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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
So I think based off reading this thread and the various "leaks" I think I have what seem to be the consensus top 10 most likely characters. Let's play a game, order these 10 in who you believe is most likely to least likely to be playable. Here's mine....

1. King K Rool
2. Dixie Kong
3. Simon Belmont
4. Isabelle
5. Shadow
6. Geno
7. Ashley
8. Elma
9. Decidueye
10. Bandana Dee
1. King K. Rool
2. Simon Belmont
3. Elma
4. Bandana Waddle Dee
5. Dixie Kong
6. Geno
7. Decidueye
8. Shadow
9. Ashley
10. Isabelle


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
They're spirits that are physical manifestations of one's mental power in the shape of a humanoid creature.

They've gotta be at least close, right?
They're pretty much stands. XD

They just don't work specifcally like the common "ORA ORA ORA" type ones do and are more passive "magic attacker" based.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
It’s been 4 weeks since the Ultimate reveal, about a month. I’ve been satisfied by Smash and distracted by other things (vacations with no cell service, beating XC2, etc.), so I haven’t been itching for new Smash info.

Now, we are 1/6 of the way through the wait. If we expect even just 5-10 more newcomers in the best possible scenario, there’s not a lot of time left until the release of the game. Some stuff might be left unlockable, but in the social media age and following Smash 4’s example, I don’t expect unlockables to have a huge presence.

The E3 presentation felt very surface level, setting up the main selling point of having every veteran. Nothing that much that was actually entirely new. The entire speculation scene was smashed to bits (I think RTC is still rerating characters). The other newcomers to compete with the likes of Ridley and Inkling will be very interesting but limited.

I’d suspect (not expect) another reveal in July, if not then than at least in the Fall Direct near September. I just wonder if reveals will be spread out, or if a multitude of newcomers are dropped at once.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
It’s been 4 weeks since the Ultimate reveal, about a month. I’ve been satisfied by Smash and distracted by other things (vacations with no cell service, beating XC2, etc.), so I haven’t been itching for new Smash info.

Now, we are 1/6 of the way through the wait. If we expect even just 5-10 more newcomers in the best possible scenario, there’s not a lot of time left until the release of the game. Some stuff might be left unlockable, but in the social media age and following Smash 4’s example, I don’t expect unlockables to have a huge presence.

The E3 presentation felt very surface level, setting up the main selling point of having every veteran. Nothing that much that was actually entirely new. The entire speculation scene was smashed to bits (I think RTC is still rerating characters). The other newcomers to compete with the likes of Ridley and Inkling will be very interesting but limited.

I’d suspect (not expect) another reveal in July, if not then than at least in the Fall Direct near September. I just wonder if reveals will be spread out, or if a multitude of newcomers are dropped at once.
I'm just going to say that something REALLY BIG would have to happen for Nintendo to release 10 character trailers in the span of 5 months.


May 2, 2015
Why are you disrespecting Midnight Lycanroc by calling him "Verlisify"?
We do not use that v word ever.
That v word is cursed.
Better than him associating himself with Mimikyu. The day I saw Midnight Lycanroc I busted out laughing because of how perfectly he fits that ****.

Then he goes and attaches his name to Mimikyu......I hate that guy.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
The only issue I see with Minerva and "Rider" characters in general is mount implementation. You'd either have to have a huge janky creature glued to the character OR only implement them for special attacks which would take away some of their uniqueness.

I'm not saying Travis is impossible, hell, I hope he isn't. However I do think that he might have some more hurdles to jump through than some other third parties. Plus he has that battery recharge animation which I swear to God, HAS to make it in if Travis is making it.
As far as mounted units as playable characters in Smash, I've given the issue some thought in the past. I think horses are the only real issue due to ledge mechanics, but I think a pegasus or wyvern could be doable, if tricky. Being flying units helps them get around tricky ledge mechanics, anyway. Granted the sizes (namely the size of a pegasus' wings and a wyvern's wings and tail) would need to be adjusted, but I don't think it's undoable. A Pegasus Knight would for sure be among the tallest characters in the series though.

I actually made a full moveset for Caeda exploring the concept if you're interested.
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Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
They're spirits that are physical manifestations of one's mental power in the shape of a humanoid creature.

They've gotta be at least close, right?
And the Personas stand for them (the users)?

(And you don't need to be a ORA ORA ORA Fighting Spirit to have and Stand Like thing; Magician Red is pretty much a Pyromancer).


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Some stuff might be left unlockable, but in the social media age and following Smash 4’s example, I don’t expect unlockables to have a huge presence.
Well, to nit-pick; like, 80% of the cast is going to be unlockable this time. XD


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
Yeah, I should have put "A Zelda Character" instead of Crash, tbh. And Krystal over Simon Belmont. :laugh:

The one thing about Zelda Characters is that there are so many good ones to pick that the votes were probably hyper diluted.

Midna, Ghirahim, Skull Kid, Tingle, Impa, Tetra, Vaati, Linkle, Lana, Groose, Pig Ganon.

Characters like Ridley, Inklings, K. Rool, Dixie, Ashley and Isaac probably stuck out more than the myriad Zelda characters simply because they are specific requests.
Yeah, I personally think the results looked something like this
Individual first party characters:
- King K Rool
- Bandana Dee
- Isabelle
- Ridley
- Ashley
- Dixie Kong
- Isaac
- Krystal
- Paper Mario?
- Waluigi?
- Lyn?

First party franchises:
- A Pokemon
- A Zelda character
- A Mario character
- A DK character

3rd party characters:
- Bayonetta
- Geno
- Banjo
- Rayman
- Crash
- Simon?
- Steve?

3rd Party franchises:
- Final Fantasy
- Sonic
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
As far as mounted units as playable characters in Smash, I've given the issue some thought in the past. I think horses are the only real issue due to ledge mechanics, but I think a pegasus or wyvern could be doable, if tricky. Being flying units helps them get around tricky ledge mechanics, anyway. Granted the sizes (namely the size of a pegasus' wings and a wyvern's wings and tail) would need to be adjusted, but I don't think it's undoable. A Pegasus Knight would for sure be among e tallest characters in the series though.

I actually made a full moveset for Caeda exploring the concept if you're interested.
I'm interested actually. A rider character and especially one with a winged mount would seem like it'd have a lot of moving parts to it.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
You explain why body type doesn't matter for Mimkyu, but then you go on to say that body type should hold back Lycanroc.

We've gone over this problem before.

It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to work. Sakurai isn't gonna give up on a character just because it can't hold an item properly.
True we're playing a game where ordinary people can jump in midair. A game where an average everyday villager can fight against an out of this world, fire breathing, armored space pirate dragon, with nothing but a potted plant, and a slingshot, AND WIN. When I play this game, I'm not expecting any realism at all especially when I see things like this. That makes no sense, that's not a realistic way of using an item, but it still works cause we can suspend our disbelief in a game where Jigglypuff can defeat Ganondorf and still look cute as hell.
Unless I'm missing something, aren't both Gen 3 and 5 lacking playable reps? Without Gen 7 that would make it 3 gens total. (Also it would show a weird trend of the "odd gens" besides Gen 1 not being given playable characters)
Gen 3 needs some love, ORAS and the proposal for Ultimate weren't too far apart, it's actually perfect. I would love for Gardevoir to make her way into Smash we still haven't seen her Pokéball yet so it can go either way but things are looking good.
Why are you disrespecting Midnight Lycanroc by calling him "Verlisify"?
We do not use that v word ever.
That v word is cursed.
What's wrong Ver-er I mean the v word? I sometimes check his channel, he enthusiastic sure, but I never see him do anything scummy.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I'm interested actually. A rider character and especially one with a winged mount would seem like it'd have a lot of moving parts to it.
There's some extra stuff attached to it (mainly because I keep putting off actually making a Caeda thread lol) but here you go!

Caeda Flies In!


Jab: Caeda strikes twice with her spear and then twirls it.
Dash Attack: Caeda performs an aerial corkscrew into the opponent.
Side Tilt: Caeda swings the Wing Spear downward from overhead.
Up Tilt: Caeda's pegasus bumps her upward off its back while she holds her spear skyward.
Down Tilt: Caeda's pegasus flaps its wings downward, with each up and down movement causing minor damage.

Side Smash: Caeda's pegasus charges forward with Caeda's Wing Spear held outward.
Up Smash: Caeda's pegasus faces toward the screen and bucks its back legs upward.
Down Smash: Caeda's pegasus rears up and stomps its hooves, bringing down its wings for a two-part smash attack.

Neutral Aerial: Caeda's pegasus does a quick midair somersault, doing minor damage.
Forward Aerial: Caeda lunges forward with her Wing Spear, doing heavy damage.
Back Aerial: Caeda turns her pegasus around to strike the opponent with a backhanded spear attack.
Up Aerial: Caeda raises her lance and twirls it in a helicopter spin. A multihit move.
Down Aerial: Caeda's pegasus kicks its hooves downwards, potentially causing a meteor effect.

Grab and Pummel: Caeda's pegasus bites onto the opponent while Caeda strikes them with her Wing Spear for a pummel.
Forward Throw: Caeda's pegasus charges into them, sending them flying.
Back Throw: Caeda whistles, making her pegasus swing its head, tossing the foe backward before bucking them with its back hooves.
Up Throw: Caeda scoops the foe up with her Wing Spear and stabs them as they're sent skyward.
Down Throw: Caeda's pegasus "counts" on the foe several times before stomping on them.

Neutral Special: Armorcrusher - In Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem, Caeda was given a signature weapon, the Wing Spear. Like the rapier, this was effective against heavily armored and units on horseback. In Smash, this translates to her Neutral Special. In this chargeable attack, Caeda's pegasus flies backwards into the air, preparing to charge, before rushing forward and downward with Caeda's Wing Spear extended. This not only does heavy shield damage, but it also breaks through any enemy super armor when fully charged. However, the charging animation leaves Caeda vulnerable to attack. This move is named after a lance skill from Shadows of Valentia.

Side Special: Tempest Lance - Based on a skill for the Steel Lance from Shadows of Valentia, this attack involves Caeda drawing her lance and holding it outward. From its tip shoots a gust of razor wind similar to Mega Man's Air Shooter. A multihit projectile that travels horizontally with a maximum range of roughly the length of half of Final Destination. Like Greninja's Water Shuriken, it carries the opponent within it until it reaches its maximum range.

Up Special: Wings of Talys - This move has Caeda's pegasus perform a rising corkscrew attack before then gliding diagonally downward in the direction Caeda is facing. A simple recovery that can also be used as an attack.

Down Special: Hit and Run - Once again, this is named after a lance skill found in a Shadows of Valentia, though it is also a very common skill for flying units in Fire Emblem Heroes. In this attack, Caeda does a quick burst maneuver in which her pegasus flies at the opponent before making an immediate u-turn. This makes it an effective get-off-me tool on land. In the air, however, this attack gains a minor homing effect and can double as an offensive horizontal recovery. She will strike the foe before rushing back in the direction she came from, making this quite a potent edge guarding tool, further establishing Caeda's aerial dominance.

Final Smash: Queen of the Skies - Caeda breaks open the Smash Ball and is then capable of free, uninterrupted flight. She can charge into her foes for damage, similar to Super Sonic, but she can also toss spears toward the ground beneath her with the the attack button. Caeda also is much more durable while this move is being performed. After a set amount of time, the move ends.

Gameplay Overview:
Caeda is the first Smash fighter to fight while riding a mount (in this case, her pegasus). Due to this, she is one of the largest fighters in the game. Her pegasus stands at right about Bowser's height, which is slightly shorter than Fire Emblem's mounts usually are, but is just fine for Smash. The wings of the pegasus are also slightly downsized, but not to a ridiculous degree.

For those concerned about potentially having a character with canonically unlimited flight, I feel the need to point out that in Fire Emblem, Pegasus Knights do not have unlimited flight. This is shown by the fact that despite it being higher than most other classes, there still exists a cap for movement on a Pegasus Knight. Not to mention that in more recent games, their mounts are often shown landing after combat.

As far as ledge mechanics, which can become awkward with mounted characters, Caeda herself grabs the ledge while her pegasus flies next to her, off on the z-axis where it no longer counts as a hit box. Caeda's get-up attack, ledge jump, and ledge roll animations all feature her remounting her pegasus during the attack, making the transition seamlessly fluid.

Caeda has the highest air speed in the game due to speed being her best stat by far in her own games (she'll often cap her speed stat before promoting to an advanced class). In addition, she has a minor added gimmick similar to Bowser Jr.'s. Energy-based projectiles (such as Robin's Thoron) will have their damage greatly reduced when striking Caeda, but physical projectiles (like Link's arrows) will do more damage than normal, referencing Caeda's incredibly high Resistance and low Defense, in addition to the Pegasus Knight class's arrow weakness by proxy.

Why Caeda? Who is she?
Realistically Caeda likely won't make the cut, but that doesn't mean she isn't without merits of her own.

Caeda is arguably the second most important playable protagonist from Marth's games (Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, and their remakes, Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem). She is playable right from the beginning and is responsible for recruiting a large portion of Marth's army (in Shadow Dragon, other than Marth himself, anyone that can recruit characters only recruits one other character...Caeda recruits five). And at the end of Shadow Dragon, she becomes Marth's fiancée, while at the end of New Mystery, she is crowned Queen alongside Marth as King.

Caeda is also the most important character in the series of the Pegasus Knight class line, an iconic Fire Emblem class that has existed since the beginning of the series. Caeda also gets lots of promotion from Intelligent Systems in comparison to most other Fire Emblem characters, especially of those who existed before Awakening gave the series more widespread appeal. She has a fair share of merchandise of her own, such as her own Nendoroid figure. She has been getting more attention as of late as well, now having Fire Emblem Warriors under her belt, as well as having received her own unique weapon upgrade in Fire Emblem Heroes.

Caeda, while unlikely, isn't without merit or importance, and could offer a fighting style unlike anything else in Smash.

Bonus Material:

Entrance Animation:
Caeda flies in on her pegasus as it rears up and whinnies.

Up Taunt: Caeda raises her lance and says "Throw down your weapon!"
Side Taunt: Caeda pets the head of her pegasus as it whinnies.
Down Taunt: Caeda tosses her hair back and says "What a shame."

Victory Animations:
Victory 1: Caeda flies in on her pegasus and says "A lovely battle."
Victory 2: Caeda brushes her pegasus as a small bird lands on her finger.
Victory 3: Caeda leaps from her pegasus and twirls her Wing Spear, saying "Don't underestimate me!"

Victory VS Marth: Victory Pose 3, except she says "I hope I didn't hurt you too badly" before smiling.
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May 2, 2015
True we're playing a game where ordinary people can jump in midair. A game where an average everyday villager can fight against an out of this world, fire breathing, armored space pirate dragon, with nothing but a potted plant, and a slingshot, AND WIN. When I play this game, I'm not expecting any realism at all especially when I see things like this. That makes no sense, that's not a realistic way of using an item, but it still works cause we can suspend our disbelief in a game where Jigglypuff can defeat Ganondorf and still look cute as hell.

Gen 3 needs some love, ORAS and the proposal for Ultimate weren't too far apart, it's actually perfect. I would love for Gardevoir to make her way into Smash we still haven't seen her Pokéball yet so it can go either way but things are looking good.

What's wrong Ver-er I mean the v word? I sometimes check his channel, he enthusiastic sure, but I never see him do anything scummy.
He is the LeafyIsHere of the Pokemon community. His existence as a channel is scummy.

He creates witch hunts for players who gen their Pokemon, which means basically to skip the in game process of breeding out perfect Pokemon, so that they can use whatever they want legally without spending months grinding the mons up.

He also calls out other content creators for using clickbaity titles and thumbnails whilst being the worst offender.

Basically, he is a terrible person who thrives off negativity.

I don't want to be a ****, but don't get too hopeful for Gardevoir. I agree Gen 3 could use some love but there isn't any reason for Sakurai to ignore Gen 7 for 3.

EDIT: Basically.
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Mr. Game + Watch

Smash Apprentice
Jan 6, 2018
Because the limbs are completely different. A HUGE chunk of moves don't match with other pokemon.
Like Infernape cannot fly, Grotle cannot spin leaf blades, and piplup doesn't even have a tail.
ok i understand now,

anyways what starters would u want if we got another Pokemon trainer


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2007
So I think based off reading this thread and the various "leaks" I think I have what seem to be the consensus top 10 most likely characters. Let's play a game, order these 10 in who you believe is most likely to least likely to be playable. Here's mine....

1. King K Rool
2. Dixie Kong
3. Simon Belmont
4. Isabelle
5. Shadow
6. Geno
7. Ashley
8. Elma
9. Decidueye
10. Bandana Dee
1. Isabelle
2. Bandana Dee
3. Ashley
4. King K. Rool
5. Dixie Kong


6. Sun and Moon Pokémon who isn't Mimikyu
7. Elma
8. Simon Belmont
9. Geno

<Giant chasm>

10. Shadow

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
So I think based off reading this thread and the various "leaks" I think I have what seem to be the consensus top 10 most likely characters. Let's play a game, order these 10 in who you believe is most likely to least likely to be playable. Here's mine....

1. King K Rool
2. Dixie Kong
3. Simon Belmont
4. Isabelle
5. Shadow
6. Geno
7. Ashley
8. Elma
9. Decidueye
10. Bandana Dee
1. Simon Belmont
2. Decidueye (Gen 7 Pokemon) - Who the Gen 7 Pokemon will be is kind of up in the air rn but I'm very very confident we will get one, I'm cheating a bit since that doesn't technically mean Decidueye but I wanted to specify that much
3. King K. Rool
4. or Dixie Kong - I think K. Rool is a tad bit likelier than Dixie but they both have good odds, I think we will definitely get one which is why they're 3 and 4
5. Isabelle
6. Ashley
7. Elma
8. Geno
9. Bandana Dee
10. Shadow

I think everyone except Shadow has a solid chance. I expect everyone from Ashley up (K. Rool and Dixie simplified to "DK character").
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2014
What's wrong Ver-er I mean the v word? I sometimes check his channel, he enthusiastic sure, but I never see him do anything scummy.
Bad history of starting drama, questionable understanding of the game that he then passes on to his viewers, and most controversially tends to crusade against "cheating". The problem with that is that the most standard form of "cheating" in competitive Pokemon is genning Pokemon rather than breeding them naturally, which is almost universally done by all professional players because the process of getting certain Pokemon legitimately is completely arbitrary RNG and they're better off spending their time actually practicing and learning the game than running in circles for hours on end waiting for eggs to hatch. The genned Pokemon are no stronger than legitimate ones, just easier to obtain, and so most people accept the fact that top-tier players gen their Pokemon. Verlis does not and very vocally advertises as such.

Also clickbait. A lot of clickbait.

As far as mounted units as playable characters in Smash, I've given the issue some thought in the past. I think horses are the only real issue due to ledge mechanics, but I think a pegasus or wyvern could be doable, if tricky. Being flying units helps them get around tricky ledge mechanics, anyway. Granted the sizes (namely the size of a pegasus' wings and a wyvern's wings and tail) would need to be adjusted, but I don't think it's undoable. A Pegasus Knight would for sure be among the tallest characters in the series though.

I actually made a full moveset for Caeda exploring the concept if you're interested.
The real "mount" I want to see is Excitebiker or Mach Rider on their motorcycle. They could have some amazing aerials by swinging their bikes around their bodies in midair.
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Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
If we get any quadrupal character in; it needs to be Amaterasu from Okami. Amaterasu for Smash please
So true, Lycanroc may be my most wanted Gen 7 newcomer, but if it's between him and Amaterasu, I'd pick Ammy in heartbeat. August 9 can't come soon enough so I can get Okami HD on the Switch.
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
There's some extra stuff attached to it (mainly because I keep putting off actually making a Caeda thread lol) but here you go!

Caeda Flies In!


Jab: Caeda strikes twice with her spear and then twirls it.
Dash Attack: Caeda performs an aerial corkscrew into the opponent.
Side Tilt: Caeda swings the Wing Spear downward from overhead.
Up Tilt: Caeda's pegasus bumps her upward off its back while she holds her spear skyward.
Down Tilt: Caeda's pegasus flaps its wings downward, with each up and down movement causing minor damage.

Side Smash: Caeda's pegasus charges forward with Caeda's Wing Spear held outward.
Up Smash: Caeda's pegasus faces toward the screen and bucks its back legs upward.
Down Smash: Caeda's pegasus rears up and stomps its hooves, bringing down its wings for a two-part smash attack.

Neutral Aerial: Caeda's pegasus does a quick midair somersault, doing minor damage.
Forward Aerial: Caeda lunges forward with her Wing Spear, doing heavy damage.
Back Aerial: Caeda turns her pegasus around to strike the opponent with a backhanded spear attack.
Up Aerial: Caeda raises her lance and twirls it in a helicopter spin. A multihit move.
Down Aerial: Caeda's pegasus kicks its hooves downwards, potentially causing a meteor effect.

Grab and Pummel: Caeda's pegasus bites onto the opponent while Caeda strikes them with her Wing Spear for a pummel.
Forward Throw: Caeda's pegasus charges into them, sending them flying.
Back Throw: Caeda whistles, making her pegasus swing its head, tossing the foe backward before bucking them with its back hooves.
Up Throw: Caeda scoops the foe up with her Wing Spear and stabs them as they're sent skyward.
Down Throw: Caeda's pegasus "counts" on the foe several times before stomping on them.

Neutral Special: Armorcrusher - In Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem, Caeda was given a signature weapon, the Wing Spear. Like the rapier, this was effective against heavily armored and units on horseback. In Smash, this translates to her Neutral Special. In this chargeable attack, Caeda's pegasus flies backwards into the air, preparing to charge, before rushing forward and downward with Caeda's Wing Spear extended. This not only does heavy shield damage, but it also breaks through any enemy super armor when fully charged. However, the charging animation leaves Caeda vulnerable to attack. This move is named after a lance skill from Shadows of Valentia.

Side Special: Tempest Lance - Based on a skill for the Steel Lance from Shadows of Valentia, this attack involves Caeda drawing her lance and holding it outward. From its tip shoots a gust of razor wind similar to Mega Man's Air Shooter. A multihit projectile that travels horizontally with a maximum range of roughly the length of half of Final Destination. Like Greninja's Water Shuriken, it carries the opponent within it until it reaches its maximum range.

Up Special: Wings of Talys - This move has Caeda's pegasus perform a rising corkscrew attack before then gliding diagonally downward in the direction Caeda is facing. A simple recovery that can also be used as an attack.

Down Special: Hit and Run - Once again, this is named after a lance skill found in a Shadows of Valentia, though it is also a very common skill for flying units in Fire Emblem Heroes. In this attack, Caeda does a quick burst maneuver in which her pegasus flies at the opponent before making an immediate u-turn. This makes it an effective get-off-me tool on land. In the air, however, this attack gains a minor homing effect and can double as an offensive horizontal recovery. She will strike the foe before rushing back in the direction she came from, making this quite a potent edge guarding tool, further establishing Caeda's aerial dominance.

Final Smash: Queen of the Skies - Caeda breaks open the Smash Ball and is then capable of free, uninterrupted flight. She can charge into her foes for damage, similar to Super Sonic, but she can also toss spears toward the ground beneath her with the the attack button. Caeda also is much more durable while this move is being performed. After a set amount of time, the move ends.

Gameplay Overview:
Caeda is the first Smash fighter to fight while riding a mount (in this case, her pegasus). Due to this, she is one of the largest fighters in the game. Her pegasus stands at right about Bowser's height, which is slightly shorter than Fire Emblem's mounts usually are, but is just fine for Smash. The wings of the pegasus are also slightly downsized, but not to a ridiculous degree.

For those concerned about potentially having a character with canonically unlimited flight, I feel the need to point out that in Fire Emblem, Pegasus Knights do not have unlimited flight. This is shown by the fact that despite it being higher than most other classes, there still exists a cap for movement on a Pegasus Knight. Not to mention that in more recent games, their mounts are often shown landing after combat.

As far as ledge mechanics, which can become awkward with mounted characters, Caeda herself grabs the ledge while her pegasus flies next to her, off on the z-axis where it no longer counts as a hit box. Caeda's get-up attack, ledge jump, and ledge roll animations all feature her remounting her pegasus during the attack, making the transition seamlessly fluid.

Caeda has the highest air speed in the game due to speed being her best stat by far in her own games (she'll often cap her speed stat before promoting to an advanced class). In addition, she has a minor added gimmick similar to Bowser Jr.'s. Energy-based projectiles (such as Robin's Thoron) will have their damage greatly reduced when striking Caeda, but physical projectiles (like Link's arrows) will do more damage than normal, referencing Caeda's incredibly high Resistance and low Defense, in addition to the Pegasus Knight class's arrow weakness by proxy.

Why Caeda? Who is she?
Realistically Caeda likely won't make the cut, but that doesn't mean she isn't without merits of her own.

Caeda is arguably the second most important playable protagonist from Marth's games (Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, and their remakes, Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem). She is playable right from the beginning and is responsible for recruiting a large portion of Marth's army (in Shadow Dragon, other than Marth himself, anyone that can recruit characters only recruits one other character...Caeda recruits five). And at the end of Shadow Dragon, she becomes Marth's fiancée, while at the end of New Mystery, she is crowned Queen alongside Marth as King.

Caeda is also the most important character in the series of the Pegasus Knight class line, an iconic Fire Emblem class that has existed since the beginning of the series. Caeda also gets lots of promotion from Intelligent Systems in comparison to most other Fire Emblem characters, especially of those who existed before Awakening gave the series more widespread appeal. She has a fair share of merchandise of her own, such as her own Nendoroid figure. She has been getting more attention as of late as well, now having Fire Emblem Warriors under her belt, as well as having received her own unique weapon upgrade in Fire Emblem Heroes.

Caeda, while unlikely, isn't without merit or importance, and could offer a fighting style unlike anything else in Smash.

Bonus Material:

Entrance Animation:
Caeda flies in on her pegasus as it rears up and whinnies.

Up Taunt: Caeda raises her lance and says "Throw down your weapon!"
Side Taunt: Caeda pets the head of her pegasus as it whinnies.
Down Taunt: Caeda tosses her hair back and says "What a shame."

Victory Animations:
Victory 1: Caeda flies in on her pegasus and says "A lovely battle."
Victory 2: Caeda brushes her pegasus as a small bird lands on her finger.
Victory 3: Caeda leaps from her pegasus and twirls her Wing Spear, saying "Don't underestimate me!"

Victory VS Marth: Victory Pose 3, except she says "I hope I didn't hurt you too badly" before smiling.
Yeah I've got the same issue with the characters I've listed. I've made a bunch of movesets for them, but ultimately, I'm one procrastinating guy and the fanbases for the characters I want have a population of one- me.

I've only read the overview so far, but I can tell you've put some thought into this moveset. Pretty bang-up job all around. I look forward to reading the rest later.
ok i understand now,

anyways what starters would u want if we got another Pokemon trainer
I'm a big fan of the gen 4 reps, but I don't see em getting in as characters. Pokeballs more likely.
That nair to set up the remote bomb on the platform tho.
Sheesh Remote Bomb looks fun as heck, and it killed Marth at less than 100 percent.
So basically this Link traded in the safe, reliable bombs of old for a labber's dream of high-risk, high reward, combo-food, and combo finisher projectiles?
I can live with that.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 29, 2014
ok i understand now,

anyways what starters would u want if we got another Pokemon trainer
If we were to get another Pokemon Trainer with starters, I'd have it so we can get the most "new content" from the series as possible. So I'd have a Gen 3, Gen 5, and Gen 7 pokemon.

I know people don't like the typing argument, but in this case since we have final evolutions for Charizard and Greninja, I'd probably choose Decidueye as the final grass type for this new Pokemon Trainer (either that or Sceptile). Personal preference for the others? I don't want to put water as the "starter" either because we already got Squirtle. So with that said, Torchic for the fire pokemon and and Dewott for the water Pokemon, giving different body types compared to the already existing typings that exist in this game. So I guess Decidueye, Dewott, Torchic.

Alternatively, I would go Sceptile, Dewott, and Litten. But those would be my two ideal neo Pokemon Trainers.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
They're spirits that are physical manifestations of one's mental power in the shape of a humanoid creature.

They've gotta be at least close, right?
Yep, they are super close but not same. Canon also treats them very differently.

Though, probably I care about their differences too much.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
That nair to set up the remote bomb on the platform tho.
Sheesh Remote Bomb looks fun as heck, and it killed Marth at less than 100 percent.
Wait a minute, a little bit after Marth respawns on his past stock and Link grabs him and down throws..is that a new down throw? It looks like a body slam...and not like anything Link has ever done in his games. Weird.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
He is the LeafyIsHere of the Pokemon community. His existence as a channel is scummy.

He creates witch hunts for players who gen their Pokemon, which means basically to skip the in game process of breeding out perfect Pokemon, so that they can use whatever they want legally without spending months grinding the mons up.

He also calls out other content creators for using clickbaity titles and thumbnails whilst being the worst offender.

Basically, he is a terrible person who thrives off negativity.

I don't want to be a ****, but don't get too hopeful for Gardevoir. I agree Gen 3 could use some love but there isn't any reason for Sakurai to ignore Gen 7 for 3.

EDIT: Basically.
Yikes! Yeah I don't approve of going after and harassing others who mind their own business. Also yeah, I not too hopeful for Gardevoir, it'd just be nice if Gen 3 got a little love and she seem the most likely of the Gen 3. Honestly, I'm fine with almost any Pokémon newcomer, as long as they aren't Heavyweight characters (no offense to those who like them), my playstyle is based around light-midweight characters with high speed attacks, and movements.
Bad history of starting drama, questionable understanding of the game that he then passes on to his viewers, and most controversially tends to crusade against "cheating". The problem with that is that the most standard form of "cheating" in competitive Pokemon is genning Pokemon rather than breeding them naturally, which is almost universally done by all professional players because the process of getting certain Pokemon legitimately is completely arbitrary RNG and they're better off spending their time actually practicing and learning the game than running in circles for hours on end waiting for eggs to hatch. The genned Pokemon are no stronger than legitimate ones, just easier to obtain, and so most people accept the fact that top-tier players gen their Pokemon. Verlis does not and very vocally advertises as such.

Also clickbait. A lot of clickbait.
Well you think you know a person eh? Well I only check him occasionally so that's why he didn't seem so bad.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Wait a minute, a little bit after Marth respawns on his past stock and Link grabs him and down throws..is that a new down throw? It looks like a body slam...and not like anything Link has ever done in his games. Weird.
I don't play Link much but I'm almost certain Link does that body slam move already.

Side note: Marth DOES have a new fthrow where he hits someone with his elbow or hilt of the blade. I can't tell.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Yeah, I personally think the results looked something like this
Individual first party characters:
- King K Rool
- Bandana Dee
- Isabelle
- Ridley
- Ashley
- Dixie Kong
- Isaac
- Krystal
- Paper Mario?
- Waluigi?
- Lyn?

First party franchises:
- A Pokemon
- A Zelda character
- A Mario character
- A DK character

3rd party characters:
- Bayonetta
- Geno
- Banjo
- Rayman
- Crash
- Simon?
- Steve?

3rd Party franchises:
- Final Fantasy
- Sonic
Yeah, I'd agree with this list. I'd put Rayman below Crash, but that's splitting hairs. :laugh:

If the N. Sane Trilogy had been announced when the Ballot was active, I'm sure Crash would have gotten a toooooooon of votes.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
So I think based off reading this thread and the various "leaks" I think I have what seem to be the consensus top 10 most likely characters. Let's play a game, order these 10 in who you believe is most likely to least likely to be playable. Here's mine....

1. King K Rool
2. Dixie Kong
3. Simon Belmont
4. Isabelle
5. Shadow
6. Geno
7. Ashley
8. Elma
9. Decidueye
10. Bandana Dee
  1. Bandana Dee
  2. Ashley
  3. King K Rool
  4. Elmo
  5. Decidueye
  6. Simon
  7. Isabelle
  8. Dixie
  9. Geno
  10. Shadow


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
I don't play Link much but I'm almost certain Link does that body slam move already.

Side note: Marth DOES have a new fthrow where he hits someone with his elbow or hilt of the blade. I can't tell.
You're right he does....that's still so weird ! Lol

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC

Who do you see as the likeliest front runner for a Zedla newcomer?

Skull Kid?

A Champion?



Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2013
So I think based off reading this thread and the various "leaks" I think I have what seem to be the consensus top 10 most likely characters. Let's play a game, order these 10 in who you believe is most likely to least likely to be playable. Here's mine....

1. King K Rool
2. Dixie Kong
3. Simon Belmont
4. Isabelle
5. Shadow
6. Geno
7. Ashley
8. Elma
9. Decidueye
10. Bandana Dee
1. Simon
2. Bandanna Dee
3. Ashley
4. K. Rool
5. Dixie
6. Isabelle
7. Geno
8. Shadow
9. Elma
10. Decidueye


Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2015
Just had a dream wherer Crash Bandicot and Sora was revealed in Smash along with Bayontta getting an echo fighter.... Dreams are the biggest trolls ever (I'm still in my dream).


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005

Who do you see as the likeliest front runner for a Zedla newcomer?

Skull Kid?

A Champion?

I could possibly see Impa as an Echo Fighter.

If there is going to be a full new Zelda character I would lean toward Beedle.
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Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
So I think based off reading this thread and the various "leaks" I think I have what seem to be the consensus top 10 most likely characters. Let's play a game, order these 10 in who you believe is most likely to least likely to be playable. Here's mine....

1. King K Rool
2. Dixie Kong
3. Simon Belmont
4. Isabelle
5. Shadow
6. Geno
7. Ashley
8. Elma
9. Decidueye
10. Bandana Dee
  1. Simon Belmont
  2. King K Rool
  3. Dixie Kong
  4. Decidueye
  5. Geno
  6. Ashley
  7. Bandanna Dee
  8. Elma
  9. Shadow
  10. Isabelle
I am 100% wrong, I'm sure, and the only one I feel "positive" about potentially joining is Simon Belmont, and even then "positive" really only means "51% positive"
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