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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Though if custom moves do return, they'd also have to make new ones for the 7 dlc characters plus inkling and Ridley.

I hope they do return, but I'm trying to stay cautious.
From what I've heard, the worst part of Custom Moves was the randomness of unlocking them, if you could just straight buy them, then that problem goes away (and then it becomes an issue of grinding for the coins you need then entering and exiting the store until the one you want appears, which is much less aggravating).

Deleted member

All right everyone! Lets have a fun game.

This has been done before, but what series do you think deserves a newcomer the most and name two newcomers you would like from that series.
...you already commented on what I said earlier. Why are you quoting me again to say something else? :V
Oh my apologies, Uncel Golde. I forgot.
Funny you should say it like that considering the context of the last round of Mafia I was in....
*Makes an evil smile*
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Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
Are we farting at each other about the purple man again?
I dunno, i just bought up an interesting thought and the entirety of smashboards (not literally) bashes my comment xD.
I could honestly care less if Waluigi get's in, he's cool though.
(Farting at each other xD, I think that term would be more associated with Wario though!)
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Need time to think?
Jun 20, 2018
This has been done before, but what series do you think deserves the most newcomers and name two newcomers you would like from that series.
Alright, time for the most common answer of them all.

Donkey Kong series

-King K Rool

-Dixie Kong
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
All right everyone! Lets have a fun game.

This has been done before, but what series do you think deserves the most newcomers and name two newcomers you would like from that series.

Oh my apologies, Uncel Golde. I forgot.

*Makes an evil smile*
"Fun"? This is how we get "these should get in or game sucks" arguments.


Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars
Jun 5, 2013
taco bell, probablyn't
All right everyone! Lets have a fun game.

This has been done before, but what series do you think deserves the most newcomers and name two newcomers you would like from that series.
obviously it’s Fire Emblem, I say, running into my defensive bunker.

Actually I gotta say Xenoblade, fully biased, because the three games are so different from each other in character and gameplay I think it takes two more to squish some of the fighting game potential out of them. My votes would be on Elma and Mórag from X and 2 respectively.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 29, 2014
I just realized,

Answer: All of them.

With so many characters to unlock, there'll probably be many ways to unlock them, so that you can get them all quickly and without much hassle.

Who knows though?
Sakurai made a comment very similar to your answer here, saying that he's come up with several methods to unlocking characters that would be relatively simple.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Wait, purple man?
And no one brought up the obvious?!

Filth, internet filth, is what that is. My heart goes out to Scott who makes the stuff, he's a hard worker and the series is very creative but, whew. That fan base.
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
This has been done before, but what series do you think deserves the most newcomers and name two newcomers you would like from that series.
Well honestly, I don't really like adding characters to a franchise just to boost their number of representatives but there are definitely a few that I would be happy to see get more characters.

Donkey Kong is the obvious pick, it can totally warrant K. Rool and Dixie Kong. I don't really want anyone else past that, and I think that's somewhere in the realm of possibility too.

Another series that I would love to get more characters is Kirby. Due to the nature of Smash Bros (having gameplay inspired by that of Kirby Super Star), I would argue Kirby characters fit the best into Smash of any other. While Kirby, Meta Knight and Dedede is a perfectly satisfying lineup for the series, Bandana Dee's recent prominence makes his inclusion more than justified. Outside of that unfortunately not many Kirby characters make reoccurring appearances, but any variation of Marx, Magolor, Susie, Daroach, Gooey, etc would make me very happy. After Star Allies' implementation of Dream Friends I've got to hoping that Kirby will eventually have a Smash Bros styled game of its own! I think Bandana Dee is the only one with a shot but I would love love love another character too.


Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2015
Pretty sure Waluigi is only relevant in the west and considering the west received Ridlley. Idk Waluigi is probably Very very low priority for Sakurai considering there are better options than him. Some of these people are probably just Memling too.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
All right everyone! Lets have a fun game.

This has been done before, but what series do you think deserves a newcomer the most and name two newcomers you would like from that series.
Zelda and Donkey Kong.
They’re some of Nintendo’s biggest series, yet DK hasn’t had a newcomer since Brawl and only has the two protagonists, and Zelda hasn’t had a unique newcomer since Melee.

Donkey Kong - Dixie Kong and King K. Rool
Zelda - Classic Ganon and Skull Kid


Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
One of the biggest hurdles that custom moves have to jump over is Pokémon Trainer. That just sounds like a nightmare, honestly.

I'm skeptical about whether or not custom moves will be back, but I hope at the very least that Miis custom moves are back, even if the rest aren't.

Miis without custom moves just wouldn't be the same.

Deleted member

Pretty sure Waluigi is only relevant in the west and considering the west received Ridlley. Idk Waluigi is probably Very very low priority for Sakurai considering there are better options than him. Some of these people are probably just Memling too.
Waluigi is still very popular and has been wanted since Brawl I believe.
In fact... According to Reggie, Sakurai is aware that fans really want Waluigi ever since Smash 4 was being developed.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
All right everyone! Lets have a fun game.

This has been done before, but what series do you think deserves a newcomer the most and name two newcomers you would like from that series.

Oh my apologies, Uncel Golde. I forgot.

*Makes an evil smile*
I'm torn between three options. Zelda could use a newcomer (it hasn't gotten one since 2001 outside of Toon Link, who's basically Young Link in a different art style), but I don't think it needs two of them.

Donkey Kong has a lot of great options (Dixie, K. Rool, Cranky, Funky), and it's basically been ignored as far as characters and assist trophies go, while Xenoblade has regularly gotten new installments since Smash 4, and both games could easily provide at least one new character (Elma for X, Rex and Pyra for 2).

If I had to pick one, I would go with Donkey Kong, because it seems long overdue at this point. It would be like if Kirby only had Kirby and Meta Knight in the roster - some really obvious choices, like Dedede, would be missing, and that should really change going forward.


Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars
Jun 5, 2013
taco bell, probablyn't
I’ve seen a suggestion for, instead of custom moves, a special game mode that lets you change the attributes of Specials. You wouldn’t have some of the move diversity the customs give but could have fun with Mario Fireballs that pack a Warlock Punch’s strength.


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC

Filth, internet filth, is what that is. My heart goes out to Scott who makes the stuff, he's a hard worker and the series is very creative but, whew. That fan base.
He's a hard worker, but the first few games kinda felt lackluster.
Now let's end this so that it doesn't turn into FNAFboards.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 18, 2018
2 or 3. Melee unlocking methods for 50+ characters is silly.
While those options would streamline unlocks, I find them to be very boring. I miss the feeling not expecting the "challenger approaching" from the old days. I also like that it forces you to try out different things and different characters. Just flat out buying them would feel more like a chore than an accomplishment.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Did we see more than one of a Mii's special in their reveal? I.E. 2 up specials from their kit or something along those lines.

Because if not, between that and Palutena, I don't think it's looking too good for customs. Which would kinda suck, because :ultmegaman: is insanely fun with customs.

But I also wouldn't lose sleep over it.
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
If I had to pick one, I would go with Donkey Kong, because it seems long overdue at this point. It would be like if Kirby only had Kirby and Meta Knight in the roster - some really obvious choices, like Dedede, would be missing, and that should really change going forward.
I'm all for a new DK character, but I feel like this comparison is inaccurate. Kirby has been getting consistent releases throughout Smash's lifespan, with Dedede appearing in nearly every single game in the series. DK was on a long hiatus of main series games, with K. Rool absent from the most recent titles and Dixie Kong having come back into the picture with Tropical Freeze (although she was planned for Brawl, so I doubt this really matters). Plus, Dedede is like the secondary hero of the series at this point.

Like I get what you're saying but it would actually be ridiculous to have Meta Knight or Dedede absent from Smash at this point. Moreso than K. Rool or Dixie who are from a franchise that has only recently come back into prominence, the former still being absent from said series (but likely all the same).
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Deleted member


Filth, internet filth, is what that is. My heart goes out to Scott who makes the stuff, he's a hard worker and the series is very creative but, wh That fan base.
You should not judge a game based off the dirty side of a fan base. Look, I never played a FNAF game in my life, but still.
There are a lot more quiet FNAF players who are not obnoxious than the obnoxious side. I mean the darker side of the fanbase catches peoples' attention faster.

Still, do not judge a game based off a bad side of the fan base. Please.
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Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
So I was around during Smash 4 speculation but not as much as I am now. I notice the similarities between Ridley fans holding hope and Waluigi fans holding hope but was the backlash against those fans the same?

Like did people become "anti-Ridley" just because the fans were reaching? That part kinda surprises me about the Waluigi thing. Like sure I don't want to spread misinformation or get people's hopes up but I'm defintely not "anti-Waluigi" or his fans. Curiousnif the same thing happened with Ridley during that time.

Deleted member

In my mind, newcomers show up not because a series "deserves reps", but because they earned the spot by their own merit.

So I won't answer this.
I know that Uni.
I am just saying what series people want the most to have a newcomer.
Like a little question rather than a fact.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
One of the biggest hurdles that custom moves have to jump over is Pokémon Trainer. That just sounds like a nightmare, honestly.

I'm skeptical about whether or not custom moves will be back, but I hope at the very least that Miis custom moves are back, even if the rest aren't.

Miis without custom moves just wouldn't be the same.
I can see Sakurai and his team putting the extra effort in.

Or maybe the natural versatility of Pokémon Trainer means they don't get custom moves.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Did we see more than one of a Mii's special in their reveal? I.E. 2 up specials from their kit or something along those lines.

Because if not, between that and Palutena, I don't think it's looking too good for customs. Which would kinda suck, because :ultmegaman: is insanely fun with customs.

But I also wouldn't lose sleep over it.
In the Mii Fighters' 20-second trailer on the official website, we see the Brawler use Soaring Axe Kick and a new rising uppercut move that looks like an up-special. I know the Brawler had an uppercut move in Smash 4, but that was a neutral special and only hit once. This new move in the trailer hits multiple times.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2014
Did we see more than one of a Mii's special in their reveal? I.E. 2 up specials from their kit or something along those lines.

Because if not, between that and Palutena, I don't think it's looking too good for customs. Which would kinda suck, because :ultmegaman: is insanely fun with customs.

But I also wouldn't lose sleep over it.
I can see customs becoming the Mii's "thing". Sort of like how transformation is now exclusive to the Pokemon Trainer and it's his special gimmick now. If anyone is gonna have customs as their gimmick, it makes sense for it to be the Miis.

Deleted member


Filth, internet filth, is what that is. My heart goes out to Scott who makes the stuff, he's a hard worker and the series is very creative but, whew. That fan base.
Just like the Smash fanbase, am I right? :V


Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
One of the biggest hurdles that custom moves have to jump over is Pokémon Trainer. That just sounds like a nightmare, honestly.

I'm skeptical about whether or not custom moves will be back, but I hope at the very least that Miis custom moves are back, even if the rest aren't.

Miis without custom moves just wouldn't be the same.
I think Mii Brawler has been shown using more than 4 custom moves?

Feint Jump - in E3 main trailer
Head-On Assault - in screenshot on official site
Counter that becomes a command grab on hit - in mini trailer
Unspecified multi hit rising uppercut - in mini trailer
Soaring Axe Kick - in mini trailer


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Anybody realizes nobody got hyped over a Pichu during E3 after Snake showed up?
You should not judge a game based off the dirty side of a fan base. Look, I never played a FNAF game in my life, but still.
There are a lot more quiet FNAF players who are not obnoxious than the obnoxious side. I mean the darker side of the fanbase catches peoples' attention faster.

Still, do not judge a game based off a bad side of the fan base. Please.
too late as that happens to every single fanbase out there
I can see Sakurai and his team putting the extra effort in.

Or maybe the natural versatility of Pokémon Trainer means they don't get custom moves.
PT not getting customs would be fine...same with Bayo and somewhat Ryu

Deleted member

Did we see more than one of a Mii's special in their reveal? I.E. 2 up specials from their kit or something along those lines.

Because if not, between that and Palutena, I don't think it's looking too good for customs. Which would kinda suck, because :ultmegaman: is insanely fun with customs.

But I also wouldn't lose sleep over it.
I doubt they are going to cut customs and restrict it to the Miis.

Honestly they should not remove customs. Customs were a really fun and good concept.

It is just the way to obtain customs was not fun.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
So I was around during Smash 4 speculation but not as much as I am now. I notice the similarities between Ridley fans holding hope and Waluigi fans holding hope but was the backlash against those fans the same?

Like did people become "anti-Ridley" just because the fans were reaching? That part kinda surprises me about the Waluigi thing. Like sure I don't want to spread misinformation or get people's hopes up but I'm defintely not "anti-Waluigi" or his fans. Curiousnif the same thing happened with Ridley during that time.
There was definitely some backlash against Ridley fans. People asking them to shut up and stop whining, and Ridley discussion clogging up much of Smash 4 speculation. Even as a Ridley supporter I got a bit fed up with the whole thing.

I expect Waluigi to be a fixture in the community until the next game.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2015
South Bend, Indiana
Off topic, but did anyone miss tilting the menus in Smash 4 like in Melee and Brawl?
Even though it was such a minor feature, I always found it to be a fun side thing to do while waiting for your opponent. A part of me fears that it won't be in Ultimate since it wasn't present in the demo, but given that we are six months away from release, I still have hope that it'll be included.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Did we see more than one of a Mii's special in their reveal? I.E. 2 up specials from their kit or something along those lines.

Because if not, between that and Palutena, I don't think it's looking too good for customs. Which would kinda suck, because :ultmegaman: is insanely fun with customs.

But I also wouldn't lose sleep over it.

Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at 2.08.26 PM.png

Both of these were different down specials for the Brawler in Smash 4. So safe to say customs are at least back for the Miis. I could see them making Miis the only ones with customs. That was kind of their thing and gimmick.

Deleted member

Off topic, but did anyone miss tilting the menus in Smash 4 like in Melee and Brawl?
Even though it was such a minor feature, I always found it to be a fun side thing to do while waiting for your opponent. A part of me fears that it won't be in Ultimate since it wasn't present in the demo, but given that we are six months away from release, I still have hope that it'll be included.
Speaking of menus..
Did we see the Ultimate menu?
I think it is going to be much better than the Smash 4 menu.
The Smash 4 menu was just a mess.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Speaking of menus..
Did we see the Ultimate menu?
I think it is going to be much better than the Smash 4 menu.
The Smash 4 menu was just a mess.
Only the title, stage, and character select screens...not sure we’ll get to see the main menu just yet

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
If Waluigi discussions bother people, we could always talk about everyone's favourite topics.

So how about some more of those Xenoblade and Fire Emblem debates?:troll:
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