I thought that was a given, though.
You got me I spose.
To answer your earlier question, I expect us to get more solid information and reveals and w/e more towards the middle of Fall. Its mostly just a hunch.
and the general thread:
When they said "closer to December" they didn't say "who knows" or "later" they said "
closer to December."
Could we interpret that as "at any point after this very minute, because thats closer to December!" Sure. Absolutely. We could do that. Or we could seriously think about the choice of words used and not interpret things the way we want to interpret them just because we want stuff now.
No, "any minute after when they said that line" is not the "more likely" thing they meant. We have no reason to assume they meant anything other than "closer to Decemb-" holy **** I sound like a broken record......whatever you get where I'm coming from.
Could we get a reveal tomorrow? Yeah, sure, a legit leak could happen at any time. Maybe this'll be one of Sakurai's "famous troll moments" or whateva and he just drops the whole cast on the 22nd. Until I'm given a reason to think otherwise I'm gonna keep patiently waiting til mid-Fall, though.
Once again, I'm not trying to tell anybody how or what they should think, I don't know why people get that impression still tbh, when I come in and ask a question like "why are we still thinking a reveal will happen soon?" I'm actually curious as to why people are doing that. It is a genuine question.