not sure what she would be like. I mostly just want Waluigi and Daisy in because I have an irrational love for side and supporting characters.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
That is an easy question, honey. I am going to have to say make it more like Smash 4's event mode. Unlike Melee, one can control the difficulty to some degree and some of those events like Mewtwo Strikes, Trophy Tussle 3, and Pikachu and Pichu really got on my goddamn nerves. That said, I care not for those rewards since I was grinding for all the custom specials. The rewards I did receive I just sold them for gold. You see, I am pretty close to clearing the challenge where you have to amass 300,000 G.

Sayonara :kirby:
I do know that Brawl's event matches did not have any reward conditions, so you weren't necessarily required to complete the harder difficulty levels, unless there's a challenge that requires you to increase the difficulty (such as "Advent of the Evil King"). Smash Wii U required you to increase the difficulty for a good portion of its event matches, and that could not be avoided at all, since you can't Golden Hammer the challenge where you have to complete all the reward conditions.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Just gonna say on the worldwide popularity thing, more people in the West probably know who Wolf is and more people in Japan probably know who Ike is.
I'm going to have to disagree on Ike.

Both its Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn appearances cracked the top 5 of last year's Choose Your Legends poll (well, top 5 of their gender) with the former winning the male section by about 5,000 votes. And if one combines the votes of both Ikes, he actually received more votes than Lyn.

Being able to pull that off while being more popular in Japan than the West would be insanity, imo.
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No Custom Titles Allowed
Mar 9, 2012
Switch FC
I've long thought about this, and there's a simple solution to this issue. The melee adventure mode can come back with a new gimmick of the stages being selected in a random order. The final stage is the only exception and would always be a battle at final destination against Giga Bowser / Master and Crazy Hand. A wide variety of stages based on different franchises could exist, but you only play a certain amount of them during each playthrough in a randomly selected order. Some examples I thought of are a Sonic themed race to the finish or a Star Fox level where you have to destroy the missiles in orbital gate assault.
I'd like to see something like every character having a different set of stages in Adventure mode. This may be too much for a large sized roster such as Smash 4's though, they probably stopped doing the same with break the targets because of brawl's roster size I guess.

Maybe if they did the same but just for different series instead of characters? (for example, mario, luigi, peach etc would have the same stages but Link, Zelda, Ganon would have other stages and so on)


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
I'm not sure that's true, but move set potential is something else that goes into consideration. I don't see Mimikyu happening. I think popularity is a deciding factor, but it's not the end all-be all.

I think your conclusion is naive, unfounded, insulting to Sakurai, and above all, a fallacy. There is no correlation between the amount of content a series gets and the personal opinions the director has about that series. Especially when that director has gone out of his way to hold back characters from his own IPs and almost didn't add one of them (Corrin) for fear of over representing.

And still are.

"Dead" is kind of a disrespectful way to describe a series that decided it provided a sufficient amount of content and decided not to overstay it's welcome.

I'm just gonna say that your accusations toward Sakurai upset and offend me.

Sakurai actually makes educated decisions when creating the roster. It's not like making your daily fan roster and posting online. He actually tries really hard and does a good job and you're talking about him like he's your usual 14 year-old fanboy who only picks characters based on their own bias and cuts everyone he doesn't like.
God, it sounds like I insulted you more than Sakurai. He's a person, so sometimes there's gonna be a profound reason to add a character and sometimes there's gonna be a profound reason in front of the actual reason which is "I like this series/character". Sakurai holds back on his own IPs but he's not the creator of FE he's a fanboy like the rest of us, and saying he 'almost' didn't add Corrin doesn't really mean much cause he did still add him anyway, because he likes FE~ and that he probably thought the majority of Smash players would also like the character too and I'd say he was right about that, Corrin is pretty cool as a fighter. He's just a human wandering through the mortal plane with the rest of us, with ego and bias and all the other little things that make us all human too, accepting that will probably make his more unusual character choices easier to deal with.

Also Mimikyu has plenty of moveset potential. It's an eldritch horror in a sheet, if Sakurai can make 20 variations of punches into a unique character he can certainly do the same with that.
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I think your conclusion is naive, unfounded, insulting to Sakurai, and above all, a fallacy. There is no correlation between the amount of content a series gets and the personal opinions the director has about that series. Especially when that director has gone out of his way to hold back characters from his own IPs and almost didn't add one of them (Corrin) for fear of over representing.
I'm just gonna say that your accusations toward Sakurai upset and offend me.

Sakurai actually makes educated decisions when creating the roster. It's not like making your daily fan roster and posting online. He actually tries really hard and does a good job and you're talking about him like he's your usual 14 year-old fanboy who only picks characters based on their own bias and cuts everyone he doesn't like.
Yeah, you are overreacting a bit here. Luminario never insulted or belittled Sakurai. All that was said is that Sakurai might like FE more than Star Fox.

Look, Sakurai tries to be fair, but he's still human. Like any other human, he's naturally going to favor certain things that he likes, and he can't mask his favoritism entirely. Can you honestly say Kid Icarus didn't get special treatment in Smash 4?

Deleted member

Just found a great topic on the Smash Wii U boards on GameFAQs about the "rules" established by the fans about how a character is selected to be playable in Smash:
"Only Nintendo characters will be included in Smash!"
-Snake from Konami's Metal Gear series was one of the first newcomers revealed.

"There will be no cuts!"
-Five characters playable in Melee were cut from the roster.

"The only cuts will be clones!"
-Mewtwo was among those cut, albeit he was planned and had the most work done--or left in the game data--out of all of the unused characters. Additionally, two of Melee's clones--Falco and Ganondorf--returned with a few differences to set them apart from their originals, and Young Link arguably morphed into Toon Link.

Smash 4
"A character from a series with only one game won't be included!"
-Shulk was included, despite there only being one Xenoblade game released. However, Xenoblade X (then known only as "X") was announced--as was the New 3DS port of the original Xenoblade--before Smash 4 released. However, both games would release after Smash 4 did; additionally, Shulk was decided upon to be added in 2012, before either game was made public (whether or not Sakurai had inside knowledge of Xenoblade X at the time is unknown).

"A character can't be both a stage hazard/prop and playable!"
-When Spirit Train was revealed for the 3DS version, it was shown that Toon Link was conducting the train, which some felt meant that Toon Link was out. However, Toon Link would indeed join the game, and it was revealed that if Toon Link (or Link) was fighting, Alfonzo ("Leave it to me!") would take his place in the back. Granted, this role does not interact with the fighters at all, so we still don't know how this rule affect actual interactable stage characters.

"The Lord of the newest Fire Emblem game will always be picked over anyone else from their game!"
-Chrom, the main character and Lord of the newest FE game at the time, was infamously snubbed in favor of the Avatar character Robin, due to Robin presenting a far more unique flavor than Chrom would have.

"Once a character has been cut, they won't come back to the roster!" (I actually did see this.)
-Dr. Mario returned in the base game, with Mewtwo and Roy joining in DLC; all of them were removed in the transition from Melee to Brawl.

"If a character has been in at least two Smash games, then they won't be cut!"
-The Ice Climbers, playable in both Melee and Brawl, were removed, albeit due to hardware limitations with the 3DS and Sakurai's desire to keep the roster the same with both versions of the game.

"No third party company will have more than one character in Smash!"
-Ryu showed up as Capcom's second character after Mega Man.

"A character needs to have their game released on a Nintendo platform to be included in Smash!"
-Cloud from Final Fantasy VII, a game that has never touched a Nintendo platform, was included. As far as Cloud is concerned, he has only has menial appearances on Nintendo platforms (Kingdom Hearts cameos, Theatrhythm, Final Fantasy Explorers).

"A third party character needs to be a notable icon in order to be included!"
-A controversial one, and one based on Sakurai's comments on the subject, even. Regardless, Bayonetta was included, despite not being a cultural icon like the other third party characters; however, her entry was due to the Smash Ballot, where she is stated to have gotten the most votes among "negotiable and realizable" characters. Due to Nintendo's heavy involvement with the IP in recent years, the lines between first party and third party may be blurred for her.
Source: https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/633202-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u/76233602

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Just found a great topic on the Smash Wii U boards on GameFAQs about the "rules" established by the fans about how a character is selected to be playable in Smash:

Source: https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/633202-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u/76233602
Fun fact about the Toon Link thing. For those who try to say he's just from WW, his own trophy notes he's from Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks as well, more making the design he inhibits his actual point, not the game itself. Mind you, we don't see a Stage Hazard Character playable yet while being a Hazard at the same time(hence the comparison to Ridley has some flaws in it, although to say Ridley can't be playable just cause of being a Hazard is a bit silly. There's far more issues holding him back anyway).

Also, Mewtwo is a kind of clone. :p But yeah, people made a pretty bad assumption. Clones are easier to port over/remake after all. Plus, why would Ganondorf, who is key to his franchise, be removed? Mewtwo is a vastly popular Pokemon, but isn't a main character at all in the same way Pikachu is. Nor is it super easy to recreate(Jigglypuff is due to sharing moves and a similar model to Kirby).

As for the icon thing, it's not entirely inaccurate. Bayonetta only got in due to the ballot alone. Not because of any iconic status. It's a special exception due to the purpose of the ballot itself, which was looking for an addable character that was realizable and extremely popular results-wise. It's quite possible Sakurai really wanted one last 3rd party, and that's who came up.

Ryu and MegaMan are owned by actual different companies, although they both have Capcom in their name. Capcom Co LTD and Capcom USA are obviously connected, by they are literal different companies. Bayonetta and Sonic are both owned by Sega and a better example.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Fun fact about the Toon Link thing. For those who try to say he's just from WW, his own trophy notes he's from Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks as well, more making the design he inhibits his actual point, not the game itself.
This only applies to Smash 4 since Phantom Hourglass is a direct sequel to Wind Waker and thus, the Link from both of these games is the same character.

Not trying to prove you wrong, since Spirit Tracks' Link is indeed a different Link. Just making some clarifications.
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Deleted member

In Smash for Switch, that narrator who says "Super Smash Brothers...." whatever needs to comeback.
"SUPER SMAAAASH BROTHERRRS" :mario64: Remember the Narrator from the 64 who yelled it? I think the same applies to Melee and Brawl, but not Smash 4.
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
In Smash for Switch, that narrator who says "Super Smash Brothers...." whatever needs to comeback.
"SUPER SMAAAASH BROTHERRRS" :mario64: Remember the Narrator from the 64 who yelled it? I think the same applies to Melee and Brawl, but not Smash 4.
Only Melee, Brawl didn't have it.

But fun fact, Xander Mobus (Smash 4's announcer) actually recorded a line of him saying that, though it never made it in the game.

Deleted member

Only Melee, Brawl didn't have it.

But fun fact, Xander Mobus (Smash 4's announcer) actually recorded a line of him saying that, though it never made it in the game.
Oh, should have noticed. I felt like it was never there at the same time I thought so.
I heard about that a while ago, why did they not keep it?

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
This only applies to Smash 4 since Phantom Hourglass is a direct sequel to Wind Waker and thus, the Link from both of these games is the same character.

Not trying to prove you wrong, since Spirit Tracks' Link is indeed a different Link. Just making some clarifications.
I'm aware, but the point is Toon Link isn't a specific Link, but an artstyle, which is among all 3 games. He originated officially in WW, but this artstyle is used quite often, including the Four Swords games, which is extremely similar, being moslty a mishmash of Toon Link and a bit of regular "overhead Link" since the first game.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Pokemon should have a yang type.

Yang type is only a secondary type. It switches the weaknesses and strengths of the other type it is paired with. Resistances would stay the same, except for the resistances to the type's new weaknesses.

Water/ Yang type would be strong against Grass and Electric. It would be Weak to Fire/ Ground/ Rock. It would resist Ice/ Steel / Water.

Then Pokemon Switch can have a Grass starter that becomes Grass/Yang for its final evolution. This pokemon could be playable in Smash Switch.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Pokemon should have a yang type.

Yang type is only a secondary type. It switches the weaknesses and strengths of the other type it is paired with. Resistances would stay the same, except for the resistances to the type's new weaknesses.

Water/ Yang type would be strong against Grass and Electric. It would be Weak to Fire/ Ground/ Rock. It would resist Ice/ Steel / Water.

Then Pokemon Switch can have a Grass starter that becomes Grass/Yang for its final evolution. This pokemon could be playable in Smash Switch.
The problem is that type effectiveness does not apply in Smash.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
I just want a playable Grass type in Smash.

Grass/Yang type would possibly make the pokemon popular in the new Pokemon Switch. Grass's five weaknesses would become five strengths. Popularity could push it into consideration as a fighter.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Well, there's many ways to incorporate a Grass type, but it shouldn't just be because they are Grass. That only worked for Pokemon Trainer due to the purpose of his inclusion.

Yang seems like a farfetch'd way to do it. That said, they can be interesting due to all kinds of unique moves anyway. Ivysaur was a very interesting addition, despite the unbalanced type effectiveness within Brawl.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Design and popularity are not reliant on pokemon strategic viability. Pikachu being a fine example of this case.

Decided to splatter my yang type idea on here, just in case a similar one pops up in the pokemon series down the line. It is a quick way to essentially double the amount of 'pokemon types' by making upside down versions of the existing types.

Ivysaur was a fun character. Although if Ivysaur and Squirtle were considered to come back, I would rather have Venusaur and Blastoise. I have a feeling that Decidueye or the next Grass starter has a decent chance of appearing in Smash Switch as a fighter.
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Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2017
In a dark, locked room
I mean, Pokemon already kinda referenced yang. Its name is Reshiram :p

I think grass suffers from popularity due to itself, and not as much due to type charts. I mean, let's face it, kids think fire is cooler than grass. The name grass speaks for itself.

I do wonder if Sakurai would consider adding a grass type purely to represent the 3 starter types, or if that doesn't matter at all. Or maybe the next grass starter attains Greninja levels of popularity and gets in (assuming gen 8 precedes Smash Switch of course).

Edit: I would assume type isn't a big factor for consideration, though. If we can have a lot of varied sword fighters, I don't see why another fire/water/psychic type wouldn't be unique.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Edit: I would assume type isn't a big factor for consideration, though. If we can have a lot of varied sword fighters, I don't see why another fire/water/psychic type wouldn't be unique.
Pretty much this. Ivysaur was chosen for the Grass factor as well. Most Pokemon aren't chosen for their type in Smash, but more for what they can bring overall, as well as promotional reasons/is hugely popular, etc.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2014
Planet Ultimate
I'm going to have to disagree on Ike.

Both its Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn appearances cracked the top 5 of last year's Choose Your Legends poll (well, top 5 of their gender) with the former winning the male section by about 5,000 votes. And if one combines the votes of both Ikes, he actually received more votes than Lyn.

Being able to pull that off while being more popular in Japan than the West would be insanity, imo.
Let me clarify a bit more, I was just comparing Wolf and Ike, I never said Ike was more popular in Japan than the West. I meant that more people in Japan probably knew the character Ike than the character Wolf due to FE being wayyyyy more popular over there than it is here (also Star Fox 64 was a much bigger success in the West than it was in Japan) . I do believe that Ike is still more popular in the West overall, at least compared to most other FE lords. My reasoning for Wolf being more well known than Ike in the West is simply because more people have probably played Star Fox 64 than Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn in that region.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Let me clarify a bit more, I was just comparing Wolf and Ike, I never said Ike was more popular in Japan than the West. I meant that more people in Japan probably knew the character Ike than the character Wolf due to FE being wayyyyy more popular over there than it is here (also Star Fox 64 was a much bigger success in the West than it was in Japan) . I do believe that Ike is still more popular in the West overall, at least compared to most other FE lords. My reasoning for Wolf being more well known than Ike in the West is simply because more people have probably played Star Fox 64 than Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn in that region.
Well, more people having played the game Wolf is from is a no-brainer when Nintendo keeps remaking and rebooting Star Fox 64 :p
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Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
I am down for Andross as the next Star Fox fighter, if the franchise gets another slot.

Time to get away from the same special moveset pattern and add variety and a more unique representation of the game with a maniacal scientist.

Give him a body and metallic gloves. A lab coat or tight clothing will allow his head and gloves to stand out. A visual nod to his battle as a giant head with floating hands. He can walk on blocks in the air, create flying wire framed rectangles that can be activated into metallic blocks and utilize his jet-powered metal gloves for Smashes.
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Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
If anyone's interested in discussing the possibility of another historical character ala Mr. Game and Watch, R.O.B., and (arguably) Duck Hunt, I'd recommend looking at my new thread for Daitoryo, the character on the front of Nintendo's premium Hanafuda cards. At the very least, I'd recommend looking at the references and historical archive sections if you're into learning about Nintendo's history. :4pacman:


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2014
Planet Ultimate
Random topic that came to mind, who would like to see other Nintendo crossovers besides Smash that combine only two or three franchises. Popular ideas are a Mario and Kirby crossover, Star Fox and Metroid, or The Legend of Zelda and Fire Emblem.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Random topic that came to mind, who would like to see other Nintendo crossovers besides Smash that combine only two or three franchises. Popular ideas are a Mario and Kirby crossover, Star Fox and Metroid, or The Legend of Zelda and Fire Emblem.

Kirby in Mario Kart, por favor?
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Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Random topic that came to mind, who would like to see other Nintendo crossovers besides Smash that combine only two or three franchises. Popular ideas are a Mario and Kirby crossover, Star Fox and Metroid, or The Legend of Zelda and Fire Emblem.
Mariokart has already tipped in that direction with Link, Inklings and Villagers as characters. Utilizing a larger Nintendo roster would allow featherweight characters to exist with more variety than Baby versions of half the Mario cast.

A painting portal to a small portion of Hyrule or Dreamland (which would be a better fit since Cappy replicates Kirby's ability to some degree) would have been nice in Mario Odyssey.
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