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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
Edit: oh wait that was mentioned. I only read the post that said "Nintendo Consoles" and only listed DS/3DS titles :p
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Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
Only 358/2 Days is actually Nintendo exclusive, though, correct me if I'm wrong. (Chain of Memories was remade with 3D graphics as Re:CoM on PS2, Re: coded is a remake of a phone game, and DDD was later ported to PS4.)


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Only 358/2 Days is actually Nintendo exclusive, though, correct me if I'm wrong. (Chain of Memories was remade with 3D graphics as Re:CoM on PS2, Re: coded is a remake of a phone game, and DDD was later ported to PS4.)
I mean, the fact they weren't exclusive doesn't really change the fact that they appeared on said Nintendo consoles in the first place.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2014
Wanna add Re: Chain of Memories to the list of KH games on Nintendo consoles as well.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Side topic, Kingdom Hearts 3 is the non-Nintendo game I'm most excited for at E3 this year.

Sora's an intresting case as, like Geno, he's a character caught between two companies. Only in this case, one of those companies is the House of Flipping Mouse.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Lol like half of the Kingdom Hearts games were on Nintendo systems.
That's what makes me laugh too.
People don't realize than more than half of the KH games were on Nintendo systems, with 4/7 games on it, yet they consider Kingdom Hearts as some sort of Playstation exclusive things...

Probably the same memory loss as the people forgetting that Final Fantasy had it's golden age on Nintendo before going in the modern Era.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Kingdom Hearts has had the following releases on Nintendo consoles:
  • Kingdom Hearts Re: coded (DS)
  • Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (DS)
  • Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (3DS)
So, more than one release. Not trying to convince you to like him, but I figure that might be important to note.
Everyone apparently forgets Chain of Memories, for the GBA.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
I’m not sure I understand the appeal of Kingdom Hearts. On paper the idea sounds DeviantArt-tier, and from what I hear the stories are ridiculously convoluted. Is it like a campy sort of love? Like how people love Dante because he’s hilariously “edgy” to the point of being a lovable, endearing dork? I can definitely understand that, if so.


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2007
New Hampshire
One little odd thing I’d like to see is every character having an “exhausted” idle animation for when they accrue over 100% damage, maybe with or without the weird steam effect from the last game haha like is everyone gear 2nd?!

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I’m not sure I understand the appeal of Kingdom Hearts. On paper the idea sounds DeviantArt-tier, and from what I hear the stories are ridiculously convoluted. Is it like a campy sort of love? Like how people love Dante because he’s hilariously “edgy” to the point of being a lovable, endearing dork? I can definitely understand that, if so.
It is campy in a good way, but not to a ridiculous degree.

That and the fanservice and gameplay is excellent.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
One little odd thing I’d like to see is every character having an “exhausted” idle animation for when they accrue over 100% damage, maybe with or without the weird steam effect from the last game haha like is everyone gear 2nd?!
It would be great if they’d bring back the visible character damage that was planned for Brawl.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
I’m not sure I understand the appeal of Kingdom Hearts. On paper the idea sounds DeviantArt-tier, and from what I hear the stories are ridiculously convoluted. Is it like a campy sort of love? Like how people love Dante because he’s hilariously “edgy” to the point of being a lovable, endearing dork? I can definitely understand that, if so.
Well, yes and no?
Let's say that for Kingdom Hearts One, the game was such a weird experience for a lot of people, but ultimately we had that classic Disney story of friendship with Final Fantasy "serious edge" tones on it mixed with our beloved Disney characters alongside the classic FF protagonist who's a boy wanting to discover the world with his friends before getting in a bigger adventure.
As for the general story, let's say that it makes sense when you play the game and follow the adventure.
You don't throw a guy into Harry Potter 7 part 2 when he never saw one
Campy in a good way, but not to a ridiculous way

Also KHII Final Remix unironically have one of the best action RPG battle system ever and some of the best boss battle in video games.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I’m not sure I understand the appeal of Kingdom Hearts. On paper the idea sounds DeviantArt-tier, and from what I hear the stories are ridiculously convoluted. Is it like a campy sort of love? Like how people love Dante because he’s hilariously “edgy” to the point of being a lovable, endearing dork? I can definitely understand that, if so.
Kingdom Hearts first and foremost is a fun game. It's combat is satisfying, flashy, and not too complex to grasp while at the same time providing a lot of challenge (especially the postgame superbosses)

Second off, its story is not too complex to follow and can be understood game to game. Outside of each game's context, the story quickly becomes impossible to follow and despite being ridiculously cheesy, it does have great fun characters with really good interactions.

Combine it all with some Disney window dressing and some Final Fantasy references and you've got a game that can appeal to a lot of people.

Sidenote, Dante's not edgy, lol. He's a ****ing goofball who eats pizza while spouting one-liners. No, edgy would be his brother, Vergil, who lives only to look cool.
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Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2014
I’m not sure I understand the appeal of Kingdom Hearts. On paper the idea sounds DeviantArt-tier, and from what I hear the stories are ridiculously convoluted. Is it like a campy sort of love? Like how people love Dante because he’s hilariously “edgy” to the point of being a lovable, endearing dork? I can definitely understand that, if so.
The combat is amazing. The story convolution is on the same level as the MGS series, I would say.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
That's what makes me laugh too.
People don't realize than more than half of the KH games were on Nintendo systems, with 4/7 games on it, yet they consider Kingdom Hearts as some sort of Playstation exclusive things...

Probably the same memory loss as the people forgetting that Final Fantasy had it's golden age on Nintendo before going in the modern Era.
Probably because the "main series" (i.e. the ones with titles that don't need a paragraph to explain and you play Sora, Donald and Goofy) were all Playstation releases and everyone brushed off the others as side releases.

Fools. Now they'll never understand what's going on.

Brief summary

That browser game (distant prequel)
Birth by Sleep (prequel/closest to main game outside the numbers)
Kingdom Hearts 1 (main game)
0.2 Fragmentary passage (interequel answering the important question of why Mickey Mouse was shirtless in KH1, KH3 tech demo that ends on sequel hook)
Chain of Memories (game 1.5, vital to understand 2)
358/2 days (backstory for KH2 characters)
KH 2 (main game)
RE: coded (retread of KH 1 and COM, set up for DDD)
Dream Drop Distance (part 1 of KH3 basically)
KH3 (let's see...)
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Honestly, if you wanna catch up to KH3, you only need:
KH 2.8
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Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
Thanks for the insight, guys. I don’t have a lot of Disney nostalgia, nor am I a fan of Final Fantasy, so it’s always been difficult to see the series as appealing. It’s not surprising to learn it has great gameplay though. Hopefully the third one will work out well for you guys.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
I’m not sure I understand the appeal of Kingdom Hearts. On paper the idea sounds DeviantArt-tier, and from what I hear the stories are ridiculously convoluted. Is it like a campy sort of love? Like how people love Dante because he’s hilariously “edgy” to the point of being a lovable, endearing dork? I can definitely understand that, if so.
It has good gameplay, really great gameplay. Plus all the fanservice with the different worlds and interactions is cool (also sidenote but I've had such a huge crush on Sora for like forever, so imma be real biased).

The story, however, is probably the biggest cluster**** I've ever witnessed in a video game franchise. I'm an avid fan yet I'm still shaky going into KH3 because I know I won't understand everything.

I want my boy in Smash.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2014
Last night before sleeping I came up with a moveset for a left field character that has insane potential

Lynel from Breath of the Wild
Yes, a common enemy, but this guy has moveset potential and uniqueness.
Lynel would be a heavyweight lacking air game, super fast running speed and mediocre recovery. Good chance to have a playable horse, too.

Dash attack:
Lynel rams his shield forward as he skids

Neutral B: Fireball: Lynel stores back his weapons and fires a big fireball that flies straight forward. Think Bowser's custom (that I would love they made his normal Neutral B, but I digress) https://youtu.be/1n9eLQkg8rI?t=114
Side B: Charge: Lynel stores his weapons and gets on all six (?), rushing forward and knocking whoever gets hit upwards, would be nice if it had fixed knockback for follow ups.
Up B: Two options. Teleport: Lynel teleports like they do in the game. Kinda boring, which leaves option two: Lynel jumps upwards, sword held down, and slams himself down, causing a shockwave when he hits the ground. This move can be charged to release a massive explosion without a jump. This move has a downside, Lynel can't grab the ledge when he performs it midair, he simply keeps falling, for balance's sake.
Down B: Charge arrow: Lynel picks out his bow and charges an arrow. The difference? His arrows vary in effect depending on charge. First, thunder arrows, doing moderate damage, fire arrows doing more damage, ice arrows freezing, and finally, bomb arrows. Another difference between common charges is that you could aim the bow up and the arrow would fall in an arc, similar to their stupidly accurate falling arrows in BoTW.

Smash attacks:
F Smash: Lynel strikes thrice in front of him with his sword like their combo.
D Smash: Lynel plucks out a club and spins it around
U Smash: Lynel fires an arrow upwards (Option two) Lynel stabs upwards with a spear

Jab: standard three hit combo, could use his shield or something more fun.
F tilt: Moves forward and chops, like they do in-game
(Something unique to Lynel if possible: Back tilt: they kick backwards)
D tilt: Stomps the ground in front of it, small shockwaves spread out
U tilt: Swings his head around, hitting with their horns

Plummel: He bites you, because that's terrifying and Lynels are terrifying
F Throw: Lynel gut-punches the **** out of his poor victim and sends them flying.
D Throw: Easy, they stomp the living soul out of you.
U Throw: Grabs you with both arms and slams you down, sending your poor, mangled body bouncing upwards.
B Throw: Throws you back and kicks you with his hind legs like a horse.

His air game is mediocre because horse
N air: Swings his sword around, standars stuff, not too good
F air: Lynel chops forward
B air: Kicks with his hind legs
D air: Stomps the air, small meteor effect because being stomped by a horse does NOT sounds like fun
U air: Same as U tilt, idk

Final Smash: Blood Moon. Zelda chants her BLOOD MOON RISES ONCE AGAIN and monsters flood the stage. A scary version of DDD's dance.

1: That bloodcurdling howl they sometimes do is a must. I heard it only recently and it's pretty creepy. Might find a vid I saved later.
2: Sheaths weapons and stares at you creepily like they do, can true combo into taunt #3.
3: A little "!" sign over their head like they spotted their next victim.
Other options: Apparently they have a taunt when they kill you by kicking Link off when mounting him. Never seen this and it's too much work to test.

The different colors in the game, maybe a classic throwback alt costume or ALBW costume.

There's still a lot of potential things left out, mainly regarding their other weapon types and horse/lion/man hybrid qualities. These guys have been here for over thirty years in five games.

Cons I thought up:
"He's too big." Yeah, heard that before.
"Generic enemy." True, but one of the best, if not the best, in any Nintendo game.
"He's a Zelda character." Worst flaw a character can have, immediately disqualified.

Sadly, he's too late to be even considered for the project plan, but hey, it's fun dreaming.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Optional? Dude, if you don't want to get lost you need EVERY LITTLE BIT of lore you can get from the series.
****, I mistyped that. I meant KH2.8 and optionally the fragmentary passage rout since it's short and can kinda just be youtubed.


Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
The only KH game I've actually played through all the way so far is 3DS DDD... it tries to help you understand the KH lore by including a plot description of each of the preceding games, but I think I'd have to read through those a few more times xD Watching speedruns doesn't help much either, ahaha...


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Watch it as that random note in Jiminy journal end up being super Import-
Oh wait. They already used that for a game twist for Re: codec.

Anyway, back to smash!
I want to asks...Who are you rooting for in the invitational tournament? Which player do you want to see win the tournament?
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Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Watch it as that random note in Jiminy journal end up being super Import-
Oh wait. They already used that for a game twist for Re:codec.

Anyway, back to smash!
I want to asks...Who are you rooting for in the invitational tournament? Which player do you want to see win the tournament?
The one that plays Yoshi, if any of them do...


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Last night before sleeping I came up with a moveset for a left field character that has insane potential

Lynel from Breath of the Wild
Yes, a common enemy, but this guy has moveset potential and uniqueness.
Lynel would be a heavyweight lacking air game, super fast running speed and mediocre recovery. Good chance to have a playable horse, too.

Dash attack:
Lynel rams his shield forward as he skids

Neutral B: Fireball: Lynel stores back his weapons and fires a big fireball that flies straight forward. Think Bowser's custom (that I would love they made his normal Neutral B, but I digress) https://youtu.be/1n9eLQkg8rI?t=114
Side B: Charge: Lynel stores his weapons and gets on all six (?), rushing forward and knocking whoever gets hit upwards, would be nice if it had fixed knockback for follow ups.
Up B: Two options. Teleport: Lynel teleports like they do in the game. Kinda boring, which leaves option two: Lynel jumps upwards, sword held down, and slams himself down, causing a shockwave when he hits the ground. This move can be charged to release a massive explosion without a jump. This move has a downside, Lynel can't grab the ledge when he performs it midair, he simply keeps falling, for balance's sake.
Down B: Charge arrow: Lynel picks out his bow and charges an arrow. The difference? His arrows vary in effect depending on charge. First, thunder arrows, doing moderate damage, fire arrows doing more damage, ice arrows freezing, and finally, bomb arrows. Another difference between common charges is that you could aim the bow up and the arrow would fall in an arc, similar to their stupidly accurate falling arrows in BoTW.

Smash attacks:
F Smash: Lynel strikes thrice in front of him with his sword like their combo.
D Smash: Lynel plucks out a club and spins it around
U Smash: Lynel fires an arrow upwards (Option two) Lynel stabs upwards with a spear

Jab: standard three hit combo, could use his shield or something more fun.
F tilt: Moves forward and chops, like they do in-game
(Something unique to Lynel if possible: Back tilt: they kick backwards)
D tilt: Stomps the ground in front of it, small shockwaves spread out
U tilt: Swings his head around, hitting with their horns

Plummel: He bites you, because that's terrifying and Lynels are terrifying
F Throw: Lynel gut-punches the **** out of his poor victim and sends them flying.
D Throw: Easy, they stomp the living soul out of you.
U Throw: Grabs you with both arms and slams you down, sending your poor, mangled body bouncing upwards.
B Throw: Throws you back and kicks you with his hind legs like a horse.

His air game is mediocre because horse
N air: Swings his sword around, standars stuff, not too good
F air: Lynel chops forward
B air: Kicks with his hind legs
D air: Stomps the air, small meteor effect because being stomped by a horse does NOT sounds like fun
U air: Same as U tilt, idk

Final Smash: Blood Moon. Zelda chants her BLOOD MOON RISES ONCE AGAIN and monsters flood the stage. A scary version of DDD's dance.

1: That bloodcurdling howl they sometimes do is a must. I heard it only recently and it's pretty creepy. Might find a vid I saved later.
2: Sheaths weapons and stares at you creepily like they do, can true combo into taunt #3.
3: A little "!" sign over their head like they spotted their next victim.
Other options: Apparently they have a taunt when they kill you by kicking Link off when mounting him. Never seen this and it's too much work to test.

The different colors in the game, maybe a classic throwback alt costume or ALBW costume.

There's still a lot of potential things left out, mainly regarding their other weapon types and horse/lion/man hybrid qualities. These guys have been here for over thirty years in five games.

Cons I thought up:
"He's too big." Yeah, heard that before.
"Generic enemy." True, but one of the best, if not the best, in any Nintendo game.
"He's a Zelda character." Worst flaw a character can have, immediately disqualified.

Sadly, he's too late to be even considered for the project plan, but hey, it's fun dreaming.
I appreciate the effort. Personally I'd like characters that are tied with the story more, but Lynels are the coolest enemies pretty much in the entire franchise.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Does anyone think that their is a chance Ice Climbers may not actually return?
We've grown so used to such disappointments that an otherwise dead certain character like Dixie Kong is on the ""Ehhh..." list.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Please, you need to know EVERY KH game if you even want a chance of understanding what the hell is going on in 3 (even those damn mobile games...like forreal?). The series tries super hard to connect every game together.

Anyway, back to Smash. What were y'alls favorite newcomer trailers? Mine was probably Bayonetta's, Lucas's, or Shulk's.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Last night before sleeping I came up with a moveset for a left field character that has insane potential

Lynel from Breath of the Wild
Yes, a common enemy, but this guy has moveset potential and uniqueness.
Lynel would be a heavyweight lacking air game, super fast running speed and mediocre recovery. Good chance to have a playable horse, too.

Dash attack:
Lynel rams his shield forward as he skids

Neutral B: Fireball: Lynel stores back his weapons and fires a big fireball that flies straight forward. Think Bowser's custom (that I would love they made his normal Neutral B, but I digress) https://youtu.be/1n9eLQkg8rI?t=114
Side B: Charge: Lynel stores his weapons and gets on all six (?), rushing forward and knocking whoever gets hit upwards, would be nice if it had fixed knockback for follow ups.
Up B: Two options. Teleport: Lynel teleports like they do in the game. Kinda boring, which leaves option two: Lynel jumps upwards, sword held down, and slams himself down, causing a shockwave when he hits the ground. This move can be charged to release a massive explosion without a jump. This move has a downside, Lynel can't grab the ledge when he performs it midair, he simply keeps falling, for balance's sake.
Down B: Charge arrow: Lynel picks out his bow and charges an arrow. The difference? His arrows vary in effect depending on charge. First, thunder arrows, doing moderate damage, fire arrows doing more damage, ice arrows freezing, and finally, bomb arrows. Another difference between common charges is that you could aim the bow up and the arrow would fall in an arc, similar to their stupidly accurate falling arrows in BoTW.

Smash attacks:
F Smash: Lynel strikes thrice in front of him with his sword like their combo.
D Smash: Lynel plucks out a club and spins it around
U Smash: Lynel fires an arrow upwards (Option two) Lynel stabs upwards with a spear

Jab: standard three hit combo, could use his shield or something more fun.
F tilt: Moves forward and chops, like they do in-game
(Something unique to Lynel if possible: Back tilt: they kick backwards)
D tilt: Stomps the ground in front of it, small shockwaves spread out
U tilt: Swings his head around, hitting with their horns

Plummel: He bites you, because that's terrifying and Lynels are terrifying
F Throw: Lynel gut-punches the **** out of his poor victim and sends them flying.
D Throw: Easy, they stomp the living soul out of you.
U Throw: Grabs you with both arms and slams you down, sending your poor, mangled body bouncing upwards.
B Throw: Throws you back and kicks you with his hind legs like a horse.

His air game is mediocre because horse
N air: Swings his sword around, standars stuff, not too good
F air: Lynel chops forward
B air: Kicks with his hind legs
D air: Stomps the air, small meteor effect because being stomped by a horse does NOT sounds like fun
U air: Same as U tilt, idk

Final Smash: Blood Moon. Zelda chants her BLOOD MOON RISES ONCE AGAIN and monsters flood the stage. A scary version of DDD's dance.

1: That bloodcurdling howl they sometimes do is a must. I heard it only recently and it's pretty creepy. Might find a vid I saved later.
2: Sheaths weapons and stares at you creepily like they do, can true combo into taunt #3.
3: A little "!" sign over their head like they spotted their next victim.
Other options: Apparently they have a taunt when they kill you by kicking Link off when mounting him. Never seen this and it's too much work to test.

The different colors in the game, maybe a classic throwback alt costume or ALBW costume.

There's still a lot of potential things left out, mainly regarding their other weapon types and horse/lion/man hybrid qualities. These guys have been here for over thirty years in five games.

Cons I thought up:
"He's too big." Yeah, heard that before.
"Generic enemy." True, but one of the best, if not the best, in any Nintendo game.
"He's a Zelda character." Worst flaw a character can have, immediately disqualified.

Sadly, he's too late to be even considered for the project plan, but hey, it's fun dreaming.
I swear, after all the amazing characters Zelda offers, if Sakurai chooses a generic enemy?! Why Sakurai why

(Great job on the Moveset though! Don't mean to discourage you I would just be pissed at Sakurai for this lol)


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
To anyone keeps a close eye on Japanese forums that discuss Smash, how often was Erdrick (Protagonist of Dragon Quest III) discussed and requested during the Smash ballot period? I can hardly find anything about him being highly requested when I do research Erdrick. If I end up finding something substantial of Erdrick that could greatly increase his chances with notable ballot popularity, I might have to replace Sora with Erdrick.

Okay, well what about Magnus, Saki Amamiya or Takamaru, as their status as assist trophies have made them more relevant than the other characters I mentioned.
Takamaru is already in my predictions.

With Magnus, I do not see any new Kid Icarus characters coming, and if there were a 4th KI character, it would be Hades.

With Saki, I cannot see Sin and Punishment getting a character until there is a 3rd S&P game coming that manages to do financially better than the flopped Star Successor. I personally loved playing Star Successor back in the day, but I do not think Saki is happening. :(


Smash Cadet
May 31, 2018
Honest question: For those who support Ridley being in Smash, character size aside, how would he stand out against Charizard? Sakurai talks about uniqueness a lot, and how newcomers should bring something new to the roster. Charizard is already unique as a winged, bipedal, heavyweight dragon, using long-range claw/wing/tail attacks for his neutrals. I know Ridley is exciting due to his history within the community, but I'm drawing up blanks as to why he would be an interesting character to play as, given our current roster.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Please, you need to know EVERY KH game if you even want a chance of understanding what the hell is going on in 3 (even those damn mobile games...like forreal?). The series tries super hard to connect every game together.

Anyway, back to Smash. What were y'alls favorite newcomer trailers? Mine was probably Bayonetta's, Lucas's, or Shulk's.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
What were y'alls favorite newcomer trailers? Mine was probably Bayonetta's, Lucas's, or Shulk's.
Cloud. Just for how surreal this **** was.

Also because unlike my friends and as I see, a LOT of people who didn't recognize Bombing Mission ost and the shining star particle that mimic FFVII opening sequence...
The moment it started, i started freaking it like a dumb child, it was like getting a dream coming true since I voted for Cloud in the ballot


Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
Does anyone think that their is a chance Ice Climbers may not actually return?
It's hard to say if 8-Player Smash would have an effect, but it likely won't if the game is basically just like existing Smash games in terms of mechanics, given that they said they were working on Wii U.

But, just imagine, if there is some other new mechanic that adds characters to the screen (such as character tag teams or assist characters much like those of some other fighting games,) and there is also 8-Player Smash, then that would definitely be too much. That may still not matter since they could just disable them in that mode, but, for now, there really is no way to know.
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