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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
I know we've been cycling through topics so here's something completely original to discuss.

Would Shadow be an original character or an echo fighter?

I'm kidding PLEASE DON'T

Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
But from what I recall reading, with the belief that the data on 1.0.6 would've existed before it was released and with the requirements to get the rights to Bayonetta would that not mean she was already on the dev teams mind either right after, right at the time or even before the ballot was made available? Admittedly, I don't recall the timeframe between when the ballot was announced and when it first became available. If Bayo was going to be added regardless then they could've added her without mention of the ballot and I'm sure they could've added at least one character that did well on the ballot that wasn't Bayo. That character would've come after her and Corrin most likely but the dev team was still working on the game after those 2 came out what with the patches and all. Not to say that patching a character and making a brand new one take the same amount of work or require the same people but it could've been done that way.
1.0.6 released two weeks after the Ballot launched, but as I explained in prior posts yeah Bayo had to have been planned and started development before the Ballot launched for her data to be on it. As for claiming her to be the "winner", they still needed to address the Ballot without giving away the changed plans of using it for Smash Ultimate, so they had to claim a character they already had "won" it, in which case the only options were her, Cloud, or Corrin; obviously no one is going to try defending Corrin doing remotely well in the Ballot, and Cloud isn't really any more believable than Bayo unless you buy really hard into the "silent casual majority" that somehow never made a peep of its existence and desires known online, as well as Cloud finishing sooner. As for why not making one more character, from Sakurai's words a new Smash character can take over a year to create. Even if you can semi-clone it, that would be tying up developmental resources in Smash 4 for at least another six months or so (Bayo/Corrin released in February 2016, when Ultimate's project plan proposal occurred in December 2015, so obviously extending Smash 4's development so much farther when Ultimate was already officially underway is not desirable at all).
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Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
For those who would like the full quality template, here it is:
Enjoy, have fun!
Ooh, I finally got home so I can do the meme too! :079:
SSBmeme copy.png

I took out the "Least wanted" since I don't want to be rude. Granted there are some characters I don't want, some of whom are decently popular on these boards, but it seems needless to just **** on someone else's favorite character.

And if the Nine Divines give me Dovahkiin in Smash, then I'll be so happy that I'll want everyone's favorite in.
Yes, there are Nine. Screw the Thalmor.
Kay so I had this thought while at work today. So many people bring up how the most important thing about Smash is the characters so here's a hypothetical scenario. Say we got a Smash game with literally every and any noteworthy video game character added to it. Picture all of your most wanted and all of everyone else's most wanted that originated from a video game, they're all in. Sounds perfect, right? But the catch is, the game uses the Brawl engine to a T. Basically no hitstun so combos outside of chaingrabs don't exist, lagless projectile spam runs rampant as does the aforementioned chaingrabbing, most recoveries are terrible and edgehogging is back, infinities are back too as is random tripping. For traditions sake we'll say MK is still top tier and dominates the whole meta. Add whatever music, stages, items, trophies, collectibles, modes and etc to this idea. Whatever you want but it still runs on the Brawl engine as it was released (so no modded versions like PM or Sm4sh).

Is that a better or worse Smash game than what we've gotten so far in the series?
As a casual scrub, I didn't have a problem with Brawl's mechanics at all, so...
thanks for the playable Dragonborn! :chuckle:


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Also this is really late but I did the template meme thing. Thanks, MS Paint.


Deleted member

Round 3~

Who would you like to see next?
These look really good!
If you did not make Bandanna Dee nor Geno, make them. You probably did, just trying to be safe.

The fighter that you should make though is Minecraft: Steve.
Not the hugest fan of Minecraft but I still play it from time to time.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
I don't have access to editing tools yet, so I'll just use text instead:


Mega Man
Toon Link

Most Wanted:
Crash Bandicoot

Least Wanted:
Not really anybody


Smash Lord
Aug 10, 2014
I must have missed the sharing of templates thing, so I guess I'll just plop this in here. I do want to clarify that my "least wanted" characters are ones that I personally would find weird to be in the game, but if you like them that's awesome.
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I must have missed the sharing of templates thing, so I guess I'll just plop this in here. I do want to clarify that my "least wanted" characters are ones that I personally would find weird to be in the game, but if you like them that's awesome.View attachment 152513
Where’d you find that Rex & Pyra render? It looks like a legit Smash render, almost.


Formerly "ZeroSoul"
Writing Team
Sep 28, 2014
South Carolina
Definitely not a repost from 4chan.png

Reason there's a asterisk above Marx is because I'd be fine with him if he came after Bandana Dee or a non-Sakurai Kirby character got in, I'm just sick of the blatant Kirby Superstar bias, give other parts of the franchise some love too please.

1.0.6 released two weeks after the Ballot launched, but as I explained in prior posts yeah Bayo had to have been planned and started development before the Ballot launched for her data to be on it. As for claiming her to be the "winner", they still needed to address the Ballot without giving away the changed plans of using it for Smash Ultimate, so they had to claim a character they already had "won" it, in which case the only options were her, Cloud, or Corrin; obviously no one is going to try defending Corrin doing remotely well in the Ballot, and Cloud isn't really any more believable than Bayo unless you buy really hard into the "silent casual majority" that somehow never made a peep of its existence and desires known online, as well as Cloud finishing sooner. As for why not making one more character, from Sakurai's words a new Smash character can take over a year to create. Even if you can semi-clone it, that would be tying up developmental resources in Smash 4 for at least another six months or so (Bayo/Corrin released in February 2016, when Ultimate's project plan proposal occurred in December 2015, so obviously extending Smash 4's development so much farther when Ultimate was already officially underway is not desirable at all).
This reminds me, so, if Bayonetta wasn't claimed to be the ballot winner, how would everyone's reactions change, if they would at all? I remember many people were saying Bayonetta didn't deserve to be in before the ballot happened because her series was too small to be justified as a third party inclusion, so, without the ballot backing her up, how would you all feel about her if they just revealed her randomly during Smash 4's DLC period and never claimed she won the ballot?

Lady Byakugan

Smash Ace
Sep 3, 2014
I would say not at all. They have very different personalities and Zeraora doesn't learn anything that'd be comparable to Aura Sphere or Force Palm
Pokemon don't have personalities. Even if they did, it can still be shown as shown with Daisy and Peach. Aura Sphere could just be electrified as could Force Palm. imo it's pretty clear that Zerora was inspired by Lucario in terms of it's body design, and considering they are pushing it in a new movie like Lucario and Mew2 was pushed, they may be able to put him in as an echo even if he was only revealed in april.
They do not share the same features, so no. And besides, Aura is a mechanic that's supposed to be unique to Lucario.
Same applies to Daisy and Peach.

Wait, am I missing something? Has Zeraora even appeared in anything official yet? Isn't the movie he's in still not out yet?
Did Greninja?
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Deleted member

I guess I'll do the template by text since I'm not functional enough to work with Gimp at the moment.

Main: :ultgreninja:
Secondaries: :ultness::ultbowser::ultlucas::ultsnake::ultmewtwo::ultzss:
Most wanted characters:

Least wanted characters: (not gonna bother finding their icons) Mimikyu, Steve, Rabbids, Fourth-party characters, Any Gen 1 Pokemon, Sora, Geno.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2013
I would say not at all. They have very different personalities and Zeraora doesn't learn anything that'd be comparable to Aura Sphere or Force Palm
Eh, I think Focus Blast could be treated as semi-similar to aura sphere. It's a move that's as big as a fully charged aura sphere but it shoots in a completely random direction and is ultra punishable and you just have to question why the **** you used that move in the first place.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Eh, I think Focus Blast could be treated as semi-similar to aura sphere. It's a move that's as big as a fully charged aura sphere but it shoots in a completely random direction and is ultra punishable and you just have to question why the **** you used that move in the first place.
No. Bad idea.
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Smash Lord
Aug 10, 2014
Pokemon don't have personalities. Even if they did, it can still be shown as shown with Daisy and Peach. Aura Sphere could just be electrified as could Force Palm. imo it's pretty clear that Zerora was inspired by Lucario in terms of it's body design, and considering they are pushing it in a new movie like Lucario and Mew2 was pushed, they may be able to put him in as an echo even if he was only revealed in april.

Same applies to Daisy and Peach.

Did Greninja?
I think it's a bit of an assumption to say that it is inspired by Lucario. But, in regards to me talking about its personality, I meant more so that it is a wild cat type Pokemon and its stance in-game for USUM shows that it'd be a rough and dirty fighter, unlike Lucario. So it isn't really like a Daisy/Peach situation as Zeraora would behave and fight in a style that just doesn't suit Lucario and his aura mechanic.

Electrifying Lucario's specials seems like a pretty dodgy way to justify him being an echo.
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You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road


I think I need to go lie down. My childhoods collide again. Now even the THIRD PARTIES are crossing wires. This is AMAZING!
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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
It should probably be noted that Echo Fighters have to have the exact same attributes as the fighter they're mimicking. There's no way that Zeraora would end up with below average mobility if it was ever considered to be a playable contender.

Lady Byakugan

Smash Ace
Sep 3, 2014
I think it's a bit of an assumption to say that it is inspired by Lucario. But, in regards to me talking about its personality, I meant more so that it is a wild cat type Pokemon and its stance in-game for USUM shows that it'd be a rough and dirty fighter, unlike Lucario. SO it isn't really like a Daisy/Peach situation as Zeraora would behave and fight in a style that just doesn't suit Lucario and his aura mechanic.

Electrifying Lucario's specials seems like a pretty dodgy way to justify him being an echo.
Well, yeah, it is an assumption, not like I know lol

I mean, you're right that some things may not make sense for him, but it could always just wind up being a ganon situation. I mean, when you consider how similar his body shape is to lucario, and his relevance atm, it makes him more likely to get in imo than other pokemon like decidye or mimikyu. Kind of like how wolf got into brawl because of that same reason.

Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
This reminds me, so, if Bayonetta wasn't claimed to be the ballot winner, how would everyone's reactions change, if they would at all? I remember many people were saying Bayonetta didn't deserve to be in before the ballot happened because her series was too small to be justified as a third party inclusion, so, without the ballot backing her up, how would you all feel about her if they just revealed her randomly during Smash 4's DLC period and never claimed she won the ballot?
That's another reason for claiming Bayo "won" it instead of Cloud; Cloud gets accepted just fine by everyone on the basis of "people want a FF character and he is the most popular/iconic FF character" while his lack of support was from the vast majority thinking he was impossible rather than a lack of desire for him, while with Bayonetta it's a lot less palatable to say "we included her so people buy her games and make our investment worthwhile", so saying she "won" the Ballot gets her more acceptance among the people who didn't like her or thought she was too "lowly" of a third party to be included in Smash.


Smash Lord
Aug 10, 2014
Well, yeah, it is an assumption, not like I know lol

I mean, you're right that some things may not make sense for him, but it could always just wind up being a ganon situation. I mean, when you consider how similar his body shape is to lucario, and his relevance atm, it makes him more likely to get in imo than other pokemon like decidye or mimikyu. Kind of like how wolf got into brawl because of that same reason.
Aside from being an upright cat/jackal their body types are pretty dissimilar. Zeraora hunches over a lot more and has a very different build for its arms, legs, body and head that'd make rigging it with Lucario's animations pretty much impossible.

The idea of relevance is something that I think a lot of people overemphasise as a factor for a character's inclusion, especially for a character who was revealed in 2018 for a game who's project plan would've been drawn up in early 2016 at the latest
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Lady Byakugan

Smash Ace
Sep 3, 2014
Aside from being an upright cat/jackal their body types are pretty dissimilar. Zeraora hunches over a lot more and has a very different build for its arms, legs body and head that's make rigging it with Lucario's animations pretty much impossible.

The idea of relevance is something that I think a lot of people overemphasise as a factor for a chapters inclusion, especially for a character who was revealed in 2018 for a game who's project plan would've been drawn up in early 2016 at the latest
Well, yeah, that's why I'm saying he should be an Echo, BECAUSE of how new he is. If he's DLC, I'd imagine they'd make him a semi-clone of Lucario ala Wolf


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2018
Madrid, New Mexico
Switch FC
I'd do the template going around but I don't feel like putting in any kind of effort right now so I'll just write it. I'm probably gonna stick to my main boys :ultpacman: and :ultgnw:. Might secondary :ultdaisy:, :ulticeclimbers:, :ultduckhunt:, or :ultrob:. Characters I want are Chibi-Robo, Mimikyu, K. Rool, and Ninten. Characters I don't want would be uhhhhh...

I actually don't have any idea. There really isn't anyone I'd be particularly upset about getting in smash bros. outside of characters which are already totally impossible like Goku or Oscar the Shark Slayer or whatever. The only characters I don't get as hype over are ones that I'd never heard of before like the Palutena trailer before smash 4 just had me totally confused like, who is this lady? But I still like seeing them and it's fun to learn about a franchise I don't know anything about or whatever.
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