There is still enough to be skeptical of Vergeben since, from my research, he's been off with Nintendo. From a thread 6 months ago (late Dec I think)
- Gen 8 isn't happening this year and it's a totally different game
- No footage of MP4 in Jan
- No word on Mother 3
- Kind of right on the Virtual Console but from how he's talking, it seems like he's implying the Virtual Console itself will be a subscription. Nintendo has said the new service is not Virtual Console, its only NES games and it's tied to online. This one is up to interpretation but it seems clear he didn't know much
- No Hearthstone. Blizzard has teased Diablo 3, but not Hearthstone
- No WEWY2. Only a re-release of the first game.
Now, some of these could still happen (though Animal Crossing would just be a guess since everyone is expecting it) and this was posted on r/Kappa, so it could be teasing. However, the username checks out and it had other info in it.
Link to the thread.
He may have more info on other companies but doesn't seem likely with Nintendo. Nintendo in general is a closed book which is why not many leaks come out of them (save for Datamines which Nintendo still can't keep under wraps. Both Xenoblade and Aces got hit). Most of his info is unconfirmed or wrong. Only think he can kind of get credit for is "Virtual Console is different," but I could have told you that (I noted this specifically on the Video Game Accountant I beleive)
What makes me skeptical of his rumor is "no cuts" which is highly unlikely give the past few games, Miis not being in any Nintendo titles and licensing 6 guest characters. Doesn't seem likely (even though Ridley, Simon and IC aren't that outragious). I'd say it's likely wrong given what we can surmise and the fact he doesn't have a great track record with Nintendo.