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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Dark Samus proves Shadow could work
That has literally nothing to do with my point of "People won't ****ing shut up about this tired topic despite how we could discuss the Dracula Castle bosses, custom balance, Spirits, the currently rumoured Skull Kid, the potential competitive legality of Squad Strike, FS Meter and Stage Morphing, etc."


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
View attachment 156554

Although it is still just a theory, the theory of "Keeping the original 12 together" on the top row seems to give a chance of 8 more characters(4 echo, 4 newcomers), but this is also with Miis on, and the final Roster is most likely not in this shape anyway.
The only thing that ruins this theory is a situation where the another one of the original 12 gets an echo. In which case, potential for another fighter opens up.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
View attachment 156554

Although it is still just a theory, the theory of "Keeping the original 12 together" on the top row seems to give a chance of 8 more characters(4 echo, 4 newcomers), but this is also with Miis on, and the final Roster is most likely not in this shape anyway.
Honestly i agree with you, If we get a Direct in September,October and a Smash Direct in November then the pattern likely will be:

September: 1 Newcomer,1 Echo Fighter

October: 1 Newcomer, 1 Echo Fighter

November: 2 Newcomers,2 Echo Fighters (in the Smash Direct)


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2014
That has literally nothing to do with my point of "People won't ****ing shut up about this tired topic despite how we could discuss the Dracula Castle bosses, custom balance, Spirits, the currently rumoured Skull Kid, the potential competitive legality of Squad Strike, FS Meter and Stage Morphing, etc."
This is actually the thing (beyond KKR) that has me most excited from this direct.

Put simply, this game has an absurd number of characters. It has so many that I don't want to have to default to a single main - I want to be able to chuck ROB, KKR and whichever third character I like into a blender and see what happens. I love both of the first two characters and want a good reason to regularly use both.

I honestly hope squad strike becomes standard. It makes things more interesting for the player and, in my opinion, for the spectator. We get to see so much more of a wider variety, and I don't think it would default to Cloud/Sheik/Bayo dittos as has been suggested. So many high level players have mid or low tier secondaries - Nairo Bowser, Tweek DK, WaDi ROB are immediate examples - and I think we'd end up seeing these thrown in.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
So in an attempt to steer the topic away from Echoes, how did you interpret that Skull Kid PM Loz pulled up from June?

Personally, I'm confused. The person Loz quoted said K. Rool and Skull Kid would be used for promotional purposes, but how can that be the case with the former? K. Rool hasn't had a notable appearance since 2007, and DK's most recent game has absolutely nothing to do with him.

Is this person taking a guess, or do they genuinely know Skull Kid is a character?


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2014
Speaking of Drac's Castle, let's compare it to Midgar for a moment... over 30 music tracks, a half dozen or so bosses all lovingly modelled, a default layout that looks like it could be viable with hazards off. Grand treatment for the Belmont family's debut.

Midgar? 2 tracks, 5 jpegs that appear occasionally when you collect an item to modify the stage temporarily, literally Battlefield with a slight make over. The homestage for what's meant to be the showdown between Link and Cloud that people have wanted for years.

What the christ, Square Enix. Between their involvement in Smash and how they react to things like Bravely Default or Octopath Traveller doing well, I don't think they know what people like about their games or why.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
That has literally nothing to do with my point of "People won't ****ing shut up about this tired topic despite how we could discuss the Dracula Castle bosses, custom balance, Spirits, the currently rumoured Skull Kid, the potential competitive legality of Squad Strike, FS Meter and Stage Morphing, etc."
Agreed. Let's get the conversation going lol.

I think Squad Strike has a lot of potential but I don't see it being the communities go to mode. Was thinking it'd be fun to have tournaments with pre-determined squads, you could sign up, pick a squad and stick with that for the tourney. Have them be themed so you could do like, a hero's vs villains tourney, echo's vs their originals, lightweights vs heavies, stuff like that. Would be a nice change of pace and force some cool finals matchups in the event that the standard meta stagnates to the point that other smash games have.

I thought FS Meter had potential when they said the final smashes would be 'weaker', but Marth's FS still killed Lucas at 20%, while Mario's (and Lucas') seemed relatively ineffectual, that kind of imbalance means it probably won't be something that get's looked at with much seriousness in a competitive context. Oh well.

Stage Morphing is really exciting honestly and I'll be bummed if the community doesn't give it a serious chance. Even if we're limited to like... Final Destination transforming into Battlefield, that's fine. Especially since it's on a set-timer so it's not like you're going to get randomly screwed over because of the stage switch. It's just something to be mindful of and play around.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
Speaking of Drac's Castle, let's compare it to Midgar for a moment... over 30 music tracks, a half dozen or so bosses all lovingly modelled, a default layout that looks like it could be viable with hazards off. Grand treatment for the Belmont family's debut.

Midgar? 2 tracks, 5 jpegs that appear occasionally when you collect an item to modify the stage temporarily, literally Battlefield with a slight make over. The homestage for what's meant to be the showdown between Link and Cloud that people have wanted for years.

What the christ, Square Enix. Between their involvement in Smash and how they react to things like Bravely Default or Octopath Traveller doing well, I don't think they know what people like about their games or why.
Yeah frankly it's baffling that Square only allowed 2 songs in Smash


Sep 26, 2013
So in an attempt to steer the topic away from Echoes, how did you interpret that Skull Kid PM Loz pulled up from June?

Personally, I'm confused. The person Loz quoted said K. Rool and Skull Kid would be used for promotional purposes, but how can that be the case with the former? K. Rool hasn't had a notable appearance since 2007, and DK's most recent game has absolutely nothing to do with him.

Is this person taking a guess, or do they genuinely know Skull Kid is a character?
Well, the biggest question is why did Loz believe them in the first place? Even Verg, as flakey as he is, was quick to throw away the "No DK" rumor roughly a couple of hours after he got it.

Loz has apparently been hanging onto this since June. Why? What does he know that makes this credible?


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2018
Sora Ltd.
Switch FC
Honestly i agree with you, If we get a Direct in September,October and a Smash Direct in November then the pattern likely will be:

September: 1 Newcomer,1 Echo Fighter

October: 1 Newcomer, 1 Echo Fighter

November: 2 Newcomers,2 Echo Fighters (in the Smash Direct)
Unique - Incineroar
Echo - Dixie Kong, Ken

Unique - Skull Kid
Echo - Isabelle, Ms-Pac-Man

Unique - Chorus Kids, Geno
Echo - Impa, Shadow
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Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
After yesterday, here's how the franchises stack up in numbers (tied franchises are ranked based on which got to the number first).

Pokemon - 9: :ultpikachu::ultjigglypuff::ultpichu::ultmewtwo::squirtle::ivysaur::charizard::ultlucario::ultgreninja:
Mario - 8: :ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach::ultdaisy::ultbowser::ultdoc::ultrosalina::ultbowserjr:
Fire Emblem - 7: :ultmarth::ultlucina::ultroy:Ch:ultike::ultrobin:ultcorrin:
Zelda - 6::ultlink::ultsheik::ultzelda::ultyounglink::ultganondorf::ulttoonlink:
Metroid - 4: :ultsamus:DS:ultzss::ultridley:
Kirby - 3::ultkirby::ultmetaknight::ultkingdedede:
Star Fox - 3::ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf:
Kid Icarus - 3::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultpalutena:
Donkey Kong - 3: :ultdk::ultdiddy:KR
EarthBound - 2: :ultness::ultlucas:
Castlevania - 2: Si Ri

- I think it's pretty insane how much Metroid jumped up since Smash 4. It's now at fifth.
- Kirby's still sitting pretty at three; I'm hoping that'll change.
- It took a while, but DK now has three. I'd really like to get one more, but I can't complain with what we have.
- Fire Emblem snagged third by getting three characters from the same game and four wonderful variations of Marth. Yay...
- Zelda is in dire need of another rep, but I doubt any other franchise will steal its fourth place standing.
Loving my baby Metroid moving up in this world <3.

Here's the changes I'm predicting by the end of Ultimate's release:

  • Pokemon will remain top, gaining one more Pokemon (Gen 7). Even after dlc, it will probably remain at top gaining another Pokemon (Gen 8). I'm a ride or die on a Gen 7 rep, no convincing me otherwise.
  • Mario may go up 1 more with Geno. I'm not sold on Geno, and I'm not sure he'd count as a Mario Rep (but why wouldn't he?).
  • Tin foil hat time but I am pretty convinced we can see Zelda jump up to 7, maybe even 8. Chrom and Dark Samus getting in because they were "popular" requests (Sakurai said you might have expected them because of that) leads me to think Impa will get the same treatment (Ballot was right after HW...). And I have fully joined the Skull Kid bandwagon. If we can get Ridley and King K. Rool in one game, we can get Skull Kid. (King K. Rool also throws relevancy out the window, which Skull Kid even had with MM3D and HW).
  • Not trying to predict dlc right now, but I think it makes sense to expect Fire Emblem to go to 8 after a Three Houses rep. I think 7 is base roster though.
  • Metroid, DK and Kirby will all sit at 4 reps, with Bandanna Dee and a Dixie echo (not giving up on you yet gurl).
  • Animal Crossing will join the 2 rep crew. I don't think Isabelle is a bold prediction anymore, but it's exciting to find out if she will be an echo or not.
  • Finally, Sonic will be the only other third party to get an echo. I'm no even 100% convinced it will be Shadow over Tails, but Shadow does make more sense.
Whelp there's an update on my prediction expectations. Sorry for a long read lol. I also think it's possible we get a Rhythm Heaven Rep or a different third party, but I focused on series with multiple reps. Honestly I'm very hopeful and excited for the Zelda series, it's time for them to shine!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
Unique - Incineroar
Echo - Dixie Kong

Unique - Skull Kid
Echo - Isabelle

Unique - Chorus Kids, Geno
Echo - Shadow, Ms Pac-Man, Ken
Actually, what if in November they had Geno and Paper Mario as the Newcomers - would be fitting. I feel Geno might end up being the last newcomer. Rex/Pyra and Spring Man will be in as DLC down the line
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Oh yes, I forgot that Drac's Castle is literally one of the best stages I've ever seen. I guess my mind was elsewhere...
I love stage enemies, so it seems I found where I will spend my time when not doing reverse iron man challenge.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Honestly i agree with you, If we get a Direct in September,October and a Smash Direct in November then the pattern likely will be:

September: 1 Newcomer,1 Echo Fighter

October: 1 Newcomer, 1 Echo Fighter

November: 2 Newcomers,2 Echo Fighters (in the Smash Direct)
Okay, I'll give it a shot

September: Elma, Shadow

October: Crash, Isabelle

November: Geno, Boshi (yes, it's actually plausible given the circumstances), Skull Kid, Ken
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Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
I'm surprised Waluigi fans haven't used the Mondter Hunter boss + AT to show that characters can be two things at once or something.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
I feel like we may end up getting another charcter from a franchise not repped in Smash in the base roster


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
This is just a theory on my part but i don't think we are going to get Elma in the game. I think we are getting KOS-MOS with the annoucement of a Xenosaga collection.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2018
Sora Ltd.
Switch FC
  • Finally, Sonic will be the only other third party to get an echo. I'm no even 100% convinced it will be Shadow over Tails, but Shadow does make more sense.
I don't know about that it looks like they have really good relationship with Capcom so I think Ken is likely. Also I herd Ms Pac-Man's rights might be a mess so she might not get in.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I feel like we may end up getting another charcter from a franchise not repped in Smash in the base roster
We already have Splatoon and Castlevania. I'd like more franchises but it seems not too likely, considering this game is going in the opposite direction of Smash For in terms of newcomers.
This probably means new fighters in general will be pretty old but oh, well.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
I love stage enemies, so it seems I found where I will spend my time when not doing reverse iron man challenge.
Come to think of it, they pulled no punches when it came to Castlevania representation. TWO fighters that are almost perfectly depicted, a stage that is awe-inspiring, ALUCARD as an AT, so many music tracks, the enemies, the scythe. I mean DAMN!!!
Apr 4, 2015
Rareware Winners Lounge
K. Rool is irrelevant
K. Rool is ugly and fat
No one remembers K. Rool
K. Rool is owned by Rare
No one got far enough in DKC to see K. Rool
Vocal minority, echo chamber
We don't need another Mario character

It still hasn't sunk in yet, surreal that he's in.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
Anyone else think that there may be 3rd Party Charcters as DLC - but for the base roster Simon will be the only non echo fighter third party newcomer to be in the game at launch.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Come to think of it, they pulled no punches when it came to Castlevania representation. TWO fighters that are almost perfectly depicted, a stage that is awe-inspiring, ALUCARD as an AT, so many music tracks, the enemies, the scythe. I mean DAMN!!!
Either Konami is being generous or Sakurai is willing to spend a fortune on creating Castlevania exactly on Smash.
Either way, I'm content.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Either Konami is being generous or Sakurai is willing to spend a fortune on creating Castlevania exactly on Smash.
Either way, I'm content.
Castlevania is my second favorite 3rd party represented in Smash now. Obsessing over my boi aside, the Castlevania portions were the highlight of the Direct for me


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Castlevania is my second favorite 3rd party represented in Smash now. Obsessing over my boi aside, the Castlevania portions were the highlight of the Direct for me
Original games? Bayonetta and Sonic are my favourites.
In Smash? Snake and Simon all the way.

Simon and Richter brought so much with them and their spammer zoner moveset looks super fun. Even both series being close to gothic side, they show a very distinct visual style then Bayonetta. They are the only newcomers make me hyped for this game with Inklings.


Smash Champion
Feb 12, 2015
Pepperoni Secret
Switch FC
I still couldn’t believe it when I woke up this morning and K. Rool was actually in Smash Bros. When I watched the Direct yesterday (and then watched it again and again) I completely lost my mind when he was shown. I’ve dreamed it happening so many times, but this is finally the real deal!

My most wanted character is finally in Smash, and I couldn’t be happier at how he looks. :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 5, 2012
With my wonderful wife!
Well should she appear in her Bayo 2 costume, Jeanne would have a drastically sifferent design than either Bayos with very long white hair and a noticeable Biker suit. And even her Bayo 1 costume, despite sharing the short hair, does have a very distinct costume with a pooffy black collar, glasses resting on her forehead instead of in front of her eyes and huge feathers dangling from her guns, keeping her very distinct from Bayonetta.

After all Pit kept his Dark Pit palette didn't he?

Can I just say that I completely agree with your signature in that WE NEED AMATERATSU IN SMASH! :D


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Original games? Bayonetta and Sonic are my favourites.
In Smash? Snake and Simon all the way.

Simon and Richter brought so much with them and their spammer zoner moveset looks super fun. Even both series being close to gothic side, they show a very distinct visual style then Bayonetta. They are the only newcomers make me hyped for this game with Inklings.
In terms of both original games and Smash, Mega Man and Castlevania. Bayonetta a close third. Such fun (and hard) series...


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Play a game with your friends. Make each other browse gaming forums and every time you see a thread that says "I don't get the K Rool hype, he's stupid and ugly but okay" take a shot, or do something else that you decide on

I offer the alternative because you might get alcohol poisoning with the shots considering the sheer amount of weeniebabies who are bitter about the king.
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Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
K. Rool is irrelevant
K. Rool is ugly and fat
No one remembers K. Rool
K. Rool is owned by Rare
No one got far enough in DKC to see K. Rool
Vocal minority, echo chamber
We don't need another Mario character

It still hasn't sunk in yet, surreal that he's in.
You forgot

“He’s too much like Bowser”



Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
In terms of both original games and Smash, Mega Man and Castlevania. Bayonetta a close third. Such fun (and hard) series...
They are all good series.
One thing I really appreciate about :ultbayonetta: and :ultsnake:, is that how well they work in Smash, despite being from Mature series. Both has very over-the-top, bizarre, almost immaturely funny sides and imo Sakurai did a pretty good job on focusing on those while not omitting all serious content.
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