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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Poipole is a UB, not a Psudeo Legendary.
The psuedo legendaries are Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence, Metagross, Garchomp, Hydreigon, Goodra, and Kommo-o.
It was a joke, because the best Pokemon of all time is Poipole.
Iv'e been playing Pokemon for a decade, I know who the psuedo legends are...
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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Then how did you manage to mistake Poipole for one?
Alright, you said "How can Hydreigon be the best Unova Pokemon when it's competing with the best Pokemon overall?"
clearly referencing Chandelure. However, since Poipole is my favorite Pokemon, I made a joke about how Hydreigon doesn't have to compete with the best Pokemon (Poipole) because I like them both. Get it?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
My main want

Other wants
Skull Kid

Other than that, I don't think I care. If Geno somehow gets in, I wouldn't even mind if none of the others do.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Heck, if they needed a lazy Gen 5 pick, making Zoroark a Wolf clone could work. Just change the animation for neutral special so it's not a gun shot and is some kind of dark energy pulse, and then change the Final Smash. It's not ideal, and Zoroark would look weird doing some of Wolf's kicking moves, but it'd be better than Gothitelle.
Yeah, i don't like Gothitelle as a Pokemon. Lol.
I promise I was just talking about rounding out the older gens.

That Zoroark idea isn't bad, lol.

Deleted member

Alright, you said "How can Hydreigon be the best Unova Pokemon when it's competing with the best Pokemon overall?"
clearly referencing Chandelure. However, since Poipole is my favorite Pokemon, I made a joke about how Hydreigon doesn't have to compete with the best Pokemon (Poipole) because I like them both. Get it?
Ah, damn it. I don't know how I missed that, my bad.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2015
I think the chance of a non-gen 7 pokemon is rather low. But I still hope gardevoir gets in then. Otherwise Incineroar is the best gen 7 starter so i'm down for him. Also Lusamine. I stand by my Dissidia Yuna-Esque character idea for her but i doubt it'd ever happen.

Deleted member

Yeah, i don't like Gothitelle as a Pokemon. Lol.
I promise I was just talking about rounding out the older gens.

That Zoroark idea isn't bad, lol.
I actually kinda like Gothitelle, but only because it was on my team in my Black Nuzlocke. It's far from my favorite Pokemon. Rounding out the other generations would be awesome though.

Deleted member

If each gen got a newcomer, who would you pick?
My choices would be:
Kanto: Gengar
Johto: Scizor
Hoenn: Probably Gardevoir since my favorites of this gen are too big
Sinnoh: Staraptor
Unova: Chandelure
Kalos: Tyrantrum or Hawlucha
Alola: Decidueye

Captain Shwampy

Smash Master
Jul 20, 2014
Sonic 1 definitely has some questionable design choices, but Green Hill Zone and Spring Yard Zone are still better than the entirety of Adventure 1. Zipping through wide open levels, momentum is key, you need to reach new heights and make progress throughout a level. Sonic 1 at least has a compelling and well-made engine even if levels like Marble Zone and Labyrinth Zone are ill-equipped in showing that off.

In SA1 the Homing Attack is a great addition because it removes the need for precise movement in a 3d environment, but the controls are janky, levels are full of padding, set pieces and automation that rip control away from the player and the Light Speed Dash in this game is terrible. Sonic is the only fun character and everyone else plays like ****. I don't fault the game for being what it is, it's the first 3D game and released in 1998.
I dont care SA1 was more enjoyable to me. Sonic 1 is zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Adventure 2 is linear and relies too heavily on automated set pieces, style over substance level design, and non-organic pathways like trails of enemies and Light Dash Rings suspended over bottomless pits. Emerald Radar from the first game is gimped, Mad Space is the worst level in existence, and mech stages are boring.


You must be joking about Final Rush; it's literally just packed with stuff that restricts the player's way to get around them, all while suspending the level over a bottomless pit with your main way of traversing the level being grinding rails.

Final Chase is much better since it at least adds some flexibility, but it's still full of those weird buggy gravity cylinders. These levels are both simultaneously gimmicky and out of place as a whole.
Final Rush is incredible stage filled with multiple path ways and using sonic abilities to the best. If you understand SA2 mechanics well, Final rush is a blast to play through. Its what a 3D sonic stage should be.

Sonic CD on the other hand is just not fun.
This is bad level design and i dully recognize it just by looking at it.

you can run straight through quartz quadrant in under a minute but you'll only see a quarter of the stage, you're expected to explore every route to find the badnik teleporter and metal sonic hologram but its such a mess because you NEED to see most of the level in CD to find them in the first place but CD level design does everything it can to prevent you.

then you've wacky workbench, whose gimmick is "the bottom floor shoots you to the top of the level every few seconds, and all the high areas are dead ends you need to climb back down" and of course hazards with no way of knowing is there so you're just constantly being hit by enemies and hazards EVERYWHERE

because having game do everything it can to prevent the player from doing anything is definitely a sign of good game design am I right?
also future maps were a huge waste of dev time. you're barely ever going to bother
"aw sweet i made a good future in this act time to time travel TWICE and get two 1 Ups :yeahboi:"

Its hilarious that SA2 gets **** on and yet CD is just as flawed but whatever "Adventure game are bad lol MEMES XD"

I thought you were joking at first. I still enjoy playing Sonic 1-3. Sure there are a few aspects that I think could use updating, but overall it's still a blast.

Did I see you say the Sonic Adventure Battle games were better? Or were you talking about something different? Those games completely lost me (and turned the franchise in a really weird direction in my opinion)

I'd still be down for Shadow though. But I'd take OG Metal Sonic over Shadow any day!!
I prefer the weird direction the series had in the 2000s. Adventure games had a fine formula. Just give it a proper physics engine and a proper collision engine and some polishing and you can make a fine sonic game. Add some big explorable levels along with a hubworld filled with Yakuza sub stories and minigames plus chao garden so you can spend all the rings you collect for a good amount of side content.

Im tired of boost games and classic games. its heartless and expensive to make and the other is just milking the nostalgia sonic team created 25 years ago instead of moving on like should be.

Also i dont think Metal sonic can canonically spin dash but then again knuckles can homing attack now.

Either way Shadow is 100% playable
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Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
We're discussing Pokemon types here?

Dragon: Kommo-O, Goodra, or Dragonite
Poison: Toxicroak
Ground: Garchomp
Ghost: Gengar
Bug: Scizor
Ice: Weavile or Alolan Sandslash
Fairy: Gardevoir
Rock: Tyranitar


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Ridley and K Rool in the game makes it feel so surreal.

Imagine what it'd feel like with them and Geno

It'd be the game Brawl SHOULD have been
Nah, we need Isaac too.

It’s like the whole Brawl speculation family is back once again, but PLAYABLE!


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2014
I think we get SIX more characters:
- Geno
- Skull Kid
- Dixie (Echo)
- That Gen 7 Electric Cat Pokemon they haven't distributed yet
- Shadow (Echo)
- Isabelle


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Did you see the Snorlax scene? That was pretty dang dark.

That's mainly what caught my eye. Drained that Snorlax dry.
Yeah, that scene was awesome.

Buzzwole in Smash would be totally fine by me. We don't have too many health drain/restore moves in Smash so far...


Are we doing most wanted role calls again? Okay
Ooh, I'll never pass up a chance to do mine. Top 6 now that we got all those reveals? (How weird is it to do a top 6 without K.Rool or Ridley?)
  1. Dovahkiin
  2. Urbosa
  3. Tails
  4. Skull Kid
  5. Ivy (Soul Calibur)
  6. Spring Man
Since the SSS has 6 empty slots left, What do you think those 6 stages are?
  1. High Hrothgar, or realistically anything from Skyrim
  2. Pac-Maze returning
  3. Tetris
  4. Rainbow Road as in MK8 - the N64 version.
  5. Frantic Factory (DK64)
  6. ...remember that one fake leak from Sm4sh era that said a weirdly serene underwater stage from Endless Ocean? I still think that was a great idea.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Sakurai truly can't please everyone. Tragic.
It's even more tragic when the following continues to be neglected...
  1. The DK Rap still skips the Lanky Kong and Chunky Kong segments.
  2. Takashi Nagasako still isn't voicing Donkey Kong.
  3. Katsumi Suzuki still isn't voicing Diddy Kong.
  4. Kenny James still isn't voicing Bowser.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
If each gen got a newcomer, who would you pick?
My choices would be:
Kanto: Gengar
Johto: Scizor
Hoenn: Probably Gardevoir since my favorites of this gen are too big
Sinnoh: Staraptor
Unova: Chandelure
Kalos: Tyrantrum or Hawlucha
Alola: Decidueye
K: :106:
J: :245:
H: Ludicolo
S: Dusknoir
U: Bisharp
KL: Aegislash
A: B U Z Z W O L E


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
If each gen got a newcomer, who would you pick?
My choices would be:
Kanto: Gengar
Johto: Scizor
Hoenn: Probably Gardevoir since my favorites of this gen are too big
Sinnoh: Staraptor
Unova: Chandelure
Kalos: Tyrantrum or Hawlucha
Alola: Decidueye
Kanto: Lapras is the best one but it wouldn't work so Gengar
Johto: Ampharos
Hoenn: Gardevoir
Sinnoh: Weavile
Unova: Krookodile
Kalos: Noivern
Alola: Incineroar, though any Gen 7 mon is fine by me. Also Poipole as a Pokeball summon.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2014
Is anyone else starting to seriously entertain the idea that maybe we'll get a vast majority of the newcomers from the Mii costumes with a few extras like Simon and Ridley?
K.K. could be an Isabelle Echo depending on how they implement her (most, if not all, Animal Crossing characters could be Villager Echoes anyway). Black Knight as an Ike Echo or Assist. Lloyd and Heihachi like one of the still alive rumors/leaks, just like Skull Kid.

On a side not, I don't think I could contain my salt if they keep doing Mii costume DLC and not for regular characters.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 21, 2018
Ridley and K Rool in the game makes it feel so surreal.

Imagine what it'd feel like with them and Geno

It'd be the game Brawl SHOULD have been
Well I'm happy for you guys, all you Ridley fans, Castlevania and King K Rool diehards.

Wonder how big the roster will be in future games..


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
3 more unique fightets .

From rumors. Skull kid. Incineroar and heihachi.

Ok. Sounds fine to me. I hope for dlc of remaining missing stages and new echos.

And some more new characters.

Deleted member

If each gen got a newcomer, who would you pick?
Kanto: Gengar
Johto: Politoed
Hoenn: Deoxys
Sinnoh: Weavile
Unova: Zoroark
Kalos: Eternal Floette (If this isn't allowed because it was never released, Goomy)
Alola: Buzzwole


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Has anyone seen Noipoi Noipoi recently?

After the direct she/he? have stopped appearing here on the boards lately.

I hope the Ashley disconfirmation didn’t hit her/him too hard.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Yeah, that scene was awesome.

Ridley and K Rool in the game makes it feel so surreal.

Imagine what it'd feel like with them and Geno

It'd be the game Brawl SHOULD have been
Starting in Brawl would have been a terrible thing. :metaknight:

Has anyone seen Noipoi Noipoi recently?

After the direct she/he? have stopped appearing here on the boards lately.
Look at who's liking posts before you say they disappeared, lad.
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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
3 more unique fightets .

From rumors. Skull kid. Incineroar and heihachi.

Ok. Sounds fine to me. I hope for dlc of remaining missing stages and new echos.

And some more new characters.
So according to these rumors, the final roster would be Inkling, Daisy, Ridley, Simon, Richter, Chrom, Dark Samus, K Rool, Skull Kid, Incineroar and Heihachi.
A little sad because no Geno, but all in all this roster would be insane!
I'm not believing it though.

Honest Slug

Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2018
I dont care SA1 was more enjoyable to me. Sonic 1 is zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Final Rush is incredible stage filled with multiple path ways and using sonic abilities to the best. If you understand SA2 mechanics well, Final rush is a blast to play through. Its what a 3D sonic stage should be.

Sonic CD on the other hand is just not fun.
This is bad level design and i dully recognize it just by looking at it.

you can run straight through quartz quadrant in under a minute but you'll only see a quarter of the stage, you're expected to explore every route to find the badnik teleporter and metal sonic hologram but its such a mess because you NEED to see most of the level in CD to find them in the first place but CD level design does everything it can to prevent you.

You do realize that the traditional 50 rings option is available right? You don't have to find the generators.

then you've wacky workbench, whose gimmick is "the bottom floor shoots you to the top of the level every few seconds, and all the high areas are dead ends you need to climb back down" and of course hazards with no way of knowing is there so you're just constantly being hit by enemies and hazards EVERYWHERE

A couple of bad levels >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many bad playstyles

because having game do everything it can to prevent the player from doing anything is definitely a sign of good game design am I right?
also future maps were a huge waste of dev time. you're barely ever going to bother
"aw sweet i made a good future in this act time to time travel TWICE and get two 1 Ups :yeahboi:"

Its hilarious that SA2 gets **** on and yet CD is just as flawed but whatever "Adventure game are bad lol MEMES XD"

CD gets a lot of crap for its level design too lol, SA + SA2 also has lots of fans, it's not like they're despised or anything.
Your post is big so I just added my points in bold.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Real wild... :ultmewtwo:

I can hardly believe it either.

With K. Rool Konfirmed (and looking great for it), Isaac is currently the front runner of the supported.
There's still Geno, too.
Has anyone seen Noipoi Noipoi recently?

After the direct she/he? have stopped appearing here on the boards lately.

I hope the Ashley disconfirmation didn’t hit her/him too hard.
Nah I didn't take it too hard, thanks for thinking of me though :).
I still post like all the time, I haven't stopped. I just changed my avatar.
I'm a dude btw.
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Captain Shwampy

Smash Master
Jul 20, 2014
Your post is big so I just added my points in bold.
"You do realize that the traditional 50 rings option is available right? You don't have to find the generators."
why would i want play through those awful special stages

A couple of bad levels >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many bad playstyles
but all the stages are bad

CD gets a lot of crap for its level design too lol, SA + SA2 also has lots of fans, it's not like they're despised or anything.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
There's still Geno, too.

Nah I didn't take it too hard, thanks for thinking of me though :).
I'm a dude btw.
I just realized that you changed your profile pick and font color.

It’s sort of weird to see you without your Ashley profile pick.
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