Beauty in the Chaos
It's hardly a hall of fame though. More like a hall of shame. Like, they're laughed at, catalogued, and that's it.At this point, I think 4chan knows you're cataloging these things, and now they're just makin' leaks faster than a rabbit can reproduce just so that they can get their fake **** in the "leak hall of fame".
Also I doubt a lot of 4chan knows. Maybe some, but definitely not all of them. I know that Reddit knows about it though, so some people who are on both may know about it.
Thanks, the praise is much appreciated!I was making a suggestion, since people bring up the "don't call it a leak!" idea all the time. I think the quotation marks are fine, but apparently not everyone does. I wonder if it's because quotation marks are often used (erroneously, in my view) as a means of emphasis rather than incredulity...
Also, I do appreciateDaybreakHorizon 's efforts. I can barely look at 4chan without my brain wanting to shut off. A public servant extraordinaire, this one!
How did I not think of that, the word was right on the freaking tip of my tongue...
Alright, so, from now on, these "leaks" will be called rumors until there is evidence of their validity.
I call them "leaks" because that's how they're presented: as actual leaks. I also believe that any "leak" could potentially be true and should be given the benefit of the doubt. I originally presented them straight as leaks, but at the request of some users began using air-quotes to designate that they're likely fake and should be taken with a grain of salt.
No, I will not change how I present them.
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