I dont care SA1 was more enjoyable to me. Sonic 1 is zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Final Rush is incredible stage filled with multiple path ways and using sonic abilities to the best. If you understand SA2 mechanics well, Final rush is a blast to play through. Its what a 3D sonic stage should be.
Sonic CD on the other hand is just not fun.
This is bad level design and i dully recognize it just by looking at it.
you can run straight through quartz quadrant in under a minute but you'll only see a quarter of the stage, you're expected to explore every route to find the badnik teleporter and metal sonic hologram but its such a mess because you NEED to see most of the level in CD to find them in the first place but CD level design does everything it can to prevent you.
then you've wacky workbench, whose gimmick is "the bottom floor shoots you to the top of the level every few seconds, and all the high areas are dead ends you need to climb back down" and of course hazards with no way of knowing is there so you're just constantly being hit by enemies and hazards EVERYWHERE
because having game do everything it can to prevent the player from doing anything is definitely a sign of good game design am I right?
also future maps were a huge waste of dev time. you're barely ever going to bother
"aw sweet i made a good future in this act time to time travel TWICE and get two 1 Ups

Its hilarious that SA2 gets **** on and yet CD is just as flawed but whatever "Adventure game are bad lol MEMES XD"
I prefer the weird direction the series had in the 2000s. Adventure games had a fine formula. Just give it a proper physics engine and a proper collision engine and some polishing and you can make a fine sonic game. Add some big explorable levels along with a hubworld filled with Yakuza sub stories and minigames plus chao garden so you can spend all the rings you collect for a good amount of side content.
Im tired of boost games and classic games. its heartless and expensive to make and the other is just milking the nostalgia sonic team created 25 years ago instead of moving on like should be.
Also i dont think Metal sonic can canonically spin dash but then again knuckles can homing attack now.
Either way Shadow is 100% playable