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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Yes, I also agree that a no-cut scenario is just unrealistic.:p
That and Snake returning are impossible

I actually do believe the number of Fire Emblem characters is justifiable. It's a series that's regularly run since NES, each installment has entirely new characters, and the series has gained much more prominence and exposure in it's recent years.

I actually think it's harder to justify the cuts. Marth, Ike, and even Roy are recurring Smash veterans now, and Robin and Corrin are so unique by comparison, I wouldn't want them to go. There's Lucina, but...she's just such a well-liked character in Fire Emblem!
Lucina is practically becoming one of the faces of Fire Emblem

Just kidding.
Robin is such a player (both of them)

Given the state Konami is in, I believe Konami WANTS a character in the game. They're trying so hard to win back public affection... to horrible results, but they ARE trying.

It's more Sakurai's relationship with Kojima that makes it a weird gray area. For Snake at least. But I feel like Sakurai also knows that sometimes he has to put business before personal reasoning.
Konami really f***ed up with the whole Kojima situation (also the apparent slave like treatment to employees and working place), so it’s gonna take WAY more than a place in Smash to be forgiven for all the bad that has occurred and is still remembered over the past few years


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
My best guess why people don't think that is that they are opposed to a 7th FE character. Though at this point it really doesn't matter if FE gets a newcomer for Smash Switch since a new game means that Sakurai being liberal with FE in Smash 4 shouldn't affect whether or not a FE newcomer is a good idea for this game nor should it (but it will) affect the reception said FE newcomer gets, not because of how potentially interesting the character is on its own terms but because people still haven't gotten over FE getting 6 characters in Smash 4.
People were also stuck on Kirby and Star Fox having three characters in Brawl but later supported Bandana Dee and later Wolf in Smash For.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
At some point I think Smash has to shift its focus to something other than new characters, which will probably be for the inevitable Smash 6. It's going to be incredibly difficult as characters are by far the most hype part of Smash, but it just can't keep on adding ~15 new characters every time, it's simply not feasible in the long term, and not just because the roster becomes bloated, but also because good options are thinning out rapidly. Like, if they were to make cuts for that hypothetical Smash 6 it's probably not going to be worth it when the newcomers are all C or D tier stuff.

What it might shift its focus to I have no idea, but I do know that it can't keep up the same formular for much longer. I don't feel like cutting veterans is the solution either, I think Smash 4's DLC showed us quite clearly that cut veterans become huge favorites amongst the fanbase, so I don't feel like newcomers will be able to fill the gaps they leave behind, people will just want the cut characters over them instead.

I don't think it's a problem yet, so it's not something we need to have extensive discussion about now, but it'll be very interesting to see what speculation will look like for the next game.
If we don't get a complete reboot, the only other option is for Sakurai to double down on cuts and start getting rid of unpopular and irrelevant characters. It'll be brutal, but there's no way they can continue to add characters without trimming it down a little beforehand.

I actually do believe the number of Fire Emblem characters is justifiable. It's a series that's regularly run since NES, each installment has entirely new characters, and the series has gained much more prominence and exposure in it's recent years.

I actually think it's harder to justify the cuts. Marth, Ike, and even Roy are recurring Smash veterans now, and Robin and Corrin are so unique by comparison, I wouldn't want them to go. There's Lucina, but...she's just such a well-liked character in Fire Emblem!
Even if it has a large cast, I think five is already a generous number, let alone six. It may have gotten more exposure, but it still ain't in the same vicinity as other non-AAA Nintendo IPs (Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Kirby).

Compared to the other series, I still feel like FE is the most expendable. Most of the Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda cast are way too iconic to cut, and the other series who have gotten more than one character don't really need to be trimmed down (if anything, there's a few that could use some more reps). FE has some unique and popular characters, but it really shouldn't be prioritized over others.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Never say impossible, nothing is impossible if you believe hard enough!
Except for Shrek in smash, that really is impossible and no matter how hard you believe that is not gonna happen.
Well I currently don’t believe, so yeah...and Shrek has his own fighting game to worry about


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Personally, I feel like the Vergeben leak is too good to be true.

Maybe it's just because Ridley and Snake are/were two of my most wanted characters, both for Smash 4 and this game, (K. Rool's either second or third) but while I'd be overjoyed if those were the reveals that we got at E3 (I'm more neutral on Simon, but whatever), I don't want to get burned again.
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Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
The New FE character needs to be Extremely different from the usual sword Lord Marth-like to at least avoid part of the unavoidable backlash


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
I’m not sold on any rumor being true.

But I sure LIKE the ideas of Ridley, Simon, Snake, and no cuts.


Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars
Jun 5, 2013
taco bell, probablyn't
Justifying any cuts is difficult, and I'm certainly not going to contest that because obviously they were put in the game for a (probably) good reason. I wouldn't be surprised at no cuts, I think it's far from the wildest prediction. It's mostly personal reasons I have against Roy and Corrin. I don't think Roy will be cut again unless Lucas is cut again, as they're in somewhat similar boats. Corrin is from a pretty controversial entry in the series, and FE has a good number of dragon-shifting characters, most prominently Tiki, who could fill that role and better represent the series. Cutting any character is problematic because lots of people enjoy the inclusion of any character in Smash, and like I said I wouldn't be surprised at no cuts.

But oh if I were in charge...


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Personally, I feel like the Vergeben leak is too good to be true.

Maybe it's just because Ridley and Snake are/were two of my most wanted characters, both for Smash 4 and this game, (K. Rool's either second or third) but while I'd be overjoyed if those were the reveals that we got at E3 (I'm more neutral on Simon, but whatever), I don't want to get burned again.
Seriously, people need to dial down their expectations a notch. It's fine if you invest a little faith into this leak, but I'm already seeing people treat it as gospel. This leak is by no means "100% true", and frankly, Vergeben has a spotty track record that should keep each and every one of us skeptical.

At this point, we'll all be in a sour mood during E3 because neither Ridley or Simon got revealed.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
The New FE character needs to be Extremely different from the usual sword Lord Marth-like to at least avoid part of the unavoidable backlash
Celica Outdated
Lyn Overrated
Long we have waited
Arden initiated


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Seriously, people need to dial down their expectations a notch. It's fine if you invest a little faith into this leak, but I'm already seeing people treat it as gospel. This leak is by no means "100% true", and frankly, Vergeben has a spotty track record that should keep each and every one of us skeptical.

At this point, we'll all be in a sour mood during E3 because neither Ridley or Simon got revealed.
That's why I like how I'am.
I love the heck out those leaks and rumors.
But if they're fake I won't be dissapointed because I'll be hyped nonetheless no matter what's annouced.
This is why I don't understand being so passionate and against others finding leaks interesting.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
That's why I like how I'am.
I love the heck out those leaks and rumors.
But if they're fake I won't be dissapointed because I'll be hyped nonetheless no matter what's annouced.
This is why I don't understand being so passionate and against others finding leaks interesting.
It's the same reason I don't like throwing potential newcomers under the bus.

Even if I don't think Eevee or Incineroar or Porky or Geno are particularly likely characters, for whatever reasons we've decided, I like to find and think about what would make them fun and interesting Smash Bros. characters.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
At this point, we'll all be in a sour mood during E3 because neither Ridley or Simon got revealed.
It's going to be a ****storm like we've never seen before if Ridley isn't at E3, I feel like Vergeben and the Resetera mods' teasing has gotten a lot of people a bit too confident about his inclusion (I'm not sure how anyone can be confident about him at this stage), so if it doesn't happen I will feel really sorry for the actual newcomers. Of course it'd only be natural for Ridley to be at the center of yet another meltdown, even for a game where he should in no way ever have been expected regardless of who says what.
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You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
That and Snake returning are impossible

Lucina is practically becoming one of the faces of Fire Emblem

Robin is such a player (both of them)

Konami really f***ed up with the whole Kojima situation (also the apparent slave like treatment to employees and working place), so it’s gonna take WAY more than a place in Smash to be forgiven for all the bad that has occurred and is still remembered over the past few years
Never said Konami WOULD be forgiven for getting some Smash reps. Just that it's something I can see them doing.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
It's going to be a ****storm like we've never seen before if Ridley isn't at E3, I feel like Vergeben and the Resetera mods' teasing has gotten a lot of people a bit too confident about his inclusion (I'm not sure how anyone can be confident about him at this stage), so if it doesn't happen I will feel really sorry for the actual newcomers. Of course it'd only be natural for Ridley to be at the center of yet another meltdown, even for a game where he should in no way ever have been expected regardless of who says what.
But if the newcomers fit with the leaks, like for example being simon, snake and samurai goroh, even if they aren't ridley people would be like "leaks confirmed, ridley is coming".
Now, if the newcomers are crash, rayman and bandana dee, people will lose their heads because this would mean "no ridley again", no matter how cool these 3 characters would be. People would still be happy, but that doesn't means the fake leakers will survive the anger of no ridley again.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
It's going to be a ****storm like we've never seen before if Ridley isn't at E3, I feel like Vergeben and the Resetera mods' teasing has gotten a lot of people a bit too confident about his inclusion (I'm not sure how anyone can be confident about him at this stage), so if it doesn't happen I will feel really sorry for the actual newcomers. Of course it'd only be natural for Ridley to be at the center of yet another meltdown, even for a game where he should in no way ever have been expected regardless of who says what.
Nah. I just can't wait to see the ****storm and how the Resetera admin will claim that they never said anything and try to get out with it.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
It's going to be a ****storm like we've never seen before if Ridley isn't at E3, I feel like Vergeben and the Resetera mods' teasing has gotten a lot of people a bit too confident about his inclusion (I'm not sure how anyone can be confident about him at this stage), so if it doesn't happen I will feel really sorry for the actual newcomers. Of course it'd only be natural for Ridley to be at the center of yet another meltdown, even for a game where he should in no way ever have been expected regardless of who says what.
I'm still trying to get over some of King K.Rool's fans declaring whole Smash For newcomers random picks compared to him. So let's hope we have a super heavy archnemesis in E3, otherwise things going to be like - how they were for a decade.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
I absolutely adore the Imgur leak and would never ask Sakurai for anything ever again if it was true, even if some of my top picks are still missing.

But that's all the more reason I'm preventing myself from putting ANY stock into it.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
I feel the only chance Snake would have to make it back would be if he was EXACTLY like his Brawl self. Same design, same VA, pretty much nothing past MGS4, barring some Revengance songs maybe because Platinum.

But given Konami, Kojima, and David Hater's relationships and the insane discourse between all 3 for totally different reasons, I don't see that as likely either.
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Smash Rookie
May 30, 2018
I hope nobody forgets Konami sins if Snake returns to smash thanks to a miracle.
If Konami somehow actually gets two characters in Smash and neither is Bomberman, that will be a sin I will never forget.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
I now realized something pretty dumb.
What if the "Vilain va Heroes" thingy from the rumor wasn't the general theme of the game... But the tones of the reveal trailer? Explaining the "it will makes sense at E3"

We could get a CGI trailer, in the vain of Brawl, with one large action scene with Mario fighting Bowser And Bowser Jr being in a bad spot before Geno suddenly appear and such-

Simon Belmont appearing after Medusa fight Pit-

You know, the kind of trailer they do for Dissidia Final Fantasy? (And the overrepresented heroes in the roster wasn't a problem in that case)
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
This leak is just a wishlist of characters the fans want. There will never be this much fanservice.
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Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
I now realized something pretty dumb.
What if the "Vilain va Heroes" thingy from the rumor wasn't the general theme of the game... But the tones of the reveal trailer? Ezplaining the "it will makes sense at E3"

We could get a CGI trailer, in the vain of Brawl, with one large action scene with Mario fighting Bowser And Bowser Jr being in a bad spot before Geno suddenly appear and such-

Simon Belmont appearing after Medusa fight Pit-

You know, the kind of trailer they do for Dissidia Final Fantasy? (And the overrepresented heroes in the roster wasn't a problem in that case)
Could be anything at this point, with the lack of actual smash info.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
I now realized something pretty dumb.
What if the "Vilain va Heroes" thingy from the rumor wasn't the general theme of the game... But the tones of the reveal trailer? Ezplaining the "it will makes sense at E3"

We could get a CGI trailer, in the vain of Brawl, with one large action scene with Mario fighting Bowser And Bowser Jr being in a bad spot before Geno suddenly appear and such-

Simon Belmont appearing after Medusa fight Pit-

You know, the kind of trailer they do for Dissidia Final Fantasy? (And the overrepresented heroes in the roster wasn't a problem in that case)
I'm not saying this to be a **** and I'm not stealing your thunder but I mentioned this yesterday. This thread just moves way too fast lol.

But yes the "leaker" never mentioned it was the title despite everyone saying that. Just that the theme is intentional and it would be clear at E3 (probably meaning a trailer). However this also implies that most of the villians would be revealed in the trailer and I don't know about that.

Anyway it's just good to point out that if the title leaks before the 12th and isn't heroes vs. villians or whatever, doesn't necessarily mean this rumor is debunked.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Yeah. This leak is just a wishlist of characters the fans want. There will never be this much fanservice.
>Literally miss more 3/4 of the "muh shoe in" characters asks for
>Characters the fans want

Y'know there a reason a lot of people feels that those choice are very weird and call this fake right?


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
>Literally miss more 3/4 of the "muh shoe in" characters asks for
>Characters the fans want

Y'know there a reason a lot of people feels that those choice are very weird and call this fake right?
These newcomers are completely ridiculous and most of them are fanservice.
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