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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2014
I swear, after all the amazing characters Zelda offers, if Sakurai chooses a generic enemy?! Why Sakurai why

(Great job on the Moveset though! Don't mean to discourage you I would just be pissed at Sakurai for this lol)
At this point I'd take anything as long as it's Zelda, even Tingle or a Bokoblin tbh


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Here's a topic, Adventure mode/Smash Run enemies!

The Guardians from Breath of the wild as rare giant foes for sure. (complete with theme music)
If there's Odyssey content then Sherms would be fun addition.
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Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
At this point I'd take anything as long as it's Zelda, even Tingle or a Bokoblin tbh
Tingle is a unique character at least though...I've mentioned it before that I get over and used to most 1st part entries but still...so many unique Zelda characters!

Does anyone think that their is a chance Ice Climbers may not actually return?
I doubt they will be skipped out on, BUT I can totally see them being saved as dlc. Both Mewtwo and Roy were because they knew fan demand would be high. (Mewtwo was an interesting situation though...)

Honest question: For those who support Ridley being in Smash, character size aside, how would he stand out against Charizard? Sakurai talks about uniqueness a lot, and how newcomers should bring something new to the roster. Charizard is already unique as a winged, bipedal, heavyweight dragon, using long-range claw/wing/tail attacks for his neutrals. I know Ridley is exciting due to his history within the community, but I'm drawing up blanks as to why he would be an interesting character to play as, given our current roster.
Others have put it much better than me but I think of it as 3 specific things.
1. Tail, sounds dumb but Charizard almost never uses his and Ridley uses his a lot and in different ways. I'm sure half of his attacks will be tail strikes.
2. Air Fighter, if Ridley gets in, based on what Sakurai has said, I'm sure he will be a good aerial fighter, an opposite to Little Mac. Charizard is not this at all. I also expect Ridley to move much faster in the air.
3. Ferrocity, Basically a space dragon from a more mature series than Pokemon will fight way different. I expect much more tearing and dragging across the stage.

I hope that gives some ideas! It's kind of like the whole, we have 10 or so different sword fighters but they all offer something different. Maybe others can help clarify, I'm not always the best at this lol.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
Honest question: For those who support Ridley being in Smash, character size aside, how would he stand out against Charizard? Sakurai talks about uniqueness a lot, and how newcomers should bring something new to the roster. Charizard is already unique as a winged, bipedal, heavyweight dragon, using long-range claw/wing/tail attacks for his neutrals. I know Ridley is exciting due to his history within the community, but I'm drawing up blanks as to why he would be an interesting character to play as, given our current roster.
Well, Ridley is mostly quadrupedal for one. He doesn’t move well on his hind legs in most situations, and when he does, it’s slow and awkward.

Beyond that, though, the guy spits fireballs, his tail is about as long as he is, has actual, working arms as opposed to borderline-vestigial ones. His body is built completely different. You might as well ask why the quarter of the roster that use swords all need to be in the game together - they’re all just different.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2014
Anyway, back to Smash. What were y'alls favorite newcomer trailers? Mine was probably Bayonetta's, Lucas's, or Shulk's.
Robincina first, then Shulk second and Palutena third.
Shulk because he was Shulk, although the leak dampened that a bit. Shulk taking on Marth and Link was super dope.
Robincina's was amazing because I wanted Lucina because she's my favorite, but Robin sounded like such a great concept. Both being revealed was surreal. I was working and missed it, and I couldn't believe when my friend texted me it was both Robin and Lucina. Them fighting against Captain Falcon, the whole Chrom thing and that beautiful Awakening cutscene CGI
Palutena's simply because shaft made it, and Link vs. Pit was cool, too.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
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Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
There's going to be an ***hole at E3 who decides to leak it for fame and get Nintendo angry, just like the ESRB leak.
Wasn't the ERSB leak someone who just shared it with his friends, but his friends couldn't keep their mouth shut?


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014

If this for real. I will not be surprised to see some leak's tomorrow. No way this stays quiet.
I don't think it's leaked in the past from tree house. I mean think of it this way, you work at fricken Nintendo. E3 is in 4 days. Would you leak anything at this point at the cost of your job?

Honestly even though I love rumors I don't get what real actual leakers get out of it. Like what's in it for them, vauge internet fame? I mean we usually don't know the leaker anyway like in the case of Vergeben. Really weird concept when you think of it.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Wasn't the ERSB leak someone who just shared it with his friends, but his friends couldn't keep their mouth shut?
I mean even if it was, it barely matters. Not something you should share with anyone period, no matter how much you trust em. It's a part of your dang contract :V


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Honest question: For those who support Ridley being in Smash, character size aside, how would he stand out against Charizard? Sakurai talks about uniqueness a lot, and how newcomers should bring something new to the roster. Charizard is already unique as a winged, bipedal, heavyweight dragon, using long-range claw/wing/tail attacks for his neutrals. I know Ridley is exciting due to his history within the community, but I'm drawing up blanks as to why he would be an interesting character to play as, given our current roster.
Well, I'm glad you asked.

Most of us Ridley supporters prefer Ridley as almost an opposite to Charizard. Ridley in his games is a ferocious aerial fighter, and that would translate into Smash with him having good aerial movement and attack options. Ridley, unlike Charizard, would actually be fairly light, as he's basically just skin and bones.

Personally, I would make Ridley something of a reverse Little Mac - good in the air, but terrible when grounded. Further, to make sure he remains balanced, I would want him to do more damage than knockback on his moves, to the point that he struggles to kill. It would fit him, as Ridley's a bit of a sadist, and would prefer to have his opponents suffering as much as possible before they die.

Overall, he would be a large, mid-lightweight aerial combo fighter who specializes on doing as much damage as possible, but who has such a large frame that he's easy to hit and that he's awkward to control on the ground.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2014
I mean we usually don't know the leaker anyway like in the case of Vergeben. Really weird concept when you think of it.
The reason why I don't trust that Vergeben dude. He's got nothing to lose if the leaks turn out to be fake, while laughing his *** off at everyone hyping themselves and being disappointed because of his made up stories. Could very well be a very, very bored person that got lucky and rides that luck to troll folk.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Well, I'm glad you asked.

Most of us Ridley supporters prefer Ridley as almost an opposite to Charizard. Ridley in his games is a ferocious aerial fighter, and that would translate into Smash with him having good aerial movement and attack options. Ridley, unlike Charizard, would actually be fairly light, as he's basically just skin and bones.

Personally, I would make Ridley something of a reverse Little Mac - good in the air, but terrible when grounded. Further, to make sure he remains balanced, I would want him to do more damage than knockback on his moves, to the point that he struggles to kill. It would fit him, as Ridley's a bit of a sadist, and would prefer to have his opponents suffering as much as possible before they die.

Overall, he would be a large, mid-lightweight aerial combo fighter who specializes on doing as much damage as possible, but who has such a large frame that he's easy to hit and that he's awkward to control on the ground.
Making a Moveset based around Ridley being a sadist definitely got my Ridley boner going. (Does that need to be censored XD?)

Seriously though I love that reasoning, and I love characters that rack up a lot of damage before a final KO.

Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
Wasn't the ERSB leak someone who just shared it with his friends, but his friends couldn't keep their mouth shut?
Yeah if I remember the original story correctly, an ESRB employee shared the ESRB stuff with a group of friends in a Skype chat, but someone then leaked it to others and it spread from there. Additionally the leak from Ninka Kiwi came from a playtester telling his friend (Shun) stuff that then told his friend (Ninka Kiwi) who then told us. Also Vaanrose heard his information from a friend that heard stuff from a friend that worked at NoA.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2015
Well, I'm glad you asked.

Most of us Ridley supporters prefer Ridley as almost an opposite to Charizard. Ridley in his games is a ferocious aerial fighter, and that would translate into Smash with him having good aerial movement and attack options. Ridley, unlike Charizard, would actually be fairly light, as he's basically just skin and bones.

Personally, I would make Ridley something of a reverse Little Mac - good in the air, but terrible when grounded. Further, to make sure he remains balanced, I would want him to do more damage than knockback on his moves, to the point that he struggles to kill. It would fit him, as Ridley's a bit of a sadist, and would prefer to have his opponents suffering as much as possible before they die.

Overall, he would be a large, mid-lightweight aerial combo fighter who specializes on doing as much damage as possible, but who has such a large frame that he's easy to hit and that he's awkward to control on the ground.
This along with the picture of ridley next to Samus with his wings and tail not being part of his hitbox that was posted earlier would be perfect


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
The reason why I don't trust that Vergeben dude. He's got nothing to lose if the leaks turn out to be fake, while laughing his *** off at everyone hyping themselves and being disappointed because of his made up stories. Could very well be a very, very bored person that got lucky and rides that luck to troll folk.
It's kinda telling when he has to preface every single one of his leaks with "Okay, so some of my last leaks weren't true, BUT BELIEVE IT OR NOT, THIS ONE TOOOOOOOTALLY IS."


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
Climbing the mountain I made from a molehill
So, I've been thinking about this for a little while now. In regards to characters being chosen for the roster, and the timeframe in which they matter most (unless they're notably historic, iconic to the franchise, or are popular beyond their era), Smash has typically chosen from games only from a certain timeframe up until the project plan is finalized. For instance, Brawl borrowed Gamecube content, but Sm4sh borrowed Wii content despite the expectations being Wii U content.

We firmly believe that the project plan For Smash Switch was finalized in 2016. If this is true, then content from Switch titles up until now should not yet exist in the base game unless they made some sort of special exception to allow such things. Pokemon X & Y was an exception to such a case because it was in development at the same time as Smash, but Pokemon released a year sooner.

With such in mind, I say expect a lot of "Wii U" Era and "Pre-Switch 3DS" Era content to make up the new base game content. I do believe this would make certain Switch games untouched by Smash, such as ARMS or Xenoblade 2. It would also kill Super Bomberman R as a major title used to backup the requests for Bomberman. (Breath of the Wild is technically a late Wii U era game, and was delayed to allow for a Switch release, so its content will still make it into Smash.)

What this does allow for is Xenoblade X, Pokemon Sun, Moon, Omega Ruby, & Alpha Sapphire, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Game & Wario, Yoshi's Woolly World, Yoshi's New Island, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Kirby: Planet Robobot, Star Fox Zero, Earthbound Beginnings (Virtual Console), Mysterious Murasame Castle (Virtual Console), Splatoon, Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash, Code Name S.T.E.A.M., Devil's Third, Bravely Default. Bravely Second, Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water, Fossil Fighters: Frontier, Paper Mario: Color Splash, Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam, Metroid Prime: Federation Force, Rhythm Heaven: Megamix, and potentially both Yo-kai Watch 2 and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.

If we want to be really real, we should be expecting content from these games in particular. These are all Wii U and 3DS games from 2014-2016. Yes, a small few of these games already received content in Sm4sh in the form of either trophies, stages, Mii costumes, or other forms of post-release DLC. And I do think that certain things from 2017 might carry into Smash, such as Metroid: Samus Returns for Samus' character design. However, that changes nothing in regards to newcomers. Further beyond this, is that this whole game timeline excludes one major thing:

This is the game changer.

I've concluded that we should play it safe and not expect too much in regards to Switch content. If DLC happens, and it will happen, the Switch content will arrive in fashion. But I do not believe the base game will be where the Switch stuff will be.

That's just my analysis. You may take it or leave it, but at least receive it as a small warning of what your expectations may be based off of.
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Smash Journeyman
May 30, 2018
The reason why I don't trust that Vergeben dude. He's got nothing to lose if the leaks turn out to be fake, while laughing his *** off at everyone hyping themselves and being disappointed because of his made up stories. Could very well be a very, very bored person that got lucky and rides that luck to troll folk.
I would believe that if Vergeben was just your average internet troll looking for 15 minutes of fame, but he is a genuine leaker, albeit with a very untrustworthy track record. He's gotten stuff right before in the past, but he's also gotten a lot of things wrong to.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
This along with the picture of ridley next to Samus with his wings and tail not being part of his hitbox that was posted earlier would be perfect
Thank you, I'm humbled that you liked both my concept and the image.

meowth_thats_wrong meowth_thats_wrong If it helps, this mod is a good way to begin visualizing Ridley in Smash. While I would personally give his moves less knockback and more startup lag than BaganSmashBros BaganSmashBros did, I can't deny that this is one of the finest mods for Smash 4 out there.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
Kingdom Hearts has had the following releases on Nintendo consoles:
  • Kingdom Hearts Re: coded (DS)
  • Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (DS)
  • Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (3DS)
So, more than one release. Not trying to convince you to like him, but I figure that might be important to note.
Don't forget Chain of Memories on Game Boy Advance. That, along with 358/2 Days, and Dream Drop Distance (wonderful alliteration btw) (which is where the story currently is at) were canonical to the Kingdom Hearts storyline which is important to note.

Thank you, I'm humbled that you liked both my concept and the image.

meowth_thats_wrong meowth_thats_wrong If it helps, this mod is a good way to begin visualizing Ridley in Smash. While I would personally give his moves less knockback and more startup lag than BaganSmashBros BaganSmashBros did, I can't deny that this is one of the finest mods for Smash 4 out there.
0_0... Wow savage. Hilarious but savage well I can see why people would want a moveset like that or similar .


Smash Lord
Dec 5, 2017
Editing posts after posting posts...
Switch FC
SW 4274 8573 0226
Recently, Armada tweeted out something given by Nintendo and it is suprisingly Smash 5 merchandises!
These Smash 5 merchandise include Smash 5 bookbag, hat, bottles, etc.

To make things more interesting, these merchandises are labeled as simply "Super Smash Bros."

Could this be our title for the next Smash iteration??
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Recently, Armada tweeted out something given by Nintendo and it is suprisingly Smash 5 merchandises!
This Smash 5 merchandise include Smash 5 bookbag, hat, bottles, etc.

To make things more interesting, these merchandises labeled simply Super Smash Bros.

Could this be our title for the next Smash iteration??
If so, looks like Nintendo is getting on the "reuse the original name for the new game because screw future people" train way later than everyone else.

Perfectly in character for them.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Recently, Armada tweeted out something given by Nintendo and it is suprisingly Smash 5 merchandises!
These Smash 5 merchandise include Smash 5 bookbag, hat, bottles, etc.

To make things more interesting, these merchandises labeled simply Super Smash Bros.

Could this be our title for the next Smash iteration??
>Super Smash Bros. (tentative title)
>Only to become Super Smash Bros.
I wonder what kind of logic would there be behind this.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Recently, Armada tweeted out something given by Nintendo and it is suprisingly Smash 5 merchandises!
These Smash 5 merchandise include Smash 5 bookbag, hat, bottles, etc.

To make things more interesting, these merchandises are labeled as simply "Super Smash Bros."

Could this be our title for the next Smash iteration??

I think I'm going to pester my friend that's going to E3 to specifically get me something. I'll bribe him.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
Climbing the mountain I made from a molehill
If so, looks like Nintendo is getting on the "reuse the original name for the new game because screw future people" train way later than everyone else.

Perfectly in character for them.
>Super Smash Bros. (tentative title)
>Only to become Super Smash Bros.
I wonder what kind of logic would there be behind this.
I think this might be more in line with the general series type of merchandise, and not specific to the Switch installment. It uses the new logo, yes, but that's because its the newest logo. Otherwise, I see it as Smash Bros. merch, not Smash Bros. Switch merch.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2014
Ya I think they just don't want the real title to leak before they announce it, so they just went with generic Smash Bros. merch


Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
If it turns out that Super Smash Bros. is the name of the game, that’s not really new... I mean, they practically already did that for Smash 4, if you ignore the fact that they included the platform in the title to avoid confusion between the two versions.

Edit: But yeah, this doesn’t really confirm what the title is, we’ll see.
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Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
I feel like waiting for smash for switch is like me waiting for Christmas all over again as a child. That excitement is just really getting to me.
Hi! Anyways, I wonder who may win the invitational on Tursday. Who do you guys think will win. I am looking at either ZeRo or Mr. R, but all of the players going are so good that I honestly cannot confirm anything.

As for Darkraid Darkraid 's point, check this out: https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/super-smash-bros-switch. It is quite something.
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Check this out:

There was a problem fetching the tweet

There was a problem fetching the tweet

There was a problem fetching the tweet

There was a problem fetching the tweet

He mentions Emily Rogers on the roster deal, and that piece of info making me sweat heavily.

The next few days are going to be suffering for me as someone banking on Sora in Smash Switch.
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