Not related to anything going on right now, but I was watching some YouTube videos and I stumbled across Smash Boards user
Duke of Dorks Smash video series. He puts a lot of work and detail into his stuff, and did a video about
good ol' Ridley recently and how he could work.
None of that is important, though. What is important is that at the 1:00 mark he mentions that "Ridley is gonna take more work than pretty much any other potential character", and a special character makes a cameo as a potential fighter...
You all laugh now, but THWOMP will be laughing right back at you when he bodies you all at EVO 2019 and in For Glory.
Mark. My. Words.
(In all seriousness, I'm always impressed at the effort some of you guys go into your Smash content, and I especially gotta like that the legend has found himself spreading, even if slowly. He
will get in one day. I just gotta bribe Sakurai