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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Not open for further replies.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Might as well go nuts and add these Echoes as well:

Zero Suit Samus as Tracer
King Dedede as Reinhardt
Palutena as Mercy
Zelda as Symmentra
Link as Hanzo
Ganondorf as Reaper
DK as Winston
Ice Climbers as Mei
Bowser as D. Ava
Snake as Soldier: 76
Samus as Pharah
Bayonetta as Widowmaker
ROB as Bastion
Little Mac as Doomfist

Shouldn’t be too hard, right?
Get Paladins off of Switch and replace it with this OverWatch rip off instead please.
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Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Might as well go nuts and add these Echoes as well:

Zero Suit Samus as Tracer
King Dedede as Reinhardt
Palutena as Mercy
Zelda as Symmentra
Link as Hanzo
Ganondorf as Reaper
DK as Winston
Ice Climbers as Mei
Bowser as D. Ava
Snake as Soldier: 76
Samus as Pharah
Bayonetta as Widowmaker
ROB as Bastion
Little Mac as Doomfist

Shouldn’t be too hard, right?
Yoshi as Boshi
Mega Man as Beck

Shulk as Zanza

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
It seems western Japan is really getting hit hard with heavy rain with landslides and flooding We live north of Tokyo so we aren’t getting hit but my in-laws are on the southern edge of the rains. Just looked at the news with 52 dead, 44 missing. It looks horrible :(. There was also a 5.2 earthquake last night east of Tokyo. Scary stuff.
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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
I'm likely late to this but
This is a placeholder, right?


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Yep that stage...just look at how beautiful and safe it is
View attachment 152011
The perfect place for families to get together and have some safe but good old-fashioned family fun.

It seems western Japan is really getting hit hard with heavy rains. We live north of Tokyo so we aren’t getting hit but my in-laws are on the southern edge of the rains. Just looked at the news with 52 dead, 44 missing. It looks horrible :(.
Man, I'm really sorry to hear that. My prayers go out to your in-laws and the rest of the people who live there.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Glad you asked!
hi i have some inside info about the new super smash bros ultimate, these are coming from my first hand source from nintendo employee i know from japan, im not great great at translating but im 100% certain this information is real

>simon belmont is a playable fighter and will have soma cruz as his playable echo fighter
>simon will have a taunt were he spawns and eats wall meat (just like in the games)
>protag from persona 5 confirmed as playable fighter, mainly to advertise the unannounced upcoming persona 5 port to switch
>persona 5 port is scheduled for release february 15th 2019
>i do not know anything else about the persona 5 switch port because my source is not apart of the porting team, they were only told the persona 5 protag was a character was in and a release date for that which will be announced at the same time
>amaterasu is confirmed as a fighter as well
>paper mario is an assist trophy
>waluigi will be both a playable fighter and an assist trophy, this will be the first time this has happened in smash bros history
>when played, waluigi will not spawn from the assist trophy at all, when he isnt being played he will spawn as an assist trophy
>elma is in the game but only as an assist trophy, she uses sliding slinger when you summon her
>rex & pyra and rex & mythra will all be fighters but rex & mythra will be an echo fighter while rex & pyra will be the original
>linkle was confirmed but im not sure if she is an assist trophy, echo fighter or as her own character, i am waiting for more info
>the rabbids are confirmed as playable fighters and will have different hats from mario + rabbids kingdom battle
>there will be a mode where final smashes build up with a gauge like in some other fighting games, sakurai is hoping to market this mode more towards the competitive scene
>subspace confirmed, with 8 player support, not sure if its a port of the mode from brawl or if its a new story

feel free to ask any questions, i can always ask my source later
August 1st - Nintendo will hold a direct detailing new information on new Splatoon 2 content and Smash Bros. respectively. After Splatoon 2 discussion is over it will transition to Smash Bros gameplay of Kirby, Inkling, and Squirtle fighting. The Octoling appears and is revealed as an echo fighter. Afterwards, Sakurai talks about key differences between Octo. and Ink, such as voices, sound effects and even the victory screen of the Octoling. King K Rool is also revealed within a clip played after the explanation. At the end of the direct, a message is displayed that reads "More will be revealed during the 50-Fact Extravaganza, tune in 9/8/18 12 PM PST."

September 8th - More information on King K. Rool is shown. It will be revealed that Simon Belmont, Chorus Kids, Balloon Fight, Decidueye, and Marx will be in the game. Dixie Kong is revealed as an echo fighter for Diddy Kong. Shadow is revealed to be an echo fighter for Sonic. Ken is an Echo for Ryu. Right at the end, a model for Super Mario RPG's Geno is revealed with the caption: "Geno is NOW IN DEVELOPMENT!!"

December 21st - During a direct, it is revealed Geno is $3.99, but will be free for MyNintendo members when released February 14th. Chibi-Robo is also announced as DLC; price/date was not revealed to me.

February - Crash Bandicoot will be revealed through a video on the Smash Bros site.

March - Banjo Kazooie. I don't know how this character will be revealed.

April - An Indie character is going to be revealed. I don't know who.

At least 4 more characters will be revealed between May and January of 2020. I will try to keep you updated
Here's your newcomers for Smash Ultimate. 7 unique, 1 semiclone, and 2 echoes. I could just go out and leak them all, but there is no fun in that. If you really want to know the newcomers you are getting, than go ahead and try.

I don't even want to ****ing try on this one.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will have 5 more newcomers.

Chorus Kids, Simon Belmont, Arle Nadja, and Heihachi. Chrom will become an Echo Fighter of Ike, hence why they didn't show off Robin's Final Smash.

I also have other tidbits regarding to the other modes such as the return of both Smash Run and Smash Tour, and new Assist Trophies.

The Chorus Kids act like a trio, albeit with a twist. Only one of the kids will be displayed when idling or moving around, but when executing attacks the other two kids will also show up. Their gimmick revolves around excecuting attacks in a specific pattern or at a specific timing. Moves are excecuted at full power when performed correctly, but if performed wrong they will either have half of the power or not excecute at all.

An example can be seen with their up special Launch Party, referencing the game of the same name. They will latch onto one of the 4 different types of rockets. If the player correct times the input, they will launch straight up. But if they don't they will instead comically flop over and plummet. Several of their moves will also involve other Rhythm Heaven characters. For example when using their down special The Dazzles the titular Dazzles will make a cameo. The move itself is a defensive and offensive tool where the Chorus Kids and Dazzle Girl gets surrounded by a yellow square that blocks all attacks, but when it shrinks down it can double as an attack when properly inputted.

Of course the Chorus Kids do sing. Their up taunt is a musical tool, where all thre kids will appear and the player has the ability to make them sing at different pitches depending on the button inputs. Their neutral special Together Now also involves them yelling together. It doesn't do damage but it has a very strong push effect, making it particularly useful to stop recovery attempts or to stop certain projectiles.

The Rhythm Heaven franchise symbol will be represented by the "cloud" commonly seen on titles.

Simon Belmont is one of the three "guest" characters to be in the game. Out of the three characters, he was the one that has the strongest results during the ballot generally speaking. The inclusion of Simon Belmont was a mutual agreement between Sakurai and Konami excecutives. Sakurai himself is a fan of the Castlevania games, with having nostalgic feelings for the first one in particular. Meanwhile Konami wanted to use this oppurtunity to boost interest in the Castlevania brand. The fact Castlevania was referenced in Super Bomberman R and the Netflix series were a part of the plan, and similarly they plan on releasing Castlevania games on modern systems as a loose tie-in to Simon Belmont's reveal in Smash.

His default appearance will be based on the first Castlevania game. His costumes will loosely be based on other memebers of the Belmont Clan like Richter Belmont.

His moveset has a odd property in it where he can "angle" his whip attacks, similar to Super Castlevania IV. As a side effect he doesn't follow the normal rules of tilt attacks or aerial attacks. For example he can whip straight in 8 directions in the air, effectively having 9 aerial attacks instead of the normal 5. Similarly he can whip in diagional directions along with the typical straight forward and upwards. Similar to Marth his whip attacks are at their strongest at the end. Overall he's built to be defensive, using his different angled whip attacks to keep the opponent at a distance.

His special moves reference different sub-weapons throughout the franchise. For example Holy Water (aka Fire Bomb) is his neutral special where it creates a stream of blue fire similar to how Ritcher uses it in games such as Castlevania Rondo of Blood and Castlevania Symphony of The Night. The Cross is a side special that has a boomerang effect similar to Link's Boomerang.

The Castlevania franchise emblem will be Simon's signature whip the Vampire Killer.

Arle Nadja (and by extension Carbuncle) is the most surprising of the characters. When getting the three third party characters, the development team purposely wanted one of them to be "unusual". Part of the influence also comes from personally playing SEGA 3D Fukkoku Archives 2 (aka SEGA 3D Classics Collection.

Arle and Carbuncle incorperate elements directly from the Puyo Puyo games. Arle is capable of storing Nuisance Puyo in a cache, which is above her icon during matches. She can hold up to 180 Nusiance Puyo. She can earn more by using her neutral special Chain, where she sets of Puyo chains similar to the games. The Nuisance Puyo themselves serve two purposes, allowing Arle to drop Nuisance Puyo onto the field and allowing her to sponge hits via an passive Offset mechanic, again referencing the recurring mechanic from Puyo Puyo games.

How the Offset mechanic works is that each Nuisance Puyo represents .1 damage, so for example 10 Nuisance Puyo in the cache will allow Arle to sponge 1% damage. Whenever she gets hit the game will exchange the damage with the Nuisance Puyo. If she recieves damage less or equal to how much Nuisance Puyo she has, she will ignore the hit completely. But if the damage she recieves is higher than the amount of Nuisance Puyo she has on hand, she will still recieve damage and knockback like normal, albeit a fraction of the power.

The Puyo Puyo franchise emblem will be a green Puyo, albeit slightly angled.

Heihachi was mentioned as being considered but ultimately dropped in the prevoius games, but this time they want to definately include him. A strong reason he got in was due to the convenience of Bandai Namco having the rights to the Tekken franchise, making his inclusion far more streamlined than other guest characters. Another advantage was his similarities to Ryu, meaning they could recycle some assets to speed up development.

He has two types of alternate costumes. One based on his younger appearance used in early Tekken games and some spin-offs like Tekken Tag Tournament 2. The other based on his older appearance used in later Tekken games. Specifically the latter is based on his appearance in Tekken 7: Fated Retribution. One of the costumes will be based on his "Mario" costume used in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U Edition.

When emulating Tekken in Super Smash Bros., they wanted to in partciular incorperate the concept of juggling. They achieved this by making his neutral and tilt attacks have different knockback properties from his other attacks. They have extremely low knockback scaling and knock the opponent downwards, meaning it's possible to mimic Tekken's juggling. His "weaker" attacks will also have minimal ending lag, allowing the attacks to be chained into each other very easily.

As to be expected, his moveset will reference multiple moves Heihachi can use in the Tekken series, though he will also reference other characters in the "Mishima" family like Jinpachi, Kazuya, and Jin. For example his side special will reference the Spinning Demon, a series of low sweeping kicks. But he will also reference Jin's version of the attack with his down smash, a low sweep quickly leading up to a round kick.

The Tekken franchise emblem will be a stylized "鉄拳".

Chrom is a late edition to the roster, being another "Echo Fighter". He was originally going to be a palette swap for Ike similar to the previous games, but fearing that the number of newcomers wasn't enough promoted him into an independant character. Daisy was also upgraded for similar reasons.

His plays a lot like Ike, but with some differences to his attacks. His forward aerial has the same animation as Ike's, but it has sweet and sour hitboxes. If it sweetspots it will cause a meteor smash, comparable to Cloud's forward aerial. Chrom also has a variant of Eruption, though instead of fire it's a gust of wind. It's much weaker but it has a strong push effect, comparable to Ike's Tempest custom move from the previous games.

There are several Assist Trophies not revealed yet.

Lip (Panel de Pon/Puzzle League)

When summoned Lip will use her magic to cause several bursts of pollen. This pollen will cause the Flower effect on anyone near by. Sometimes she will "fake out" these attacks by sneezing instead that causes no damage but guarentees tripping.

King K. Rool (Donkey Kong)

King K. Rool will pop up, jumping around in a fixed pattern. Sometimes when he lands he will spawn cannon balls from the sky. Effectively he mimics the final boss fight from Donkey Kong Country. However he's most dangerous when hit. He will try to fake out his defeat, and if you get too close he will knock you away with a claw swipe.

Opa-Opa (Fantasy Zone)

One of the guest Assist Trophies from SEGA's Fantasy Zone series. He plays exactly like how he does in the Fantasy Zone titles, flying around and shooting at everyone. Occasionally he will also drop a Heavy Bomb too, which is an extremely powerful meteor smash. Though very powerful, he's easily KO'd by literally any attack.

Death/Grim Reaper (Castlevania)

The Castlevania Assist Trophy representative. He floats around the battle field summoning spinning scythes. He also has an additional attack if he's close to an opponent, where he uses his own scythe to slice the opponent. It's an instant KO if it connects.

Space Fever (Space Fever)

Based on the arcade game of the same name, similar to Taito's Space Invaders. Aliens appear from the top of the screen and slowly move donwards. The aliens can be destroyed, but the more destroyed the faster they'll move. Occasionally they will also shoot small beams downwards.

KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)

One of the guest Assist Trophies from Bandai Namco & Monolith Soft's Xenosaga series. She will run around the stage performing different moves, attacking with different weapons like scythes, machine guns, and drills. Before she despawns she will attempt to use Discharge Energy Overdrive on a nearby opponent, inflicting heavy damage.

Both Smash Tour and Smash Run are returning. They follow the same premise as the previous games, but with notable changes.

Smash Run:

-Customs and equipment are scrapped, but powers still remain as an option.
-There's now a practice section similar to City Trial's Free Run mode. Players have the option to spawn enemies via the pause menu and the center of the stage has all the different types of challenges. There's no time limit, so the player can experiement with the layout as their leisure, but anything collected like trophies or coins aren't kept.
-Overall there are more custom options, such as the ability to adjust how often events happen, how strong the CPUs are, and what the final battle is.
-There are several new enemies. Notably there are more enemies that come from miscellaneous titles. The ninjas from The Mysterious Murasame Castle, Ramgrocks from Dillon's Rolling Western, Medusa Heads from Castlevania, and Tirkins from Xenoblade Chronicles appear as new enemies.
-The Final Battle now has new possible scenarios. Notably one event type involves the player fighting a boss. There are 6 possible bosses: Dynablade, Petey Piranha, Necrozma, The Space Kraken, Mother Brain, or Volvagia.

Smash Tour:

-Smash Tour is overhauled. The objective of the game is to now collect the most amount of fighters by the end of the game. You achieve this by playing a match at the end of each turn or getting fighters on dedicated spaces.
-There are multiple types of matches. Matches that involves players fighting each other will have the winner take one of the loser's fighters. Solo matches meanwhile are dedicated to collecting trophies, Tour Items and coins.
-Solo matches are challenges revolving around modes such as Break the Targets and Multiman Smash where the player is tasked to complete a specific task, such as beating 10 enemies in Multiman Smash under a set amount of time. Solo games can only be played if landed on a dedicated space.
-Tour Items return fuctioning as before, but now the player has the option to buy these items on store spaces using coins. There are three different shops, a red shop that prioritizes selling red items, a blue shop that prioritizes selling blue items, and a green shop that prioritizes green items.
-Because of the above, the type of Tour Items are more evenly balanced. Red items are self induced, blue items effect the opponent, and green items effect everyone. The last one effects everyone regardless of it's effects being negative or positive. For example Pelly is a green item that will evenly distribute all the coins between players.
-If a player loses all of their fighters, they are permamently knocked out of the game. The game immediately ends if all the other players are knocked out.
-In the scenario of the final turn ending and there's a tie, the amount of coins a player has will determine who's the winner. If the fighters and coins are equal, a final battle will iniciate where all the tied players will have to fight each other in a Sudden Death match.
-There's no practice mode, but there is an overview section that goes into detail over what each space, challenge, and item does.

Miscellaneous information:

-Shovel Knight will make a cameo as a trophy. This is mainly due to Nintendo of Japan publishing Shovel Knight until 2017.
There's no Xenoblade Chronicles X or Xenoblade Chronicles 2 stages, but characters like Elma, Lin, Rex, Pyra, etc. will still cameo as trophies. Gaur Plains will also contain songs from both games. "Fighting KOS-MOS" from Xenosaga will also be a new song.
-Nintendo Switch titles are limited to titles released during 2017, but will get minor representation. ARMS for example will have the characters appear as trophies.
-The shop will be overhauled to allow the player to not only buy trophies, but also fighters, music, and stages. This was done to help tone down the repetition and give players an alternative method to unlock content.
-The characters are unlocked by playing VS. matches, though you can alternatively buy them as mentioned above (albeit for inflated prices) or during single player modes. With the latter you don't need to re-fight them to unlock them. The unlocking process will prioritize a character's debut, from the first Smash game to this one.
- The "Everyone is here" line from the first trailer has a double meaning. It refers to not only all the veterans returning, but also a larger emphasis on third party content. Franchises like Streets of Rage, Okami, Klonoa, Dragon Quest, etc. will get referenced in this game whether it's from stages, music, Assist Trophies, Mii Costumes, or trophies.
-Online matches will bring back For Fun and For Glory, but the latter has some changes. For Glory will take into account both the Omega and Battlefield versions of stages, along with hazardless stages. Though some stages like Temple are still ignored. A traditional ranking system will also be included.
-The player can earn new titles as they rank up, such as "Smash Jester" or "Smash King". There are also personal ranks that can be unlocked. For example if you play as Wario a lot, you'll get the rank "Waft Warrior".
Long story short, I've got a contact that works on the music for Smash, and they told me something neat. Namely, the victory themes they helped work on hint toward certain newcomers.

First off, Wolf is getting his own victory theme this time, a slower dark-sounding version of Fox and Falco's.

K. Rool is in and he's getting his own theme. It's a more sinister version of DK's with heavy accordion use.

Finally, though they don't know the character specifically (context told them the former two were for K. Rool and Wolf), they know that they composed victory themes for Castlevania, Rhythm Heaven, and Code Name: STEAM, of all things. Guessing the first is Simon, the second is Chorus Kids since they were supposedly planned last time, and the last is Henry Fleming as the game's surprise guy, but that's technically guesswork on my part.

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Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
It seems western Japan is really getting hit hard with heavy rain with landslides and flooding We live north of Tokyo so we aren’t getting hit but my in-laws are on the southern edge of the rains. Just looked at the news with 52 dead, 44 missing. It looks horrible :(. There was also a 5.2 earthquake last night east of Tokyo. Scary stuff.
Damn, I hope your In-Laws are OK.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
The perfect place for families to get together and have some safe but good old-fashioned family fun.

Man, I'm really sorry to hear that. My prayers go out to your in-laws and the rest of the people who live there.
Even better for picnics
It seems western Japan is really getting hit hard with heavy rain with landslides and flooding We live north of Tokyo so we aren’t getting hit but my in-laws are on the southern edge of the rains. Just looked at the news with 52 dead, 44 missing. It looks horrible :(. There was also a 5.2 earthquake last night east of Tokyo. Scary stuff.
Undeserving of all of those losses, but I suppose the world doesn’t want us all to have happy endings (hopefully everyone else overcomes the flood and are able to live on)


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
Wario's Buttons on his classic alt are now gold, and it's bugging me much more than it should.

It seems western Japan is really getting hit hard with heavy rain with landslides and flooding We live north of Tokyo so we aren’t getting hit but my in-laws are on the southern edge of the rains. Just looked at the news with 52 dead, 44 missing. It looks horrible :(. There was also a 5.2 earthquake last night east of Tokyo. Scary stuff.
Hoping for the best.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Glad you asked!
hi i have some inside info about the new super smash bros ultimate, these are coming from my first hand source from nintendo employee i know from japan, im not great great at translating but im 100% certain this information is real

>simon belmont is a playable fighter and will have soma cruz as his playable echo fighter
>simon will have a taunt were he spawns and eats wall meat (just like in the games)
>protag from persona 5 confirmed as playable fighter, mainly to advertise the unannounced upcoming persona 5 port to switch
>persona 5 port is scheduled for release february 15th 2019
>i do not know anything else about the persona 5 switch port because my source is not apart of the porting team, they were only told the persona 5 protag was a character was in and a release date for that which will be announced at the same time
>amaterasu is confirmed as a fighter as well
>paper mario is an assist trophy
>waluigi will be both a playable fighter and an assist trophy, this will be the first time this has happened in smash bros history
>when played, waluigi will not spawn from the assist trophy at all, when he isnt being played he will spawn as an assist trophy
>elma is in the game but only as an assist trophy, she uses sliding slinger when you summon her
>rex & pyra and rex & mythra will all be fighters but rex & mythra will be an echo fighter while rex & pyra will be the original
>linkle was confirmed but im not sure if she is an assist trophy, echo fighter or as her own character, i am waiting for more info
>the rabbids are confirmed as playable fighters and will have different hats from mario + rabbids kingdom battle
>there will be a mode where final smashes build up with a gauge like in some other fighting games, sakurai is hoping to market this mode more towards the competitive scene
>subspace confirmed, with 8 player support, not sure if its a port of the mode from brawl or if its a new story

feel free to ask any questions, i can always ask my source later
August 1st - Nintendo will hold a direct detailing new information on new Splatoon 2 content and Smash Bros. respectively. After Splatoon 2 discussion is over it will transition to Smash Bros gameplay of Kirby, Inkling, and Squirtle fighting. The Octoling appears and is revealed as an echo fighter. Afterwards, Sakurai talks about key differences between Octo. and Ink, such as voices, sound effects and even the victory screen of the Octoling. King K Rool is also revealed within a clip played after the explanation. At the end of the direct, a message is displayed that reads "More will be revealed during the 50-Fact Extravaganza, tune in 9/8/18 12 PM PST."

September 8th - More information on King K. Rool is shown. It will be revealed that Simon Belmont, Chorus Kids, Balloon Fight, Decidueye, and Marx will be in the game. Dixie Kong is revealed as an echo fighter for Diddy Kong. Silver is revealed to be an echo fighter for Sonic. Ken is an Echo for Ryu. Right at the end, a model for Super Mario RPG's Geno is revealed with the caption: "Geno is NOW IN DEVELOPMENT!!"

December 21st - During a direct, it is revealed Geno is $3.99, but will be free for MyNintendo members when released February 14th. Chibi-Robo is also announced as DLC; price/date was not revealed to me.

February - Crash Bandicoot will be revealed through a video on the Smash Bros site.

March - Banjo Kazooie. I don't know how this character will be revealed.

April - An Indie character is going to be revealed. I don't know who.

At least 4 more characters will be revealed between May and January of 2020. I will try to keep you updated
Here's your newcomers for Smash Ultimate. 7 unique, 1 semiclone, and 2 echoes. I could just go out and leak them all, but there is no fun in that. If you really want to know the newcomers you are getting, than go ahead and try.

I don't even want to ****ing try on this one.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will have 5 more newcomers.

Chorus Kids, Simon Belmont, Arle Nadja, and Heihachi. Chrom will become an Echo Fighter of Ike, hence why they didn't show off Robin's Final Smash.

I also have other tidbits regarding to the other modes such as the return of both Smash Run and Smash Tour, and new Assist Trophies.

The Chorus Kids act like a trio, albeit with a twist. Only one of the kids will be displayed when idling or moving around, but when executing attacks the other two kids will also show up. Their gimmick revolves around excecuting attacks in a specific pattern or at a specific timing. Moves are excecuted at full power when performed correctly, but if performed wrong they will either have half of the power or not excecute at all.

An example can be seen with their up special Launch Party, referencing the game of the same name. They will latch onto one of the 4 different types of rockets. If the player correct times the input, they will launch straight up. But if they don't they will instead comically flop over and plummet. Several of their moves will also involve other Rhythm Heaven characters. For example when using their down special The Dazzles the titular Dazzles will make a cameo. The move itself is a defensive and offensive tool where the Chorus Kids and Dazzle Girl gets surrounded by a yellow square that blocks all attacks, but when it shrinks down it can double as an attack when properly inputted.

Of course the Chorus Kids do sing. Their up taunt is a musical tool, where all thre kids will appear and the player has the ability to make them sing at different pitches depending on the button inputs. Their neutral special Together Now also involves them yelling together. It doesn't do damage but it has a very strong push effect, making it particularly useful to stop recovery attempts or to stop certain projectiles.

The Rhythm Heaven franchise symbol will be represented by the "cloud" commonly seen on titles.

Simon Belmont is one of the three "guest" characters to be in the game. Out of the three characters, he was the one that has the strongest results during the ballot generally speaking. The inclusion of Simon Belmont was a mutual agreement between Sakurai and Konami excecutives. Sakurai himself is a fan of the Castlevania games, with having nostalgic feelings for the first one in particular. Meanwhile Konami wanted to use this oppurtunity to boost interest in the Castlevania brand. The fact Castlevania was referenced in Super Bomberman R and the Netflix series were a part of the plan, and similarly they plan on releasing Castlevania games on modern systems as a loose tie-in to Simon Belmont's reveal in Smash.

His default appearance will be based on the first Castlevania game. His costumes will loosely be based on other memebers of the Belmont Clan like Richter Belmont.

His moveset has a odd property in it where he can "angle" his whip attacks, similar to Super Castlevania IV. As a side effect he doesn't follow the normal rules of tilt attacks or aerial attacks. For example he can whip straight in 8 directions in the air, effectively having 9 aerial attacks instead of the normal 5. Similarly he can whip in diagional directions along with the typical straight forward and upwards. Similar to Marth his whip attacks are at their strongest at the end. Overall he's built to be defensive, using his different angled whip attacks to keep the opponent at a distance.

His special moves reference different sub-weapons throughout the franchise. For example Holy Water (aka Fire Bomb) is his neutral special where it creates a stream of blue fire similar to how Ritcher uses it in games such as Castlevania Rondo of Blood and Castlevania Symphony of The Night. The Cross is a side special that has a boomerang effect similar to Link's Boomerang.

The Castlevania franchise emblem will be Simon's signature whip the Vampire Killer.

Arle Nadja (and by extension Carbuncle) is the most surprising of the characters. When getting the three third party characters, the development team purposely wanted one of them to be "unusual". Part of the influence also comes from personally playing SEGA 3D Fukkoku Archives 2 (aka SEGA 3D Classics Collection.

Arle and Carbuncle incorperate elements directly from the Puyo Puyo games. Arle is capable of storing Nuisance Puyo in a cache, which is above her icon during matches. She can hold up to 180 Nusiance Puyo. She can earn more by using her neutral special Chain, where she sets of Puyo chains similar to the games. The Nuisance Puyo themselves serve two purposes, allowing Arle to drop Nuisance Puyo onto the field and allowing her to sponge hits via an passive Offset mechanic, again referencing the recurring mechanic from Puyo Puyo games.

How the Offset mechanic works is that each Nuisance Puyo represents .1 damage, so for example 10 Nuisance Puyo in the cache will allow Arle to sponge 1% damage. Whenever she gets hit the game will exchange the damage with the Nuisance Puyo. If she recieves damage less or equal to how much Nuisance Puyo she has, she will ignore the hit completely. But if the damage she recieves is higher than the amount of Nuisance Puyo she has on hand, she will still recieve damage and knockback like normal, albeit a fraction of the power.

The Puyo Puyo franchise emblem will be a green Puyo, albeit slightly angled.

Heihachi was mentioned as being considered but ultimately dropped in the prevoius games, but this time they want to definately include him. A strong reason he got in was due to the convenience of Bandai Namco having the rights to the Tekken franchise, making his inclusion far more streamlined than other guest characters. Another advantage was his similarities to Ryu, meaning they could recycle some assets to speed up development.

He has two types of alternate costumes. One based on his younger appearance used in early Tekken games and some spin-offs like Tekken Tag Tournament 2. The other based on his older appearance used in later Tekken games. Specifically the latter is based on his appearance in Tekken 7: Fated Retribution. One of the costumes will be based on his "Mario" costume used in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U Edition.

When emulating Tekken in Super Smash Bros., they wanted to in partciular incorperate the concept of juggling. They achieved this by making his neutral and tilt attacks have different knockback properties from his other attacks. They have extremely low knockback scaling and knock the opponent downwards, meaning it's possible to mimic Tekken's juggling. His "weaker" attacks will also have minimal ending lag, allowing the attacks to be chained into each other very easily.

As to be expected, his moveset will reference multiple moves Heihachi can use in the Tekken series, though he will also reference other characters in the "Mishima" family like Jinpachi, Kazuya, and Jin. For example his side special will reference the Spinning Demon, a series of low sweeping kicks. But he will also reference Jin's version of the attack with his down smash, a low sweep quickly leading up to a round kick.

The Tekken franchise emblem will be a stylized "鉄拳".

Chrom is a late edition to the roster, being another "Echo Fighter". He was originally going to be a palette swap for Ike similar to the previous games, but fearing that the number of newcomers wasn't enough promoted him into an independant character. Daisy was also upgraded for similar reasons.

His plays a lot like Ike, but with some differences to his attacks. His forward aerial has the same animation as Ike's, but it has sweet and sour hitboxes. If it sweetspots it will cause a meteor smash, comparable to Cloud's forward aerial. Chrom also has a variant of Eruption, though instead of fire it's a gust of wind. It's much weaker but it has a strong push effect, comparable to Ike's Tempest custom move from the previous games.

There are several Assist Trophies not revealed yet.

Lip (Panel de Pon/Puzzle League)

When summoned Lip will use her magic to cause several bursts of pollen. This pollen will cause the Flower effect on anyone near by. Sometimes she will "fake out" these attacks by sneezing instead that causes no damage but guarentees tripping.

King K. Rool (Donkey Kong)

King K. Rool will pop up, jumping around in a fixed pattern. Sometimes when he lands he will spawn cannon balls from the sky. Effectively he mimics the final boss fight from Donkey Kong Country. However he's most dangerous when hit. He will try to fake out his defeat, and if you get too close he will knock you away with a claw swipe.

Opa-Opa (Fantasy Zone)

One of the guest Assist Trophies from SEGA's Fantasy Zone series. He plays exactly like how he does in the Fantasy Zone titles, flying around and shooting at everyone. Occasionally he will also drop a Heavy Bomb too, which is an extremely powerful meteor smash. Though very powerful, he's easily KO'd by literally any attack.

Death/Grim Reaper (Castlevania)

The Castlevania Assist Trophy representative. He floats around the battle field summoning spinning scythes. He also has an additional attack if he's close to an opponent, where he uses his own scythe to slice the opponent. It's an instant KO if it connects.

Space Fever (Space Fever)

Based on the arcade game of the same name, similar to Taito's Space Invaders. Aliens appear from the top of the screen and slowly move donwards. The aliens can be destroyed, but the more destroyed the faster they'll move. Occasionally they will also shoot small beams downwards.

KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)

One of the guest Assist Trophies from Bandai Namco & Monolith Soft's Xenosaga series. She will run around the stage performing different moves, attacking with different weapons like scythes, machine guns, and drills. Before she despawns she will attempt to use Discharge Energy Overdrive on a nearby opponent, inflicting heavy damage.

Both Smash Tour and Smash Run are returning. They follow the same premise as the previous games, but with notable changes.

Smash Run:

-Customs and equipment are scrapped, but powers still remain as an option.
-There's now a practice section similar to City Trial's Free Run mode. Players have the option to spawn enemies via the pause menu and the center of the stage has all the different types of challenges. There's no time limit, so the player can experiement with the layout as their leisure, but anything collected like trophies or coins aren't kept.
-Overall there are more custom options, such as the ability to adjust how often events happen, how strong the CPUs are, and what the final battle is.
-There are several new enemies. Notably there are more enemies that come from miscellaneous titles. The ninjas from The Mysterious Murasame Castle, Ramgrocks from Dillon's Rolling Western, Medusa Heads from Castlevania, and Tirkins from Xenoblade Chronicles appear as new enemies.
-The Final Battle now has new possible scenarios. Notably one event type involves the player fighting a boss. There are 6 possible bosses: Dynablade, Petey Piranha, Necrozma, The Space Kraken, Mother Brain, or Volvagia.

Smash Tour:

-Smash Tour is overhauled. The objective of the game is to now collect the most amount of fighters by the end of the game. You achieve this by playing a match at the end of each turn or getting fighters on dedicated spaces.
-There are multiple types of matches. Matches that involves players fighting each other will have the winner take one of the loser's fighters. Solo matches meanwhile are dedicated to collecting trophies, Tour Items and coins.
-Solo matches are challenges revolving around modes such as Break the Targets and Multiman Smash where the player is tasked to complete a specific task, such as beating 10 enemies in Multiman Smash under a set amount of time. Solo games can only be played if landed on a dedicated space.
-Tour Items return fuctioning as before, but now the player has the option to buy these items on store spaces using coins. There are three different shops, a red shop that prioritizes selling red items, a blue shop that prioritizes selling blue items, and a green shop that prioritizes green items.
-Because of the above, the type of Tour Items are more evenly balanced. Red items are self induced, blue items effect the opponent, and green items effect everyone. The last one effects everyone regardless of it's effects being negative or positive. For example Pelly is a green item that will evenly distribute all the coins between players.
-If a player loses all of their fighters, they are permamently knocked out of the game. The game immediately ends if all the other players are knocked out.
-In the scenario of the final turn ending and there's a tie, the amount of coins a player has will determine who's the winner. If the fighters and coins are equal, a final battle will iniciate where all the tied players will have to fight each other in a Sudden Death match.
-There's no practice mode, but there is an overview section that goes into detail over what each space, challenge, and item does.

Miscellaneous information:

-Shovel Knight will make a cameo as a trophy. This is mainly due to Nintendo of Japan publishing Shovel Knight until 2017.
There's no Xenoblade Chronicles X or Xenoblade Chronicles 2 stages, but characters like Elma, Lin, Rex, Pyra, etc. will still cameo as trophies. Gaur Plains will also contain songs from both games. "Fighting KOS-MOS" from Xenosaga will also be a new song.
-Nintendo Switch titles are limited to titles released during 2017, but will get minor representation. ARMS for example will have the characters appear as trophies.
-The shop will be overhauled to allow the player to not only buy trophies, but also fighters, music, and stages. This was done to help tone down the repetition and give players an alternative method to unlock content.
-The characters are unlocked by playing VS. matches, though you can alternatively buy them as mentioned above (albeit for inflated prices) or during single player modes. With the latter you don't need to re-fight them to unlock them. The unlocking process will prioritize a character's debut, from the first Smash game to this one.
- The "Everyone is here" line from the first trailer has a double meaning. It refers to not only all the veterans returning, but also a larger emphasis on third party content. Franchises like Streets of Rage, Okami, Klonoa, Dragon Quest, etc. will get referenced in this game whether it's from stages, music, Assist Trophies, Mii Costumes, or trophies.
-Online matches will bring back For Fun and For Glory, but the latter has some changes. For Glory will take into account both the Omega and Battlefield versions of stages, along with hazardless stages. Though some stages like Temple are still ignored. A traditional ranking system will also be included.
-The player can earn new titles as they rank up, such as "Smash Jester" or "Smash King". There are also personal ranks that can be unlocked. For example if you play as Wario a lot, you'll get the rank "Waft Warrior".
Long story short, I've got a contact that works on the music for Smash, and they told me something neat. Namely, the victory themes they helped work on hint toward certain newcomers.

First off, Wolf is getting his own victory theme this time, a slower dark-sounding version of Fox and Falco's.

K. Rool is in and he's getting his own theme. It's a more sinister version of DK's with heavy accordion use.

Finally, though they don't know the character specifically (context told them the former two were for K. Rool and Wolf), they know that they composed victory themes for Castlevania, Rhythm Heaven, and Code Name: STEAM, of all things. Guessing the first is Simon, the second is Chorus Kids since they were supposedly planned last time, and the last is Henry Fleming as the game's surprise guy, but that's technically guesswork on my part.

Did...did leaker number five remember Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.? Am I dreaming?


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
>protag from persona 5 confirmed as playable fighter, mainly to advertise the unannounced upcoming persona 5 port to switch
>persona 5 port is scheduled for release february 15th 2019
Oh, yes please.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
It seems western Japan is really getting hit hard with heavy rain with landslides and flooding We live north of Tokyo so we aren’t getting hit but my in-laws are on the southern edge of the rains. Just looked at the news with 52 dead, 44 missing. It looks horrible :(. There was also a 5.2 earthquake last night east of Tokyo. Scary stuff.
Hope everyone in your family is okay. Be safe.
I'm likely late to this but
This is a placeholder, right?
I'm sure. That's going to end up as battlefield omega. Maybe the true FD is still in development, or it's got a secret, like that one fake leak about FD itself being the final boss.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2012
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
It seems western Japan is really getting hit hard with heavy rain with landslides and flooding We live north of Tokyo so we aren’t getting hit but my in-laws are on the southern edge of the rains. Just looked at the news with 52 dead, 44 missing. It looks horrible :(. There was also a 5.2 earthquake last night east of Tokyo. Scary stuff.
Praying for your relatives' safety, as well as your own.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Is it me or does Ridley in a weird way look somewhat more realistic than Snake in this game (maybe even more than half of the things in Brawl)?


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Is it me or does Ridley in a weird way look somewhat more realistic than Snake in this game (maybe even more than half of the things in Brawl)?
The clash between what Snake is supposed to be like and what he's doing in a cartoony brawler like Smash just makes him look all the more cartoony.

Side note: tranq and electro knife when


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
The clash between what Snake is supposed to be like and what he's doing in a cartoony brawler like Smash just makes him look all the more cartoony.

Side note: tranq and electro knife when
It’s just so weird to see that still


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2015
South Bend, Indiana
I'm just going to put my two cents on the topic of including third party Echo Fighters, but the logistics behind this decision don't really add up.
The whole point of Echo Fighters is that they are near identical to another character, right? That's why they don't have their own number on the website, but rather an € symbol next to their source material's number. Fighters like Dark Pit and Lucina were never planned from the beginning, but instead were made into last minute clones due to extra time that they had.
Most of this could apply to potential third party Echo Fighters like Shadow and Ken.
However, I feel like many people are missing the point as to why these Echoes even exist.
They didn't take a lot of time to implement.
Why would Sakurai or Nintendo go through the trouble of licensing with another company just to get a character that's 95% identical to another character? Doesn't that seem counter intuitive? By going through all of this licensing just to include a third party Echo Fighter, Sakurai could just opt to include Echo Fighters from Nintendo's own catalog. He wouldn't need to go through as many hurdles and Sakurai would have more time to focus on the other aspects of Ultimate. At that point, if you're taking a bit of time negotiating with another company for a character, you might as well ask for a unique character or don't bother at all.
This is just speculation on my part, but even if Sakurai managed to get access to a certain character and had plans on them being an Echo, he still has to collaborate with the designers and creator of the character. There's also the possibility that they might not see eye to eye with Sakurai and instead want their character to have a unique moveset in Smash.
Of course, this is all just speculation. Maybe getting a third party Echo Fighter isn't as hard as I'm imagining it is. Never say never to the possibility of it coming true. Personally, though, I just don't see why it would be worth it to Sakurai to go through all this trouble for an Echo Fighter when he could have an easier time including Nintendo Echo Fighters. I can kind of understand to a third party creator, as it would be better to have a last minute version of their character in one of the biggest games of the year than nothing at all. However, they would most likely wish for fully fleshed out movesets, and they would need to reach a creative compromise with Sakurai.
It seems western Japan is really getting hit hard with heavy rain with landslides and flooding We live north of Tokyo so we aren’t getting hit but my in-laws are on the southern edge of the rains. Just looked at the news with 52 dead, 44 missing. It looks horrible :(. There was also a 5.2 earthquake last night east of Tokyo. Scary stuff.
I'm really sorry to hear. It's never pleasant to be hit by heavy rain. I hope your family is safe.


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard
It seems western Japan is really getting hit hard with heavy rain with landslides and flooding We live north of Tokyo so we aren’t getting hit but my in-laws are on the southern edge of the rains. Just looked at the news with 52 dead, 44 missing. It looks horrible :(. There was also a 5.2 earthquake last night east of Tokyo. Scary stuff.

Hope your family gets through unscathed. Mother Nature is a cruel mistress.
Yep that stage...just look at how beautiful and safe it is
View attachment 152011
I think that's the big reason why I want this stage to come back, because it can be such a major safety hazard at times. That, and can you imagine how Kraid would look in HD? Melee is his only 3D appearence.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC

Hope your family gets through unscathed. Mother Nature is a cruel mistress.

I think that's the big reason why I want this stage to come back, because it can be such a major safety hazard at times. That, and can you imagine how Kraid would look in HD? Melee is his only 3D appearence.
Maybe he’ll be in MP4 and Smash Ultimate if lucky enough


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Glad you asked!
hi i have some inside info about the new super smash bros ultimate, these are coming from my first hand source from nintendo employee i know from japan, im not great great at translating but im 100% certain this information is real

>simon belmont is a playable fighter and will have soma cruz as his playable echo fighter
>simon will have a taunt were he spawns and eats wall meat (just like in the games)
>protag from persona 5 confirmed as playable fighter, mainly to advertise the unannounced upcoming persona 5 port to switch
>persona 5 port is scheduled for release february 15th 2019
>i do not know anything else about the persona 5 switch port because my source is not apart of the porting team, they were only told the persona 5 protag was a character was in and a release date for that which will be announced at the same time
>amaterasu is confirmed as a fighter as well
>paper mario is an assist trophy
>waluigi will be both a playable fighter and an assist trophy, this will be the first time this has happened in smash bros history
>when played, waluigi will not spawn from the assist trophy at all, when he isnt being played he will spawn as an assist trophy
>elma is in the game but only as an assist trophy, she uses sliding slinger when you summon her
>rex & pyra and rex & mythra will all be fighters but rex & mythra will be an echo fighter while rex & pyra will be the original
>linkle was confirmed but im not sure if she is an assist trophy, echo fighter or as her own character, i am waiting for more info
>the rabbids are confirmed as playable fighters and will have different hats from mario + rabbids kingdom battle
>there will be a mode where final smashes build up with a gauge like in some other fighting games, sakurai is hoping to market this mode more towards the competitive scene
>subspace confirmed, with 8 player support, not sure if its a port of the mode from brawl or if its a new story

feel free to ask any questions, i can always ask my source later
August 1st - Nintendo will hold a direct detailing new information on new Splatoon 2 content and Smash Bros. respectively. After Splatoon 2 discussion is over it will transition to Smash Bros gameplay of Kirby, Inkling, and Squirtle fighting. The Octoling appears and is revealed as an echo fighter. Afterwards, Sakurai talks about key differences between Octo. and Ink, such as voices, sound effects and even the victory screen of the Octoling. King K Rool is also revealed within a clip played after the explanation. At the end of the direct, a message is displayed that reads "More will be revealed during the 50-Fact Extravaganza, tune in 9/8/18 12 PM PST."

September 8th - More information on King K. Rool is shown. It will be revealed that Simon Belmont, Chorus Kids, Balloon Fight, Decidueye, and Marx will be in the game. Dixie Kong is revealed as an echo fighter for Diddy Kong. Shadow is revealed to be an echo fighter for Sonic. Ken is an Echo for Ryu. Right at the end, a model for Super Mario RPG's Geno is revealed with the caption: "Geno is NOW IN DEVELOPMENT!!"

December 21st - During a direct, it is revealed Geno is $3.99, but will be free for MyNintendo members when released February 14th. Chibi-Robo is also announced as DLC; price/date was not revealed to me.

February - Crash Bandicoot will be revealed through a video on the Smash Bros site.

March - Banjo Kazooie. I don't know how this character will be revealed.

April - An Indie character is going to be revealed. I don't know who.

At least 4 more characters will be revealed between May and January of 2020. I will try to keep you updated
Here's your newcomers for Smash Ultimate. 7 unique, 1 semiclone, and 2 echoes. I could just go out and leak them all, but there is no fun in that. If you really want to know the newcomers you are getting, than go ahead and try.

I don't even want to ****ing try on this one.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will have 5 more newcomers.

Chorus Kids, Simon Belmont, Arle Nadja, and Heihachi. Chrom will become an Echo Fighter of Ike, hence why they didn't show off Robin's Final Smash.

I also have other tidbits regarding to the other modes such as the return of both Smash Run and Smash Tour, and new Assist Trophies.

The Chorus Kids act like a trio, albeit with a twist. Only one of the kids will be displayed when idling or moving around, but when executing attacks the other two kids will also show up. Their gimmick revolves around excecuting attacks in a specific pattern or at a specific timing. Moves are excecuted at full power when performed correctly, but if performed wrong they will either have half of the power or not excecute at all.

An example can be seen with their up special Launch Party, referencing the game of the same name. They will latch onto one of the 4 different types of rockets. If the player correct times the input, they will launch straight up. But if they don't they will instead comically flop over and plummet. Several of their moves will also involve other Rhythm Heaven characters. For example when using their down special The Dazzles the titular Dazzles will make a cameo. The move itself is a defensive and offensive tool where the Chorus Kids and Dazzle Girl gets surrounded by a yellow square that blocks all attacks, but when it shrinks down it can double as an attack when properly inputted.

Of course the Chorus Kids do sing. Their up taunt is a musical tool, where all thre kids will appear and the player has the ability to make them sing at different pitches depending on the button inputs. Their neutral special Together Now also involves them yelling together. It doesn't do damage but it has a very strong push effect, making it particularly useful to stop recovery attempts or to stop certain projectiles.

The Rhythm Heaven franchise symbol will be represented by the "cloud" commonly seen on titles.

Simon Belmont is one of the three "guest" characters to be in the game. Out of the three characters, he was the one that has the strongest results during the ballot generally speaking. The inclusion of Simon Belmont was a mutual agreement between Sakurai and Konami excecutives. Sakurai himself is a fan of the Castlevania games, with having nostalgic feelings for the first one in particular. Meanwhile Konami wanted to use this oppurtunity to boost interest in the Castlevania brand. The fact Castlevania was referenced in Super Bomberman R and the Netflix series were a part of the plan, and similarly they plan on releasing Castlevania games on modern systems as a loose tie-in to Simon Belmont's reveal in Smash.

His default appearance will be based on the first Castlevania game. His costumes will loosely be based on other memebers of the Belmont Clan like Richter Belmont.

His moveset has a odd property in it where he can "angle" his whip attacks, similar to Super Castlevania IV. As a side effect he doesn't follow the normal rules of tilt attacks or aerial attacks. For example he can whip straight in 8 directions in the air, effectively having 9 aerial attacks instead of the normal 5. Similarly he can whip in diagional directions along with the typical straight forward and upwards. Similar to Marth his whip attacks are at their strongest at the end. Overall he's built to be defensive, using his different angled whip attacks to keep the opponent at a distance.

His special moves reference different sub-weapons throughout the franchise. For example Holy Water (aka Fire Bomb) is his neutral special where it creates a stream of blue fire similar to how Ritcher uses it in games such as Castlevania Rondo of Blood and Castlevania Symphony of The Night. The Cross is a side special that has a boomerang effect similar to Link's Boomerang.

The Castlevania franchise emblem will be Simon's signature whip the Vampire Killer.

Arle Nadja (and by extension Carbuncle) is the most surprising of the characters. When getting the three third party characters, the development team purposely wanted one of them to be "unusual". Part of the influence also comes from personally playing SEGA 3D Fukkoku Archives 2 (aka SEGA 3D Classics Collection.

Arle and Carbuncle incorperate elements directly from the Puyo Puyo games. Arle is capable of storing Nuisance Puyo in a cache, which is above her icon during matches. She can hold up to 180 Nusiance Puyo. She can earn more by using her neutral special Chain, where she sets of Puyo chains similar to the games. The Nuisance Puyo themselves serve two purposes, allowing Arle to drop Nuisance Puyo onto the field and allowing her to sponge hits via an passive Offset mechanic, again referencing the recurring mechanic from Puyo Puyo games.

How the Offset mechanic works is that each Nuisance Puyo represents .1 damage, so for example 10 Nuisance Puyo in the cache will allow Arle to sponge 1% damage. Whenever she gets hit the game will exchange the damage with the Nuisance Puyo. If she recieves damage less or equal to how much Nuisance Puyo she has, she will ignore the hit completely. But if the damage she recieves is higher than the amount of Nuisance Puyo she has on hand, she will still recieve damage and knockback like normal, albeit a fraction of the power.

The Puyo Puyo franchise emblem will be a green Puyo, albeit slightly angled.

Heihachi was mentioned as being considered but ultimately dropped in the prevoius games, but this time they want to definately include him. A strong reason he got in was due to the convenience of Bandai Namco having the rights to the Tekken franchise, making his inclusion far more streamlined than other guest characters. Another advantage was his similarities to Ryu, meaning they could recycle some assets to speed up development.

He has two types of alternate costumes. One based on his younger appearance used in early Tekken games and some spin-offs like Tekken Tag Tournament 2. The other based on his older appearance used in later Tekken games. Specifically the latter is based on his appearance in Tekken 7: Fated Retribution. One of the costumes will be based on his "Mario" costume used in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U Edition.

When emulating Tekken in Super Smash Bros., they wanted to in partciular incorperate the concept of juggling. They achieved this by making his neutral and tilt attacks have different knockback properties from his other attacks. They have extremely low knockback scaling and knock the opponent downwards, meaning it's possible to mimic Tekken's juggling. His "weaker" attacks will also have minimal ending lag, allowing the attacks to be chained into each other very easily.

As to be expected, his moveset will reference multiple moves Heihachi can use in the Tekken series, though he will also reference other characters in the "Mishima" family like Jinpachi, Kazuya, and Jin. For example his side special will reference the Spinning Demon, a series of low sweeping kicks. But he will also reference Jin's version of the attack with his down smash, a low sweep quickly leading up to a round kick.

The Tekken franchise emblem will be a stylized "鉄拳".

Chrom is a late edition to the roster, being another "Echo Fighter". He was originally going to be a palette swap for Ike similar to the previous games, but fearing that the number of newcomers wasn't enough promoted him into an independant character. Daisy was also upgraded for similar reasons.

His plays a lot like Ike, but with some differences to his attacks. His forward aerial has the same animation as Ike's, but it has sweet and sour hitboxes. If it sweetspots it will cause a meteor smash, comparable to Cloud's forward aerial. Chrom also has a variant of Eruption, though instead of fire it's a gust of wind. It's much weaker but it has a strong push effect, comparable to Ike's Tempest custom move from the previous games.

There are several Assist Trophies not revealed yet.

Lip (Panel de Pon/Puzzle League)

When summoned Lip will use her magic to cause several bursts of pollen. This pollen will cause the Flower effect on anyone near by. Sometimes she will "fake out" these attacks by sneezing instead that causes no damage but guarentees tripping.

King K. Rool (Donkey Kong)

King K. Rool will pop up, jumping around in a fixed pattern. Sometimes when he lands he will spawn cannon balls from the sky. Effectively he mimics the final boss fight from Donkey Kong Country. However he's most dangerous when hit. He will try to fake out his defeat, and if you get too close he will knock you away with a claw swipe.

Opa-Opa (Fantasy Zone)

One of the guest Assist Trophies from SEGA's Fantasy Zone series. He plays exactly like how he does in the Fantasy Zone titles, flying around and shooting at everyone. Occasionally he will also drop a Heavy Bomb too, which is an extremely powerful meteor smash. Though very powerful, he's easily KO'd by literally any attack.

Death/Grim Reaper (Castlevania)

The Castlevania Assist Trophy representative. He floats around the battle field summoning spinning scythes. He also has an additional attack if he's close to an opponent, where he uses his own scythe to slice the opponent. It's an instant KO if it connects.

Space Fever (Space Fever)

Based on the arcade game of the same name, similar to Taito's Space Invaders. Aliens appear from the top of the screen and slowly move donwards. The aliens can be destroyed, but the more destroyed the faster they'll move. Occasionally they will also shoot small beams downwards.

KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)

One of the guest Assist Trophies from Bandai Namco & Monolith Soft's Xenosaga series. She will run around the stage performing different moves, attacking with different weapons like scythes, machine guns, and drills. Before she despawns she will attempt to use Discharge Energy Overdrive on a nearby opponent, inflicting heavy damage.

Both Smash Tour and Smash Run are returning. They follow the same premise as the previous games, but with notable changes.

Smash Run:

-Customs and equipment are scrapped, but powers still remain as an option.
-There's now a practice section similar to City Trial's Free Run mode. Players have the option to spawn enemies via the pause menu and the center of the stage has all the different types of challenges. There's no time limit, so the player can experiement with the layout as their leisure, but anything collected like trophies or coins aren't kept.
-Overall there are more custom options, such as the ability to adjust how often events happen, how strong the CPUs are, and what the final battle is.
-There are several new enemies. Notably there are more enemies that come from miscellaneous titles. The ninjas from The Mysterious Murasame Castle, Ramgrocks from Dillon's Rolling Western, Medusa Heads from Castlevania, and Tirkins from Xenoblade Chronicles appear as new enemies.
-The Final Battle now has new possible scenarios. Notably one event type involves the player fighting a boss. There are 6 possible bosses: Dynablade, Petey Piranha, Necrozma, The Space Kraken, Mother Brain, or Volvagia.

Smash Tour:

-Smash Tour is overhauled. The objective of the game is to now collect the most amount of fighters by the end of the game. You achieve this by playing a match at the end of each turn or getting fighters on dedicated spaces.
-There are multiple types of matches. Matches that involves players fighting each other will have the winner take one of the loser's fighters. Solo matches meanwhile are dedicated to collecting trophies, Tour Items and coins.
-Solo matches are challenges revolving around modes such as Break the Targets and Multiman Smash where the player is tasked to complete a specific task, such as beating 10 enemies in Multiman Smash under a set amount of time. Solo games can only be played if landed on a dedicated space.
-Tour Items return fuctioning as before, but now the player has the option to buy these items on store spaces using coins. There are three different shops, a red shop that prioritizes selling red items, a blue shop that prioritizes selling blue items, and a green shop that prioritizes green items.
-Because of the above, the type of Tour Items are more evenly balanced. Red items are self induced, blue items effect the opponent, and green items effect everyone. The last one effects everyone regardless of it's effects being negative or positive. For example Pelly is a green item that will evenly distribute all the coins between players.
-If a player loses all of their fighters, they are permamently knocked out of the game. The game immediately ends if all the other players are knocked out.
-In the scenario of the final turn ending and there's a tie, the amount of coins a player has will determine who's the winner. If the fighters and coins are equal, a final battle will iniciate where all the tied players will have to fight each other in a Sudden Death match.
-There's no practice mode, but there is an overview section that goes into detail over what each space, challenge, and item does.

Miscellaneous information:

-Shovel Knight will make a cameo as a trophy. This is mainly due to Nintendo of Japan publishing Shovel Knight until 2017.
There's no Xenoblade Chronicles X or Xenoblade Chronicles 2 stages, but characters like Elma, Lin, Rex, Pyra, etc. will still cameo as trophies. Gaur Plains will also contain songs from both games. "Fighting KOS-MOS" from Xenosaga will also be a new song.
-Nintendo Switch titles are limited to titles released during 2017, but will get minor representation. ARMS for example will have the characters appear as trophies.
-The shop will be overhauled to allow the player to not only buy trophies, but also fighters, music, and stages. This was done to help tone down the repetition and give players an alternative method to unlock content.
-The characters are unlocked by playing VS. matches, though you can alternatively buy them as mentioned above (albeit for inflated prices) or during single player modes. With the latter you don't need to re-fight them to unlock them. The unlocking process will prioritize a character's debut, from the first Smash game to this one.
- The "Everyone is here" line from the first trailer has a double meaning. It refers to not only all the veterans returning, but also a larger emphasis on third party content. Franchises like Streets of Rage, Okami, Klonoa, Dragon Quest, etc. will get referenced in this game whether it's from stages, music, Assist Trophies, Mii Costumes, or trophies.
-Online matches will bring back For Fun and For Glory, but the latter has some changes. For Glory will take into account both the Omega and Battlefield versions of stages, along with hazardless stages. Though some stages like Temple are still ignored. A traditional ranking system will also be included.
-The player can earn new titles as they rank up, such as "Smash Jester" or "Smash King". There are also personal ranks that can be unlocked. For example if you play as Wario a lot, you'll get the rank "Waft Warrior".
Long story short, I've got a contact that works on the music for Smash, and they told me something neat. Namely, the victory themes they helped work on hint toward certain newcomers.

First off, Wolf is getting his own victory theme this time, a slower dark-sounding version of Fox and Falco's.

K. Rool is in and he's getting his own theme. It's a more sinister version of DK's with heavy accordion use.

Finally, though they don't know the character specifically (context told them the former two were for K. Rool and Wolf), they know that they composed victory themes for Castlevania, Rhythm Heaven, and Code Name: STEAM, of all things. Guessing the first is Simon, the second is Chorus Kids since they were supposedly planned last time, and the last is Henry Fleming as the game's surprise guy, but that's technically guesswork on my part.

well, most of it seems interesting. lol waluigi.

Leak 2: most believable of the bunch for this batch

Leak 3: vague leak is vague. would be more believable without the baiting honestly

Leak 4: long text leak is long. bored on a weekend.

Leak 5: lol, these keep fetching further

not even gonna dissect stages lol.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I'll just bring up some Assist Trophy predictions, just because I'm feeling a little bored.
  • Magikoopa
  • Cranky Kong
  • Tingle (Wind Waker incarnation)
  • Revali
  • Mipha
  • Daruk
  • Urbosa
  • Daroach
  • Eggplant Wizard
  • Isabelle
  • Gray Fox
  • M. Bison
  • Cactuar


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
I'll just bring up some Assist Trophy predictions, just because I'm feeling a little bored.
  • Magikoopa
  • Cranky Kong
  • Tingle (Wind Waker incarnation)
  • Revali
  • Mipha
  • Daruk
  • Urbosa
  • Daroach
  • Eggplant Wizard
  • Isabelle
  • Gray Fox
  • M. Bison
  • Cactuar
one of those deserves to be a character

but it's prolly not gonna happen ;_; so I'd take that.

also, i like these ideas.


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
Does anyone still remember the possibility of Chibi Robo in smash? Haven't heard anyone talk about it recently.
It'd certainly be an odd way to reveal a character. And this is the same thing that happened to the Inkling, The smash logo in their eyes. Chibi Robo is basically confirmed at this point. haven't seen anyone talk about it though.

I'll just bring up some Assist Trophy predictions, just because I'm feeling a little bored.
  • Magikoopa
  • Cranky Kong
  • Tingle (Wind Waker incarnation)
  • Revali
  • Mipha
  • Daruk
  • Urbosa
  • Daroach
  • Eggplant Wizard
  • Isabelle
  • Gray Fox
  • M. Bison
  • Cactuar
If Isabelle's a fighter, Imagine if Adeline would replace her, and paint food for you to eat.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
I'll just bring up some Assist Trophy predictions, just because I'm feeling a little bored.
  • Magikoopa
  • Cranky Kong
  • Tingle (Wind Waker incarnation)
  • Revali
  • Mipha
  • Daruk
  • Urbosa
  • Daroach
  • Eggplant Wizard
  • Isabelle
  • Gray Fox
  • M. Bison
  • Cactuar
If DK gets an AT, then Yoshi should get one too (those are the two OG franchises that don't currently have ATs). So Poochy or Pak E. Derm could fit...


Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
I just had a random thought. Does anyone feel like that Ultimate is going to be the DDR Extreme of Smash? The game that was supposed to be the last game in the series, but then gets a new game several years later?
Last edited:


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Does anyone still remember the possibility of Chibi Robo in smash? Haven't heard anyone talk about it recently.
It'd certainly be an odd way to reveal a character. And this is the same thing that happened to the Inkling, The smash logo in their eyes. Chibi Robo is basically confirmed at this point. haven't seen anyone talk about it though.

If Isabelle's a fighter, Imagine if Adeline would replace her, and paint food for you to eat.
What if he ends up being an assist trophy?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2013
So I’ve been thinking, with all of these assets being reused and the abundance of attackale ATs do you all think they are going to convert unique mii costumes into ATs? Are they just modded Miis? Is that how we got knuckles and could this be a sign that we will also get Tails?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2013
Also, kinda random but I'm gonna say it. Nintendo Exists in the Wario Ware Universe and Mario is a game in the Wario Ware universe, and therefore Wario is on a higher plane of existence than wario.

Food for thought.
As shown by FLOOD in Sunshine Mario’s adventures have been chronicaled in the form of games so it all makes sense
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